By now everyone knows there is a pandemic sweeping across the American landscape. It started rather quietly and at first went nearly unnoticed by most of us. This pandemic soon accelerated and quickly caught the attention of the global media, our federal and state level politicians, and by our local officials.
At this point, every segment of American life and culture has responded to this affliction in one way or another. Businesses have closed; many have been financially or physically destroyed and are never to reopen. Schools are left in “limbo” without anything that passes for leadership to help them navigate the path forward for educating our children. The political class executed a polarizing election season and continues to spend money that we do not have for programs we do not need or want. I’m not talking about the COVID-19 virus that we have heard so much about.
I’m talking about the crippling disease of disunity and its disastrous effects of purposeful division. The one thing that once bound all Americans together civically was a common idea, the acceptance that the rule of law was supreme. Every American citizen has a right to be treated equally under the law, and that the law applies to everyone the same way, without regards to creed, social status, education, position, race, and so on. These values are defined in our Founding documents, supported in our laws, and continually adjudicated in our courts. We were to be a nation ruled by laws, not by the fleeting ideas or preclusions of men, and certainly not by lawless mobs of terrorists largely funded by a foreign entity.
In the early months of 2020, the world responded to what was sold as a “pandemic” of an outbreak of a flu-like disease called COVID-19 or Coronavirus. By now we know that it is a synthetic virus created in a Chinese laboratory and released by same in an American election year. This virus should properly be called what it is: a biological weapon.
The corrupted World Health Organization quickly declared the outbreak as a pandemic; soon after, the world shut down. In a knee-jerk panic, the governors of the fifty states responded by closing down businesses and placing all residents under “quarantine” by restricting us to our homes for most of March and the entire month of April. While government has claimed the authority to quarantine sick people in the past in order to prevent the spread of a deadly disease, the same governments do not have any such right whatsoever to “quarantine” the well for any reason. That would constitute a house arrest and immediately violate the Fifth Amendment rights of citizens to not “be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”
Most salient were the unlawful and draconian restrictions by primarily democrat governors making every effort to close churches during Lent and Easter. Most churches willingly complied, moving their services to online video platforms and keeping the physical church locked. These democrat controlled states included California, New York, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, Minnesota, and others. In these states during the month of April, Christians were fined, arrested, charged with misdemeanors, locked out of churches, locked out of parking lots of their churches, dragged out of churches and so on.
The NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio publicly threatened city churches with permanent closures on March 27:
“Everyone has been instructed that if they see worship services … going on, they will go to the officials of that congregation … They will inform them they need to stop the services and disperse. If that does not happen, they will take additional action, up to the point of fines and potentially closing the building permanently.”
These are all clear violations of the First Amendment and were all executed under the unlawful pretense of “preventing the spread of the coronavirus” and they were not without reactions. Protests against these unlawful restrictions erupted in nearly all fifty states. A petition was started in Michigan to recall the governor. Protests in Raleigh, North Carolina were shut down by police and protestor Monica Faith Ussery, 51, was arrested for violating the governor’s order. Police claimed that protesting was “not an essential activity.”
‘“I have a right to peacefully assemble,” she said as officers led her away, her hands bound with a zip tie. “God bless America.”’
She did have the inalienable right to peacefully assemble, but no more. Permission for violent “protests” are now granted by government officials on a purely partisan basis in America. That much is now clear.
The damage inflicted on America as a nation was sudden, dramatic, and will be irreparable. America was at once turned into a police state where unalienable rights no longer mattered or were protected while despotic governors could shutter businesses on a whim, locking down entire states without notice for any reason they saw fit. At the same time, many mayors and governors unlawfully permitted dozens of major American cities and towns to be looted and burned by organized violent terrorists whom the media continues to refer to as “protestors.” America today is being torn apart right before our eyes as the rule of law completely evaporates. The elected officials in those areas have betrayed their oaths of office in order to support their political ideologies and party above the Constitution and the rule of law they swore to uphold.
