Knowing full well the avalanche of libel under which Dixie has been buried for far too long, we rebels rightly denounce US propaganda aimed at the Confederacy, our ancestors, heroes, and symbols, and Southern-hate in general. So why embrace the same lies spouted by the same pathological liars and for the very same pathological reasons only when aimed at another country and people group?
Putin is Hitler, just like Robert E. Lee! Let’s regime-change ol’ Vlad right out of Russia’s capital the same way we knocked Lee from his pedestal in the former Capital of the Confederacy! After all, Russian supremacism is racist just like the white-supremacist “heritage not hate” dog whistle made by those deplorable Dixians. Two peas in a hateful ideological pod, so they say.
One of the layers of propaganda to justify nearly any abhorrent, immoral, or illegal act is to establish another country’s leader as a “depraved, blood-thirsty villain” and then demonize its people. Putin is both Hitler and a KGB commie, say the presentists, while Robert E. Lee was a slave-owning, POC-whipping racist and a traitor to American “unity.”
They’re white-hooded trouble-making twins who are anathema to our puritanical-progressive paradise, so do to them what you must, woke warriors! Equality and democracy hang in the balance!

Southern stalwart Richard M. Weaver explained that the Yankee Empire, as the media-contrived “forever good guy,” has to “make ‘perpetual war’ in order to have a distant ‘perpetual peace.’” I mean, there is the “inexcusable resistance of a totally depraved opponent.” How dare these “bad guys” like Putin and Lee push back against the centralized utopian order? Enemies of the state, both of ’em! Off with their heads!
C’mon, y’all. This is all part of the same amped-up lunacy we’ve heard a thousand times before. Beware of playing along for it’s the same totalitarian tidal wave that aims to drown you and yours, Southern man.
As all right-thinking Muricans know, Russians just like Dixians are uneducated, rancorous rubes whose only reason for existence is to bring about “the end of a relatively peaceful global era” – the malevolent myth of the Yankee hegemons which I break down in part 1. The globohomo policies of our depraved overlords could never engender such division and strife. Perish the thought, citizen.

Thus, the dehumanization of Russians and Southerners becomes institutional strategy. We’re both scapegoated as the perpetual foils for progressive power, leading to the “genocidal enmity toward whites and its practical intensification.”
Russians are deemed the New Al Qaeda while real terrorists flood into Ukraine under the guise of humanitarianism, just as Dixians are said to be the biggest terror threat at home while anti-whiteness is unpunished and even celebrated under the banner of “diversity and inclusion.” Statecraft indoctrination is a mighty thing.

People can so easily attack Russian-owned anything since they got so adept at boycotting white-owned businesses that didn’t cave to BLM bullying. They can seamlessly attack Russian churches because they’ve gotten so accustomed to vandalizing and razing Southern monuments, symbols, and graves. Go ahead, toss your Russian Standard right on top of the ash heap where you poured out your Dixie Vodka. It’s all the same thing.

Let us not forget that it was this same governor above who hobnobs with the ADL and has created a “Domestic Terror Task Force” making Texas’ fight against “white supremacy” a top priority. It’s all a diet of disinformation aimed at conservatives and traditionalists, so I urge you to put down the fork.

The Western media wants you to believe that the entire planet also thinks Putin is Hitler. The globalists don’t want you to know that many Ukrainians support him and don’t see the Russians as invaders; rather, they view them as liberators.

Others are thankful that someone is finally standing up to the Yankee Empire which has for so long wreaked murderous havoc in their own homelands. Case in point: the thousands of Serbians who recently marched in Belgrade in support of Russia.
With NATO’s heavy bombing of Serbia both in 1995 and 1999 and the ethnic-cleansing of Serbs it enabled during the March Pogrom in 2004, the Serbs know all too well about Western violence. Yep, the same elites who lecture us about “evil Putin” and “racist Lee” sure do revel in the death of Orthodox Christian minorities and the razing of monuments and graves to our Southern Christian heroes (and the modern anti-Dixie hate to which it leads).

