You’ve all had run-ins with ’em: the globohomers. This is a new breed of self-proclaimed know-it-alls who peddle the statist talking points despite the facts. Like Homer Simpson, they’re an uninquisitive lot who never look beyond mainstream opinion. Sure, puritanical-progressives have always fancied themselves as proponents of the just, despite evidence contrary to whatever is the high-time-preference, liberty-minimizing, immoral social-gooderism they’re pushing.
But what makes these snippy smarty-britches so unique is that the cult of covid has converted to its illogical religion a myriad of otherwise conservative and smart people, who default to Homer-like immaturity, instead of using their previously employed rhetorical and critical-thinking skills. Combine the ignorance and aggression of the famous Simpsons’ character with a tremendous amount of hubris, and there you have a globohomer, yet one who’s not nearly as lovable as is the TV Homer. They don’t even have the excuse of chugging one too many Duff beers, but they sure do love their doughnuts.

What is globohomo?
Obviously, I’m playing on the term “globohomo,” which is a shorthand term used to describe “globalized homogenization,” meaning centralized control over people (that’s the globo) and the erasure of indigenous cultures, religions, borders, and languages in order to create sameness (that’s the homogenization). Think “Trotskyist internationalism” as Dr. Thomas Fleming has described the dogma of consumerist, universal democracy.
This ideology is pushed by those who wish to profit and wield power over the masses. They know it’s a much easier conquest if competing systems (most notably, faith and family) are destroyed and modern man is quelled into servility by goods and fake religions.
This is why it’s so shocking when, according to Pew Research, “Among U.S. Christians, about three-quarters say churches should be subject to the same [covid] rules as other businesses.” First of all, churches aren’t businesses, at least that’s not what they’re supposed to be according to Jesus’ teachings. Perhaps that’s part of problem with this weak-kneed 75%.
But what is evident is that the Ameridox masses have caved to a fiery fear. It’s one that’s part social pressure. After all, it is “religious gatherings” (not BLM riots) that are blamed for the “clusters” of alleged new covid cases. The globohomers seem to think that the accusation of being unloving and unneighborly is intolerable, yet they selfishly become “satisfied” with online church services and “express support for instituting a variety of restrictions and modifications at their own places of worship.”
It’s also part social conditioning. The psychosis of the maskholes has now been transferred to the “vaccine” true believers. So, every time there’s a supposed spike in cases or new variants and mutations form, the unvaccinated get blamed and judged fiercely with a religious zeal that should really be utilized for protecting the Church and perpetuating the faith. They in turn become part of the solution and are lauded for their compliance, while you are the problem, dissident! It’s all quite Soviet.
Brick builders
There’s a reason behaviorist Ivan Pavlov is “the psychologist mentioned in every book by a Marxist,” noted economist Ludwig von Mises. They know that if they can alter the individual, they can alter society.
“If human nature is against socialism, then human nature will have to be changed,” noted Karl Krautsky. In 1952, Mises would categorize this Marxist theoritician as a “social engineer,” a then-new term meaning one who “deals with the social structure or with his fellowmen as the master builder deals with his bricks.”
Why the socialist connection when talking about vaccines? Because it is that positivist, reform-minded philosophy that is driving covid hysteria, and the same class of criminals who are at the wheel and who are on the same path in pursuit of power.
That’s why all the solutions of the “greater good” and “public health” cabal are simply a “proto-version of the Green New Deal … (and) climate-change fanaticism,” explains writer and radio host Steve Deace. Just like you’ll be maligned a “climate-denier” should you dare to question the “global warming” narrative, you’ll now be castigated a “covid-denier” if you challenge any shred of the covid belief system, especially vaccines, or you’ll be censored just like the climate scientists who dissent to the environmental spirit of the age.
What’s odd is that the intellectual schizophrenia has infected so many learned and traditional folks – many of whom distrust radical environmentalism because they see it for the anti-human, anti-freedom sham that it is, yet they possess nary a modicum of curiosity or skepticism when it comes to covid jabs. They rightly get that “science” is driven by government when the issue is “carbon credits” and “alternative energy,” but somehow you’re a “conspiracy theorist” if you point out that vaccines are being set up as social credits.
