Tag Archives: culture wars

Dissident Mama, episode 85 – VDARE’s Lydia Brimelow

Lydia Brimelow is the Publisher of VDARE.com and President of the VDARE Foundation where she develops strategies for the survival and success of the Immigration Patriot movement in the face of increasing limitations on freedom of speech and freedom of association, as well as politically repressive denial of critical business and communications services. Brimelow and …

Prophet Jeremy the Pillar-Dweller

By Walt Garlington Jeremy Matthews entered his Northern Virginia home,A typical deracinated Southern creature,Pleased with another day’s work at the DHS,Undermining threats to the Establishment in D.C.On came the lights, on came the television.The imagery of the news glided smoothly across the screen,Following the script he and his colleagues had sketched.Most of it was easy …

Dissident Mama, episode 84 – World War Now’s Conrad Franz & Dmitriy Kalyagin

Conrad Franz and Dmitriy Kalyagin are co-hosts of the preeminent geopolitical podcast World War Now. The weekly show tackles current events by looking at their metaphysical implications and symbolism, and digs into political-religious realignment through a postmodern Orthodox lens and from the perspective of Saintly Christian prophecy and rising multipolarity. Franz is a member of …

Lee in agony

By Walt Garlington Lee’s tormentorsLack none of the demonic rageOf past persecutors –Dismembering him and his steedPiece by piece, as they alsoCut Christ’s martyrs apartOne joint at a time;Heating the furnaceTo infernal degreeLike Nebuchadnezzar’sDisgraceful menFor the Three Holy Youths.Defying their hatred,His face glowed in the fireWith sad nobility –Foolish souls! You have confounded yourselves,Making manifest …