“A question settled by violence, or in disregard of law, must remain unsettled forever.”
— Jefferson Davis
On Thursday night, there was mass case of “Blue flu” in the Atlanta Police Department. It’s alleged that cops in three zones called in sick over the arrest of Garrett Rolfe, the offficer who’s facing felony murder charges for the shooting of the left’s newest black martyr Rayshard Brooks.
While APD denied the story, Twitter was abuzz with talk of silent police scanners, gun shots, and general fear and loathing. I honestly don’t care what happens in Atlanta ’cause as Uncle Jesse from “The Dukes of Hazzard” once wisely opined, “That city ain’t been right since Sherman burned it.”

But what I do care about are real-time experiments in “police-free” living. This isn’t because I’m pro-cop. If you’ve read my stuff over the years, I think I’ve made it abundantly clear that “law enforcement” are the ones who’ve fostered the anarcho-tyranny, allowing it to flourish at the whims of our overlords.
Just check out the police standing down in Raleigh last night while hedonistic mobs were allowed to take over the streets and lynch monuments to Confederate veterans. Couple that with the tyranny of law that I’m expected to follow, with its 4,000 statutes just on the federal books alone, and one can see that the there is certainly systemic inequality and it’s aimed right at dissenters.
But I do believe in order, rules, civility, and due process. And I do know there are good cops, to whom I recently offered this advice: walk away because you are expendable to the commissars.
Moreover, if police aren’t going to police, well, let me do it. I mean, if some depraved dude was trying to rape me, I’d put a bullet in his head. I wouldn’t call the cops. If a criminal broke into my house, I would stop him with deadly force. I wouldn’t call the cops. If a thug tried to rob me in a parking lot, I’d use my lawfully obtained handgun to stop him in his tracks. I wouldn’t call the cops.
That is self-determination. That is autonomy. That is self-defense. That is the great equalizer. And that is precisely why the government-riot syndicate aims to squash my human rights.

The current lawlessness and chaos seen during the red riots that are raging across America aren’t interested in my safety, nor is the “police-free” Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ), where the Antifa-BLM Brown shirts have been given free reign to quite literally take over with force six blocks in Seattle. The city’s police department boarded up the East Precinct and abandoned the scene, and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan is emboldening the left-wing insurrection.
“Lawfully gathering and expressing First Amendment rights, demanding we do better as a society and provide true equity for communities of color is not terrorism,” she said. “It is patriotism.” These “rights,” of course, only apply to the left, which views riots as “expression” and dissent to them as “violence.” You can’t make this stuff up.
Even the Seattle police chief says she supports “free speech,” but that she’s “very angry about the situation.” Wow, how bold. Apparently, aiding and abetting lunatic criminals is a popular thing these days.
Turns out the “Free Capitol Hill” freak show exhibits precisely what is terrorism: the use of “violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.” But we’re supposed to believe they’re patriots. Good Lord.
These left-wingers vandalize, force local businesses within the perimeter to close shop, compel residents to flee, and even prey upon those outside of their “borders.” They have created a “state of fear,” which again meets the definition of terrorism. And these aren’t the anti-gun liberals of yore; they’re armed to the teeth and aren’t required to follow the gun laws and regulations the rest of us must abide by or be thrown in jail.
But pay no attention to your eyeballs. Durkan assures us that CHAZ is “more like a block party atmosphere. It’s not an armed takeover. It’s not a military junta. We will make sure that we will restore this but we have block parties and the like in this part of Seattle all the time … there is no threat right now to the public.”
It’s like a love-fest, y’all. Independent journalist Andy Ngô, who has been covering Antifa and neo-Marxist riots for years, would disagree.
CHAZ and the race riots are all part of America’s “colour revolution,” akin the Republic of Georgia’s Rose Revolution. It’s organized and funded to an extent by people with very deep pockets, and relies upon those Maoist-manufactured “victim groups” who are miseducated, media-frenzied, system-built, regime-backed, and ready at any given moment to take to and take over the streets.
The typically peaceful colour revolutionaries in the former Soviet bloc resisted communism and touted Western democracy, while America’s violent revolutionaries embrace communism and mass democracy. In other words, mob rule with a puppet strong-man at the top. But he’s just a figurehead of the globalist string-pullers, which was so often the case in the revolutionary waves that preceded.
The far-left foot soldiers are the result of decades upon decades of what former KGB officer and Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov calls “ideological subversion.” In 1984, he prophetically explained how this psyop has manifested itself today.
“Despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country,” Bezmenov said. It’s all about changing people’s perception of reality, leading to what I call the gulag of the mind.

