Although grainy, the appalling video below sends a powerful message that the abortion industry is wicked. That narrative is a matter of fact. The video is effective, thus, it’s being casually brushed off as a hoax by some questionable “sources,” possibly because it is not what it seems or precisely because it is. But does it even matter?
I first saw the video when shared on Twitter recently by Father Frank Pavone, a stalwart in the pro-life movement. The Catholic priest is national director of Priests for Life, president of the National Pro-Life Religious Council, and pastoral director of the post-abortive recovery ministries Rachel’s Vineyard and Silent No More.
I’ve been long familiar with Pavone’s tireless advocacy for the unborn, damaged women, and broken families left in the bloody wake of abortion. So, when I viewed the video, I believed it to be the disturbing and demonic acts to which he referenced.
The co-founder of a “progressive political action” website was the first to push back against Pavone in the ensuing thread and unequivocally state that these were neonatal dolls used in medical school. Yep, a social-justice warrior had spoken, y’all, and we were all supposed to blindly accept her assertion, even though there are few more untrustworthy sources on the planet than an “intersectional feminist.”
Then like clockwork, a predictable PC barrage followed her lead. Pro-lifers were called stupid, fake Christians, who “should be ashamed for promoting lies and misleading people.” These self-proclaimed videography and medical-protocol experts were relentless, guaranteeing that the perceived babies were without a doubt just anatomical models.
But how do they really know? Am I to believe the “My body, my choice” brigade whose entire belief system is based upon killing the unborn, or Pavone, a man who has dedicated his life since 1976 to the pro-life cause? Am I to believe the cultural Marxists, whose entire ideology is built upon the destruction of the nuclear family and Christianity? Am I to take the word of leftists, who are masters of deflection and projection, propaganda and pretense, myth-making and malevolence. I think not.

A gender-confused chick named Stone wrote a whole series of tweets attempting to debunk the video as legit. She posed a few good questions, delivered a couple seemingly intelligent zingers, and attempted some patriarchal logic here and there. But who cares? Consider the source.
Similar rhetoric swirled around the controversial video last summer when it first appeared. Who originally recorded the scene? Where and when it was taken? Who are the people in the lab coats? What’s actually going on here?
But the thing we must remember is that Stone and her ilk are crafting their entire premise on the presupposition that the people featured in the video (whether abortionists or medical students or lab techs or whomever) could never do such a depraved and unthinkable act as playing with murdered babies. Well, of course they could.
But we’re supposed to believe that those who work within Abortion Inc. are healthcare providers, not the medical monsters that they really are, and that the pro-abortion foot soldiers are principled advocates for women, not dupes and/or duplicitous deceivers. Well, let’s take a peek into the infanticidal practice these evil-doers call “choice.”
Remember Kermit Gosnell, the “doctor” convicted of the murder of three born-alive infants and the involuntary manslaughter of one woman during an abortion? Gosnell, who ran a multi-million dollar abortion business in West Philadelphia, would routinely deliver live babies who were moving and crying, so he’d “snip” their spinal cords with Metzenbaum scissors and shove them into freezers.

Just like Leather Face loved his chainsaw, late-term abortionists love their Metzenbaum scissors – a tool instrumental in ending the lives of babies who are 23 weeks gestation to full term. But how do others kill “legally” without going Gosnell?
One method is partial-birth abortion. As demonstrated by Dr. William Lile, this is a surgical abortion in which the abortionist uses a sopher clamp, a grasping tool lined with jagged teeth, to grab the baby’s legs while in utero and pull her feet-first into the birth canal. After wrenching all of the child’s body out of the womb, he then delivers the infant breech, while keeping only the head inside the cervix.
At this point, the abortionist stabs the scissors up into the base of the child’s skull, breaking the connection where the brain and spinal cord meet. This will typically kill the baby. If not, a powerful suction machine is shoved into the gaping hole and the baby’s brains are removed.
The abortionist then delivers a dead baby. Mom’s now free of her “parasite,” the abortionist gets the big bucks, the child is now considered either “medical waste” or a “specimen” in the high-demand and lucrative human fetal tissue market, and “reproductive rights” roll on. Ain’t it empowering, grrrrls?

