Pedophilia IS “progress,” part 2

Update June 2023: My friends at Monomakhos wrote an essay entitled “‘Gay Pride’ Month, a Brief Retrospective” which includes an excellent video debunking “the myth that homosexuality was not only normative in Ancient Greece, but idolized as the romantic ideal” in order to push the normalization of sexual deviancy on the modern masses through the rewriting of history.

Did you know that Black Lives Matter wants to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family”? The group aims to support “each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children.” Seems eerily similar to the manifestos of the early “gay rights” movement, as noted in part 1.

What about the Socialist 2019 conference, where “Transgenderism, gender nonconformity, and abolishing traditional family structures were huge issues” because the nuclear family was said to have “reinforced capitalism … [and] propped up oppression”? Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

All leftist movements, from BLM to LGBT, are merely useful tools for moving society “forward.” Each distracts with its varied brand of “social justice,” “aggrieved-minority rights,” and “equality,” but they all share the same end goal: demolish the family, demolish God.

“If there is no absolute by which to judge society, society becomes absolute.”
Dr. Francis A. Schaeffer, theologian and philosopher

Pedophilia and pederasty are the linchpins for this post-modern paradigm. Is there anything more effective at obliterating traditional human relations than normalizing “intergenerational sex” between “minor-attracted persons” and children? Achieving this monumental win for the new man would finally usher in the “new age of progress” that the left has always been seeking.

The romanticization of Greek culture is common among pederasts, who are defined as adult males who have sexual relations with pubescent youth who haven’t reached maturity. Here, a larger omega butts up directly behind a smaller omega. Get it? Yeah, disgusting, but the pedos think it’s clever.

This new normal would be an illusion of nothingness and everything, liberty and tyranny, radical collectivism and rabid individualism, spiritual bondage and fleshly freedom, all played out together in one chaotic mess. The acronym “LGBT+” tells the story, with each letter representing subsequent steps taken in this long march to nihilism. And we’re allowing it to happen.

After all, how can one deviance be acceptable but another not? Why draw a line at child abuse a la pedophilia when society condones hormonal “gender transition” for 7-year-olds? Why have the state lock up a dirty old man with a penchant for young boys when some state governments and state universities subsidize sex-reassignment surgery for children? It’s incoherent.

Just ask Tom O’Carroll, the convicted British pedophile. The longtime activist for man-boy sex wrote in his blog that adolescent Desmond the Amazing is “hot!” and that “being a drag queen … says, loud and proud, ‘I am a sexy kid, with sexy feelings. It’s totally cool for grown-ups to get turned on by me.'”

What else would you expect “When a pretty young boy tells the world he is gay and dances sensuously in front of grown men, wearing vampish dresses and makeup; when ‘she’ strips off items of clothing or goes on stage scantily clad right from the off; when dollar bills are accepted as ‘tips’ from an audience apparently wild with excitement”? Yep. What a sad testament to society’s downfall that it takes a child rapist to state the obvious.

This quote is from 19th-century theologian Robert Lewis Dabney. My guess is that the normie retort to the great Southerner’s prophetic words was, “C’mon, Bob. It’s 1871.”

Dabney’s words are overlaid across a photo of drag-kid Desmond, who had a penchant for dancing for money at gay bars back in 2018. O’Carroll sees this as “far more than just a celebration of gender diversity or an innocent display of precocious performance talent.” And he’s absolutely correct.

Our depraved and dying culture is defined by the commodification of sex, so why not commodify a child? And if outmoded is the belief that “moral law governs sexual acts,” as Father Josiah Trenham bemoans, then who in society has a virtue-ethics leg to stand on in railing against adult-child sex?

“Freedom is indivisible. The liberation of children, women, boy-lovers, and homosexuals in general, can occur only as complementary facets of the same dream.”
— David Thorstad, NAMBLA founder

O’Carroll actually attempts to use virtue ethics to bolster his degenerate and dangerous sexual wonts in an essay published by a peer-reviewed academic journal. UC Irvine’s Justin Lee summarily demolishes O’Carroll’s philosophical leaps, but points out his overall logical consistency.