Once the entire economy was “closed” in late March, unemployment predictably skyrocketed. In the course of less than three weeks, America went from full employment to over 32.75 million people unemployed, or about 24% unemployment. Congress immediately authorized over $7 trillion in emergency relief spending with a series of bills containing mostly the usual political pork, with a few business grants, and worker aid payments in the month of April – money the nation does not have.
The Liberal Christ haters achieved their goals quickly. Through unreasonable fear and by unlawful force, they managed to close every church in America for Great Lent, Holy Week, and Easter while most mosques remained open. As a result of all of this, churches too would suffer financially. Hundreds of smaller struggling churches would now be on the brink of permanent closure due to lack of funds. People who are suddenly unemployed and underemployed cannot financially support a church.
With the emergency funding authorized by Congress, churches could apply for assistance to help cover payrolls similar to small businesses. But the Congressional democrats inserted requirements that required churches that received this aid to comply with federal hiring practices for staff that are incompatible with the Christian faith; again, the Leftist agenda was being broadly institutionalized.
Beyond the smoldering rubble of our once great cities, we have witnessed the same attempted destruction of our legal system. State lawyers now attempt hostile prosecutions against people for defending themselves and their homes from being burned and looted by the bands of terrorists, as has happened in St. Louis. These activist lawyers are trying to turn the rule of law upside down.
At the same time, we have witnessed the Supreme Court effectively end any First Amendment protections against state interference in religion once with their 5-4 decision in July, 2020 which ruled to allow Nevada businesses to be open and churches to be forcibly closed. Justice Gorsuch stated in his minority dissent, “… with a pandemic upon us, poses unusual challenges … But there is no world in which the Constitution permits Nevada to favor Caesars Palace over Calvary Chapel …”
Effectively any agent of government can today dictate how your Christian faith is to be practiced – or not practiced – by individuals and churches in the United States. Sorry Christians, it has been declared that there is no higher authority than the state now. The rights that were once inalienable have entirely evaporated. Attempts at restoring them now will prove to be a long, uphill battle – power gives up nothing without a demand.
On the heels of the Supreme Court decision, the media doubled down in its attack on “white Christians.” In an article published on July 27 by NBC News online, Robert P. Jones concludes that, “While most white Christians think of themselves as people who hold warm feelings toward African Americans, holding racist views is nonetheless positively and independently associated with white Christian identity.” This of course is totally unprovable if not patently false altogether.
But let’s not let the facts get in the way of the truth – the Leftist media is continuing to build a “paper case” that supports some future action against the group they have singled out and targeted, in this case, “white Christians.” No amount of honest debate or discussion on this issue would satisfy Mr. Jones to prove otherwise. He has conveniently crafted his own absurd “racism index” by which he measures the “degree of racism” present in his targeted group of “white Christians” based upon how they answered fifteen questions on his survey. How in the world did we get to this place where the practice of the Christian Faith is nearly eradicated in America in less than twelve months, and as American citizens, we simply accept it?
Let’s back up a few decades, shall we? Today it’s the virus that we are told is the grave threat. Whatever happened to “global warming” being the greatest threat to mankind? I find it quite telling that the same otherwise godless liberals who have a difficult time accepting the God of Creation, the Bible, Noah, Moses and Jesus Christ Himself, could somehow willingly thrust themselves into the false belief system of “global warming.” The origin of this transformation goes back to the 1960’s. An example of the liberal mindset is discovered in a 1967 essay written by Lynn White, Jr., then a professor of history at the University of California, Los Angeles:
“What did Christianity tell people about their relations with the environment? … Christianity, in absolute contrast to ancient paganism and Asia’s religions … insisted that it is God’s will that man exploit nature for his proper ends. At the level of the common people this worked out in an interesting way. In Antiquity every tree, every spring, every stream, every hill had its own genius loci, its guardian spirit … Before one cut a tree, mined a mountain, or dammed a brook, it was important to placate the spirit in charge of that particular situation, and to keep it placated. By destroying pagan animism, Christianity made it possible to exploit nature in a mood of indifference to the feelings of natural objects.”