So why is there such an increase of conservative Christians who know that Jesus is the cornerstone, yet somehow have become bricks of the technocrats? And how do they not see that it is Christianity itself which is in covid cross hairs?
Media magic
According to Pew, only 13% of America’s religious “said their house of worship should be open to the public just as it was before the outbreak.” Why, that would be “reckless behavior,” says Joe Biden.
That leaves a whopping 87% of “New Normals” who, like Pavlov’s dog, have been conditioned to salivate for praise when they hear the bell of social media. So they post a picture of their vaccine card and are consequently rewarded with heart-emoji treats and conformist commentary for a virtue-signal well done.
“There is nothing more important in the world than ideas,” Mises stated. And Vladimir Lenin understood this, too, when he said, “You make revolution with the slogan of the day.”
We “covid-deniers” remember “15 days to flatten the curve,” yet here we are more than a year later; and “We’re all in this together,” yet it’s pro-science us way over here on the margins and pro-scientism them acting as if they’re so put upon simply by the existence of the small remnant who won’t get with the program. And program, it truly is, for the entire covid-1984 reset depends on a totality of compliance. Everyone must be a globohomer.
This is why the mass-media manipulation is so utterly inescapable. The other day I sat at a stop light facing a billboard which was promoting the “safe, effective and lifesaving protection for you and those you love” offered by those untrustworthy imperials over at the FEMA mass vaccination site in my city. Then a “public service” announcement came across the college-radio airwaves transmitting from my truck stereo.
Covid has “changed how we worship, how we pray, how we congregate,” opined the sympathetic-sounding voice actor. Nope. That’s only life for the globohomers. But, the audio hustler continued with the new-normal narrative and insisted that the vaccine is the “first step to getting back to the things we love.”
This 60-second spot is called “Worship” and is brought to us by the Ad Council, which states, “The COVID-19 vaccines have the potential to transform life as we know it today and save hundreds of thousands of lives – but they can only be successful if millions of Americans recognize the urgency, safety, and vital importance of getting vaccinated” … so “our goal is to shift the public mindset from vaccine concern to vaccine confidence.”
Just as the Ad Council was created “for the purpose of mobilizing the advertising industry in support of the war effort for the ongoing Second World War,” it’s now helping the US government increase the pressure on Americans to get the “vaccine.” And warfarsim is really the only other time when I think propaganda has been used to such an unremitting level and so effectively.
So instead of Rosie the Riveter’s “We Can Do It,” the postmodern poster reads: “It’s Up To You.” But with a $1.8 billion rolling in annually from media outlets alone, is it really?
It’s a “vaccine campaign” of epic proportions, with the feds pushing for and reaching 3 million jabs per day. As of April 6, “nearly one-third of Americans have received at least one shot. That’s more, on a per-capita basis, than in any other large country other than Britain.”

“Majorities are not godlike”
This factual Misesian quote is precisely why the peer pressure of cultural influencers from Dolly Parton to the Dalia Lama are broadcasting to the world that they got the jab and are now feeling “hopeful” and a sense of “relief.” That’s why “we’re going to need a lot of Elvises to make this work,” explains the Ad Council, harkening back to when the King of Rock & Roll helped the quasi-governmental org promote the polio vaccine. But today, they’re “armed with $50 million” for a blitz that’s an “air game and a ground game.”
Social media mercilessly wields its power, as was the case with my vaccine discussion with a learned holistic-health advocate, which was predictably banned from YouTube. “Remember when the omniscient fact checkers at Facebook banned posts that said that S@RZ-2 was made in the Wooo Han lab?” wrote scholar Michael Rectenwald. “Well, it’s pretty much the consensus now. What other truths and lies about this ‘pandemic’ will the omniscient Facebook ‘fact checkers’ be forced to admit?” The unfortunate answer is “none.”
