“Instead of lies, we should only be forthright, as St. Paul says:‘Therefore, putting away falsehood let everyone speak the truth with his neighbors’ (Eph. 4:25).”— “These Truths We Hold — The Holy Orthodox Church:Her Life and Teachings“*St. Tikhon Seminary Monastery, 1986 My last essay Stirring the pot critiqued Dr. Aram Sarkisian for bearing false witness against …
For my 50th episode, I am blessed to talk with George Michalopulos. The Tulsa, Oklahoma, native is a layman in the Orthodox Church in America, a pharmacist, father of two sons, Constantine and Michael, and author of “American Orthodox Church: A History of Its Beginnings” which he co-wrote with Deacon Ezra Ham. But Michalopulos is …
“Southerners adhere to the basic tenets of orthodox Christian belief more than other Americans, even the general run of Catholics. Indeed, the South is the only Protestant society remaining in the world that is not post-Christian.” Historian Dr. Clyde Wilson wrote these words more than a decade ago. Much has changed since then … and …
Ashley Rae Goldenberg is an independent journalist, researcher, and content creator known on social media as Communism Kills. An outspoken America Firster, she’s not only loathed by the anarcho-tyrants (evident by her permanent banishment from Twitter), but Goldenberg has also found herself in the crosshairs of the Libertarian Party and Con Inc. whose Beltway borgs …
By Carl Jones I was watching a British movie recently about some British soldiers during WW II who were trapped behind enemy lines and trying to get to Dunkirk. The movie, as I said, was made in Britain by a British production company, and throughout the movie the soldiers frequently used the word “ain’t.” This …
Anne Wilson Smith is the author of the brand-new “Charlottesville Untold: Inside Unite the Right” as well as “Robert E. Lee: A History Book for Kids,” both produced by the good folks at Shotwell Publishing. Having called the Republic of South Carolina home for most of her life, Smith was reared in a family that …
Gene Andrews is a retired high school history teacher who served as a combat officer with the 3rd Marine Division in Vietnam. He’s a former Commander of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) Tennessee Division and current caretaker of the Nathan Bedford Forrest boyhood home in Chapel Hill, Tennessee. The rebel-proud gentleman talks about the …
Scott Howard is the author of “The Transgender-Industrial Complex.” The native Nebraskan, whose first-ever book has been predictably banned by Amazon, uncovers the trans phenomenon by fleshing out its revolutionary foundations and wretched aims. Connecting the dots of the players and pawns, Howard demonstrates through impeccable research, and prose that is both advanced and accessible, …
Neil Kumar is a Republican candidate for U.S. Congress, representing Arkansas’s Third District. He is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and Sons of the American Revolution, with blood that has been Southern since the 17th century. Kumar, who is a graduate of the University of Chicago and a native Arkansan, has written …
Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo is a former professor of economics from Loyola University Maryland. DiLorenzo, who received his Ph.D. in economics from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, is a member of the Senior Faculty of the Mises Institute, a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, and an Associate at the Abbeville Institute. He is the …