Induction is another gruesomely creative way of killing babies in the third trimester of pregnancy as explained by Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist with more than 1,200 murdered babies under his belt. He is now pro-life.
The abortionist first injects digoxin, a drug that causes fatal cardiac arrest, through the mother’s abdomen or vagina into the child’s head, heart, or torso. This usually kills the infant, but sometimes has to be repeated if the baby is shown through ultrasound still to be clinging to life.
Consequently, the mother will carry around her dead son or daughter for a few days, while waiting for the forced dilation to take hold and for ultimate delivery either at home or hotel, or back at the abortionist’s office. Medically inducing a stillborn birth of defenseless boys and girls is a helluva way to fight the patriarchy.

If not all the parts of the baby’s body come out during delivery, the remaining pieces are gathered up with the sopher clamp. Lastly, the uterus is scraped clean with a curette making sure to empty the womb of the now-useless placenta.
The sopher clamp is not only used for grasping, but it’s also the body-crushing device utilized in the second-trimester procedure known as dilation and evacuation (D&E). After forceful dilation of the cervix, the abortionist literally rips the baby limb by limb, removing legs, arms, heart, lungs, internal organs, spine, and all parts that comprise a human body.
“Oh, I have to hit the gym for this,” described one Planned Parenthood doctor when describing the force necessary to dismember a baby up to 24-weeks gestation. How droll.
The head, however, it too large at this point of development to simply grasp and remove in one fell swoop, so it must be pulverized before extraction. The abortionist knows she’s successfully smashed the skull when the baby’s brain oozes out of the birth canal in the form of white liquid.

A medical assistant will then piece all body parts together in a tray, reassembling them like a pestilent puzzle. Gotta make sure a face or an ear aren’t accidentally left behind as this could harm mom. Oh the irony.
This puzzle process must be done in all abortions, even in first-trimester aspiration abortions. This procedure uses a powerful suction catheter, which is inserted into the womb, violently drawing out as much of the five-to-13-week-old baby as possible.
Even these small and fragile humans feel pain. In fact, the child is fully formed toward the end of this trimester, with all vital organs in place and already functioning, and external genitals beginning to develop. (Heartbeat, of course, is around day 21 before most women even realize they’re pregnant.)
After the baby’s life is snuffed out, all blood and tissue sucked out from the uterus is sent to the POC (products of conception) lab for reassembling. “If the staff was feeling funny, they would say that it stood for parts of children,” noted Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director, now pro-life activist in a Kentucky hearing regarding the state’s Heartbeat Bill.

Communicating the nightmarish medical facts of abortion is now deemed as trafficking “pornography” or spreading “harmful misinformation,” according to Pinterest which recently banned pro-life groups. Such anti-abortion materials could “have immediate detrimental effects on a Pinner’s health or public safety,” claimed the popular social-media platform. So I’m supposed to put stock in propagandists who say truth can hurt you, but killing a baby is compassion? I think not.
Of course, these are the same kinds of people who claim that every undercover or leaked video capturing monsters admitting to circumventing laws pertaining to late-term abortions or doctors trying to keep pieces of the baby as intact as possible as to increase their price when selling body parts to human biologics companies is somehow “fanatic lying.” Evidence and facts are anathema to the abortion zealots who have no ground in questioning the ethical standards of anyone’s social-media posts. Their pronouncements should be roundly ignored.
“You might consider deleting this one,” a polite Facebook follower advised me when I first shared the fuzzy video at top. “It is not helpful to spread/endorse a false narrative.”
But to me, the controversial video is indeed part of the honest narrative. Journalistically, the ghoulish scene cannot be confirmed, but it clearly symbolizes the overall truth that abortion is horrifyingly brutal and is carried out by heinous, narcissistic people who prey upon either the uninformed or the libertine.

