In a recent segment connecting the dots between Washington’s wild-eyed foreign adventurism in Ukraine and the domestic war on the middle class, Tucker Carlson explained that the Biden administration had declared “total economic war on a sovereign country,” even though “no American had been killed (and) the United States had not been invaded or attacked.”
Carlson continued: Without “meaningful public debate or Congressional authorization,” Washington “impoverished a population” and began “seizing property of people affiliated with that country without a trial or due process of any kind. No American government had ever done anything like that before” because up until now, he surmised, the US was about “rule of law” and upholding “the integrity of the system.”
We Dixians, however, know that all of this has indeed happened before. That the South was “the first ‘captive nation’ of the Yankee Empire.” That “the Southern states went from self-determination, prosperity, and health, to an underling region of ‘bayonet governments,’ to now a land of ‘stateless people.'”
Yet, many Southerners are on board with doing to Ukraine and Russia what has been done to Dixie. In a word: Reconstruction. Do they not get that “American Exceptionalism” is simply the “Union Forever” ethos writ large?
“We can fight Russia over there, and we don’t have to fight Russia here,” say the liberal internationalists littering the halls of Congress. But are we really going to fall for it again?

Since a huge number of Southerners and typically conservative Americans beyond Dixie’s Land have been duped into supporting another regime-change war promoted by the very Western elites who loathe them, I’m going to try to break apart the doublethink gripping too many people by drawing a few parallels.
You often hear Dixians saying, “History didn’t just begin yesterday.” We get that Americans suffer both from short-term memory and short attention spans. So when it comes to Southern heritage, we all understand that having a firm handle on the past is pivotal.
So, here’s a good start to learning about the current geopolitical conflict, which has been a long time in the making: Oliver Stone’s “Ukraine On Fire” and “Ukrainian Agony: The Concealed War,” made by German independent journalist Mark Bartalmai. Both documentaries are excellent primers as to what’s been happening in Ukraine prior to February 2022.
I highly recommend that you check out these podcasts, as well:
You will clearly see that Russian “aggression” wasn’t “unprovoked,” as the globalist narrative assures us. Rather, it was “blowback” from ceaseless meddling in matters that were none of America’s concern and lacking US compromise – both puritanical-progressive character flaws to be sure.
Even though NATO was founded with the sole purpose of countering communism, Washington opted to ratchet it up as opposed to wrap it up once the Cold War ended. Instead of pursuing peace and extending an olive branch in that historic era, America instead decided to kick around Russia and the former Soviet republics, all of which became magnets for Western globalists.

Back in 1997, Biden understood just what a threat NATO expansion meant to Russia. But now he wants to keep poking the bear. You don’t have to like Putin, y’all. Just be willing to at least listen to Col. Douglas Macgregor – the opposite of a “Russian asset” if there ever was one.
Today’s Yankee Empire (which includes not only America’s governmental-corporate-media ruling class, but also their accomplices in NATO and the EU) opted to ignore Jefferson’s advice of “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations … entangling alliances with none.” And the last 8 years in Ukraine is a microcosm of that hegemony.
As a result, Ukraine is the poorest and most corrupt country in all of Europe, even though it’s one of the bread baskets of the continent. It’s a haven for money laundering, prostitution, sex trafficking, and general exploitation, which is why so many crack-smoking kids of Washington’s most powerful elite “do business” there.
As Confederate naval officer Raphael Semmes described, the Yankee “is ambitious, restless, scheming, energetic, and has no inconvenient moral nature to restrain him from the pursuit of his interests, be the path to these never so crooked. In the development of material wealth, he is unsurpassed.”

