Tag Archives: misandry

Knock that chip off your shoulders, pussies!

From feminism to BLM, mass immigration to LGBT, and environmania to egalitarianism, there’s one intrinsically sick and demented characteristic that all modern leftist movements share: a gigantic ego-maniacal chip on their shoulders. It weighs down the ideologues with hubris, draining out any common sense they may be able to muster under normal circumstances. It strangles them with a sense of entitlement, inflating their …

When your sons smash the misandry

Back in 2000, philosopher Christina Hoff Sommers declared, “It’s a bad time to be a boy in America.” In her book, The War Against Boys, she wrote, “Routinely regarded as protosexists, potential harassers and perpetuators of gender inequity, boys live under a cloud of censure.” Since Sommers penned these prescient words nearly two decades ago, our cultural decay has become even …