War is “by nature revolutionary in its impact upon a people. Its values are antithetical in the extreme to the values of kinship-based society with its consecration of tradition, conventionality, and age or seniority.”
— Robert Nisbet
Murican citizen, ever wondered how “we” got to the point of ICE agents on horseback being demeaned for actually patrolling the Southern US border because they were allegedly whipping Haitian illegals, even though the photographer himself said the images were misinterpreted?
Sure, this was all fake news meant to gin up the duped do-gooders and pressure politicians and other assorted oligarchs and apparatchiks to further leftism’s march through the institutions and straight into your home. But how are these hoaxes even allowed to germinate in proud Murica, “where at least I know I’m free?”
Ever wondered when repelling invaders became a “horrific” act or defending the homeland is “not who we are.” Or why white cosmopolitans cheer when hearing that “For the first time in America history, the number of white people went down.” Or how “access” (read: free stuff) has become “the new civil right” or “voter ID is racist.” Or how parents who speak out against the anti-white/anti-Christian propaganda are pegged as “domestic terrorists” and being threatened with FBI investigations by order of the US attorney general?
Or why a black school shooter, universally labeled only as a “student” with no reference to his race throughout the corporate press, gets released from jail and treated with kid gloves the day after the violent event? It’s almost like there’s a double-standard or something.
Of course, I could go on ad infinitum with examples of the gaslit schemes. And many legacy Americans don’t need convincing of the fact that they can barely keep their heads above water, but I’m not sure they all understand how they came to be drowning in the “melting pot” in the first place, especially when we’re told by the ADL and CNN that the “Great Replacement” is just a theory and a “white supremacist” one at that. (YouTube even offers up a “context” window for extra Schadenfreude.) To catch our breath, we must have a much firmer grasp on history and ideology, so let’s pick up where we left off with part 1.
“The Old South died hard … and has been buried under an avalanche of libels.”
— Clyde Wilson
The New South was a term coined by Atlanta newspaperman Henry Grady in 1886, writes historian Gail Jarvis, and was a desperate compromise of a savagely demoralized and defiled people. “Struggling to recover from the War and Reconstruction,” many Southerners came to the harsh realization “that the economic survival of the post-war South was dependent on cooperation with Northern commercial interests.”
So, they embraced industrial-capitalism as a matter of subsistence, while still trying to hold on to some vestige of their localist ways and customs. This would offer up a brief reconciliation period in the early-to-mid 20th century, but as my friend William Estes wrote, “In order to function in a civil society, there must be a consensus and agreement on basic principles. If that consensus is broken, society will not function.”
Ironically, it was this adoption of what journalist Pedro Gonzalez calls American capitalism that “dissolved the bonds of tradition, of the family, and encouraged women to abandon the crib for the cubicle.” It only makes sense that the “symbols and heroes of historic America naturally [would] come under attack because they are representations of differentiation, thus, [are] barriers to creating a homogenized mass society fit for mass consumption and production.”
“Where is Sherman when we really need him?”
— Tom Landess
Late literature professor and author Landess posed this question when critiquing Atlanta for conforming so thoroughly to the puritanical-progressive ethos. Perhaps, as discussed previously, the city never stood a chance due not only to Sherman’s campaign of physical “extermination” of the Georgian people, but also his goal of existential reform: to “make society right,” as one neocon fanboy describes it, and to use total war as the means of bringing forth a “more perfect peace,” as Sherman explained in his own words.

So, out with the old and in with a “Neutered South,” as Jarvis calls it. Atlanta became the model of a new renovationist type of civilization, literally established upon the ashes of the old, and one that would yield a more easily manipulated and controlled populace, what retired humanities professor Paul Gottfried calls the managerial-therapeutic state.
Allow for the Southern man to build monuments (at least for a while), and that way he’ll think he’s free. He’ll get distracted fighting the empire’s wars, paying his taxes, attending church, raising families, dutifully voting in elections, consuming all the latest goods and wares, and parroting “patriotic” shibboleths. Meanwhile, new heroes will be created, false gods to propel forward the spirit of the age.
Enter in Martin Luther King, Jr. Here are his and his wife’s graves in Atlanta, where my children, friends, and I visited earlier this year.

Originally called the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., the complex is now simply known as the King Center. It features the King tombs suspended on an island within a long reflecting pool (above). The famous preacher’s philosophy is inscribed on large segments of the stone wall surrounding the compound (below left) and his hometown church (below right) is a National Historic Landmark, a “site which possesses national significance in commemorating the history” of America. There’s a museum, of course, and even an ecumenical “Chapel of All Faiths,” but both were closed due to covid restrictions.