Mr. White concludes his essay with this chilling statement:
“Both our present science and our present technology are so tinctured with orthodox Christian arrogance toward nature that no solution for our ecologic crisis can be expected from them alone. Since the roots of our trouble are so largely religious, the remedy must also be essentially religious, whether we call it that or not. We must rethink and refeel our nature and destiny. The profoundly religious, but heretical, sense of the primitive Franciscans for the spiritual autonomy of all parts of nature may point a direction. I propose Francis as a patron saint for ecologists.”
And so it was that Liberals received their marching orders: Christianity must be radically altered in order to serve their purpose.

Why now? Because there is money and power to be had. The “fight against global warming” or “climate change” is never clearly defined, can never be affected no matter how much effort or money is spent, and can never end. This is because at its base, the movement today is not about saving trees, but rather it is politically motivated. With such a structure in place, they can and will exact untold wealth from the people for all time to come, and claim forever that they need more.
We are allowing the media, our schools, the government, and our churches to indoctrinate an entire generation of people with a newly packaged ancient paganism. They become people who will voluntarily sacrifice money, time and other resources to tax themselves and others into poverty in order to fight an imaginary sinister spook of “global warming” and who, out of their ignorance, will easily surrender the rule of law and our nation’s sovereignty to any President or party who asks – all in the deception of “saving the planet.”
Why are public school students not taught to apply the scientific method when it comes to global warming and “environmentalism?” The answer is that the modern strain of “environmentalism” is simply cleverly re-bundled socialism, as the former National Columnist the late Dr. Charles Krauthammer explained in 2009:
“Socialism having failed so spectacularly, the left was adrift until it struck upon a brilliant gambit: metamorphosis from red to green. The cultural elites went straight from the memorial service for socialism to the altar of the environment.”
Dr. Krauthammer was right, of course. But while these socialist malcontents refuse to have a sincere debate regarding the environment based upon science instead of consensus, they now move forward to not only silence, but to punish anyone who disagrees with their new environmentalist religion. Ladies and gentlemen, the Unholy Altar of the Environment is now open for business.
Of course, both the object and result of all of this misguided political fantasy is a distracted and derailed church. A church that never was is now focused on “the environment” instead of Christ. A church that wastes valuable resources and time to engage in political agendas instead of doing the actual work of teaching the Gospels and New Testament. Every second spent indoctrinating people and their children with this false religion is time taken away from learning God’s truth.
In 2019, the course of this climate religion began to be galvanized with the disturbing introduction of actual climate change religious rituals. NBC opened a new website allowing people to post their anonymous “Climate Confessions,” directing their followers this way:
“Even those who care deeply about the planet’s future can slip up now and then. Tell us: Where do you fall short in preventing climate change? Do you blast the A/C? Throw out half your lunch? Grill a steak every week? Share your anonymous confession with NBC News.”
This sick and twisted religion of the Left sets its own standards of what constitutes “falling short in preventing climate change.” The depths of this depravity is difficult even for me to comprehend. If that were not enough, in September 2019, the liberal “Union Theological Seminary” in NY held a service where congregants were encouraged to “confess” environmental sins to house plants in a church setting.
“There’s been much discussion online about a Union chapel this week, in which the Union community was asked to engage with the plants, soil, rocks, birds, trees in our lives: confessing harm, hope, love, gratitude. The chapel was held as part of Professor Claudio Carvalhaes’ class:
‘Extractivism: A Ritual/Liturgical Response,’ in which he and students develop liturgical responses to our climate crisis. It was a beautiful, moving ritual … This is just one expression of worship here at Union. Union Theological Seminary is grounded in the Christian tradition, and at the same time deeply committed to inter-religious engagement.”