Reznikov (below) is Ukraine’s minister of defense. When any politician non-persons an entire people group and tows the NATO line, you know they’re bought and paid for by the tax-payer-funded Yankee Empire.

We’ve been told “white man bad” for a decade and that “diversity is our strength” and that loving one’s ancestral culture is “racist,” only “black lives matter,” and anything majority white must be immediately extinguished. Yet somehow, we’ve also arrived here. Elite hypocrisy knows no bounds.

No Russian ever called me a white supremacist, a neo-Confederate, or a racist. No Russian ever said “white people have no culture” or that there’s a “problem with white people.” Nope, that’d be my fellow Americans.
In Russia, you can still drink beer with a Battle Flag label. But here in the land of the free, most everything Dixie-related has been eradicated by the same people who tell me “Russian man bad.”

No Russian ever said that Southern monuments and flags are “homages to hate” or that he’d “fight to end the scourge of racism in our country” by blaming me and my children for all acts of racism, real, perceived, or hoax. Nope, that’d our House speaker.
No Russian ever bragged about working hard to “relegate Robert E. Lee to the crypt,” which is right where the Yankee oligarchs want you, Putin (the “evil person doing bad things“), and any Russian or “Russian asset” who doesn’t kneel at the altar of the Yankee Empire.

Maybe the permanent political class doesn’t just get rich off “spreading democracy” at the point of a bayonet. Maybe they actually get their rocks off knowing that American troops are “breathing in toxic smoke from ‘burn pits.'” Maybe doing drugs is how to ease a guilty elitist conscience.

Solzhenitsyn warned about the gulag of the mind. Unfortunately, too many Americans have become willful prisoners to the narrative which is in direct contradiction both to reality and self-interest.

“The psychological weaponisation of war … actively demands a collective suspension of disbelief as it cultivates and redirects a natural reaction of sympathy felt by all into a moral outrage that insists on certain retaliation.” Create a crisis and then milk it for all it’s worth. Sound familiar?

“The DC Matrix … is a strategic power battle for your mind” and “the totality of the inbound bullshit can be destabilizing, overwhelming, and unnerving.” But if you push back? Well, then the CIA asserts that you’re “spreading Kremlin propaganda.” Deflection at its finest.
It’s this same deep-state deceit that cheats a disarmament treaty by having bio-labs in a foreign country, gets found out, and doubles down by alleging that Putin will use these chemical weapons and then he’ll blame the US. It’s “classic Russian technique,” the deep-state dames bellow breathlessly. Nah, that’s what ya call a classic Yankee technique: use a bogeyman to employ a straw man. Don’t fall for it.

The pearl-clutchers at Think Progress wrote back in 2017 about “fake Russian feeds” that “pushed Confederate nostalgia, anti-LGBT rhetoric, and pro-secession sentiment” and featured “extremist” images like that of Captain Confederate (seen below). Sure, “Russiagate” was proven to be a hoax perpetrated by the Obama administration.

However, it is the caterwauling claims that stick with people, forever linking “textbook Russian propaganda” and “Russian disinformation campaigns” with the South and “lost cause” mythology. It’s an easy sell, since the ruling class and their followers see Russians and Dixians as the same: low-IQ traditionalists, backwoods religious zealots, and dispensable nuisances.

Let’s not forget too that this this alleged “‘Russian propaganda‘ is the latest excuse to expand censorship” among anyone who dissents to globohomo. Remember last spring when Biden laid the groundwork for tackling Russian assets right on the heels of “hate speech” laws aptly handling the “neo-Confederate menace” since 2017?

Now, Biden ups the ante, implying that lynching, of all things, is a current problem and murder is a federal (not a state) issue. He knows simply uttering the word “lynching” spreads the fiction that it was a strictly white-on-black crime and one only carried out by Southerners. Reminds me of when #StopAsianHate was sold as “white-supremacist hate crimes” yet was/is overwhelmingly perpetrated by non-whites. Facts be damned!

