Tag Archives: War for Southern Independence

Prophet Jeremy the Pillar-Dweller

By Walt Garlington Jeremy Matthews entered his Northern Virginia home,A typical deracinated Southern creature,Pleased with another day’s work at the DHS,Undermining threats to the Establishment in D.C.On came the lights, on came the television.The imagery of the news glided smoothly across the screen,Following the script he and his colleagues had sketched.Most of it was easy …

Lee in agony

By Walt Garlington Lee’s tormentorsLack none of the demonic rageOf past persecutors –Dismembering him and his steedPiece by piece, as they alsoCut Christ’s martyrs apartOne joint at a time;Heating the furnaceTo infernal degreeLike Nebuchadnezzar’sDisgraceful menFor the Three Holy Youths.Defying their hatred,His face glowed in the fireWith sad nobility –Foolish souls! You have confounded yourselves,Making manifest …

Zebulon Lee

June is a beautiful time of year. It marks the beginning of summer with its sunny adventures, pleasure of eating watermelon and catching lightnin’ bugs, and long, lazy days with friends and family. It’s also the month in which my oldest son was born (16 years ago this year, in fact), and includes some important …

Memorial Day in Dixie

By Walt Garlington The Confederate StatesNeither denied the Holy TrinityNor Christ’s divinity. They rejected the stumbling blocksOf cold deismAnd wild pantheism. They never invadedAnother country’s landTo pillage all near to hand. Those gentlemen did notCarpet-bomb a townOr nuke Asian ground. No one can accuse themOf starvation of civiliansBy economic sanctions, Of launching regime change ops,Or …

Yankees lie

By Walt Garlington The Seymour Hersch revelations about the Biden regime’s bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines have apparently struck a nerve, as the deep state actors have produced a counter-narrative to try to undermine them. But it is so laughably flimsy that it is tempting to enjoy it as a work of comedy and …

Dissident Mama, episode 72 – Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos

Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos is a British historian, analyst, and author specializing in Russia and the former Soviet Union. He is also an expert on the former Yugoslavia and international relations, having exclusively interviewed the former Bosnian Serb president Radovan Karadzic. Dr. Papadopoulos is a prominent television personality, providing insight into his fields of expertise. He earned …

Dissident Mama, episode 70 – Dr. Marshall L. DeRosa

Marshall L. DeRosa is a retired Professor of Political Science, Florida Atlantic University. He received his Ph.D. and M.A. from the University of Houston, and his B.A. from West Virginia University. His research interests include American jurisprudence, federalism, Law and American Society. He is also the founder and director of the Civics Education Project. Dr. …

Constantius Lee

By Walt Garlington Was there really chaos in the world?It seemed distant to Constantius Lee,Riding amidst the mountains’ beautiful scenes. But that turmoil, unhappily, was all too real,The combined Ukraine-Taiwan War had gone amiss,Predictably, thanks to DC’s lunatic analysts. The union had collapsed; survival was a struggle.Violence and disorder held heavy swayIn many States. Seeing …