This is how the BLM-Antifa cabal – which is comprised of conformists to industrial-capitalism, slaves to Western prosperity, and addicts to immediacy – somehow thinks they’re rebels. They aren’t fighting the system, they are propping it up. They only serve their oligarch masters.
The “movement” is a morass of competing interests. It’s deep state and commoner. Anti-capitalist and bourgeois. It’s pro-state and anti-cop. It’s powerful and plebeian. It’s American and globalist. It’s neoliberal and anti-liberty.
It’s a “collective of black voices” but brimming with self-loathing whites and ethnic Jews. Like everything in modern America, it’s an empty slogan, with corporate, NGO, media, and government sponsorship. Anti-regime it is not. CHAZ is the system.

That’s not autonomy. Perhaps that’s why the commie collective changed its name to Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP). Or maybe that’s due to their affinity for the French Revolution and guillotine “justice.”
Autonomy requires self-government and independence in practice, not theft and coercion. Not handouts and subsidies. Not extortion and censorship. It’s a concept based upon being free and informed.
A case study in CHAZ’s fettered foundation is its list of demands. It includes naturalization of illegals into the U.S., more emphasis on POC curriculum within Washington State schools, free college, rent control, and reparations.
Funny that I’m considered the extremist, even though my “demands” require no action of anyone else. Simply don’t destroy my heritage, don’t silence me, don’t punch me in the face, don’t steal from me, don’t burn down my house, don’t punish my children. Their demands, however, require everything of me: rhetorical and physical veneration, ignorance (of data, history, knowledge, logic, and common sense), my money, my guns, my freedom of conscience, and my slavery.
CHAZ sure as hell ain’t secession either.

“Secession occurs when persons in a country or state declare their independence from the ruling government. When a dissatisfied group secedes, it creates its own form of government in place of the former ruling government.” Clearly, CHAZ doesn’t meet either one of these political standards.
Even etymologically, CHAZ doesn’t fit the bill. Secession comes from the Latin word meaning to “withdraw” or to “retire.” But the Bolshevik bullies are instead trying to insert themselves and their demented ideology into all our lives. They are rising up from within, not receding from.
Journalist John Nolte compared CHAZ to a Jeffersonian vision, “where everyone owned their own little piece of America and basically governed themselves: an agrarian society that grew its own food, hired its own teachers, built its own churches, and left the neighboring societies alone. … basically, Jefferson described a CHAZ, no?” Nope.

“The Southern Confederacy was a CHAZ, no?” Aw, hell no!
The Confederate States of America didn’t want anything from the U.S. government other than a peaceful divorce. The CSA’s secession only required the Union to follow the U.S. Constitution. That’s it. Nothing more.
Moreover, the South seceded through conventions and shared guiding principles as laid out in the Confederate Constitution. Conversely, CHAZ is the tantrum of a toddler, but one who also happens to be illegally armed and backed by the Cathedral, the term for the “interlocking network” of elites who “preach the egalitarian faith and manufacture public opinion.” So stunning and brave.
CHAZ is an fascist-enabled malevolent mob with no guiding principles other than anti-white hatred. They’re high-time preference reactionaries who make it up as they go along.

Secession cannot flourish without common purpose and identity, and as the leftist losers will eventually find out, aggrievement is not an identity. CHAZ proclaims that “This space is now property of the Seattle people.” The hypocrites don’t even believe in private property, and I bet most of them weren’t even born and raised in Seattle.
They are not a people, as are the Southern people, whose “national consciousness” was forged though invasion, war, conquest, and reconstruction. They aren’t fighting for tangibles like hearth and home as were Confederates; rather, CHAZ is based upon confused and cobbled-together abstractions.
CHAZ isn’t even seeking true independence. When you’re demanding government fixes, centralization becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. They are about normalizing dogmatic destabilization, not conserving traditions. They’re not even anarchists because they’re coddled by government. Hell, when people are bending a knee to you, you are the law.

