“On top of the monument a heroic-sized allegorical figure typifies the South. She holds in her extended right hand a laurel wreath with which to crown the dead; her left hand rests on a plowshare, and her head is crowned by olive leaves, symbolic of peace.”
The above description comes from the autobiography “Memoirs from the Baths of Diocletian” by Moses Ezekiel, the sculptor whose exquisite monument was just recently razed from Section 16 of Arlington National Cemetery.

In November 2022, I penned the satirical essay “The NDAA is anti-Semitic!” In it, I tried to expose the Yankee Empire’s hate and hypocrisy by throwing their own regime-speak right back at them, while simultaneously revealing the unfolding iconoclastic event, some of the progressive players, the political and cultural subtexts, and bit of history about Ezekiel, Arlington House, and America’s supposed “reconciliation” movement.
Below left: “Aerial view of the Confederate Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery with over 500 graves of Confederate military personnel and some family in concentric circles around the monument,” described Charleston Athenaeum Press. “Ezekiel is buried with two other Confederate soldiers and one Confederate sailor around the base. The monument is literally their headstone.”
Below right: unReconstructed British historian and analyst Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos offered up the same warning I’ve been making for years: that razing and destroying monuments is not just about erasing the past on the fast path toward perdition. Rather, these are ritualistic executions within the greater cultural genocide, which I first warned about in 2017, and they will eventually beget an existential genocide. It’s not really about erasing Ezekiel, or Lee and Jackson; it’s about erasing you!

My sons and I have now been present for two reinterments of Confederate veterans. In September 2021, we road-tripped to Columbia, Tennessee, where Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife Mary Ann Montgomery Forrest were laid to rest after his monument and their bodies (which were at the foot of the statue) were removed from Memphis.
In January a year ago, my family began 2023 by attending yet another reinterment: that of our highest-ranking Confederate ancestor, A.P. Hill, whose body, burial place, and monument were needlessly disturbed and demolished by the grave robbers in Richmond.
In fact, it was on our way to stay with a friend in Spotsylvania for Hill’s reburial in Culpeper that we decided to take a “quick” jaunt to Arlington to see the Ezekiel monument. My family already understood that the memorial’s time within the “hallowed ground” was fleeting due to the regime’s full-tilt assault against all things good, true, and beautiful, but most especially the Southern tradition.
Here are two videos I recorded during our visit.
Treating Southern dead disrespectfully is nothing new to Yankees.
“United States authorities at Antietam battlefield were forced to give Southern soldiers a proper burial only after hogs began rooting up the remains of Confederate dead, thereby fouling the area close to where the slain Northerners were buried,” wrote the James R. and Walter D. Kennedy in “The South was Right.” And it was America’s lauded Arlington that “witnessed the spectacle of United States troops standing guard to prevent Southern ladies from placing flowers on the graves of Southern dead!”
Dr. Brion McClanahan further explained: “On the day that the graves of the Federal soldiers buried at Arlington were decorated, in 1869, a number of ladies entered the cemetery for the purpose of placing flowers on the graves of 30 Confederates. Their progress was stopped by bayonets, and they were not allowed to perform their mission of love.”
Poet James Ryder Randall’s witnessed this heinous event which inspired his poem “At Arlington.” An ultra-proud son of Maryland and author of its State Song (until that too was thrown on the ash heap of history in 2021), Randall was prophetic in the opening stanza of his Arlington ode:
The broken column, reared in air
To him who made our country great,
Can almost cast its shadow where
The victims of a grand despair,
In long, long ranks of death await
The last loud trump, the judgment-sun,
Which come for all, and, soon or late,
Will come for those at Arlington.
“Should we then prepare for having other long-dead war heroes or artists removed from the human race or for being figuratively exhumed from their graves and publicly spat upon before being excised from the history books?” asked Richard Hines. I would say yes. And not just figuratively but literally.
Well, just how did we get in this progressive pickle? Why, “reconciliation,” of course! So why would we “want ‘reconciliation’ on the basis of the narrative that produced it in the first place?” prodded Valerie Protopapas.
This scheme is known as the “Grand Bargain” and it originally went something like this:
“There is room in the hearts of the people of all the land for cherished recollections of the valorous dead and, at the same time, for the most unfaltering love and loyalty and devotion to the Union of all the States,” declared the Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic at the Ezekiel monument’s unveiling at Arlington on June 4, 1914. “Without the existence of the former we should be disposed to doubt the sincerity or the steadfastness of the latter.”
However, that bargain was really a grand bamboozle, as it consisted of three lies the South must accept: that secession was a “rebellion” and was thus illegal and unethical; that abolishing Southern chattel slavery was the purpose of the Union’s “moral” War; and that Total War against both Confederate soldiers and Southern civilians, military occupation, and Reconstruction were all “just.”
Hence, the rub. As Murray Rothbard plainly stated: Yankees were “humanitarians with the guillotine, the Jacobins, the Bolsheviks of their era.” And the “overall objective [of Lincoln’s Total War strategy a la the Lieber Code] was not only to decimate but to demoralize citizens beyond recovery so they could not continue fighting,” wrote Scott Barker.
“Robbed by the Grand Bargain of the opportunity to make known the horrors visited upon Southerners,” Protopapas continued, the bamboozle was “used to at best conceal and at worst excuse and validate the treasonous assault on the South.” Therefore, “the monuments we have been trying to preserve and defend” beget “memorials to a lie.” And the fact that Ezekiel’s “reconciliation” statue was erected on land stolen from the Lee family was a harbinger of the gaslighting to come.
This was all part of a century-long psyop aimed at implanting humanity with false moral ideals, such as feminism, equality, progressivism, and rainbow rights. And be sure that this was/is in no way a simple Democrat-vs-Republican paradigm. Honestly, the cultural genocide wouldn’t be unfolding before our eyes at warp speed without GOP corruption and complicity, all the way from the local and state level up to the feds. It ain’t called a “therapeutic managerial state” for nothin’.

