By Walt Garlington The Seymour Hersch revelations about the Biden regime’s bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines have apparently struck a nerve, as the deep state actors have produced a counter-narrative to try to undermine them. But it is so laughably flimsy that it is tempting to enjoy it as a work of comedy and …
Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos is a British historian, analyst, and author specializing in Russia and the former Soviet Union. He is also an expert on the former Yugoslavia and international relations, having exclusively interviewed the former Bosnian Serb president Radovan Karadzic. Dr. Papadopoulos is a prominent television personality, providing insight into his fields of expertise. He earned …
Marshall L. DeRosa is a retired Professor of Political Science, Florida Atlantic University. He received his Ph.D. and M.A. from the University of Houston, and his B.A. from West Virginia University. His research interests include American jurisprudence, federalism, Law and American Society. He is also the founder and director of the Civics Education Project. Dr. …
Dr. E Michael Jones, editor of Culture War Magazine, is a traditional Catholic, pro-life activist, author, lecturer, and speaker, and former professor of American Literature. You can buy his books at Fidelity Press, follow him on Twitter, Telegram, and Gab, watch his videos on Rumble, BitChute, Odyssee, GabTV, and, and join the “EMJ Live” …
By Valerie Protopapas “The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.One word of truth outweighs the world.”— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn LIE – an intentionally false statementFALSE – [1] not according with truth or fact; incorrect; [2] appearing to be the thing denoted; deliberatelymade or meant to deceive; [3] illusory; [4] treacherousLETHAL – sufficient to cause deathFOUNDATION …
My new friend and compatriot Valerie Protopapas has given me permission to publish some of her fearless work, which I will be doing piecemeal over the coming months. I am honored since this prolific writer is a fearless firebrand to the core. Now, the word firebrand has a long and diverse history. Its varied meanings …
“I’ve never heard anything about this event before. Ever!” said my big sister after reading my son Zeke’s book report back in May 2021. “What a fascinating paper!” That’s a pretty ringing endorsement considering that my oldest sis is both extremely well-read and quite the history buff. So, just what was the book my then …
Pedro L. Gonzalez is the former assistant editor of American Greatness and now associate editor at Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. His articles have appeared in The Washington Times, The Spectator, RealClearPolitics, The Federalist, and others, and he’s been featured on Fox News‘ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” and “Tucker Carlson Today,” The Hill‘s “Rising with …
My friend Carl Jones shared this today in a Facebook thread: “How many churches will play ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic’ tomorrow across the South, unaware that the song is un-Christian, rejects the salvation of Christ, and celebrates the murder of Southerners by the terrorist, John Brown?“ “’His terrible swift sword’ refers, not to …
Ryan Dawson is the creator of The Anti-Neocon Report. The blogger, podcaster, filmmaker, and author of two books, “Welcome to the USSA” and “The Separation of Business and State,” has been involved in political activism for more than two decades. Dawson’s content has been featured by the likes of George Galloway and Pat Buchanan, and …