A mosquito gently lands on my thigh as I sit on my deck enjoying a glass of lemonade. I slap it. Did I just kill a mosquito, or was it one of the genetically modified mosquitoes that are all the rage these days? Was I just injected by some synthetic protein produced by this mosquito–a product of the modern day Doctor Frankenstein, Bill Gates? I may never know.
We like to believe that there is only one world, the “real” one. In fact there is a real world, but there is now a Synthetic World as well. There are in fact two worlds that coexist and overlap today. We do not notice the fact that there are these two worlds as we go about our day, but be assured that it exists, is embraced, and is designed to overtake the natural world we once knew.
Did it start with plastic?
In the modern era, the Synthetic Revolution might have started with the widespread introduction of the use of plastic. Where once consumer goods packaged in paper, paperboard, steel, aluminum, and glass, almost overnight the majority of these consumables were put into plastic starting in about 1970. It was a practical decision to do so; plastic was certainly cheaper, provided better protection of the contents, was lighter, did not break or dent and could theoretically be recycled. Over the next three decades, plastic packaging became the standard for most consumer packaging. Is this “bad?” No, not in itself. But in a very subtle way, plastic–a new synthetic product–played a role the Synthetic Revolution I’m talking about.
The everyday tactile connection people had with paper, glass, and metal was replaced by a synthetic product. Even the method of our commerce went from “paper to plastic” as we now use plastic cards for payments instead of paper money and metal coins. You may be wondering why I think this is bad. Be patient …
As a society we have accepted and welcomed synthetic products because we perceive that they improve our quality of life and in many cases can be more efficient and cost effective. A few examples include:
The internet has largely replaced the need for physical libraries. Information is always just seconds away.
In the medical field, synthetic skin, organs and appendages can replace those damaged or deformed.
We have genetically modified everything from crops and cattle to the lowly mosquito.
We no longer need nutritious food. We have developed synthetic vitamins and minerals we can take in a capsule each day.
New synthetic vaccines have been touted as saving the world from Covid.
Synthetic foods help to stabilize the food supply chain and make the supply of food less affected by drought and diseases in crops and cattle.
Synthetic gasoline (ethanol) is touted as helping to reduce emissions and because it is corn based, to support farmers.
Synthetic motor oils provide better performance than natural in most cases.
We have developed human likeness robots with artificial intelligence to interact with humans and help solve problems. There’s a Google Home, Siri, or Alexa in most households today. Other robots have been developed that look and run like fierce animals are can be outfitted for use in place of police.
We have lab-grown diamonds and other gemstones; they have the exact same properties as mined stones, but are more cost effective, often better looking, and avoid the guilt of our money potentially going to support violent military conflicts in areas where the mines are found and worked (“conflict diamonds”).
Computers, tablets, and such have replace typewriters and paper. Writing and editing is now a breeze and we can “save the trees.” Email saves time, paper, and postage expenses as does online banking.
We now have synthetic solutions and products for so many things that replace the natural ones. But are these truly beneficial?
Speaking of money …
Our money was not exempted from this Synthetic Revolution, and in many ways has been the main target of it. Where once we used only real gold and silver for payments and savings, we now are manipulated into using only paper money and electronic currency–neither of which we control. The dollar today is as fake today as a Joe Biden’s hair plugs. You work and earn a wage, but the government is making sure that you have no way to prevent them from constantly devaluing your labor. If you put $100 away a year ago, it’s only worth $82 in goods and services now, and will only continue to be devalued. If you invested that $100 and it increased in value to even keep up with inflation, the government will tax that increase as if it were a profit, again devaluing your investment.