That is why I decided to elucidate some of the creatively cruel baby-killing techniques. Let’s call it abortion realism. These are not unspeakable acts, but rather, they should be spoken about ceaselessly and in detail.
When you understand and articulate the abomination and the corruption which props it up, do you really think those images in the video couldn’t be aborted babies, especially when the child on the right looks to have a Metzenbaum incision at the base of his neck? I mean, he’s cleaned off and ready to boogie in that medical tray. Funny, huh?
Do you really think that when an MVA instructor admits (in the papaya story), “There’s a tendency to dark humor. It’s intense, so you have to joke about it sometimes” that abortionists aren’t capable of playing with dead babies?
Do you really think that when the National Abortion Federation has a George R. Tiller “Attitude is Everything” Standard of Excellence Award, these are people who care two hoots about spreading falsehoods? It’s what their entire movement is based upon.

We need to shove the disgusting facts of abortion into the faces of the masses, just like they shove their sickness on to us (while also having us subsidize it). The life movement has truth, medical and biblical, on its side. Yet, this simply doesn’t matter to the radical pro-abortion crowd.
They are willing to not only kill babies and enrich genocidal maniacs, butcher mothers physically and mentally, minimize fatherhood, and destroy families, but they celebrate the death cult every step of the way. They will use any means necessary to perpetuate their fictitious and deadly narrative.
It’s time we stop being so nice and stop giving liars any credence at all. We live in a country where killing is king, children are trash, reality is subjective, and dramatic quick-hit images can capture the collective mindset. So if a possible (but probably not) misconstrued video is what lights a fire under people to wake up to truth, so be it. The narrative is everything in the culture wars. I say we aim to win.
Thank you for working hard and exposing the truth no matter how appalling and heartbreaking it is.We NEED you and people like you in this wicked and sad age.Thank you for all you do.God bless you and your family and also thank them for understanding and being willing to enable you to do what I believe is a type of work of/for God and our savior the Lord Jesus Christ.Defending the dear children is never a waste of time and always matters.
Laurie, I appreciate your kind words and your bold encouragement. I can always use those things, since writing about such evil can certainly take a toll on one’s mind, body, and soul. Like you referenced, I do have the full support of my family to keep on writing in defense of truth, no matter how unpopular it is in our sick and satanic culture. Thanks so much for reading, and please do share if you can find an audience where you think this message can possibly change a few hearts. God bless!
Breaks my heart that abortion is so much in our face now. Please keep the truth coming.
Judy, abortion is indeed very heartbreaking, so I appreciate that you get that these appalling facts must be disseminated far and wide. The only way to counter “reproductive rights” being shoved down our throats is to shove the truth of the medical procedures and pro-abortionists’ evil in the faces of those who either want to look away or say that this wickedness is healthcare or empowerment. Please consider sharing this blog in the hopes of waking up people to this horrible injustice. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Thank you for being a warrior for TRUTH!!!!
You are too kind, Heather! Thanks so much for your encouragement. 🙂
Thank you for this thorough exposé on the most heinous crime of our times. It must have been heart-wrenching for you to document this horrific practice. Lord have mercy. The world is becoming more barbaric by the day.
Good to hear from you, Debra. It’s been a while. 🙂
Yes, this was a tough blog to research and write. At first, I thought “Perhaps people already know this stuff, so should I even go the trouble of explaining the procedures? I mean, all this info is readily available for anyone who seeks it out.”
But then it dawned on me that “Duh, people DON’T seek it out precisely because it is so horrifying. Let’s not assume that most people know any of it, because if they did, perhaps we’d all stop putting up with the death cult … or at least pussy-footing around the issue.”
So, I appreciate your liking the exposé angle and hope others do and are willing to share it. My thinking is that if the barbarity is not ignored and not sugar-coated, no one would ever dare choose the termination path, even if Roe remains legal for eternity. I truly believe that abortion realism is the best way to counter anti-life ideology and save humans (moms, dads, and babies). Lord willing.