In short, if you seek a freedom that is void of God, then anything goes. If you are the creator of your own reality, then this is what you get: sexual liberation of the most debased order.

Lee concludes his article by quoting Justice Anthony Kennedy in the Supreme Court’s decision upholding abortion. “At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.”

Isn’t that really all O’Carroll and his fellow pedos are doing: just pushing the boundaries, challenging the norms, and prescribing their own truth? It’s what’s known in modern parlance as “progress.”

When attendees at Socialist 2019 espouse that “the modern transgender movement plays a critical part in achieving true ‘reproductive justice,” well, this seems to make no rational sense. After all, trans endocrine experimentation and “sex-reassignment” surgery decreases offspring.

But to these cuckoo comrades, it’s about procreating the next generation of nihilistic automatons through artificial means, like interpersonal grooming, technocratic science, corporate marketing, and mass-media indoctrination. Plus, if citizens do have a “right” to kill children – I mean, it is “precedent,” right, Justice Kennedy? – they may as well have a “right” to have sex with children.

Post edit, June 2020: The above video exposing Harmon’s degeneracy has been scrubbed from YouTube, but I found this as a replacement. Post edit, February 2022: Okay, that replacement’s now gone. Grrrr. Here is the only other video I could find. And if that gets taken down, here is an article with photos.

If BLM is a “queer‐affirming network” intent on “freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise),” why not free yourself and affirm pedo thinking? Get woke, and just loosen your intolerant grip, bigot.

If the anti-white apparatchiks really “desire freedom and justice … regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, [or] gender expression,” they’d have to accept “boylovers,” or else they’d be age-supremacists and tools of the hierarchy they say they hate, right? They’d be just as bad those “white supremacists” and that “anti-blackness” systemic racism they’re always railing against.

Even well-known free-market economists like Jeffrey Tucker and Deirdre McCloskey echo sentiments that sound more like Antifa than Adam Smith. Apparently, it’s becoming quite vogue to say that traditional families are dangerous collectives with fascistic tendencies.

Whoops! Are we supposed to believe that Antifa, BLM, and other of anarcho-tyrants don’t have the exact same objectives as NAMBLA? The “alt-right framed” these “student protesters” by associating them with boylovers, says the leftist media. “We don’t love pederasts! Pinky promise!” the mob assures us.

“A modern society in its authoritarian version expands the family to the nation, the folkhem,” McCloskey wrote. “Our families are little socialist economies, with Mom as central planner.” In order to expand freedom, democracy must flourish and hierarchy must be smashed, so let’s break those ancient chains and emancipate everyone, children included.

The scholarly McCloskey seems not to understand that the family (in concert with faith) is the only competing institution to the state power “she” claims to deplore. Or maybe HE knows darn well what HE is advocating for, since Deirdre used to be Donald.

“Jesus” was one of the “greatest enemies of peace, liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness.”
— William A. Percy, III, historian and pederast activist

What’s important is that what all these anti-family subversives share is the belief that it’s all about civil rights for the individual. Or at least that’s what they say. And if that’s the case, well, pedo is the ultimate minority.

Presciently, Linda Harvey, founder of Mission America, stated back in 2013 that “equal rights for pedophiles will become more common as LGBT groups continue to assert themselves.” She continued, “It’s all part of a plan to introduce sex to children at younger and younger ages; to convince them that normal friendship is actually sexual attraction.”

This advocacy group professes to fight for “A fair and equal society” where “LGBT people can achieve their full potential.” It’s egalitarian pedophilia, y’all, but in progressive terms, it’s called “embracing your true, authentic self.”

This is precisely the ambition of the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. Its members contend that “basic sexual rights” are defined as “the right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud.”

Other rights include being “free of persecution, condemnation, discrimination, or societal intervention in private sexual behavior” and that no individual should be “disadvantaged because of their age.” Judgment is hate, don’t ya know?

Of course, there is nothing but fraud when you’re talking about sex between an adult and a child. The pedos get “consent” through either outright or velvet-glove coercion.