Disavowing and virtue signaling are two of the most powerful weapons the ruling class uses to control a population. It not only propagates the globohomo narrative, but it chills speech and further marginalizes folks who dissent to the status quo.

Anyone pro-family, pro-gun, pro-white, pro-Southern, pro-liberty, anti-lockdown-and-jab, anti-censorship, anti-open-borders, anti-CRT, or anti-deep-state should take note. You are the archetype for every insidious plan the elites conjure up. Isn’t it time to stop handing them the damn bludgeon by which you are constantly struck?

In fact, it is the forked Faustian tongue of neoconservatism and neoliberalism which lays “the blame for the invasion at the feet of American nationalists and paleoconservatives. They’ve labeled restrainers Russian stooges, or variations of the term, and preemptively impugned them for what some already describe in terms of an impending Holocaust.”

Republican Mike Pence declared, “There is no room in this party for apologists for Putin. There is only room for champions of freedom.” The GOP establishment in the uniparty is also using “the present Russo-Ukrainian military conflict as a way to consolidate its hold over the party and purge people who deviate from neoconservative strictures.” He and Killary: War-mongering birds of a feather.
The Yankee Empire loathes us and everything we stand for. The elites “do not uphold the interests of Middle America. In fact, they are openly hostile towards Middle Americans and labor assiduously to dispossess them.”

Make no mistake: this isn’t a Democrat-vs-Republican thing either. This is a uniparty thing. “Conservatives” worship globalism as much as do liberals. It’s a shell game to increase their power, diminish your civil rights, and take your money. If you’re parroting their agitprop, you’re being played.

It’s not only the politicians either. Their gatekeepers in institutional media want you to fear conformist backlash so much so that you won’t question any evil they do or any lie the tell. It’s all part of the social conditioning which was perfected under covid. Don’t comply, rebels!

Never forget that this is the same Yankee system that has pulled the wool over citizens’ eyes with other fantastical stories in order to bait America into war and gin up patriotic support. From yellow cake in Iraq and Saddam’s men throwing babies from incubators, to chemical attacks by Assad in Syria, to the Gulf of Tonkin, to the Lusitania, to the USS Maine, to Fort Sumter. False flags are nothing new when it comes to the military-industrial complex. Take heed.
Neither are sanctions and corporate cancel culture, which are supposedly meant to hurt Russians, but Natasha above doesn’t seems to care. Instead, it us who will feel the pain.

Even though “you can print money, but not oil to heat or wheat to eat,” the ruling class will fare just fine while we in middle America suffer the consequences of their globalist actions. It’s really not that shocking since punishing us with poverty is kinda the Yankee thing. But still, it’s Putin’s fault, folks: not the Fed!

Meanwhile, Congress is doling out more of your money ($14 billion to be exact) to aid Ukraine while in the same breath the elites insist it’s your patriotic duty to embrace inflation, and the Twitter twats assure non-urban Americans that exorbitant gas prices are good for their lazy, white asses. Thank goodness the Yankees are here to re-educate us plebs in the ways of their forward thinking while that fascist Putin wants to take you back to the Dark Ages, just like that nostalgic neanderthal Robert E. Lee.

