We are officially living in clown world. Exhibit A: According to Right Wing Watch and other proponents of progressive hegemony, calling our nihilistic society “clown world” is now deemed “racist.” You know, just like milk. And the “okay sign,” say the paragons of anti-whiteness and anti-logic, the SPLC and the ADL.
Exhibit B: The existence of something even called “Right Wing Watch,” which is the retarded clownish stepchild of People For the American Way – a leftist advocacy group founded in the ’80s by secular Hollywood Jew Norman Lear specifically to counter the Christian conservative “Moral Majority.” Irony knows no bounds in clown world.
Exhibit C: The House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday decided to have a show trial against “the rise of white nationalism in the U.S.” All the virtue signalers and aggrieved minorities lecture us that it’s a noble and necessary battle against the scourge of “white supremacy” – the notion that white folks are constantly plotting against “people of color.” Just repeat after me, citizen (or “undocumented worker”): “white man bad.”
If there’s anything surging unabated these days, it’s the cancer of cultural Marxism, with its malignant tumors of diversity, egalitarianism, globalism, and post-modernism spreading throughout our already dying culture. But in clown world, up is down, left is right, and dark is light.

How does this happen? Simply put, cultural Marxism is a “denial of the material world,” explained NYU professor and former Marxist Michael Rectenwald. It’s meant to “impose upon people what’s not real, as opposed to empirical data (authentic science) or biblical truths (authentic Christianity).”
This is how we get such Kafkaesque gems as hormone-replacement therapy for children as young as age 8, gender studies professors claiming that “time is racist,” and the existence of a fake academic pursuit even called “gender studies.”
As I explained in my recent blog The Archetype, all the left’s sinister aims are all built upon maligning this fictional bogeyman. But the sell of a successful antagonist also needs place. Set scene to what I call the Berkeley of the Blue Ridge.
Archetype Derangement Syndrome
To this day, Charlottesville is incessantly referenced by the corporate press, who in the very first sentence of each and every archetype story peg the lawful, ACLU-backed protest as being either a “white supremacist” or “white nationalist” rally. Charlottesville is the linchpin; it is ground zero for furthering the narrative that these repugnant basement-dwellers want to beat up and even murder the beautiful peace activists oh so bravely waving the banner of diversity and tolerance. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, just recite the creed: White dudes bad. “Anti-racists” good.
“Charlottesville was a reminder that hate is out there,” stated Virginia’s attorney general, who’s pushing for laws against so-called “hate crimes.” Politicians “at every level need to condemn this ideology of hate and bigotry and white supremacy.” And U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia wrote that “white supremacy and far-right extremism are among the greatest domestic-security threats facing the United States,” echoing the Charlottesville mythos.
“Conservative” David French promulgates the fairy tale of the danger of “a particular breed of young, Internet-savvy alt-right activist,” who has been exacting a “very real violence that is striking too many minority victims.” French gives lip service to how faith and family can “act as a vaccine against extremism,” yet paints resistance to godless cultural-Marxist ideologies as a “conspiracy theory” of the white-hooded haters and the “white supremacy surge” as fact.

Just look at this description of the Unite the Right rally, which the BBC described as a “protest against plans to remove a statue of General Robert E. Lee, who fought for the pro-slavery Confederacy during the U.S. Civil War.” Gag, it’s as if Abraham Lincoln and Doris Kearns Goodwin had a love child who puked up this central-authoritarian propaganda. And so it goes: Southern man hopeless sinner. Heather Heyer saint.
James Fields, the alleged “professed neo-Nazi,” has already been convicted in kangaroo court of first-degree murder, but just recently entered into a plea deal to avoid the death penalty. For what, supposed premeditated killing of a human? Nope. It’d be for one of the 30 civil rights charges being filed him.
In other words, this kid may fry over a freakin’ “hate crime.” And if not, the other 29 federal charges carry a maximum sentence of life in prison. Lesson? You’d better believe that diversity is our strength, or else.
“Never forget”
The archetype narrative is considered fact by normies and their progressive potentates. “From white supremacists to the radical Religious Right, right-wing extremism is on the rise,” say the leftist gatekeepers of acceptable opinion.