This is O’Carroll’s tact in downplaying “intentionality.” I mean, the hifalutin bioethicists say that even dogs “are not shy about expressing sexual interest in humans” and can have “requisite feelings in a reciprocal relationship of interpersonal (in all but name) character, [so] why would a child be incapable of doing so?” “Eureka!” exclaim the perverts.

A Greek kylix depicting pederasty.

Lee further exposes the deranged postulations of the deviants: “We eat animals without their consent, so why not screw them? Children, especially young children, consent to little of what we subject them to, so why shouldn’t we let O’Carroll bugger babies?” Screw childhood innocence. Literally.

O’Carroll might be a sodomizing child rapist, but what makes his views any more unpalatable than, say, Allen Ginsberg, who won the National Book Award for Poetry, was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Letters, won a gold medal from the National Arts Club, and was a finalist for the Pulitzer?

The Beat poet’s work “Howl” has been translated into 20+ languages and is still studied in literature classes across the country, despite the fact that Ginsberg was an outspoken pederast. He once flippantly remarked, “I’m a member of NAMBLA [the North American Man-Boy Love Association] because I love boys too – everybody does, who has a little humanity.”

This is a pedo pride flag – although it’s not a “real pride” symbol, quibbles the Gay Star News.

Even though queer theorist and anti-porn-activist Andrea Dworkin looked up to Ginsberg as her intellectual mentor, his unapologetic lust for kids was a bridge too far even for the superbly radical Jewish feminist. “The right wants to put me in jail,” Ginsberg once opined, to which Dworkin replied, “Yes, they’re very sentimental; I’d kill you.”

In 1978, NAMBLA was co-founded by Tom Reeves, who was a member of Boston’s Fag Rag Collective (just like Michael Bronski, the Harvard professor whom I cited in part 1). In addition to his working for the abolition of age of consent laws and sex-offender registries, Reeves was an ordained Methodist minister, a retired professor, and a former speech writer for Senator George McGovern.

“When I go into a bank or a church, I feel dirty; but when I am having sex, I feel clean.”
— Tom Reeves

David Thorstad, another NAMBLA founding member and pedo zealot, wrote in a posthumous Reeves’ tribute, “I have often fantasized about pissing out candles in a Catholic church or shitting on the floor of a bank. And I share Tom’s sense of edgy and radical uplift and soaring purity while making love with a boy.”

William A. Percy, III, a former professor at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, commented that Reeves was the spiritual ancestor of Thomas Paine, as the two were both great patriots and visionaries for liberty. Percy describes himself as a “queer, sodomite, and [an] aficionado of ‘public sex’ and bathhouses.”

Over at, you can see just how persistent are the perverts. They say they’re fighting to preserve the “history, culture, and heritage” of “boylovers.” That it’s a matter of promoting acumen, individual rights, and free speech, and tapping into the Ancient Greek tradition of pederasty. It’s all about erastes (older men) and eromenos (adolescent boys) getting it on. It’s their ancestral duty as men of the West, you see.

Gone is the repulsive Modern Boylover Magazine.

Enter in the new man’s magazine, Ethos.

Articles include “When Your YF [young friend] Misbehaves,” “Kid Cuisine: Dining with Boys,” “Kindling the Christmas Spirit,” and “Respecting Children.” The word ethos is Greek for “character.”

The boy-rape groomers think that appropriating the language of antiquity for their publication’s name will give their evil predilections and behavior an air of legitimacy. They’re simply enlightened and honorable men who are wildly misunderstood.

They think the magazine’s tagline “Amor et intellectus” (meaning “Love and intellect” in Latin) will somehow elevate and destigmatize these child sodomizers. If only all the plebs understood how high-IQ we are! They’re fighting for “abstract conviction!” Dworkin knew it was a huge hustle. And so do I.

Percy decries pederast “persecution,” asserting that they’re living under the “neo-Jim Crow of homophobic drug and sex-offender laws.” He adds that because of his “sexual escapades,” his life is “always a moment away from destruction like Jews under Hitler or so-called pedophiles today.” Thorstad too likened being a pederast in the U.S. to “being a Jew in Nazi Germany.”

One must not “arbitrarily discriminate.” That would surely be counter to “democratic values.”