Ukraine is deeply divided and has never been a unified entity in a “nation” sense. This Texas-sized country has for years been experiencing an identity crisis because this thing called Ukraine has not really had “a people” for centuries, whereas Dixians were born of diverse cultures and folkways but came to identify as “the South” – a confederated identity necessitated by invasion and war.
However, similar to our “North vs. South,” the conflict at hand is geographical. But it’s not only West vs. East – as in America/NATO vs. Russia – but it’s also Eastern Ukraine vs. Western Ukraine.
The content shared earlier in this essay explains the political and cultural unfolding much more aptly than can I. But this history-in-maps video does an excellent job of capturing how contentious and strategic to world powers Ukraine has always been and why this “borderland” still remains a battleground.
And here we are today: The independent regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, known together as the Donbass, are linked in a union with people who hate them. Thus, Ukrainian “nationalism” is an artificial construct, as is the modern and constantly changing Ukrainian language.

These Russian-speaking peoples in the Eastern corridor have been colonized, and Western Ukraine (with the help of the Yankee Empire) has been attempting to remake them. The globalists and opportunists claim it’s for their own good. After all, those Slavs of the “Wild Fields” gotta be re-educated, just like them hicks down South in Murica.
These pro-Putin, mostly Orthodox Christians – whose flag you can see incorporated with the Battle Flag for this essay’s feature image – are also inhabitants of what’s called Novorossiya (“New Russia”). This is not only a “historical term of the Russian Empire denoting a region north of the Black Sea,” but it’s also a present political term, which stands in stark opposition to an invented “new ‘old’ history of Ukraine.”
Although they’re technically a minority and live in a much smaller geographic area, the Russian-backed rebels comprise about 40% of the Ukrainian population, while the Ukrainian-speaking, pro-NATO, mostly Uniate Christians in the East are at 60%, pretty closely mirroring our divided America, as it is now and was during the 1860s.

This ethno-sociological study of the 9th century onward also clearly points to the fact that Ukraine, as part of the Kievian Rus, was originally part of a single people-group that has sadly splintered due to time and circumstance. (For those of you willing to stretch your minds beyond what the corporate media wants you to think, check out Michael Millerman’s reading of Putin’s article “The Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians.”) Conversely, Dixie was comprised of many people-groups historically.

However, the similarity here is that Southerners and Eastern Ukrainians have been forced to swear allegiance to “one nation indivisible.” Quite the Lincolnian concept. Just like Dixians, their Constitution got shredded and their people experienced both cultural genocide and physical genocide, so they decided to secede and become autonomous in resistance to the Yankee-backed terrorist regime. And if they’re ever even acknowledged at all, they’re cast as traitors and rebels. Sound familiar?

Arkansas-born cattle farmer and UFC fighter Bryce Mitchell knows what’s up. He gets that Americans are being played and that Southerners, like Ukrainians, are just cannon fodder to the globalists. But Mitchell’s just a dumb redneck, mock the elites, even though it is they who conform to each and every narrative that comes down the progressive pike.

“Mitchell is not the most sophisticated speaker, and I am sure that the Soy-boys, feminazis, and gender-fluid androids congregating at the nearest Starbucks are having a ‘yuck’ or two about his accent and his inability to correctly pronounce ‘Socrates,'” writes my friend Monomakhos.
But he’s saying loud and clear that he damn well ain’t gonna participate in the sham of “spreading ‘democracy’ to Ukraine (which hasn’t been a democracy since 2014, when the CIA overthrew that country’s democratically elected president).” Mitchell’s one razorback who’s sharp as a tack!

Behold the Yankee word-salad above right from “a leading expert on Russia, American foreign policy, and democratic development around the world.” Read: He’s a Lincolnian who spreads “American values” with freedom bombs.
“When it comes to apportioning blame for the sorry state of US-Russian relations today,” wrote former Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter back in 2019, “one need look no further than Michael McFaul and his decades-long effort to create Russian ‘democracy’ from whole cloth as laying the foundation for failure.”

I guess what McFaul means by “democratic rights” is an engineered coup of a democratically elected leader and replacing him with a NATO-approved puppet in Kiev, as well putting militia strong-man Western Ukrainians in office and other positions of institutional power in Eastern Ukraine because he knows the anti-Russian authoritarians wouldn’t win through a fair and open electoral process. Let freedom ring, baby!
Such similar forceful tactics were used throughout the South both during and after the War Between the States with the suspension of due process, disenfranchisement, mass arrests and killing of political opponents, military-occupied states, and rampant rigged elections postbellum. Ain’t centralization grand?