When Republican “representatives” spend their time and our money hosting struggle sessions with college presidents to battle mythical “anti-Semitism” – as opposed to tackling the anti-whiteness, anti-South indoctrination, anti-male bias, and anti-Christian dogma institutionally entrenched within all levels of higher ed – you know the jig is up.
This is why and how we get to the point of General Mark Milley going “on record calling Southerners who fought for the Confederacy traitors … while testifying in Congress,” wrote Phil Leigh. “You may agree Confederate leaders were traitors, but that view is as political now as it was when Republicans in Congress said so in the 1860s. No Confederate was even tried for treason.”
This is how the art of a world-famous Jewish sculptor came to be razed and why that illegal, depraved, and unjust act could never in kkklown world be described as “anti-Semitic.” In reality, though, Ezekiel was a traitor to centralization just as we Dixians should be traitors to the Grand godless Bamboozle. To comply with such post-modern enmity would be treasonous to our ancestors and suicide for our progeny.

We shouldn’t even want our names associated with such a deception nor should we support the Yankee Empire co-opting cherry-picked aspects of the rich Southern heritage it sometimes uses as window dressing for this malevolent operation. It’s a deal with the devil. Always has been.
The “Yankee philosophy” was and is a spiritual war whose leaders and proponents are filled with rage. This is why Dr. Clyde Wilson simply calls them the “Hate-Confederates.” They “show their shallowness by ignorance of an essential element of understanding history-continuity,” he explained, adding that “we have no reason to love the regime that hates us or to serve it willingly as Southerners have done for so long.”
In my interview with Wilson back in 2020, he said this: “The Yankee always acts with self-righteousness, ill-informed shallow knowledge, and the most stupendous hypocrisy known in history. Part of being Southern is knowing that these people actually hate you for what you are. They have hated you ever since the first settlers came ashore in Massachusetts Bay.”
“Southerners are loyal to and do their best for the United States, which we think of as our country,” he continued. “However, we are linked in a Union with people who hate us. The hatred is not in what we are, but in what they are.”
When there is malice and abuse, there is no value in trying to maintain a union built upon smoke and mirrors. But more importantly, one cannot “reconcile” the forces of good with the forces of evil. Therefore, it’s better to cut the cord and guard your heart.
“If ‘they’ no longer recognise reconciliation, does that mean the war is back on? Asking for a friend,” poked the folks at Shotwell Publishing, who know what’s up: that Dixie has always been under occupation and that “union” with our oppressor was a fleeting feel-good myth whose time has come to an end. After all, velvet handcuffs are still handcuffs.
A civilization requires civilized, mature peoples, and most Americans simply do not fit the bill. For honest patriots who have up to now been subconsciously blind to the bamboozle or consciously willing to tolerate it, now is the moment to acknowledge that the “man-made rules” aren’t applied evenly because the “the game is rigged,” and that the America you once loved most certainly doesn’t love you.
As Wilson said, “America is a slogan” but she sure ain’t advertising to Dixians. In fact, her main products are built upon our very destruction. So, it’s time we stop buying the lies.
Even Massachusetts-born Unitarian and radical abolitionist Lysander Spooner (bottom left) could see the writing on the wall in the years following Union conquest over a free and independent South, and America’s speedy descent to empire. Is it any wonder?