King defined racism as “the arrogant assertion that one race is the center of value and object of devotion, before which other races must kneel in submission.” Now doesn’t that sound familiar? Huh, maybe the King Center’s never heard of BLM.
“It is the absurd dogma that one race is responsible for all the progress of history,” King continued, “and alone can assure the progress of the future.” Huh, maybe they’ve never heard of critical-race theory either.
“Racism is total estrangement,” King stated. “It separates not only bodies, but minds and spirits. Inevitably it descends to inflicting spiritual and physical homicide upon the out-group.” That is precisely what is happening to the Southern “out-group” and by extension to anyone who’s not perceived as a “minority” through the psyop of identity-less-ness.

King’s contradictions are palpable. His nonviolent principles are always cited when convenient, most specifically when blacks are themselves committing violence. Such acts are either excused as furthering the egalitarian vision, as was the case with the 2020 riots, or they’re simply brushed off as consequence of “systemic racism” and are duly ignored. (The Center’s “Eternal Flame,” above right, reminds me of the John Lennon “Imagine” memorial in NYC’s Central Park: that is, people mistake it as a symbol of peace and love, when really it’s just a shrine of secular-humanism.)
The King mythos is a “catapulting cultural Marxist juggernaut that continues to move the societal and political goalposts to the Left … [for] the purposes of continuing Revolution.”
— Boyd Cathey
But just how is this “perpetual progress” accomplished? By “’assailing America as irredeemably racist‘ forever after,” notes essayist Ilana Mercer. And the remaking and deification of King is the key.
Begone with the once-common admissions of the “social justice” pastor as a plagiarizing social activist and Communist sympathizer, and in with the adulation of him as a “conservative hero” upon which the very meaning of America is hung. Necessary is a “perfunctory whitewash” of the facts that King didn’t believe in even the most basic of Christian dogma: Jesus’ Virgin birth, divinity, or physical resurrection, nor the inerrancy of the Bible.
Forget not only St. MLK’s heresies, but also his sexual predation. Focus, y’all: White people got work to do!
The King con reminds me of what Alex Haley, the author of the popular 1976 book and highly influential made-for-TV movie Roots, opined when challenged on the historical accuracy of his work: “I tried to give my people a myth to live by.”
“It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.”
— Voltaire
It’s a conceptual framework built upon a “misunderstanding of the Declaration [of Independence] as a ‘deferred promise’ of equality,” as scholar M.E. Bradford explained. Hence, the “anachronistic gloss” of the proposition nation: that “equality” (or the more postmodernized “equity”) is the seedbed of the Founding, not British Common Law and the ancient antecedents of that long heritage.
“‘All men are created equal’ … is a slogan,” remarks historian Clyde Wilson, and “the slogan gives power to those who see themselves as entitled to interpret it.” Thus, the slogan — an ever-morphing ideology if there ever was one — becomes the guide, not experience.
This powerful left turn utterly transforms what “America” had been from 1607 onward and is finally consecrated with the Federal government raising an army to invade a sovereign confederation of states and launch a War for a command-and-control economy and against independence. Therefore, “Union” by force was necessary, say the demagogues, in order to right the wrongs of our “apostate nation.”
Apostate from what, you ask? Why, the religion of equality! Haven’t you heard, that’s what the Great Emancipator was fighting for?! And now we don’t even need the Declaration. Slap a trigger warning on it ’cause America is just an idea after all.
“Lincoln’s ‘second founding’ is fraught with peril and carries with it the prospect of an endless series of turmoils and revolutions, all dedicated to freshly discovered meanings of equality as a ‘proposition,'” Bradford notes. It’s a “’millenarian infection’ that could arm and enthrone a Caesar who would be empowered, through the rhetoric of the ‘deferred promise,’ to ‘reform the world into an imitation of themselves.'”
After 100 years of Reconstruction, which author H.V. Traywick, Jr. says is “nothing short of a revolution on the same order as the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917,” came the “civil rights” revolution and its righteous Lincolnian disciple, MLK. A fake “Christian warrior” just like Lincoln, King became the fulfillment of the “promise” with his “I Have a Dream Speech” in 1963, helping to usher in the civilization-smashing Great Society in ’64 and then the Immigration Act of ’65.
It’s what economist Murray Rothbard might call humanitarianism with a guillotine. That’s one helluva a proposition.