In 1966, there was an ongoing debate about our nation abandoning the mixed-gold standard. The gold standard required that each paper dollar had to be backed with a dollar’s worth of gold held at a bank and was partially removed by presidential order in 1933 when the American Government forcibly confiscated all gold coins from American citizens and made owning gold coins illegal (until President Ford repealed the order in 1976.) But in 1966, physical gold American coins had been banned and there was an important debate about whether to abandon the gold standard altogether. At that time, Dr. Alan Greenspan noted in the The Objectivist, published in 1966:
“… prior to World War I, the banking system in the United States (and in most of the world) was based on gold … With a logic reminiscent of a generation earlier, statists argued that the gold standard was largely to blame for the credit debacle which led to the Great Depression … the opposition to the gold standard in any form-from a growing number of welfare-state advocates-was prompted by a much subtler insight: the realization that the gold standard is incompatible with chronic deficit spending (the hallmark of the welfare state). Stripped of its academic jargon, the welfare state is nothing more than a mechanism by which governments confiscate the wealth of the productive members of a society to support a wide variety of welfare schemes …”
“The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit. They have created paper reserves in the form of government bonds which-through a complex series of steps-the banks accept in place of tangible assets and treat as if they were an actual deposit, i.e., as the equivalent of what was formerly a deposit of gold. The holder of a government bond or of a bank deposit created by paper reserves believes that he has a valid claim on a real asset. But the fact is that there are now more claims outstanding than real assets. The law of supply and demand is not to be conned. As the supply of money (of claims) increases relative to the supply of tangible assets in the economy, prices must eventually rise … In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold … The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves … This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists’ tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth.”

The Synthetic Revolution creates and asserts a world of “virtual” goods, services, and property. What society spends money on in their virtual world are things like software (think video games and gaming upgrades), video feeds (mostly movies and porn), streaming services, music, book text files and the like. All of these are intangible digital goods and most have no value whatsoever after they are purchased. We don’t even really own them; our digital music and books exist in “the cloud” wherever that is.
This has purposefully shifted the American cultural mindset of two generations away from the very concept of property rights in the same way that the very same welfare statists pushed to eliminate the gold standard in 1933 and 1966; “Give them paper instead of gold.” At the same time, the Synthetic economy of virtual goods creates a “controlled access” system where some faceless and unaccountable third party decides if you are to have access to your digital goods in the cloud. If the government bureaucrats decide that you should not be reading George Orwell, they can simply have your access to his digital files denied. If government denies your access to the internet altogether, then all your virtual purchases are effectively lost. Lastly, because we are choosing digital books instead of physical books, there is a digital record of the fact that you have it in your collection on the cloud and when you access it. That’s a lot of privacy to abdicate to any government bureaucrat.
Where’s the beef?
However, it seems that some synthetics have a deceptively dark side.
We have now seen the plant-based meat introduced into the market. Who the hell knows what is in this stuff? What are the long term effects of consuming it? What about feeding it to children … will it affect their development? We cannot be sure.
If you have an older car, or small engines at home like a lawnmower or weed trimmer, using ethanol gasoline will likely destroy the engine. Ethanol does not store well and actually attracts moisture. These small engines in particular tend to sit more often than they are used and the ethanol gas stored in them tends to coagulate into a gooey mess over time. You must purchase expensive additives to make ethanol gas stable enough to use in small engines. And if you’re going to have to do that, you might as well not use the ethanol gas. Regular oil gas would be cheaper and better for these engines. You could always swap them out for cordless electric equipment, but the lithium for their batteries is mined by children in forced labor situations from environmentally destructive open pit mines.
We now know that most of the COVID treatments are not “vaccines” but synthetic treatments that require ongoing “boosters” … because they are in fact treatments. What are the long term effects of these synthetic treatments across the different age classes? We do not know even though the public has been mandated, threatened, intimidated and many forcibly separated from their livelihoods for not putting these synthetic chemicals into their bodies.
The elite and political class is always crowing about “helping the poor.” Their choice to buy lab-grown diamonds and other gemstones in an effort to be “eco-friendly” and to avoid politically incorrect “conflict stones” shuts down revenue streams for the developing nations where the mines are located. This starves their economies and makes them even poorer. If helping feed people in third world countries where gem deposits are located, buying a synthetic gemstone is not going to help them.