Leftists are invaders. Colonizers. Vainglorious foreigners who want to instruct locals through brute force how best to live. They are Yankees to the core – pernicious puritans with no restraint.
Yet, they’re still “waiting on the American white man to solve our problems for us,” warned Malcolm X, not wanting to “become separated from the jurisdiction of this white nation.” CHAZ isn’t about sovereignty, it’s about dependability. It’s not about autonomy, it’s about propelling forward the system. It’s not about reconciliation, it’s about revenge. It’s not about decentralization or even love, it’s about power.
“The consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it.”
— Robert E. Lee, 1866
God do I want real separation, with leftist enclaves going their own way and me going mine. I would give almost anything to be free of the cultural-Marxist ball and chain that pulls down my home, my heritage, and my sons’ futures. But this isn’t secession. THIS is despotism.
Hey, DM, I pressed the “Upvote”, the “Sad”, and the “Angry” responses, because I’m a conflict of emotions when I hear and read this stuff!
I’m sure I’ll have more to say, but I’ll have to digest it some more!
Again, keep your “sword” up!
Thank, bro. Can’t wait to hear your “digested” comments. 🙂
Well, I don’t know that I have much to add at this point; you and the august body of my fellow commenters have done a fine job!
I’ll just say that I’m pretty much done with arguing/debating with the other side. Their “leadership” are liars and evildoers; I/we don’t need to understand them (except in the way a soldier needs to understand his enemy’s tactics and motivations); I/we need to defend ourselves and stop them, by whatever means necessary.
Like it or not, we’re at war, because they are at war with us, and want us erased! The two sides canNOT coexist! The other side is undoubtedly a mission field, but they are not bosom partners in this “union”! How can we want to be joined with people who approve of baby murder, transgender this and that, etc., anyway? Knowing that, how can we want to go back to the “good ol’ days” of the way things were pre-COVID, for example?
Like it or not – and I most certainly DON’T like! – we are at war! We continue to need folks such as you, DM, to clearly articulate the truth and bolster our motivation. But the lines are drawn; God help us – and He will, ultimately! – I say again, we are at war!
I agree. We are at war and we’d better figure out how to rally the troops, so to speak, because right now, all we have is theory, while what we really need are realistic, practical solutions. I have a few ideas up my sleeve, but we’d need critical-mass participation, which as we know for American non-leftists, is a tall order. As always, appreciate your comments, DD. 🙂
Patreon, FYI, just gave BLM $50,000.
Yeah, so did my husband’s corporation, my bank, some of my favorite restaurants, my kids’ foreign-language app, Zoom (which is how I conduct my podcast interviews and my kids do their piano lessons during covid times), the maker of my running shoes, my snacks, and my deodorant, my hardware store, YouTube, Yelp, Amazon, Air BnB, and everyone else under the damn sun. I’m not going off on you, John. I get what you’re saying, but my God, the leftism is inescapable. I want to look into Subscribe Star as an alternative, but just haven’t had time. Moreover, my guess is that they’ll be cucked along with Minds sooner or later too.
They just donated to the Democratic Party. BLM is a shell corporation that funnels money into ActBlue.
I’m a Linux nerd and it’s nice to see some Open Source projects (Pale Moon Browser) not buying into the BS:
Interesting. Much-need dissidence.
Brilliant, incisive, as usual. You have a gift, girl. My personal opinion is that, as a society, we’ve already breached that heretofore undefinable “line in the sand”, but that we just haven’t noticed and or are still trying to come to terms with it. I sense that the foundational damage wrought by over a hundred years of highly successful Progressive subversion is so severe as to be irremediable. Don’t think even Humpty Dumpty would tackle trying to put all back together again. The result of this Progressive blitzkrieg is the creation of an irreparable chasmic ideological and cultural divide that will need to be reckoned with soon. I opted for secession long ago. Even our founders would, I’m sure, counsel not going down with a clearly sinking ship,but to strike out on our own to restore constitutional order, Rule of Law and Liberty in our little part of the world. Unity at ANY price is suicidal. This voluntary union of States no longer reflects those founding principles which made America so great. The fact that this “republic” has been limping along for so long is nothing short of miraculous. In this regard, I honestly do not think we can avoid our rendezvous with destiny. What are your thoughts on this. If you haven’t already, would love to hear your take. (By the way, became a paying member of TNM about five years ago. Don’t like being cornered with nowhere to retreat. Keep up the GREAT work. Your stuff is sooooo good. Thanks.
Thanks so much! Your words are so kind. 🙂
I love the term “progressive blitzkrieg.” I agree that we will soon have a “rendezvous with destiny.” I think shit is really going to hit the fan this fall in the lead-up to the election, and if Trump wins, things are going to go off-the-chart crazy, making right now look tame. If Biden wins, perhaps the madness won’t peak until early 2021. Some people think nonleftists will finally rise up at that point, as in armed resistance. I personally don’t think that will happen due to fear (of getting in trouble) and continued ignorance (still not understanding the gravity of the situation). Watch the Griffin vid I shared with William; he speaks to the ruination and weakness of the middle-class being a key to full commie takeover. Moreover, we’re not organized, but who knows. I’m actually seriously considering leaving the West because whatever happens, I don’t want my kids to be subjected to it.
Other than that, I pray. A lot. And find hope in the few remaining informed and kind people like you. And then I try to put it all at the cross. That can be hard, but I do know that it is all in God’s control.
Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Fantastic. I think this paragraph encapsulates the hypocritical madness: “The “movement” is a morass of competing interests. It’s deep state and commoner. Anti-capitalist and bourgeois. It’s pro-state and anti-cop. It’s powerful and plebeian. It’s American and globalist. It’s neoliberal and anti-liberty.” That is it. In a nutshell, these people wish to double-tap the vegetative shell of Western Civilization, but they want that civilization’s wealth and power. I don’t think it works that way.
Thanks for the compliment. Yeah, it can be frustrating and hard to explain this cabal because it’s so many things going on at once while also being very simply one thing: bringing down Murica and instilling top-to-bottom, no-escape communism. Or as I like to call it, good vs. evil. Check out these prophetic words from G. Edward Griffin; he is literally describing 2020 to a tee.
I love Griffin. He was a visionary.
You are SO right, William.