So while the war-mongers are trying their best to kill two rebel birds with one hegemonic stone, let’s drink our Russian Vodka and our Dixie vodka or shine, fly our Battle Flag and the Novorossiya colors, read Dostoyevsky and Faulkner, listen to Tchaikovsky and Skynyrd. Maybe even get some Confederate general Matryoshka dolls while you’re at all your globohomo-resistin’!
It’s waaaaaay past time for a paradigm shift, y’all, especially when our gluttonous, godless elites are backing legit Nazis in Ukraine. In case you don’t know about that hedonism and hypocrisy, take a gander at a few of these essays.
Amazing how the peeps that fought the masks and depop shots, now are screaming to nuke Russia. Never underestimate the stupidity of Muricans.
Certainly one of the strangest pieces I’ve read in some time. Trying to equate the treatment of the southern US with Russia is ridiculous, but if that’s your thing, then you’re welcome to live in the Twilight Zone. Putin IS a war criminal – full stop. Putin uses the Church to pretend he is a defender of the faith but it’s all a lie. What defender of the faith keeps a mistress and has his opponents poisoned? If you want to come across as credible, you’re going to have to make valid comparisons/analogies. This one is a stretch that just doesn’t work at any level.
This is your brain on NATO propaganda.
What’s the alternative? Full acquiescence to Globohomo? The Liberal Hegemon needs to be destroyed and if Putin is the man to do it, then good for him and Russia.
James B is the same guy who wrote this exact same comment on Gab. I can see his email address which matches up with his Gab handle. He has 1 follower and is following only 5 which gives weight to my assertion over there: Nice try, fed.
I would’ve banned you a long time ago. These long winded statements that reek of elitism and left coast academic triumphalism and cradle chauvinism are just too much. LOL
I am concluding that you would have to have been drunk on your ass from that cheap Russian vodka that regales this rambling, disjointed trash to write it. As James B. notes above, how you are able to analogize more than a thousand years of the suffering of Orthodox Christianity in Rus -a faith and even an alphabet brought by the Byzantines themselves to Rus, originally being the Ukraine – while the US South, has less than 250 years of history, would be laughable were it not so categorically ridiculous. Your knowledge of the history of Rus is so shallow and inept that you completely ignore the scholarship of historians who are also devout Orthodox Christians, & are led by the nose by absolute jamokes like Tucker Carlson and an assortment of internet creeps and nobodies who know less about Rus than you.
You speak as if Vladimir Putin is the victim here – irrationally “demonized” by the West – when, in fact, he more than deserves our moral indignation. I spent years on Monomakhos pointing out to those who spoke & speak in similar terms as you about Putin, that he is the driving force behind the single largest medical abortion system in the world, a system that makes the US abortion system pale by comparison. Until 2016, he was responsible for multiple millions of legal abortions per year, and it is rare that in the past decade that the number of legal abortions in Russia has fallen below a million abortions per year. He shocked the then Russian president Dmitry Medvedev & his wife – both devout Orthodox Christians and pro-life advocates for years – when he reversed Medvedev’s pro-life policies which, for example, strictly limited 2nd abortions to medical necessity, and provided “legitimate exemptions,” the most common being single-female-head-of-household and “financial hardship,” which also was the force behind his insistence that every female, from adolescence, could receive a legal abortion without cost. And since he did nothing to improve contraception, legal abortion became the primary form of “birth control” in Russia. With no early prediction of his decision, Putin announced at his yearly December extended press conference in 2016 that he believed that only a woman could decide about her own body, and he supported universal reproductive rights.
He obviously is in direct defiance of the Russian Orthodox Church & our moral teachings, and it seems reasonable to conclude that he is the reason that the Patriarch of Moscow – who addressed the Russian Duma in 2014, lobbying for stricter control of medical abortions – has not officially spoken on the topic since, despite the fact that the Moscow District surpasses every other Russian district for abortions performed. How can you possibly imagine that our God will bless, let alone prosper & “renew” a president and the country he has led down this horrific path of murdering the unborn in unspeakable numbers? How is any Orthodox Christian not horrified at this fact?
