My children recently re-read C.S. Lewis’s “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” for our homeschool book club. In today’s class, part of our discussion focused on courage and how it isn’t a feeling, but is rather a behavior. We decided that good people will find they have untapped courage and fortitude when faced with trying times.
Then after class, I discovered that Chick-fil-A had decided to cease charitable giving to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, simply because these nonprofits have the gall to oppose homosexual “marriage.” Don’t these charities know it’s 2019?
Yep, American Christians’ favorite chicken restaurant has now opted to throw two Christian charities under the bus for their Christian principles. I’d say that’s pretty much the opposite of courage. But why the weak move?
On first glance, it seemed like it wasn’t for 30 pieces of silver. After all, Chick-fil-A is the third most profitable fast-food restaurant in America, in spite of corporate media’s tireless efforts to equate the chicken chain with “homophobia.” Even after CEO Dan Cathy said in 2012 that he supported “the biblical definition of the family unit,” and added that it was “prideful” and “arrogant” for people to tinker with traditional marriage, sales grew.
Upon closer inspection, though, you can see that the writing has been on the wall for a while. For instance, the same year as Cathy’s “controversial” comment, Chick-fil-A stopped financial giving to political groups, most notably the Family Research Council because the conservative organization had been decreed a “hate group” by the puritanical-progressives at the SPLC two years prior.

Even though this past spring, the VP of “corporate social responsibility” explained that Chick-fil-A had a “higher calling” beyond the bottom line, it was around this same time the company cut charitable ties with Paul Anderson Youth Home, which espouses that same-sex marriage is “rage against Jesus Christ.” Gasp, biblical truth … run for the hills!
Really, Chick-fil-A’s Judas stunt is about chain expansion to larger markets and even foreign countries. Turns out, the almighty dollar is more important than Almighty God.
The restaurant’s sad-sack sell-out is also about re-branding the chain’s image. But in whose eyes?
It seems this stunt is meant to placate the loud-mouth, glitter-bedazzled, public-fornicating, anti-business bullies in the Rainbow Mafia. Yep, the very same people who claim that “Chick-fil-A just can’t stop talking about LGBTQ issues.” I mean, restaurants just love bad press, biased reporting, constant hit pieces, high-profile protests, and banishment from cities and airports.
He/she/they/them continues, “It’s almost as if they realize the more they continue to push the idea, the more conservatives will flock to their fast food outlets while progressives beat their chest and rend their garments on social media.” Well, here, the globohomo goon does have a partial point, not in that the lavender mobsters are hapless victims without a voice. That is outright absurdity. We’re at peak societal sodomizing, people.
But it is indeed true that the chicken chain did have extremely loyal patrons. And it is the beliefs of those customers which are being ignored.
Like the Babylon Bee‘s headline read, “Chick-Fil-A Trades Adoring Christian Fans For Outraged Mob That Won’t Be Appeased Until Their Every Demand Is Met.” The satirical article said, “Sometimes you just want to be loved by a group that protests you for years and calls you a bigot.”
At this point, why stay closed on Sunday in observance of the Sabbath? If you no longer think marriage is Holy, neither is Sunday. It’s just another day, just like marriage is another word and love is just a godless act between people of the same sex and gender is whatever you want it to be.
You may as well bend toward the whims of the “animal rights” freaks, too. It’s not man who’s created in God’s image, it’s chickens.
Why not become a 24-hour vegan restaurant where drag queens hastily take your order, HIV-infected porn actors cook your meal, and gay-indoctrinated adolescent boys twerk the soy-burger over to your table? And the special customer-appreciation day each month can be Glory Hole Sunday, where you can get half-off (or all the way off, as it were) if you’re a card-carrying member of the Satanic Temple.
In a Narnia analogy, Chick-fil-A would most certainly not be the brave and devout Lucy. Wise and ever-faithful, no matter the consequences. The turncoat fast-food chain would represent the selfish and deceitful Edmund, who’s willing to back-stab his siblings at the White Witch’s behest and all for a little Turkish Delight.
This is disappointing.
I assume you’re referring to Chick-fil-A’s sellout, not my post. If you meant the former, I agree. If the latter, enjoy your soy-burger. 😉
Judging by the posts “he” has directed to me, his understanding of all of the things he has posted about is very limited, making him fit the profile of a troll, but having been accused of being one myself, I understand how much lack of understanding buttresses that.
I expected this to happen sooner or later—principles rarely last the second generation, or the issuance of public stock.
I’m mostly upset regarding the effect it will have on the hilarious bits on Chick-fil-a magical powers done by geniuses over at The Babylon Bee!
Yes, disappointing for sure.
But the Bee is on fire in opposition of the Chick-fil-A’s Benedict Arnold move, like this one: Lemonade Turns To Blood At Chick-Fil-A Locations Across Country. “One Chick-fil-A location in Toledo was swarmed with frogs and locusts, while the judgment of darkness fell on other restaurants throughout California, though that may just have been a regular power outage. …’There’s no problem here,’ said a nervous CFA spokesperson. ‘Liquid turning to blood is always a sign of God’s favor throughout the Bible. In fact, it means our lemonade has that extra-special blessing from on high.'”
Now that’s good stuff!
Just think: if Chick fil-A hadn’t jumped on the globohomo bandwagon, their donation to the SPLC (a.k.a. the Soviet Political Lying Center) would probably have stayed hush-hush. I for one am glad to know that these corporate charlantans are supporting the worst race-baiting propagandists around … and that’s saying something ’cause there’s stiff competition for that title.
Ha ha, the chickens are coming home to roost. Give the freakies an inch, they want a damn mile. Who the hell couldn’t see that coming?
“LGBT Activists Protest Canadian Chick-fil-A, Say Changes Are Not Enough“
Ha ha, the chickens are coming home to roost. Give the freakies an inch, they want a damn mile. Who the hell couldn’t see that coming?
“LGBT Activists Protest Canadian Chick-fil-A, Say Changes Are Not Enough“