If you’re in need of a last-minute Christmas gift for that Dixian or Copperhead on your nice list, or even for (or more especially for) that Yankee on your naughty list, look no further. “The Honorable Cause: A Free South” is just the thing for you.
Published in late March 2023, the book aims “to inspire both emotion and thought.” As co-editor and co-author Padraig Martin explains, “We want to stimulate your mind, but we really want to inspire your heart” through a collection of “12 essays written by pro-Southern and pro-secession activists,” of which I am honored to be one! From varied perspectives on a deep-well of topics and with quite wide-ranging remedies, the tome tackles the Goliath theme of “how to achieve political and social liberation for the South.”
A reader may delight at one author’s words while getting angry at another. He could shake his fist in the air over one part of a chapter but nod his head in agreement when reading further on in that very same chapter. He might think one contributor is just preaching to the choir and then be amazed to learn something he’s never heard before from another essayist, whether that be a matter of historical record, cultural critique, or social analysis, or a political fact, unique personal perspective, or perhaps even a prescription for the problem.

Yet, each author shares some integral common threads, most notably the call of a return to traditional Christianity as being absolutely essential. For some, it is but one piece in untangling the puritanical-progressive puzzle, while for others (like me) it is THE missing piece.
Interestingly, that call for a return to a daily Christ-focused culture was not pushed on us by the editors, nor did we writers discuss it among each other. It simply happened organically.
However, it wasn’t really by happenstance. Rather, it speaks to the shared experience of Southerners and our traditions, proving that we are a separate and distinct people, built upon faithful roots, unique and like no other in these United States. I mean, can you imagine such a bold and unified Christian theme occurring among a conglomeration of “political” writers from any other region of this godless Yankee Empire? I can’t.

“In her contribution,” notes Dr. Tomislav Sunić, “Rebecca Dillingham illustrates this Sovietization process of the System brainwashing, noting that America ‘is an amorphous blob composed of polyglot territories cobbled together by secular fictions, utopian fantasies, consumerism, covetousness, degeneracy, and hubris.‘ Frankly, I’ve never seen a more succinct, absolutely accurate description of contemporary America.”
He continues, “This book represents a timely sequel to the prose of early Southern Agrarians. It should be read twice, not just by aspiring nationalists in America, but also by the larger academic community in Europe and America.”
Dr. Clyde Wilson, father of Anne Wilson Smith (who is among the three unReconstructed female contributors) and preeminent Southern historian, said this about “The Honorable Cause”:
The authors “cover, both practically and imaginatively, many aspects of a hopeful movement. Three of the writers are women. It is good Southern women who are in the front lines of resistance to the atheism and moral degeneration of the American regime. There are many facets to the symposium, but the underlying theme is a hope for preserving faith and family and once more achieving the consent of the governed.”

“That such a book, by writers mostly younger people, has appeared is indeed an indication of changed times,” Wilson adds. “The 12 writers are intelligent, earnest, and thoughtful. They are a good deal more broadly learned and eloquent than most of the academic and media ‘experts’ we hear all the time. Their idea of a self-governing South is a long shot, but it is not in the least nostalgic and not lacking serious attention to practicalities.”
“The South is rising again!” celebrates Sascha A. Roßmüller. “If a manifesto is needed in order to back up this claim, it has already been written. ‘The Honorable Cause: A Free South’ qualifies as a written work for liberation because it addresses not only the head, but also the heart and the soul. The reader experiences the resurrection of the Southern states in a visionary orientation that is not limited to a nostalgic retrospective.”
As Perrin Lovett remarks, “By the current, hysterical counter-reactions, one would never know or even suspect that the cause of Southern Nationalism and identity was lost. Mr. Martin and his associates have assembled a wonderful collection of short essays on the very-much-alive-and-needed cause. Herein, one will find others frequently talk about yet seldom deliver with sincerity, clarity, or intelligence – diversity. Read a grand assortment of diversity of thought concerning a People and their rightful place in the modern/post-modern pantheon of nations. While each of these presentations will or might strike the reader differently, they all point in the same, forward direction.”

“The ideas expressed in ‘The Honorable Cause’ are not necessarily exclusive to Southerners,” Lovett aptly surmises of the book’s universal lessons. “It is understood, if unpopular to admit, that many other demographic and geographic groups yearn for independence and sovereign peace and prosperity. I encourage members of all identifiable parties to consider the hopeful and honest expositions herein.”
Below is an assortment of book reviews (from which the above quotes originate), so that you can decide for yourself whether or not the compilation is worth gifting or maybe just for keeping for yourself. Heck, buy two and then you’ll be set, but you’ve got to act fast to get the goods delivered by Christmas!
“An Honorable Cause,” by Dr. Clyde Wilson
“Six 5-Stars: An Omnibus Book Review,” by Perrin Lovett
“Home Sweet Home? The Southern Quest for Identity,” by Tom Sunić, Ph.D.
“Book Review: The Honourable Cause: A Free South,” by Sascha A. Roßmüller
“The Honorable Cause: A Review,” by Spencer J. Quinn
“A Symposium on Southern Nationalism,” by F. Roger Devlin
“Does the South Require ‘National Divorce’ to Preserve Culture?” by John Friend
“The Honorable Cause of Restless Souls,” by Father Dabney
At the risk of coming off as some “fan boy”, I’d love to get y’all to sign my copy at some future gathering of compatriots, Miss Rebecca!
Thanks for writing and advocating for our people, you and all the writers in this project!
Sure thing, DD! I signed the books of both my neighbor of 15 years and the father of my goddaughter, so why not yours, friend?! It ain’t weird at all.
Thank YOU for the kind words and encouragement; those are often in short supply these days, so I really appreciate it.
Counterpoint the South won’t rise and will never rise again. Your mind stood for slavery and your cause was unjust and unrecognized by the world. It may be southern heritage to secede and cherish slavery but it is Northern heritage to tear it down and liberate the oppressed. This is from a Virginian myself.
Lawd, the Old Dominion sure has gone in the crapper. Scalawags and Yankees as far as the eye can see. Yuck.

Lysander Spooner may have been an abolitionist and a Unitarian, but even he could see the writing on the wall. Enjoy all that liberation, buddy.
Just reading that comment, and noticing the time it posted, makes me feel like I’m in a B-horror movie: It Wokes at Midnight, or Night of the Living Brain-Dead!
The force of doublethink is strong in this one . . .man? (can we even assume an Eddie is a male these days?): he could probably read Sherman bragging about making Georgia howl and then turn around and listen to the song Marching through Georgia and not notice the discrepency.
The brainwashing is strong with the scalawags. They are indeed a scary bunch.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” – Isaiah 5:20