Like the Confederate States of America, the Donbass republics seek self-determination – a new favorite phrase of the elites. Take, for instance, this left-wing academic who three times utters the word “self-determination” in a positive light when trying to paint a “good Ukraine vs. evil Russia” narrative.
The globalists want you to #StandWithUkraine because they say the pro-Western Ukrainians “hold different identities from the dominant power group” (i.e. Russia) and are “either suppressed, exiled, or killed,” and that cultural genocide is used to destroy “existing bonds of social or civic solidarity.” Nope, that’d be the Yankee Empire that is doing exactly that to the people of Novorossiya.
C’mon, y’all. When the same people who undergird the “good North vs. evil South” template and raze our Confederate monuments and tag as “white-supremacist” any Dixian who seeks to foster Southern tradition start co-opting liberty language, you know you’re being played. Begone with your Southernness, racist! Your new identity is #Ukraine4Lyfe.

What about the bandied-about word “democracy,” which we Dixians understand is anathema to small-scale, localized governance? Well, that is precisely why the centralizers talk about it so much. Democracy is the globalist enterprise of foreign-policy elites who use institutional tyranny at all levels (legislative, judicial, corporate, social, and economic) to enrich and empower themselves.

Southerners should also know by now that the military-industrial complex is run by a uniparty of Lincolnians. Republican or Democrat doesn’t make lick of difference. We get that Robert E. Lee was correct when he warned that the “consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.”

Bear in mind that those propagating this potential WWIII narrative are the same people who lie about Charlottesville, the 2020 election, January 6, covid shutdowns, masking, and jabs, white-supremacy as a domestic terror threat, homosexuality as pride, transsexuality as an American virtue, and high inflation as a patriotic duty. They’re also the same charlatans who lie about the War of Northern Aggression, the South, and her people both living and dead.

“Americans live under a tag-team of liars for tyranny” which “comes in different wrappers at different times.” Thus, “covid liars are now exiting stage left, and war liars are entering stage right” but the “oxygen for tyranny is always fear.”
Oddly, though, this never-before-seen level of war agitprop and emotional manipulation has groomed a whopping 1/3 of Americans into saying that they’re willing to risk nuclear war! A shocking 73% of Republicans support “working closely with allies” (i.e. NATO intervention) and a staggering 75% of Republicans support “keeping large numbers of U.S. military forces in NATO countries near Ukraine.” Sigh.

However, the saddest stat is that only 7% of Americans say the US is providing too much support for Ukraine. Not even 1/10 of Americans grasp the fact that meddling in places that are none of our business is a very, very bad idea. In fact, the only dissent to a possible nuclear holocaust I stumbled upon in the corporate media was not addressing the certain human death toll of such a global catastrophe, but rather, the author was bemoaning that nuclear war would create a planetary climate problem!
People warming up to nuclear freakin’ war is the same kind of ludicrous justification we find regarding the “Civil War” when people say that a million Americans had to die in order to “save the Union” and “free the slaves.” Oh, and perhaps “as many as a million ex-slaves, or 25% of the population, died of starvation, disease, and neglect under their Northern ‘liberators.” Gotta break a few eggs to make a freedom omelet, I suppose.