Similar to FDR’s Second Bill of Rights and its “freedom from fear” plank put forth in the throes of WWII, covid’s industrial-capital consumerism is so effective due to its emotivism and scaremongering, deceptive data and ever-changing goalposts, and silencing of disagreement and do-or-die agitation. It’s political theater made more dramatic due to a crisis, whether real or perceived.
The “Big Tech overlords at Facebook are ‘fact-checking’ posts from people who are dying from the vaccine,” explains Gab CEO and devout Christian Andrew Torba. Mark Zuckerberg, who hasn’t even gotten the jab, “is also partnering with the government to socially shame those who decide to not get the experimental vaccine with ‘Vaccine Verified’ profiles. Since when is our medical history Facebook’s business?”
Well, ever since the globohomo goons realized that “40% of the general public falls into a movable middle — people who are hesitant to get the vaccine but are open to learning more,” describes the Ad Council. “They want to know the vaccines are safe and that the benefits outweigh the risks.”
Cost-benefit analysis
“As more people are vaccinated, we all need to continue wearing masks, social distancing and washing hands frequently,” pushes the Ad Council. “This is true whether you have been vaccinated or not.” The legacy media parrots these blatant contradictions and the globohomers seem not to care.
“Even with vaccines, covid will always be with us” because it’s a “permanent pandemic.” And so goes the narrative. World elites even admit, “The vaccines we have, no one knows how long they last. We need to prepare for the worst scenario … that we have to vaccinate every half year,” but still “the fastest way to get back to a safe, mask-free life is for everyone to get a covid-19 vaccine.” It’s nonsensical.
I’m waiting for somebody to tell me one, single, solitary legitimate benefit of getting the “vaccine” that neither creates immunity nor stops the spread of a virus that happens to have a 99% survival rate. I see none, especially when the multifold and malevolent costs (both spiritual and political) are too damn high.
Using the pointless jab as the “ticket back to pre-pandemic life,” which will involve everything from employment to travel, is blackmail, not benevolence. It’s an instrument of infinite evil, yet the “digital certification of vaccination status” is possibly just around the corner, and the corporate media revels in it.
Klaus Schwab, the author of “The Great Reset” and the stakeholder capitalist who is founder and executive chairman of the dystopian World Economic Forum (WEF), preaches the gospel of “mutual interdependence … on a global level” and assures his disciples that “as long as not everybody’s vaccinated, nobody will be safe.”
Governors, like my own Kingpin Cooper, try to convince globohomers that “the vaccine is our path to recovery, it is the road to normalcy.” So if people are hesitant, those who are “taking this seriously … must convince them to do it.” Way to crank up the struggle sessions, guvnah!
The media malcontents concede that as states lessen or abolish covid mandates, the “very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status” is decreased. “If everything’s reopened, what’s the carrot going to be?” File this globohomo nugget under: The rare occasion when progressives are honest. After all, a data- and surveillance-tracking system is the agenda that hangs in the balance, and our overlords can’t have a bunch of covid-deniers mucking up the plan!
Some clear-eyed folks got push back for likening the “vaccine” passport to the yellow Stars of David Jews had to wear in Nazi Germany. If anything, that’s one holocaust reference I can get behind because it is precisely the same thing: a people group being marginalized for their deeply held beliefs, especially since the “vaccine” resistors are being tarred as “Christian nationalists” (which in pandemic parlance means “Nazi,” ironically) and the pro-faith stance of “white evangelicals” in particular is being pegged as an “obstacle” to the increased centralization and its coming caste system.
When choice becomes “a quaint concept in Covid-compliant America … could vaccine resistors be WACOed?” asks my astute friend Ilana Mercer. All political and social evidence points to a resounding YES! If you can’t see that “white Christian nationalism” is being set up as the scapegoat for scientism’s failures and the springboard for the empire’s despotism, your globerhomer ranking just upped a notch.
Check out Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security’s “futuristic scenario” called The SPARS Pandemic, which was published in 2017. If reading the elites in their own words is a little too “conspiratorial” for you, then watch WEF’s recent “Davos Agenda 2021” talk entitled Vaccinating the World: From Mass Production to Last-Mile Delivery. It’s hellscape-level stuff, folks … kinda like the increasing totalitarianism we’re living through today.