The infamous carpetbagger Albion W. Tourgee noted, “The North and the South are simply convenient names for two distinct, hostile, and irreconcilable ideas.” An ardent Reconstructionist, he too could understand that it takes two to “mend a generation’s sectional divide.”
But when one side – “the warmongering abolitionists of the North [who] didn’t hate slavery nearly as much as they hated the Christianity of the South,” as Rex Miller put it – sought/seeks to annihilate our inheritance of faith, that is not something with which Christians should reconcile.
“God’s Word and the Rule of Law” were the “adhesive that enabled Western Civilization to advance,” Miller added and what the South fought to preserve and still does to a degree, while the Yankee Empire is built upon transformation, not tradition. Statism, not state’s rights. Perversion, not preservation. Godlessness, not Christ-centeredness. Such “progress” is anathema to union with our Lord and Savior.
The unipolar narrative in which America’s the perpetual good guy defending “faith, family, and freedom” is no more. Let the abomination at Arlington be your “Turning Point” in order to accept that truth, let go of your sentimental and habitual ties to the Yankee Empire, and pivot. I promise, with such clarity comes a sense of peace and confidence because the devil and our enemies delight in fostering our confusion.
“To show the severity of the situation is not to blackpill,” tweeted Kevin Deanna, aka James Kirkpatrick. “But the assumption things will just work out because the USA is ‘exceptional’ is wrong. We are not. The USA now is the PROBLEM, not a ‘shining city on a hill.'” Embrace it, y’all.
“But whether anyone finally awakens in the West, the changes in the world already proceed apace,” Perrin Lovett remarked. “The captive West cannot win and has really already lost … Those of us in the West must realize that the centuries-long malfeasance of our hijacked culture is losing and will lose, as it deserves to; we, however, need not go down with the sinking ship.”
However, there will be a reckoning and it will undoubtedly be difficult. As my parish priest emphasizes, Americans will have to drink the bitter cup of wine that is God’s judgment. Even though it’s filled to the brim, every last drop will have to be consumed.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” — Isaiah 5:20
So let us pray for our enemies, break free from the chains of the psyop, and repent of our voluntary or involuntary participation in the secular-humanist program. Only then we can reconcile our hearts back to Christ. Only He can make us whole.
From the chapter I contributed to “The Honorable Cause: A Free South,” I quoted a bold statement from Gary Potter: “Without the right religion to support and sustain its civilization, the South, it can be said, lost the War Between the States even before the first shots were fired.”
“In other words,” I wrote, the South “could not withstand the spiritual and physical assault of the Yankee Empire during the War, much less in the aftermath of hellish reconstruction and counterfeit reconciliation. As blogger Walt Garlington aptly surmised: And ‘the South has been at odds with herself since.'” It’s time to even things out.
Encircling the top of the 32-foot-tall pedestal underneath the bronze female who stood at Arlington for 109 years were these words from Isaiah 2:4: “They have beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.” The conclusion of that verse (not included on the statue) is: “nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” But the Yankee Empire never heeded this wisdom.
Just as Israel fell to Assyria and its people taken captive, the Prophet Isaiah warned the citizens of “the Southern Kingdom of Judah to trust in God alone,” notes the Orthodox Study Bible. The Book of Isaiah speaks of both reckoning and judgment for those who reject “the Holy One of Israel,” imploring them to respond in the faith to “God’s holiness and vision for the world.”

“While monuments and symbols are important, we have to remember that the Southern tradition is not built on monuments or symbols,” McClanahan reminds us. “The tradition continues even when these things are removed.”
Ours is a Christian heritage, so don’t turn away from God and his bride, the Church. Turn toward it and His grand blessings, and away from the Grand Bamboozle. That is how we attain true peace and reconciliation within our hearts. There is no bargaining away America’s fate, so gird your loins.
“The South, many believe, still has a substantial authentic culture, both high and folk, and it still has a purchase on Christianity,” Wilson wisely wrote. “That is, the South is a civilizational reality in a sense which the United States is not, and it will last longer than the American Empire.”
I pray he is right. And wouldn’t that be grand?
And when the morn came young and fair,
Brimful of blushes ripe and red,
Knee-deep in sky-sent roses there,
Nature began her earliest prayer
Above triumphant Southern dead.
So, in the dark and in the sun,
Our Cause survives the Tyrant’s tread,
And sleeps to wake at Arlington.
Check out the follow-up to this essay, “Reconciliation: It takes two,” which is a reflection upon the meaning of Christian reconciliation from a more personal perspective.
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Ironically, many of the Union’s veterans were men of honour, and were in good faith about reconciliation. But the animating force of the revolution and actual rebellion against the weal and order of the founding, led by the tyrant Lincoln, was ever at the core of the “bargain”, only putting off the ultimate result, which is what we’re living with now. “Christ haunted” though we be, we are nonetheless in desperate need of remembering who and Whose we are (or ought to be!)!
Once again, we have a LOT of work to do!
Ah, the legit common weal. Wouldn’t that be nice for a change?
….United States troops…after seeing some of them, dope peddling, violent on civilian streets, 100 mph trips on highways to get back to base on time…what the fuck was a us troop then? a yankee or a battle hardened 48er from europe…and now….what…gets training on how to quell citizen protest? i like kfc and online shopping but there are too many lies and omissions of history to really like this place.
Ooooohhh Come November.. One guy you need to have on to talk JFK.. Cory Hughes