Tag Archives: liberty

“A different game you should play”

Historian Brion McClanahan uses a sports metaphor to explain the coarsening of dialog pervading our culture. His theory isn’t that we’re playing the same game but with different rules. Rather, it’s that the “left” is playing football – a fast-paced game with frequent rule changes – while the “right” dutifully plods along playing baseball, which (used …

“Virtue signaling” isn’t virtuous

“Racism is bad.” Nooo, really? “Hate is evil.” Gasp, no way! “The Klan is offensive.” Shocking! “White supremacy is unchristian.” What the heck is “white supremacy”? Oh, you mean white people who aren’t self-loathing and want to advocate for themselves and their families in our identity-politics-obsessed culture? Meh. “No Trump. No KKK. No fascist USA!” …