It has now become obvious, that the government, having abandoned the gold standard is destroying the value of the dollar through deficit spending. As a direct result we have seen not a return to a real money standard of gold and silver but instead inventions of new synthetic currencies like Bitcoin. In my opinion, this cure is worse than the disease it purports to cure. With digital currencies, the owner loses all control and privacy of their finances, allowing big tech to control everything. If and when they decide you cannot access your funds, you won’t.
Do I know you?
The advancement of the digital age has itself created a dual and synthetic world. This alone has probably had far more impact on our culture than any other single factor of the Synthetic Revolution. The outcome of this Synthetic Revolution is everywhere we look, if we bothered to take notice of it
How many “friends” do we have? Your social media “friends” might number into the hundreds or thousands. But your actual live and local friends are not digital, and they are likely few in number.. Instead of the digital world “connecting people” as the tech gurus promised it would do, our different generations are almost entirely disconnected from each other and find almost nothing in common and no time for each other. People discover they are physically and emotionally isolated even if they have hundreds of “friends” online in the new synthetic world.
Prior to the digital age, we would support live plays and symphonies. We would gather our friends and go to the movies. Today, these arts are nothing like they once were and these industries struggle. We have digital recordings to watch and hear. We live on digital media with computer generated characters instead of live actors, and replays of almost everything. There is little need for the average person to go to the trouble and expense of gathering up friends or relatives to go see a play or film when the same thing is streaming on the internet.
Not only has this process killed the arts, but this shift has fed the increasing separation of the real world from the synthetic one. We no longer have these opportunities to meet and visit with live people. We just don’t do it. Instead of grabbing a beer at the bar or casually meeting friends at a coffee shop as a regular part of the week or day, we now must check schedules and make specific times for these things, if they are to happen at all. Instead of the coffee shop or the bar being an integral part of the culture and community where people met daily, we now have separated from that opportunity for authentic social interaction and have instead accepted these odd synthetic relationships with people online whom we do not know and will never meet. We gladly spend more of our free time communicating and playing video games with online people than drinking coffee or playing a board game with real people.
Not even church has been spared from the Synthetic Revolution, but has been deliberately manipulated by it. America claims to be a “Christian nation.” Are we really? If an American today traveled back to the second century, or any other century prior to the Great Schism in 1056, they would find that there was only one church to attend. The “Reformation” sparked a long and bizarre heretical departure from this church that continues in American church settings to this day. Only now, thanks to the digital age we don’t even keep the traditions of the Protestant heterodox! People who genuinely seek Christ have been trained to sit at home and watch church on a screen imagining that they are actually participating in something. It began with the radio preachers, then the televangelists, and now every “church” has a web based playbook, thinking that they are reaching people when all they are really doing is isolating them further. For a faith that authentically centers on humility, it is perhaps the pinnacle of pride to imagine that these churches can manipulate Christianity in this way. People from other faiths may even agree on this point.
Bit by bit, piece by piece, we see the real world is deliberately being replaced by the Synthetic Revolution. The pride of all mankind is approaching its apex. It is a dangerous human pride that seeks not only to own the world, but to recreate and redefine life, nature, and every species on Earth. This revolution teaches that we do not need reality; we have a new virtual reality to exist in. The tech overlords are at this very moment working on large digital projects that will introduce us to a virtual planet where anything is virtually possible. They will train our brains from birth that reality is whatever they want it to be and that there are no absolutes; no genders, no identity other than the one we choose to claim. Resistance is futile and the lives of the detractors are cancelled. It is a virtual world driven by Leftist ideology and fueled by greed. Truth will be temporary and might only be whatever the majority thinks at the given moment in time, or whatever big tech wants you to accept as truth.
What happens when the real world is finally and totally replaced by an all synthetic world? Instead of liberation, all of mankind becomes enslaved by the new laws of the virtual world and the greed fed people who exist in it and for it. The Synthetic Revolution is nothing short of a vast bid for global tyranny. American citizens must continue to remember and assert that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”