Holocaust survivors in viral HuffPo videos keep spinning the tale, too. And even holograms in the many holocaust museums which dot the America landscape serve as an eternal reminder, just to catch the non-indoctrinated who may have fallen through the cracks. Remember, Nazis abound, y’all.
This oppressor-vs.-oppressed fable is built upon what Jewish professor Shlomo Sand calls the “holocaust industry.” Never again, say its adherents. Never forget.
It’s such a constant drumbeat that it’s nearly impossible to forget, although public schools in North Carolina are trying to mandate that “the Holocaust and genocide” be taught in English courses and social studies for both middle and high schools as to pass on “the value of tolerance, plurality, compassion, inclusion, and democracy.”
Somehow I think Stalin’s purges, the Armenian genocide by the Turks, and Mao’s greater-than-6-million murders during the Cultural Revolution will take a back seat (or have no seat at all) to THE holocaust. The former deaths don’t further the narrative. What progressive propagandist worth his “anti-fascist” salt would want to point out that commies, Muslims, and Chinese kill people? They don’t serve the purpose of “white man bad.”

We are so utterly drowning in the narrative, that even though some Millennials may not have heard of Auschwitz, 68% believe anti-Semitism is a problem in America, and 34% think “that there are many neo-Nazis in the U.S.” Social conditioning is what makes clown world possible.
“As if on cue, the media are now saturated with dire speculations of the ‘world’s oldest hatred’ rearing its ugly head again.”
— Jewish intellectual Norman Finkelstein
“It’s dangerous to be Jewish again,” opine Jewish writers. I’d say, there’s never been any status safer and more powerful. Hell, it’s why presidential candidate Andrew Yang is pivoting against an “insecure white majority” and utilizing victimization language. Political capital, baby.
“I think we’re one generation away from falling into the same camps as the Jews, who were attacked in a synagogue in Pittsburgh,” he stated emphatically to an Asian-American group. He predicts a coming event in which the archetype “shoots up a bunch of Asians.”
“KKKrazy Glue”
Clown world is dependent upon the belief that “hate crime assaults are on the rise [with] the biggest increase in religious vandalism,” and that there’s a “tsunami of Jew-hatred” enveloping the world. The lying SPLC shrieks that major cities are rampant with white-on-POC violence, and Canada’s Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs purports that in 2016, an “anti-Semitic hate crime took place roughly every 36 hours.”
This can include words, of course, since leftists believe speech is violence. And according to the secular-humanist ADL, anti-Semitic hate crimes can even include “incidents [which] result in Jews perceiving themselves as being victimized due to their Jewish identity.” This is why the hashtag #MyFirstAntiSemiticExperience even exists.
So, not only are stats inflated, terms confused, and truth bent, but many of these supposed hate crimes are bogus, perpetrated by Jewish people themselves. Turns out that those swastikas chalk-drawn on a sidewalk were put there by other people on the victim pyramid. Huh.
“The Coalition of the Margins” unite with this “KKKrazy Glue of hate hoaxes implicating Great White Defendants,” remarked journalist Steve Sailer. Fake hate crimes are rampant. They are well documented.
The hoaxes are diverse in scope, like the gender-denying gay rights activist who burned alive her own pets. Or the black female mayor who purported she was the “victim of a hate crime after finding a ‘sticky, yellow substance‘ on her car which later turned out to be pollen.” She likened the experience to when “crosses were burned.”
They unravel time and time again, but it’s the first headlines most people remember. That’s also why the New York Times must double down on the absolute lie that “hate crime hoaxes are rare.”
While Jussie Smollett’s staged hate crime goes unpunished, proving that victim-pyramid denizens really do have all the privilege, large music festivals get evacuated because an attendee is said to have a “far-right tattoo.” Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
Supremacy ain’t for whitey
It’s the new normal: unhinged subterfuge and manipulated paranoia. White man bad, even if he didn’t actually do anything bad. But the gay, black, and Jewish Smollett commits federal crimes as to advance his career, and he’s nominated for an award. Now that’s the pinnacle of pyramid supremacy!
To further the scapegoating of the archetype, it’s also crucial that the violence being waged against non-leftists be downplayed. Or maybe celebrated. Disproportionate racial violence against white people is simply ignored.
The ad hominem tags of “white supremacy” and “anti-Semitism” are mere political slogans. They’re battering rams which defy facts, data, and logic, and are meant to smash the archetype and further leftism. Period.