A “Christian Tradition?” That’s impossibly false. Exactly what traditions are they referring to? Their twitter post was even more disturbing:
“We’ve had many questions about yesterday’s chapel, conducted as part of @ccarvalhaes’ class, ‘Extractivism: A Ritual/Liturgical Response.’ In worship, our community confessed the harm we’ve done to plants, speaking directly in repentance. This is a beautiful ritual.”
Not to be outdone by these efforts and perhaps in coordination with them, Pope Francis publicly supported this agenda in late 2019, throwing the weight of the Roman Catholic Church behind it with this statement on 15 November:
“We must introduce – we are thinking about it – in the Catechism of the Catholic Church the sin against ecology, the ecological sin against the common home, because it is a duty …”
In summary, in an extremely short span of time, this paganism of climate change has:
1. Established its own authority above both men and God.
2. Established standards for determining what “sin” is as defined by the religion (political elites).
3. Created a default expectation that believers are guilty of said sin.
4. Developed a means for confession and judgement of said sins.
5. Provided a new false “Christian-style” ritual as a means for “repentance” of these newly established, imaginary sins.
I am left only to ponder what happens to someone who is an “unrepentant climate sinner?” My guess is that they are banished to the Republican National Convention during a Presidential election year or something. What exactly is the climate religion’s version of “hell?” We may soon find out and I will guarantee that we will not like it.
A main goal of this whole crowd is to attract, deceive, and control the gullible while silencing any detractors; not to listen to opposition or negotiate in any way. At its core, it is a dangerous totalitarian regime. Merely calling personal climate violations “sins” isn’t hardly enough. In a letter addressed to Barack Obama, Attorney General Lynch, and OSTP Director Holdren dated September 1, 2015, twenty academics and “climate operatives” (I won’t call them scientists) asked the Obama Administration to commence with federal investigations for organizations and other private groups of Americans that disagree with their position on man-made global warming. It was an attempt to punish and silence opposition outside the legal bounds of the rule of law.
“We appreciate that you are making aggressive and imaginative use of the limited tools available to you in the face of a recalcitrant Congress. One additional tool – recently proposed by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse – is a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) investigation of corporations and other organizations that have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change, as a means to forestall America’s response to climate change …”
“We strongly endorse Senator Whitehouse’s call for a RICO investigation … If corporations in the fossil fuel industry and their supporters are guilty of the misdeeds that have been documented in books and journal articles, it is imperative that these misdeeds be stopped as soon as possible so that America and the world can get on with the critically important business of finding effective ways to restabilize the Earth’s climate, before even more lasting damage is done.”
The modern socialist now wishes to use American laws designed to prosecute mafia gangsters to persecute any who hold opposing views and would stand in the way of their ultimate goals of consolidating their power and levying higher taxation of the people – and this is really all of it is about.
It is ironic that while socialists view so-called “climate deniers” (their new fabricated label for anyone who disagrees with them) as either uneducated morons or, in this case, gangsters who seek to conceal the “truth” about climate change to the public, it is in fact the socialists themselves who are in denial regarding the now obvious scientific facts regarding climate change. They seek only to put their “heretics” away in the tower.
While humans as a species have no place in the ultimate Liberal Utopian world, it’s important for us to remember that humans are not some kind of invasive aliens. We are as much a part of the natural world as any other plant or creature that populates it. Whether one is a Christian or not, keeping in mind our own limited role in nature forces us to recognize that our Creator is infinitely greater than us. Nature and its processes serve to recall for us of our commonality with the natural world and makes clear our own mortality – something about which Christianity constantly reminds us.
In contrast, modern liberalism teaches that the only connection we have with nature is to believe in a false paganism, a doctrine that Americans alone are committing sins against the planet, and that we are solely responsible for “destroying” it. We can absolve ourselves and atone for our environmental sins by confessing them, repenting, and paying carbon taxes, buying a Prius, and using mercury-laced lightbulbs, and LED’s that end up in the landfill.