So, to my fellow Christians who still have ears to hear and eyes to see, I leave you with a few useful resources in order to help you put down the doughnut and avoid or break free from the true sickness: that of the globohomer. And I urge you to read part 2, which is a close-to-home case study of the globohomer affliction.
• Covid Charts CNN Forgot
• The Charts That Tell the Covid Story
• Kathryn Huwig Smashes Covid Pseudoscience at State House
• Ivor Cummings Answers Forbidden Covid Questions
• Virologist Geert Vanden Bossche, former vaccine expert for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, sounds a warning against ‘Immune Escape’
• Dr. Ryan Cole: Covid Myths and Experimental Vaccines
• Have You Actually Read a Covid Vaccine Consent Form?
• “Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History“
• The Truth About “Vaccine Passports”
• Katie Hopkins Reacts to Vaccine Passports
What do we always hear from the neo-Marxists when they want to encroach on more liberty or gain more power in America? “If it saves just one life, it’s worth it.” Of course any public policy undergrad know that isn’t how any course of responsible or balanced public policy works in a free society. But I will concede that if banning abortion saves just one life, then I am for the change in policy.
Amen to that, brother Daniel. And I will be tackling the abortion question in part 2 and how some Christians want to make excuses for the unethical “vaccines.” Thanks for the comment.
Oh my gosh, I don’t know you, but you are SO my person. My real friends don’t understand why I’m angry all the time…😂😂
Brooke, I’m not sure how you stumbled upon my blog, but I’m glad you’re here! We “covid-deniers” gotta stick together. I hope to hear from you again soon, especially after part 2 hits the streets … I may not have many friends after that, so I’ll need all the support I can get. 😉
Thanks for taking the time to write. Stay tough, sister!!
Ha! Looking forward to reading it.
I’m new at this. Covid Clown World has turned me curmudgeonly contrarian. It’s a lonely world. My brother started sending me podcasts to listen to, and I heard you on Counterflow.
A little over a year ago, I was a typical suburban mom who volunteered at our Catholic Church, lunched with girlfriends, and went on date nights with my husband. Now I’m pulling the kids out of their private school because of hysterical Covid rituals, learning how to can vegetables, and buying guns. Life is weird.
American neo-Marxists are attempting to paint any dissenting people into a corner. They have successfully recruited the unwitting dolts who are the subject of this article. Their aim is to eliminate, to extinguish liberty entirely and to destroy anything and anyone gets in their way.
Dan, I agree fully. This is why I’m trying to wake up that “movable middle,” especially within conservative Christian circles. We must try to rekindle their common sense and skepticism “against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Strength in numbers wouldn’t hurt, although the remnant is destined to be small.
Oh, you’re a Buck fan – no wonder you’re so cool, Brooke! 🙂
Yes, life is indeed weird as hell. But one silver lining is that now it is abundantly clear to see who are your people, who truly shares your beliefs, and who will have your back when poop really hits the fan – separating the wheat from the chaff, as it is said. It was a shocking realization for us to make these discoveries, but they are realities nonetheless.
Another silver lining IMHO is that our fake culture has been BS for at least 160 years. It was pieced together with untenable progressive ideas, plastic patriotism, user-friendly faith, and false prosperity, so it was bound to fall apart eventually and snap people out of their malaise. Just kinda sucks to be living through that unraveling, although it is driving wide-awake folks like us together. I think THAT is a blessing, and we will have to build those relationships as we play out this long game.
P.S. I love “curmudgeonly contrarian” … totally stealing it.
Sister Rebecca, another homerun! The most discouraging and disturbing development over the last year has indeed been the acquiescence and lack of sound judgement and discernment by fellow Christians, many of whose faculties along these lines I at onetime valued. Miss Brooke spoke of being angry all the time. I know what she means! Counseling Psychology 101 teaches that anger is a secondary emotion, based in hurt and/or fear.