O’Carroll may be an admitted “boylover,” but he gets the libertine evolution. “Identity politics is vicious,” he wrote in the comments of his Desmond blog. “It pits oppressed minorities against each other when everyone should be calling for true justice i.e. equal rights for all.”

If we treat one pathology as a normal path to happiness, love, and human freedom, why not another? If you’re going to advocate for the “equity and inclusion” of one “marginalized minority group,” you must support them all. Let’s undo racism and pederast-phobia. Pedo Lives Matter, right?

It’s time to stand for God and against “the boastful devices of infidel democracy,” as Dabney described the increasingly godless America. Let’s destroy the macabre monster of progress once and for all, or we cannot complain about the heinous consequences. We must stop being so “sentimental.”

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  1. Bill Starr

    Only Mom Power can save little boys from being queer-raped. But girls and young women are urged to be everything but good wives and mothers.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Indeed, mama bears are vital. But so many times modern mothers aren’t bears, they’re sheep. Or maybe they’re snakes, since they not only conform to the cultural pressure of being “progressive,” but they are often the very ones who spearhead it, as in the case of the moms of “trans” kids James Younger and Avery Jackson, and “drag kids” Desmond the Amazing and Queen Lactacia. The role of mothers and wives has been targeted for destruction for a long time, as you say, and when women do decide to breed, they often use their kids as tools for leftist advocacy and/or nihilistic perversion. Remember the 1979 movie “Manhattan,” in which Woody Allen dates a 17-year-old? The Mariel Hemingway character had her uber-cosmopolitan parents’ “blessing” to be in a sexual relationship with a dirty middle-aged Jewish pervert? So began the normalization of pedo.

      1. Bill Starr

        You are right on all counts. I’ll only add that something overlooked about the “Greatest Generation” was that while Dads were busy being breadwinners, Mom Power – women performing their age-old role of loving, strict caregivers – made their sons manly enough to win wars and build a great civilization. Now liberated women claim they can do all that as well as, or better than, men. But when they encounter the rougher aspects of the “Man’s World,” they cry that they are helpless little girls – e.g. the Me-too mob.

        With men blasted chauvinist pigs for expecting women to be ladies, as we are called “homophobes” for pointing out the obvious fact that queer sex is a dangerous sickness, many of us have been terrorized into silence. That’s why we need more Dissident Mamas to speak up for us and urge us to rediscover our backbones, just as Mom Power said to the world: “I can whack my kids’ bottom to make him behave because he’s mine, but don’t you dare mess with him.”

        1. Post
          Dissident Mama

          Thanks so much for your encouragement, Bill. That is my hope: to have good people “rediscover their backbones.” And let me just say quite candidly, that if I wasn’t a mom, if I was single, or just married with no kids, I probably wouldn’t give two hoots about any of this. I would be a normie just like the cucked masses. I would be more concerned about me and my personal “happiness,” my material comforts, and my immediate gratification. BUT … motherhood changes people, thank God! I do this thing called Dissident Mama, often struggling with the human evil that I expose, precisely for my children. I have three adolescent boys, and their father and I would do anything to fight for them. So, I research. I read. I write. I blog. And when I’m not doing that, I love on my family and run with my dog. I try to treat neighbors and strangers kindly. I go to church, sing in the choir, and receive the Eucharist, embracing the balm that is faith. And I pray, mightily. It’s all I can think to do to resist the devil and honor the Lord.

  2. Jake Starbuck

    Godly fathers are a necessity, too. We also need the States to stand up and take action. It’s time the 10th Amendment had some teeth again!

    Above all, Christians must stop sending their children to “public school.” Allowing our children to be brainwashed by Marxist perverts is what got us into this mess to begin with.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Like I told Bill, it is often the progressive moms who come to endorse perverted behavior all while the dads (if they’re ever even mentioned at all) just stand by idly, twiddling their thumbs, saying “yes, honey, whatever you say,” and being all beta and cucked. It’s disgusting. Yes, fathers need to stand up to the evil, just like James Younger’s dad did, which is why he has been attacked as a transphobe and a bigot and a misogynist and all sorts of other ridiculous things all for simply wanting to protect his 7-year-old son.

