“Fools are my theme, let satire be my song,” wrote Lord Byron. The Romantic-era poet embraced the power of using humor to critique what he saw as the hypocrisy, pomposity, and absurdity of the establishment.
Challenging the self-defined sense of importance and virtue among the elite has always been a balm for nonconformists. In Lord Byron’s case, he irreverently poked fun at the conservative social constructs and sexual mores of early 19th-century Britain. To him, freethinking was manifest in deviancy.
But today, rebellion to the status quo is most evident in embracing tradition, faith, localism, and private property, and repelling globalism and the nihilistic ends of the progressives. And mocking the hair-brained schemes of the secularist, statists, and social-justice loonies is truly the most effective way to crack the veneer of this current establishment.
They are a post-modern nobility who have created their own fiefdom, based on mythical merit, fantastical egalitarianism, perpetual victimhood, and punishment of the producers and dissenters. They’re a violent and coercive bunch, yet claim the banner of civil rights and love.
They’re thin-skinned bullies who hide behind their privileged status in both the public square and private sphere. They lob literal and figurative excrement at those they deem the enemy, all while hiding behind the average American’s skirt of civility and altruism. Such petulant children.

We must laugh at their illogical arguments, godlessness, and totalitarianism, and hopefully, cast them to the periphery – back to the margins of society where they claim to be while subsequently ruling every institution with an iron fist.
Ridiculing their idiocy is necessary, for they thrive on failing and dangerous ideas, which are dependent upon rigid enforcement, the destruction of goodness, and the promotion of lies. After all, the best satire is grounded in truth and rhetorically destroys the inflated pride of fools.
Enter in Snowflake Buddies: ABC Leftism For Kids! by Lewis Liberman. Released in November by the fine “Southern without apology” folks at Shotwell Publishing, the 30-page book is bursting with irreverent wit, catchy poetry, and beguiling graphics.
“They’re realistic and not realistic at the same time,” my 11-year-old son astutely notes of the unique characters filling the book. The face-smashing Antifa Al, abortion-loving Fran the Feminist, and pee-dumping Barbara Belle grace the book’s cover (at top) from left to right.
“Let me tell you about Mia the Marxist,” my eldest continues, as he and his 10-year-old twin brothers proceed to recite one of the short quatrains accompanying each letter of the alphabet. They giggle while narrating the simple but adroit rhyming scheme of “commie blog” and “State-run gulag.”
Liberman, the brainchild behind Libertopia Cartoons, is a firm believer in the influence visual art holds over people. But to be successful, one must have both the aesthetic and content, he says. In other words, eye-catching graphics and truth, which is precisely why the right (or thin libertarians or traditionalists or conservatives or whatever you want to call non-leftists) typically dominate meme warfare.
We all know the left can’t meme, hence, the reason some of the more honest cultural Marxists simply call for controlling, censoring, or outright banning right-leaning memes. They simply can’t compete, so Liberman ups the ante.
We should all be “thinking about ways we can use art, creativity, and maybe even a little bit of fun to help ‘sell’ our messages,” Liberman explains in an Abbeville Institute article. And Snowflake Buddies does that in spades.

My three homeschooled rebels also find entertaining Yoric the Yankee, whose meddlesome-induced red nose pokes out from beneath his puritanical-progressive Pilgrim hat. Spot-on history right there, my boys say. Some of their other favorite parodies are the barbaric Vic the Vulgar, Huey the Homosexual, and Uma the Undergraduate.
But beyond the creative rhymes, clever graphics, various coloring pages, word search, and maze, Snowflake Buddies inspires contemplation. For instance, Lester the Lincoln Lover bulldozing a Confederate monument spurred a conversation about what exactly happens to Southern monuments once they’ve been razed by the iconoclasts. Deep thoughts and dialog on anarcho-tyranny, and all this from an affordable comic-like book.
Now, my kiddos aren’t exactly the norm as far as consuming consensus opinion goes. (For example, a question in one of our math lessons the other day was “Name the cardinality of a set that doesn’t have any members,” to which one of their answers was “Democrats who will go to Heaven.” Yes, the snark runs deep in my house.)
As a parent, I see this as an educational book filled with conversation-starters of current events, history, politics, culture, economics, and faith. Help your children start to pull back the veil, question post-Christian “authority,” and get those logical and critical-thinking juices flowing.
And as an apostate to the PC cult, I think Snowflake Buddies also succeeds in holding a flame to the safe-space castle in which the snowflakes sit upon their chilling throne of lies. (As an Elf fan, I’ve been dying to use that reference for a long time.)
The book is the proverbial nails on the chalkboard to those who wallow within the elitist echo chamber. I mean, being brought to task and not being taken seriously are two of the left’s biggest phobias.
It holds a mirror up to the cultural Marxists, who embrace, benefit from, and control “the system,” all while they simultaneously screech, “Resist!” As the great libertarian thinker Tom Woods so aptly puts it, “We’re the real resistance: we resist the very Establishment the fake resistance loves.”