And since the victors write the history, we now have our revolutionary bookends: Lincoln predictably cast as the “redeemer” and King as the “healer,” while the South with its [fill in the blank] “slavery,” “treason,” “racism,” “greed,” “backwardness,” “laziness,” etc. is forever framed as the enemy of the good, an ornery and cancerous impediment to the “holy work” of our twin messiahs. It’s a Bolshevik blueprint with staying power, unfortunately.
Take Covid-mania as just one example. “Covid deniers” are those yahoos from Appalachia. You know, those dumb white, rural Southerners who are the partisan rednecks that “shun” science and care too much about having fun at football games. So, no antibodies for you, crackers!
In fact, the ACLU claimed with a straight face that innoculation mandates “further civil liberties” … by protecting “the most vulnerable … [like] communities of color hit hard by the disease.” Just get the jab, whitey. It’s a “justifiable intrusion,” just like the Civil War.
Makes perfect sense if you understand that “the hue and cry over equality of opportunity and equal rights leads, a fortiori, to a final demand for equality of condition,” as Bradford wrote in the 1970s. It’s the “uniformitarian hatred of providential distinctions which will stop at nothing less than … ‘a reconstitution of being.'” Read: Woke tyranny.
“Their foot shall slide in due time.“
— Deuteronomy 32:35
Atlanta has historically been a hotbed for the “nihilistic impulse” of the reconstituting pimps. But the holy-roller hedonism seems not to have panned out for many Atlantans, some of whom now want to secede from Atlanta itself.
The shining New South city has lost its artificial luster and now has sky-rocketing crime. And even though the recent mutilation and murder of a white woman was “the city’s first White homicide victim this year,” you’re not even allowed to discuss the obvious and overwhelming issue of black-on-black crime. Why, that’d be a racist dog whistle. White Atlantans are so kowtowed that black folks even fabricate “hate crimes.” Talk about “problematic.”
We are fighting “… a hostile people and we must make old and young, rich and poor feel the hard hand of war,” wrote Sherman. That he did. He made “Georgia howl.” Now it’s barely whimpering along, scared of its own shadow and a perfect illustration of Murica writ large.

It’s high past time to stop getting tangled in the devil’s net, y’all. It doesn’t matter if you are Southern or not. If you believe in faith and family, life and liberty, meritocracy and not malevolence, experience and not expedience, you might be a neo-Confederate. Embrace it. Mightily.
Stop scratching your head as to how Murica went to hell in a hand basket, and start rejecting the lyin’ narrative that “we” are “one ‘nation’ under God” and that the Southern scapegoat is society’s barrier to mass happiness and hope. That’s the real hate hoax because it’s the springboard from which the wretched revolution and its genocidal aims are launched.
And then let us pray for what theologian Robert Lewis Dabney urged in his critique of the New South in 1882: “that out of the present foul transition, a good Providence may cause some new order to arise tolerable for honest men.”
So, let us not be neutered by the opinions of sheep. Let’s regain our footing by becoming lions. Otherwise, the erasure of the pride will continue unabated and most intolerable it will be.
Simply outstanding, Dissident Mama. I am completely annoyed by all of those libertarians who praise the despicable Doctored King as some anti-statist hero just because he opposed Vietnam and followed by the FBI.
Thanks, Joe! Yes, the King indoctrination runs deep. Took me years to break the addiction not because I was ever really into the mythos, but just because it’s so darn normalized. It’s just what all clear-thinking people believe, right? Man, these hoaxes are so ingrained in our psyches that it’s no wonder people who challenge the narrative (like ME Bradford) are run out on a rail. He not only threatened the power-players but also the comfort of the masses. That’s a bitter pill for most people for sure. Anyway, glad you like the essay and I hope you share it around – if you dare!
Dissident Mama, what do you think of all this hate for Christopher Columbus?
Joe, I think it’s all part of globohomo game and the war on tradition, whiteness, and Western Civ. The liberal world order doesn’t need Columbus anymore so into the ash heap of history he goes.
Yes, MLK was a flawed person. But his movement was at least allied with Christianity and stood for nonviolence. I believe his movement inaugurated a formal entrance into history for the black race. Great things in history are invariably accompanied by a lot of stupid things. With today “BLM” things are immeasurably worse. We Americans do not know how to create future–or perhaps our creativity in that sphere culminated–and burnt out–after 1776.
I disagree. I don’t think his movement, or really his commie-backed revolution, was filled with Christianity or nonviolence. That was the political sheen on top of it, but it was the bookend to America as an idea, and to where that idea progresses, only God knows. MLK was a big-govt scheme, a puritanical-progressive ploy and people fell for it hook, line, and sinker, thinking it would remedy “our” “national sins,” but all it did was codify the equality myth, paving the way for anti-whiteness, LGBT lunacy, the destruction of the family (black and white alike), AND traditionalist Christianity. I’d say the South and its creativity and agrarian, localist living was and always has been the heart and soul of this thing called Murica, a la Tocqueville, which is why the South has been in the cross hairs of imperials and despots since the founding. Them Yankees like our stuff and hate us for standing in their industrial-capitalist way. Same way the globohomo elites still view us and anyone who resists their edicts. And I’m not sure what you mean by “a formal entrance into history for the black race,” when real history includes all people and all stories, but not giving any person or person group any more attention than he/it deserves, i.e. putting George Floyd on a pedestal (literally) while tearing down Robert E. Lee, or we was kangz, or Kwanzaa stupidity, or any of that nonsense. “Black history” is overrated, it’s pure political theater and a masturbatory media blitz every February while real history – beautiful, tragic, fascinating, inspiring as it is – is cast aside as white supremacist. “We” could have never gotten here without MLK.