Tag Archives: culture wars

Learning from Lee

Robert E. Lee wanted to make “the struggling Washington College [now Washington & Lee University] … a place for young Southerners to learn and to become good citizens,” wrote Anne Wilson Smith in her new book, “Robert E. Lee: A History Book for Kids.” Yet, real education and civic responsibility are under attack like never …

Dissident Mama, episode 23 – James Ronald Kennedy

James Ronald Kennedy was born and raised in Mississippi. He received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Louisiana, Monroe, and a Master’s degree in Health Administration from Tulane University, New Orleans, and a Master’s of Jurisprudence in Health Law from Loyola University, Chicago. Ron, along with brother Walter Donald Kennedy, are the Kennedy Twins …

Dissident Mama, episode 22 – Nick Hankoff

Nick Hankoff hosts the blog and podcast “Come Home America with Nick Hankoff,” which “narrates and navigates America’s twin crises of identity and order.” Hankoff’s writings have also been published at the Daily Caller, the Mises Institute, The American Conservative, and The Advocates for Self-Government. Hankoff is the former chair of the Republican Liberty Caucus …