It shines a light on the fact that leftists really aren’t warriors at all, but conformists who feed upon fraudulent public approval and misplaced social adulation. They are truly weak-kneed snowflakes – collectivists motivated by the brute force of the mob and the frenzied power of fashionable opinion.
Hell, even Byron, an aristocrat who benefited greatly from his station in life only to deride it, was a real soldier and bravely joined the Greek revolutionaries in their struggle for independence against the Ottoman Empire. He was a man who could dish it out and take it. He was no spineless moral relativist.
But then again, neither are the cultural Marxists. As opposed to moral relativism, their religious foundations are the inverse of truth and justice.
Their dogma is built on the “oppressed vs. oppressor” ideology, and their sacraments are victimhood, micro-aggressions, presentism, infanticide, and fake PTSD. And happy, humble, traditional, live-and-let-live (you know, what we used to call “normal”) folks are seen as an enemy that must be vanquished by any means necessary. Conflict theory is their gospel.
Wrong think will not be tolerated. Thought crimes must be smashed and the perpetrators shamed and shunned, doxxed and fired, punched and kicked, and maybe even jailed.
Snowflake Buddies is a bold middle finger to these “men without chests” as C.S. Lewis described the leftists of his day. It’s a brilliant and effective way of saying to the haters, “We won’t capitulate to fools. We will not comply. We ain’t skeered. And we drink leftist tears.”
It’s the perfect gift for amusing fellow unReconstructed travelers, red-pilling “moderate” conservatives, educating budding liberty radicals, or triggering progressive family and friends. Embrace the creative snark, and let Snowflake Buddies be your song.
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Thanks for the shout-out, Mr. Liberman! 🙂
““Collectivist Feels” guy is a source of constant amusement for my eldest son. He says his color scheme is a mix of Soviet flag/LGBT rainbow flag. Spot on, little man.”
That’s hilarious. Your kids sound awesome. It’s interesting that your son recognizes the ideological congruity between the two flags. Very perceptive.
I read Tolkien’s “Fellowship of the Ring” a while back and a certain part where Gandalf was relaying his account of the betrayal of Saruman struck me.
>>>”And here you will stay, Gandalf the Grey, and rest from journeys. For I am Saruman the Wise, Saruman Ring-maker, Saruman of Many Colours!’’
‘I looked then and saw that his robes, which had seemed white, were not so, but were woven of all colours, and if he moved they shimmered and changed hue so that the eye was bewildered.
‘ ‘‘I liked white better,’’ I said.
‘ ‘‘White!’’ he sneered. ‘‘It serves as a beginning. White
cloth may be dyed. The white page can be overwritten; and
the white light can be broken.’’<<< FotR p 337
It's interesting that Tolkien would choose a rainbow colored robe for his archetypal depiction of a good guy who would succumb to evil if only to use it to do good sometime in the future. I wonder if the rainbow colored flag reflects the homosexual community's moral relativism and/or their rejection of traditional morality from God, who's often associated with a white light.
These cartoons look fantastic by the way. And what a smart idea! Thanks for sharing.
Your insights are always so appreciated, TL. I hope you enjoy the book (if you decide to purchase it) as much as has my entire family. Even if you don’t have kids who want to color it and do the mazes and such, it’d make a wonderful coffee table book as to keep away the riffraff. 😉 In the meantime, the boys and I really need to revisit some Tolkien. Keep up the good fight, bruthah!
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