I’m not sure what Putin’s plans are if he “wins” in Ukraine. I pray he would support something like the map above once he “cleans house” of the Yankee Empire and the anti-Russian strongholds in Kiev and Western Ukraine. Perhaps he knows a bit of American history and that if the Confederates had marched into Washington and occupied the US capital right after their stunning victory at First Manassas, there probably would have been no Union victory to the War.
Personally, I think Russia’s concerns are realpolitik, rather than ideological or imperial. But we shall see.
In the meantime, I implore all Dixians to do their due diligence and study history, just as we always urge others to do before they spout off about the South. Break free of the tyrannical tag-team warring for your mind, body, and soul. And ask yourself: How much would you be willing to take if you were Putin, or even more importantly, if you were a Russian-speaking rebel living in Donbass?
Let’s reinvigorate the “legacy of Southern opposition to wars for righteousness” and reject the Yankee Empire that led us to this geopolitical crisis in the first place. You don’t have to love Putin, but please understand that your outrage is misdirected.
The historic Jeffersonian system that we Southerners so admire is dead. So let’s not be pawns in this deadly game created by the same globalists who’ve been waging war on us, our ancestors, our progeny, and our traditions.
They’ll call you both a pinko commie and a Nazi for dissenting (more on that in part 2), but since we already know full well that “taking a Southern position in public is dangerous,” we got this, rebels. Onward.
AAARRGGGGHHHH!!! I HATE groupthink, especially as we’re still dealing with in concentrated form over these last two years!
And now that COVID seems (as least temporarily to be sooooo yesterday!), let’s distract them with Ukraine!
You’re so right, Miss Rebecca, as usual, you don’t have to love Vlad Putin, but why are we now required to love and believe the Lying “Leaders” of the West, ignore history, and believe yet another Narrative from those who have brought us the Shamdemic, the breaking of our economies, Afghanistan . . . all for their Great Reset?!!?
Indeed, Southerners, stop believing the Yankee propaganda, and definitely DON’T join this military doing the bidding of this wicked and vile regime! Like the aforementioned young man, I’ll die for Tennessee, my kith and kin, but this veteran will have nothing to do with the Yankee/Progressive/Corporacrat’s literally DAMNABLE objectives of power and profit!
Keep preaching the truth, DD. Maybe, just maybe, more Southerners will wake up and start resisting the Yankee Empire on ALL levels. Thanks for commenting, friend. 🙂
Well done! I wish everybody could read this and begin to understand. That so many of our people are confused is simply another of the many evils that Southerners have brought on ourselves by being absorbed into the evil Republican Party.
Dr. Wilson,
I am honored that you like the essay. It was a challenging one to write – as I wanted to get all the history right and make the parallels as cogent as possible – so I’m utterly thrilled by your reaction. Thanks too for taking the time to comment. We Dixians are all indebted to you for teaching us about the insidious nature of the Yankee Empire and its many present pitfalls. God bless you, good sir!
Excellent work, ma’am! Well done.
As I was just saying to a “fellow traveller” a day or two ago, one of my nephews is a Marine. He was deployed with his unit to the region about five or six weeks ago. My sister, his mother, asked me (and several other family members) to pray for him, and especially to pray “that Russia doesn’t do something stupid!” I told her that I would pray that the *United States* doesn’t do something stupid instead, and that if it does, it has a well-earned “shit-kicking” a-comin’. She hasn’t spoken to me since. But that is the risk we take for being truth tellers and not mincing words, as you say.
Looking forward to part II. Press on!
Man, did you say it, Terry! A well-earned “shit-kicking” is indeed a-comin’ to Murica, and too many people who should be our natural allies (Southerners, traditionalists, real conservatives, etc) have jumped in the deep end of the agitprop pool and are drowning in lies … and wanting to pull us down with them. They are literally plugging their ears to facts and then saying WE are the ones pushing “fake news.” Lord, the gaslighting is too much. Thanks so much for your encouragement. Voice in the wilderness indeed. Stay tough, brother!
My knee bows to God, then the Holy Orthodox Church only. My knee bows not to this country nor to this wicked social Democrat government. My employer gets a good faith effort and integrity, and that’s it. I await the heavenly kingdom, and pray by God’s grace and mercy that I gain entrance on that fearful day. Sorry my former evangeleftists, but the sinners prayer won’t cut it.
The southerners are the last Americans, and they’ll defend their states. More than I can say for my northern brethren I dwell with.
As Dr. Clyde Wilson has said, “In the beginning, America was Southern” now America “is a slogan.”
But Southerners not only understand that more than any other Murican people group, but they understand the evil of the Yankee Empire and cling to God and tradition more than do others.
Indeed, only bow a knee to the King of Kings. Anything more is heresy.
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