      10A could be useful, but it would take a critical mass of people to speak up within the respective state, and I’m just not sure modern Americans have the stomach for being called nasty names. This is the whole crux of my pedo series: to wake people up and light a fire under them. Only time will tell if they resist the nihilism or if they choose to plug their ears.

      Lastly, you are dead on re: homeschooling, although there are progressive activists even within those communities (I reference it a bit in my Life with a Rainbow Mafioso blog). Luckily, you can ditch the freakies if you want, and your kids aren’t compelled to be indoctrinated by their anti-science and anti-God madness when you homeschool. But still, the evidence of 100 years of leftist brainwashing is evident everywhere, unfortunately.

  3. Judy

    My heart is breaking. We must stand against these evil, evil people. I am convinced the devil is loose and I will stand with my God and family against him and these vile people. Dissident Mama please keep up the good fight

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      It’s good to hear from you again, Judy, and know that you’re still reading. I truly appreciate your kind words. Stand strong in the Lord, friend.

  4. Paul

    My comment is objection to the neologisms : pederasty and pedophile . Understand I am not captiously finding fault with author’s use but to complain what “they” , the uninvited, rapacious, ifault finder have done to our language. Such words no one should know; there should be no such things.

    FLorida is a land , that is a paradise for such incubus . But they are given clinical , sympathetic appellation by our psychiatrist and subsidies by our “public servants” and who are diligently represented in the Den of Iiniquity of congress , when CHristian mothers are persecuted and reviled.

    The victims are children ( another word , whose definition is under malicious scrutiny ) whose mother is liberated and father absent . We are supposed to pass new laws with no restriction of age to “consent”. Unbelievable ?! Their solution is to canonize the perverted and provide them with children. The new age mind so limited to “judgments” is now an abyss of adulation for Satan.

    One should not marvel, who drafts the new legislation nor which genius defines mental illness. It is time to start believing .We invent words for these by products of Karl Marx and jewish isms . We are intoxicated and seduced by their words ourselves and use them to lubricate the “education system” , We can no longer discriminate good from evil because it is —- discriminatory.

    How many must be sacrificed for this diabolical conversation with SAtan ? Surely, he is in his glory.

    Again I complement this author and cast no aspersions , Only a vigilant admonition in a time as Lord Jesus warned , is like no other.

  5. Joseph Ross Mayhew

    I congratulate you on your strong stance that the notion of adults having sexual or sexualized relationships with children is absolutely unacceptable: there are just soooo many things that can go horribly wrong, ending up scaring a young life forever, that it’s by far the very best policy for society to criminalize “inter-generational” sexual activities below a certain age – 16 in some countries, 18 in most, and even 20 or 21 in some places: good cases can be made for each of these ages being the point in a person’s life where they are usually able to think for themselves well enough to be able to make important choices in their lives. I VEHEMENTLY object, however, to your conflation of “progressive” movements with the idea that “basic rights and freedoms” should include the freedom or right for adults to have sexualized relationships with children: despite your carefully cherry-picked examples to the contrary, the VAST majority of progressives (which by the way is not in ANY way shape or form associated with communism: many if not most “communist” politicians (Mao, Stalin, Chanhai Chech (sic, lol) for example) are decidedly on the “right” side of the ideological fence – willing to embrace all manner of brute force, completely evil propaganda and suppression of peoples’ rights and freedoms in order to keep their kingdoms “communist”.) ..the vast majority of progressives are not in any way supportive of abolishing the traditional nuclear or extended family (i personally prefer a community and extended family approach to child-rearing but i also firmly believe that this should be in the context of a child having a loving, supportive mother AND father – together as a nuclear family), nor is support for pedophilia a strong current in any but the most twisted and extreme fringes of the progressive side of society. Most of my friends are strongly and firmly “liberal” (which FYI means compassionate, not permissive as many have misrepresented it) or “progressive”, and not a single one of them supports pedophilia: the conflation of the two completely antithetical ideas is a red-herring/strawman tactic of the extreme right, designed to denigrate progressive ideas and values.

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