In the liberal’s world, humankind is some sort of otherworldly alien invader, not intelligent beings created in the image of God and formed with a purpose as taught by Christianity and other faiths. We must not be permitted to possess rights that may interfere with their belief system. In the end, all they really want is our money and our Liberty, and for this reason, they will only become more aggressive and violent as did their 20th Century political ancestors.
A New Leftist Denomination
The church of the Leftists even has denominations of its own. If you are one who is not interested in worshipping the plants and confessing your environmental sins, their god of science offers you another path to follow.
The Church of Corona
Out of all this was born a new Leftist church denomination of their father god, Science, who begat the Virus. We might call this new denomination The Church of Corona. As with the global warming crowd of plant worshippers, the basis of the Corona Denomination is the same god, Science and scientific studies. Their followers share the same basic ideology and are instructed to repeat their creed, “trust the science” or to confess, “I believe science.”
Followers in the Corona Denomination, however, are commanded to bow before their lord, the Virus, for the Virus is also a god, who is omnipresent, omnipotent, invisible, and mysterious. Their god, Virus, demands that specific rituals be publicly and universally followed. These practices include constant hand-washing, wearing of useless masks, face coverings, and other obstructive gear while staying 6′ apart. Adherents to the faith must avoid Christian churches and the small businesses often run by people with more independent mindsets.
Their god, Virus. demands blind obedience to follow every new and various dictate of whatever their master god Science commands; shutdowns of certain places that anger the god of Science, and likely a universal commandment for all to be vaccinated with or without their consent with some manner of synthetic poison soon.
While Christ is unquestionably the God of Love, their god, Virus, operates entirely by instilling fear with the constant threat of sickness and death, and he does demand sacrifices. Even though 99.96% of the population survives the infection inflicted by Virus, people who are “exposed” must submit to a testing of their faith, I mean testing of the Virus. Their lives, movements, and associations will thereafter be tracked. Their freedom of movement may be restricted, and they may be separated from their means of sustenance (employment) as a service of self-sacrifice to the god.
If one is found to have the antibodies present it means that Virus has chosen them and, they are required to follow a careful regimen of monastic isolation for a ritual of fourteen days. Any believer, who is ultimately sacrificed to the Virus and dies, instantly becomes a martyr of the faith. If an unbeliever is killed by Virus, it is clearly a punishment for his sins against Science.
Of course the god Virus can never be completely appeased, even with the required sacrifices. He is always mysterious and can never be completely understood, even by his creators in the lab. Our knowledge of this god will continue to evolve as their prophets and priests tap into the “new secret knowledge” of research to reveal “the sacred mysteries”. Tomorrow’s understanding will change based on “new revelations.”
The Organization of the Corona Denomination
This new denomination has its own holy fathers, saints, and monks who are in fact the scientists and researchers who both created the god Virus in the lab and are working on creating the vaccine. They also bring us the words of instruction on how to behave.
The three church Sees of this denomination are located at the World Health Organization, the National Institute of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control. The Coronites’ bishopric and priesthood include such figures as Dr. Anthony Fauci as their Pope, Bill Gates as one of their bishops, joined by many others. The Coronites have their evangelists which are the media, researchers, politicians, and many of the health care workers.
Followers are required to learn their teachings and follow their words closely. The holy scriptures of the Corona Denomination are the words of Doctor Fauci himself, the ever-expanding CDC guidelines and all the government health mandates. Anyone who dares to question these scriptures is a heretic who is to be publicly shamed, have his or her life “canceled” by various illicit means, or violently attacked on the street by roving mobs of lawless Marxist enforcers, who are not necessarily part of the Corona faith, but are willing to execute enforcement for the denomination none the less.
In all truth, the Church of Corona described here is actually a combination of gnostic, scientism, iconoclast, and barlaamite. Its features are being embraced by many formerly Christian denominations across the globe in substitution for their prior faith in Christ.
We are left to ponder: what is to become of the future of the Christian faith that is now being attacked by the cultural Leftists? It turns out that the enemies of the Christian faith have a few new ideas of their own in mind to replace it.