The last thing I will say to you is my father spent the final 14-months of WWII in Dachau among a group of other captured Serbian military officers, along with a handful of clergy, including Saint Nickolai Velomirovich. When Dachau was liberated by American troops, they all feared returning to Serbia and the Communists, and were allowed to come to the US. Approximately 2-months before he died, I was sitting with my father watching the news and a biographical piece on Vladimir Putin. He broke the silence to say, “Vladimir Putin was a Communist, and will always be a Communist.” And he was absolutely correct. I was watching French TV news today, and they showed footage of dead bodies lying in the streets of Kyiv, their hands either tied or handcuffed behind them, shot in the heads execution style.
Looks like Putin is pushing for abortion reduction according to this article.
I went to a lecture here by Robert Johnston who – with Thomas Jacobson – created the Abortion Worldwide Report through the Global Life Campaign. He was very emphatic that countries in the former Soviet Bloc continue to be completely unreliable in their report of the actual number of medical abortions. Further, he was also emphatic that Russia, under Putin, has been notorious for under-reporting, and in fact , has not reported abortion data since mid-2019. He has been saying that he will half the number of abortions since 2016, and in the summer of 2018, physicians & hospitals across self-initiated a moratorium on medical workups required for second+ abortions, ll abortion procedures that were not medically indicated to preserve the health and/or life of the mother. Johnston also discussed the state of contraception in Russia, noting the long term complaints of men that condoms, for example had atrocious rates of failure, as well as being notoriously uncomfortable and frequently resulted in unbearable rashes, contact dermatitis, and other allergic reactions. As a side note, he also pointed to common research that the combination of alcohol consumption diminished the desire to even employ them. At the same time, many Russian women cannot afford oral contraceptives, and their availability is unreliable. To end the “abortion as the primary form of family planning” culture in Russia would take a tremendous effort, and Putin has made it clear that he is pro-choice. Certainly the actual numbers of yearly abortions has already dropped from the 2.8 million+ abortions per year of the 1980’s, but was still greater than 1.5 million per year when Russia stopped reporting in mid-2019.
What are your thoughts on his seemingly huge support for the Russian Orthodox church?
Personally, I would liken this to the situation of those who accepted the Prophet Jonah onto their ship:
“[And] they cried to the Lord, and said, ‘Forbid it, Lord: let us not perish for the sake of this man’s life, and bring not righteous blood upon us: for You, O Lord, have done as You would.’ So they took Jonah, and cast him out into the sea: and the sea ceased from its raging. And the men feared the Lord very greatly, and offered a sacrifice to the Lord, and vowed vows.” (Jonah 1:14-16)
that was then, you’re on the God hating side of the equation now friend, good luck
@stankovich see previous comment
This is a great example of a straw-man argument. You challenged exactly ZERO of the points made in the essay. You instead decided to rant against abortion and Putin as an individual. I can only assume that you are so clouded by your hatred for the man that you’re unable to parse through the mounds of horseshit propaganda that has been piled upon your rather large, boomer head.
Also, you are one of the most egotistical pricks I’ve ran across on the internet. For someone who’s so educated, you’d think you’d be able to actually challenge the substance of the article rather than engaging in ad-homs. Oh, and appealing to your father as an authority on who is and who is not communist in 2022 is another.
Get a friggin’ life, old man, and stop cyber stalking women on the net who are twenty years younger than you. If you really want to challenge her, why not write your own piece rebutting the arguments?
Also, the Bucha narrative is blatant NATO propaganda, but I get it. You’re a boomer so you believe anything that comes out of Sean Hannity’s mouth.
Yankee (noun)
Definition: A person who is holier than thou, has an inflated sense of self, thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room, often uses ethnophyletism to buttress his fallacies and attacks.
Example: Stanky 🤮
And that is your entire response to what I wrote?
Your gift, as I have noted several times, is to skillfully sink as low as rhetorically & intellectually possible, and set about employing what appears to be your only standby form of “elocution”: lazy scholarship, insult, attempts to demean, and attempts to intimidate. This is neither journalism, debate, argument, nor discussion. It is simply cowardice & insecurity masquerading as bravado. And WTF, no one, and I mean no one, outside of the low-lifes in the administrative segregation unit of a state prison, that is, has called me “stanky,” or any such derivative, since the schoolyard in the 3rd grade! And where is the source of this ugly, childish form of insult – “holier than thou,” “thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room,” “fallacies & attacks” – it’s within you, not me.