In early March, the House of Representatives’ anti-anti-semitism resolution claimed to condemn all hate toward “traditionally persecuted peoples, including African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and other people of color, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, the LGBTQ community, immigrants.”
Curiously absent are examples of white people as victims of bigotry, other than an anti-Catholic shout-out to JFK. However, the declaration does make damn sure to castigate “white supremacists,” “white nationalists,” and “neo-Confederates.” And the political con wouldn’t be complete without a mention of “Charlottesville.” Of course.
Weaponized whiteness
“Under the current moral Reich, the worst possible thing anyone can be is a white person,” remarks journalist Jim Goad. It’s “the original sin.”
One need look no further than Rep. Steve King for further proof. The pariahs in the press demand he has a “long history of denigrating racial minorities.” But what King did was make the assertion that Western civilization is under attack (which it is) and that being white’s nothing to be ashamed of (which it’s not). Read his direct quotes for yourself.
For this, the House of Representatives condemned him in a unanimous vote condemning “white nationalism and white supremacy.” Such courage. Gotta keep applying the glue.
Opportunist Kevin McCarthy was quick to announce that King would be kept from being seated in any Congressional committee. Thank goodness we have white knights like McCarthy keeping us safe from white monsters like King.

I will use the words of this Jewish-American journalist in the Free Beacon, who claims that anyone who criticizes Zionism is “by definition” anti-Semitic, but edit them to prove my point: anti-whiteness is the only real racism happening in America.
The great irony of anti-whiteness is that its adherents seek precisely what drove whites to push pro-whiteness in the first place: a people without a national home, at the mercy of the forces that sought either to kill or expel them for so long.
I’ll tweak the declarations of this Times of Israel blogger.
Nobody has the right to try and make whites … feel they “need” to fit into the “neat” Western categories of political correctness. Nobody has the right to force whites into identifying as white supremacists when they are clearly not.
I co-opt the language of these anti-anti-Semites because for one, Jewish identity has become a creed that has nothing to do with God or the Torah. If you don’t believe me, talk to Wonder Woman a la Jewish-American Salon writer Matthew Rosza. The best tradition of Jewishness is its strong streak of humanism, they tell us.
Jews “care about secular-leftism, which is their actual religion,” remarked Ben Shapiro. They’re comprised largely of “upper-middle class agnostics … who believe that religion is a great ill, (and) that biblical morality is intolerant and vicious.” Yeah, duh.
Second, in-group preference is allowed and lauded for everyone but white folks. Heck, I’m not even a big fan of many a white folk, namely puritanical-progressive Yankees, Southern quislings, social-justice Christians, and virtue-signaling white feminists. (This is precisely why “white nationalism” is a ruse: too many white people are cultural-Marxist reformers themselves and/or the spineless dupes who enable the evil.)
I like being white
However, being white is indeed okay! So is being black or Jewish. Tribalism has been how humans have functioned and survived for millennia. But what’s not okay is using your in-group preference to silence or oppress me.

Case in point: Faith Goldy, who only held signs reading “Not all white men” and “It’s okay to be white” at a recent “anti-racism rally” in Toronto, is incessantly called a Nazi. Truth is treason in the empire of lies.
Caylan Ford, a young Canadian conservative even resigned over immense pressure she got for recognizing the truest of facts: in the West, there is a “demographic replacement of white peoples in their homelands.”
So while on Capitol Hill anti-white talking heads, “anti-racist” ADL shills, leftist hacks, and crocodile-tear politicians recite their masturbatory fantasies about legions of angry crackers “fomenting hatred against Jews or blacks,” I’ll be praying that all this white-supremacy talk arouses decent folks to the real war being waged. It’s time to melt the KKKrazy glue of clown world.
I guess the left does not realize how much they are backing us in a corner. Or maybe they do, there seems to be a lot of indication that they want to resort to physical violence to get their childish ways. I wonder if any of them could be saved if we could pop their “filter bubble” before they start up the violence?
LAP, my hubby and I were talking about this the other day, but I don’t think the leftists and their neocon enablers realize that their intimidation tactics, bullying, bigotry, and censorship against dissenters is actually solidifying those who they have cast to the periphery. I hope and pray this resistance won’t lead to violence, but I do believe what I see as ally-building as a positive thing happening in the various non-leftists communities.
