Since Christmas, my incredible husband has spent the last few days of his vacation coming up with a Dungeons & Dragons story to play with our three sons. Being Dungeon Master is quite an investment of free time, of which my hard-working husband has little, so they’ve played only once before and, admittedly, it has been quite a long while.
However, it was an experience they all remember fondly. In fact, my oldest son once told me, “It was one of my favorite times hanging out with Dad.”
Tapping into his inner child and really letting go of the work stress that’s so much a part of his daily life, my husband was getting into the creative process. But then things got fantastic, but not in the cool “fantasy role-playing game” kinda way.
D&D: Dystopia & Despair
Just like how everything that was once wholesome and fun has now become fake and gay, the corporation which owns D&D has been actively trying to “increase queer and trans-inclusive representation in the official canon.” It’s the same cultural-revolutionary thrust that is obvious to anyone with eyeballs since “marketing departments are even putting diversity above relevance to their target audience.” After all, they’re not just selling a product; they’re selling ideas that contradict reality and doing so through constant reinforcement. Ideology is the product.
It’s not only evident in the over-representation of gay people in media but also of non-whites unless, of course, there’s a black, Hispanic, or Asian woman married to a white man (I have yet to see the inverse in an ad or show). But the media manipulators/cultural creators who push woke “inclusion” vis-a-vis the radical and unrealistic exclusion of the majority population (white and straight) claim with their best “anti-racist” poker face that white people “no longer represent ‘modern society.'” This is no game, y’all.
Sadly and predictably, there have been major changes made to classic D&D in an effort to “shed old racist and sexist stereotypes, tropes and cliches from the ’70s in order to allow it to flourish and connect with a broader audience,” as one Reddit user put it. This entails a lot of inside-baseball stuff but includes “removing racial traits” of some of the game’s characters.
Enter in the orcs, who some claimed were unjustly cast as “Other” due to their intrinsic “chaotic evil.” Yep, the “savage humanoids with stooped postures, piggish faces, and prominent teeth that resemble tusks [and] gather in tribes that satisfy their bloodlust by slaying any humanoids that stand against them” were being unfairly tarnished.
See, it’s a “colonialist trope,” since “this group of sentient beings is unable to overcome the inherent animal nature of their bloodline,” making it “the same as irl [in real life] racism.” And anyone who sees this privileged pearl-clutching as ridiculous is “just ACTUALLY racist.”
The lore of orcs being pure-evil monsters who lack both a conscience and a capacity for redemption became a social-justice stumbling block for the D&D delicate flowers. “Sure, they’re beasts, but they have a civilization, too!” cried the unhinged anti-racists.
These prone-to-be-triggered players also grew increasingly incensed that these monsters are ugly and that the “biggest, meanest, strongest, and most brutal” of all was the Black Orc, which the self-loathing white players deemed just too much to handle. Thus, they grabbed their pitchforks and torches and chanted “problematic” from the highest thatched rooftop in true NPC style.
“I’m black and so are most of my friends. We’ve been playing D&D for about 16 years now,” noted one gamer in the comments of the above YouTube video. “This has never once come up. No one I know thinks of Orcs as black people. I really want to ask these people what about Orcs reminds them of us. I can’t imagine what answer they could give that they’d be comfortable saying to my face.”
Thus, the progressive programmers of mass woke came up with a fix to the cultist-created dilemma: classic scary orc vs today’s kinder, gentler, sluttier orc. Man, such improved posture and so pretty! Just as orcs “are now apparently the good guys,” they’re cute to boot.

Since D&D “actually bent the knee to the piss-babies who got offended over Orc,” they’re now “bringing in ‘sensitivity readers,’ good fucking grief,” tweeted one D&D gamer, bemoaning the Orwellian degradation of the beloved game. “Might as well just wrap everything in bubble wrap now because fiction is no longer allowed to challenge us.”
Many of the perpetually aggrieved think that old, dead cracker J.R.R. Tolkien started this whole “orc discrimination” in the first place, which is why a “multicultural” cast with a “very strong female presence” simply had to be used in the modernist remaking of “Lord of the Rings.” It’s Kafkaesque reconstruction as far as the functioning, healthy eye can see.
Stupid and subversive, yes. But at least that’s make-believe. But as even “Star Trek” philosophy concedes, “The more complex the mind, the more the need for the simplicity of play.”
Virtue-signals & Viking inventions
Once he realized that wokeness had infected so much of current D&D culture, my husband (ever the dedicated dad) decided to watch “Vikings: Valhalla” for story line ideas and characters. Poor guy, big mistake.
Patiently, he waded through disproportionate numbers of female warriors, assuming that in his persistence he would eventually see something worthy of inspiration. Then this happened.