I am “buttressing fallacies & attacks?” Then why haven’t you corrected me immediately? I’m “cyberstalking” you? I have commented on THREE of your posts (I had intended to comment on your post regarding Flannery O’Connor – which was superb – but your trash intervened). Please, find an Orthodox Christian who will defend Putin’s beliefs and practices regarding abortion and have them correct me. Please, forward this trash to my Bishop Kyriil of San Francisco – – and ask his opinion so he can be referred to as an “egotistical prick,” loving the “smell of his own farts,” rather than the offering of incense as he leads prayers before the relics of the Saints of the Kiev Caves. southern woman (noun – pejorative) – Definition: A coward with a frail, fragile ego who “protects” it by projecting her own insecurities onto others in the form of childish, glib, and offensive comments beneath an Orthodox Christian.
If you don’t like my comments, ban me.
I would’ve banned you a long time ago. These long winded statements that reek of elitism and left coast academic triumphalism and cradle chauvinism are just too much. LOL
You’re really clinging to that straw man, you hypocritical coward. Be a man and address the exact points she made in the article or shut the hell up. Or is it that you can’t, despite your “education?” I guess you never took a class on logical fallacies.
I love how you cry out in pain as you strike those with whom you disagree. You project so much hatred and disrespect, the epitome of a Pharisee.
You came here, to us, and started blasting your insults. I can’t imagine being so filled with condescension as to enter a space so polar opposite of myself and ripping into people for being different. The perfect example of the Yankee mindset and attitude.
Knowing Bishops and being of slavic decent will do absolutely nothing for you before the dread judgement seat, my friend.
Since you mentioned the Monomakhos blog, I decided to check out some of the “truth bombs” you’ve been dropping there over the years. Needless to say, I’m not in the least surprised that most of what I saw was you pushing for sodomite “marriage” in the Church. That explains your “Orthodoxy in Dialogue” levels of sophistry and fake moral supremacy.
You really expect us to believe you give a shit about abortion? You’re just using the issue as a cudgel with which to beat Putin. If anything, you probably hate Vlad because he doesn’t want his nation to sink to the depths of depravity as we in the West have.
And yes, by all means, keep posting here. I, for one, want everyone to know that the same subversives who advocate for the acceptance of sexual degeneracy in the Church and in society at large are the same people who hate us Dixans.
Kudos for being consistent.
You are making that up, ‘bro. Posting a single quote where I am “pushing for sodomite ‘marriage’ in the church would be sufficient. You can’t because it doesn’t exist. You might want to cruise back to the beginning of my participation at Monomachos in 2011, where Fr. John Whiteford questioned me extensively about my opinion of same-sex marriage. You are also welcome to contact Fr. John directly about my position on Christian Marriage. Indeed, I am consistent.
You are big on declaring “probable hate” when you have no direct evidence, and frankly, you are too dumb and offensive to accurately mindread. I can clear this up quickly: the only “dislike” I have regarding Dixie & Dixians is you, and Putin is morally offensive to me, but I don’t hate him. Nevertheless, I commend you for boring the living hell out of me.
You must be quite bored. You think your Boomer tier moralizing diatribes convince us of anything? You don’t say anything that so many others in the World constantly say. I suggest something more along your level of wavelength . Maybe Rod Dreher or Ancient Faith Radio or some other middle of the road, lukewarm site.
Stanky, you’ve got a real stinky trail of un-Orthodox opinions on the internet. The more your run your mouth, the better. Just google “m stankovich monomakhos” and much will be revealed.
The real question is why do you advocate for degenerate sexual morality? I think we know the answer. Have you been married? Do you have any children? If so, how damaged are they? Are they practicing Orthodox Christians? Are you a psychiatrist? If so, how many patients have you pushed towards hormone blockers and transition therapy?
C’mon brother, your soul is in the balance. Repent of your sins and turn away from the homosexual subversives you’ve allied yourself with and God will surely forgive.