The filter bubble can be popped among some people who have both a moral and freedom-centric underpinning. After all, I was once a feminist-atheist-socialist, whose dangerous worldview was popped slowly over the course of about 10 years because I believed in right and wrong and liberty, but I was duped into thinking the left were the “good guys” fighting for “truth, justice, and the American way.” That’s actually one good thing about the intensity and speed at which kkklown world moves: it’s hastening people’s conversion process away from cultural Marxism. However, I do think some folks are lost causes, typically Antifa and those who benefit from our current twisted social paradigm (the media, academia, gov’t employees, etc.)
I just lost my comments on this timely article by Dissident Mama. A comment by a British journalist recently has caused a great deal of angst in their media:
“Channel 4 News has apologized after its presenter Jon Snow said he had “never seen so many white people in one place”, referring to the pro-Brexit protesters who flooded the centre of London on Friday.”
But the reason these ” white people” are supporting Brexit is to take back their country from the cultural Marxists with their diversity is desirable mantra.
Just read these articles to understand how liberal politicians hoodwinked the public years ago:
“The most incredible revelations concern Barbara Roche, a little-known MP who was immigration minister between 1999 and 2001. During this period, she quietly adopted policies – with Mr Blair’s approval – that changed the face of the UK.
Upon her appointment, she told a senior immigration official: ‘Asylum seekers should be allowed to stay in Britain. Removal takes too long and it’s emotional.’”
“But there is more to Jewish support for mass immigration than simply the desire to atomize White societies and feel more comfortable there. Roche was also motivated by the desire for revenge on the White British. In one speech in 2000 she was clearly gloating about her ability to direct migration policy. She was the proud descendant of Jews who had been insulted by a xenophobic White Briton.”
DM is on target with :
“But what’s not okay is using your in-group preference to silence or oppress me.”
What is interesting is the simple observation that when anyone from any race becomes submissive to the Lord Jesus Christ, all of these artificial barriers simply vanish – identity politics dissipates and ” to them He gives the right to become children of God.”
Dan, I agree with your last comment. However, ethnic and cultural identities would not cease, even within the true universalism of the Church. I don’t think that’s what you were saying, but many left-leaning Christians push this and I consider it nothing less than a globalist scam. God created many nations and many languages, and that is what gives the world the wonder of true human diversity.
For instance, if I go to an Orthodox church in Ghana, I will hear the hymns possibly in their native tribal language and sung with drum accompaniment. If I go to an Orthodox church in Russia, the hymns will be in Slavanic and the singing will be all-vocal in Kievan/Rus traditional style. Of course, the Antiochian parishes will have more of an Arabic flavor and the Greek ones will be very, well … Greek. The clothing will probably differ, the women may or may not wear head coverings, the food will be ethnically specific to the area during fasting and for celebrations, and so will the primary makeup of the people at those parishes. This is all okay. Even as a child of God, it is a positive thing to identify with your culture and traditions, and to honor the ways of your ancestors which are in line with Christianity. I think localism is a beautiful and healthy thing even within the universalism of the Church. In fact, it’s this kind of rootedness and that gives people a feeling of belonging and makes them less likely to grasp on to fake “political” identities as their religion, as opposed to the one true Church of Jesus Christ.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest, and as always, thanks for reading and commenting. I’ll be sure to check out those juicy links, too. Happy Holy Week to you, good sir!
Thanks for your interesting interaction with my post, and I am in complete agreement with you. This is particularly relevant:
“Even as a child of God, it is a positive thing to identify with your culture and traditions, and to honor the ways of your ancestors which are in line with Christianity. I think localism is a beautiful and healthy thing even within the universalism of the Church. ”
And some cultures and traditions in history have been more in line with the Christian faith, and we should not be intimidated by those who lack the spiritual maturity to grasp this. Our Lord prayed and sent out His followers so that God’s kingdom may come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The cultural Marxists are attempting to shame us for our past legacy of covenant faithfulness that, however imperfect, actually brought a light that was burning and shining. We should honor those who sacrificed so much, and have the courage of young David, who placed the smooth stone in his sling and ran toward the giant. May our Lord grant you continuing strength to run toward those who despise Christ and His church and slay them by speaking the truth in love.