Am I hurt? Yep! It hurts me deeply to see what all of this has done and is doing to my small church (and we haven’t even gotten into the whole CRT nonsense on this post!)!
Am I fearful? Yep again! I know that in the long game, God’s got this, and even in the short term, all of this is being used to bring about His good; the gates of Hell will not stand against His church! But that doesn’t mean that in this war – and this is war! – there won’t be casualties!
As a friend pointed out, it’s not that I want to be hatin’ on fellow Christians, whose choices and viewpoints I disagree with. BUT I do have to use discernment on their exercise of judgement – and their exercise of sound judgement, that is, has been severely damaged in many cases, often manifesting as a gross lack of situational awareness!
Ah, discernment. The inescapable word that constantly echoes throughout all my family’s Scripture readings these days. We must use it, even if that means being perceived as “hatin’ on fellow Christians.” The prophets, apostles, Church fathers, and saints have taught us that our faith unwatered down by this world is too important not to do so. We can do it lovingly, but it also must be bold. Reality during this wartime requires nothing less.
As far as anger and hurt go, yes, I have felt them both in spades and still do on occasion. But we must not despair, for it is the tool of the devil. The evil one delights in our hopelessness. I know I’m preaching to the choir, but sometimes the choir needs to be reminded of things (I know I do): pray mightily, read the lives of the saints, cling to your Bible, and foster relationships with those who do not lack “situational awareness.” Indeed, the gates of Hell shall not prevail against His Church, so that is what we must be: His Church.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, brother DD!
Dissident Mama, shouldn’t we also be aware of those identity-less resisters, those who criticize the covid stuff but support black live matter, antifa, open borders, importation of third world, islamimization, etc.
Sure, Joe. But that would probably be a whole separate 2000-word essay. 😉 And honestly, from my experiences the covid crap has fallen mostly on traditional political lines. Most people who love lockdowns and vaccines also love woke stuff, while most people who hate the covid crazy also hate progressives causes (at least for the most part). I mean, take a Karen. She’s typically a left-wing Yankee that falls all over herself to support “refugees,” the state of Israel, every anti-white initiative, etc. So that’s why the globohomer phenom is so strange to me. It’s not really just a difference of opinion; it’s as these folks have swapped worldviews on a dime and adopted the identity-less-ness (which I defined in a post from a while back if you’d like to check that out) with abandon. Anyhoo, that’s just my two cents. Thanks for the comment!
Excellent work, Rebecca! Although, you seem to have forgotten to harken back to the Basic Laws of Human Stupidity, which assert (first law) without ambiguity that:
Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
The Second Basic Law states:
The probability that a certain person be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
The Third, and Golden, Basic Law states:
A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
And so on. See here:
In addition to “The Basic Laws,” studies have been done showing a direct correlation between the most demonstrably incompetent people in any given population and their highly over-inflated conceptions of their own competence levels. Harkening back to the Second Basic Law above cited, it is therefore not surprising, or at least shouldn’t be surprising, for us to learn from these studies and their results, that the level of incompetence of a given individual, or group of individuals, is independent of profession, education level, political ideology, religious affiliations, or any other characteristic of that person/those persons.
Interestingly enough, the same studies have shown that the most competent individuals in any group almost always (1) slightly underestimate their own competence levels as compared to the group, and (2), more or less grossly overestimate the competence of the group. At least until they later get their eyes opened to the reality of the situation, and the mean average of stupid incompetence of the group of which they are a part. Which is what is happening to us as we speak.
I love your lesson on human stupidity, especially the explanation of said stupid people as having “highly over-inflated conceptions of their own competence levels.” But I’ve got an even better, two-word description: Damn Yankees! 😉
Seriously, the science behind the globohomers is not monumental, I suppose, other than the fact that the leftist sickness has infected so many formerly sane people. And I mean, people who were sane just a year ago … or less! But I guess that’s what makes us non-globohomers such a minority – we’re somehow through the grace of God immune to much of the agitprop, yet that is what makes it all the more maddening for us, since gaslighting truly is a form of psychological and spiritual torture.
Stay tough out there, brother, and thanks for sharing your deep thoughts.