I started checking your blog regularly 1 or 2 years ago because I found your opinions about the Lost Cause, feminism, your ancestors, our revolutionary founders, and the Russian Orthodox Church kinda peculiar. I chuckled about our shared college experience of the fierce debate between the Progressive Labor Party and the Marcuse crowd. And I was intrigued by your 10/6/2020 conclusion that Putin is a pretty good guy (“Russia may be the only country left on the entire planet that is willing to resist globohomo (which is why my family and I are praying to pull off a move to Russia)” and that Russia is the “last best hope” of mankind.
Your “Dixian lens” on Ukraine (Part 2) was so unique I had to share it with a few of my friends. Your idea that a significant number of people are comparing Putin and Robert E Lee is fascinating to me because hardly anybody but you and your companions is thinking about Robert E Lee at all these days. Most Southerners (of which I am one) think Dixie is nothing more than a song and a flag. So maybe you are right that “everything Dixie-related has been eradicated.” But I understand your outrage about that eradication, since your nostalgia for an aristocratic society that required slavery for its economic survival is the very center of your conciousness. Clearly, you are extremely threatened by almost everyone (Yankees, overlords, globalists, Western media, elites, the political class, deep-state, globohomos, neoconservatives, neoliberals, the military-industrial complex, Democrats, Republicans, etc., etc.).
But I have chosen to write now because of your article’s emphasis on propaganda. We share a concern about the role of propaganda in current affairs. I encourage you to write a blog about how to determine the truthfulness of an assertion, the veracity of a source, and the manipulative techniques of rhetoric. Most importantly, I hope that you are home schooling your sons about those issues, and exposing them to biblical, scientific, and political scholarship that departs from your own peculiar path. They are approaching the age where they will strike out on their own inquiries. How are you preparing yourself for meeting individuals who do not parrot your opinions. I wish those boys the very best.
Maybe no one is talking about Robert E. Lee these days because iconoclast fascists have done everything in their power to remove his monuments and de-person the people who understand his historical greatness. As far as slavery and aristocracy go, if you think those concepts no longer play a part in modern society, you’re probably part of the problem.
As far as teaching modern children other points of view and “techniques of rhetoric,” are you actually insinuating that kids aren’t exposed to that everyday in our modern, media-obsessed and controlled society? Hell, children are being indoctrinated by Disney movies. You obviously don’t have school-aged children.
Congratulations! You are fully Reconstructed! Aren’t you so proud?
Bob B, I chuckle at you and your elitist wall post.
Isn’t it odd that EVERY SINGLE LEADER OR ETHNICITY that the Yankee G.A.E. (Global American Empire) doesn’t like is always a “war criminal” that is “killing innocent civilians”. The Modus Operandi by our State Dept and NATO is always the same shtick. It’s ridiculous. I have criticized Putin before about certain things, however, this whole anti-Russian sentiment is completely one sided and fueled entirely by liberal propaganda and Western liberal media.
I’m sitting at the nurse’s station, and after I stopped laughing and read roach’s pitiful attempt to intimidate me to the amusement of staff, let me simply say this: I have had psychopathic serial murderers, those who tortured child and adults for pleasure, pedophiles, rapists, and dumbass felons of every shape & form try to intimidate me. You are too dumb and too much of a poseur clown to even attempt to intimidate me. I asked for a SINGLE quotation of me advocating “degenerate sexual morality,” and nothing? Seriously? You said, “most of what I saw [on Monomachos] was you pushing for sodomite “marriage” in the Church,” did you not? And now that you’ve branched out to google and found my “stinky trail of un-Orthodox [sic] opinions,” you don’t quote me directly even ONCE? Comment tout à fait particulie. Almost makes you think they don’t exist… Give it up, rattus norvegicus, as your are seriously embarrassing yourself.
Why are you gay? Were you sexually abused as a child? How many children have you violated yourself? Confess your trespasses, brother, and receive spiritual healing. Or at least renounce your advocacy for the satanic homosexual agenda.
The comments from hereon, if nothing else, fully demonstrate again the visceral hatred between Western groups.
The best evidence that the whole West is deranged, divided, lost, depraved: occupied by the “new unspoken colonists,”and will soon be a footnote in history. Take note.
I want to clap and scream, “Yes!!!!!” …and then I want to cry.
Yet again, you show insight, facts and proof of the desperation of the propaganda machine. They continue to spread sewage sludge instead of the truth OR the facts.
“We’re going to choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts.” 😂
-Joe Biden