The real historical figure Haakon Sigurdsson, a Viking king who ruled Norway from 975 to 995, was now not only a strong black lead, but he’d even morphed into a queen … and not even the gay, comic-relief kind!
Nope, this is supposed to be a serious drama. And then Netflix had the audacity to brag that “audiences will experience a new vision that reveals an inclusive view that has its roots in reality.”
The video-on-demand company and their cohorts in media crafted a narrative that went like this: “Yeah, you know, vikings did go all around the world. And um, there’s like totally DNA evidence to prove that. Those crazy white Vikings left their genetic footprint as far south as North Africa and participated in slaving activity, so science and Wakanda forever, bigot!”
Somehow maneuvering around that giant chip on their shoulders, lefties then patted themselves on the back when they thought how much they’d “proven wrong” the naysayers who dared to question woke fantasy veiled as historic truth. Ah, such is the delusional power of progressive historicity.
But really, this anti-white deception is pretty easy to knock down. First, the word “African” can be a misnomer since racialist-obsessed Americans immediately equate it with “black.” However, North Africans and its most famous peoples, the Egyptians, were “non-black.”
Therefore, just because Vikings trekked down to North Africa doesn’t mean they encountered “black people” in the modern sense of the word. And just because the Haakon in the TV series is a black female supposedly because “her Viking grandfather fell in love with her grandmother, who was of royal blood back in Egypt,” that still doesn’t explain how “he” became a “she.” So, there’s my second point.
Third, Americans have been so miseduated on the long and truly diverse history of slavery, when they hear the word “slave,” they impulsively envision only someone who’s “black.” It’s our society’s tunnel vision with Southern chattel slavery and subsequent anti-Southern hatred that allows such immature and devilish distortions to be pedaled and accepted in media, entertainment, and the culture at large.
Well, the Vikings did sometimes enslave humans, most of whom hailed from the British Isles and Eastern Europe. Translation for the brainwashed: that’s what in common parlance we’d call “white folk.” In fact, the word “slave” in its “secondary sense” gives us the word “Slav,” due to the historic fact that so many Eastern Europeans were “sold into slavery by conquering peoples.”
Lastly, there’s zero evidence of Vikings being multiracial, much less having black queens lording over them in their very Nordic, very white homelands. That’s not “my truth,” as the lefties like to say; that’s the truth.
From neo-Bolshevik Viking inventions to D&D devolutions, all this gaslighting is meant to enslave us dissidents to despair, making us feel overwhelmed to the unmistakable certainty that reality is under attack everywhere. The fantastical liars want us worn down in the process, so much so that we won’t resist or pivot, but instead throw up our hands and say, “Fine. You win!”
The perpetrators of this madness are even willing to take a loss. You would think since “the woke entertainment industry lost hundreds of billions in market value in 2022,” they’d have learned a lesson. But this is not so much about short-term profit; rather, it’s about gaining and holding long-term power.
My husband, God bless him, didn’t give up. Instead, he persevered using his old D&D guides as well as a treasure trove of classic D&D sources he discovered online at He and our three teens had so much fun that he’s hoping to get another game prepped before his Christmas vacation ends.
When you’re rearing three straight, white, Southern, homeschooled, Orthodox Christian gentlemen in our sulfurous society, EVERYTHING is a battlefield. But thankfully, my boys have a dad who’s a warrior. And there’s nothing fantastical about that.
Hey, Miss Rebecca! To be entirely candid, this article is one more example – in a seemingly endless line of examples – of the “culture’s” (or anti-culture’s) implosion. Am I numb? Incensed to the point of wanting to literally strike back at someone? A little of both?
I’m not sure whether it’s better to ignore these virtue-signaling morons, or to fight them! Perhaps the most rebellious, “revolutionary” thing we can do is to simply live our lives according to the Faith and traditions we were brought up with, effectively telling the anti-culture to pound sand! Your husband driving on with D&D the old way, spending true quality time with his sons, is a small example of what I’m talking about. What we’re doing is sustainable; their nonsense just isn’t!
You are spot on, DD! Indeed, the whole point of my essay was to illustrate the stupidity/evil of it all AND the impulse to want to cave or (at the very least) throw up our hands, but then the realization that we CAN and SHOULD tell them to pound sand cuz we don’t need ’em. Like you said so we well, ***What we’re doing is sustainable!*** And that’s one of the reasons the Yankee Empire and its woke borgs hate us so much: because we actually have a valuable heritage and worldview built upon a firm foundation. Their nonsense is nothing but sand, and fake and gay sand at that.
At this point, just living a “normal” life is as counter-cultural as it comes. Maybe it’s having kids at a very “old-school” Lutheran school, and having other friends who homeschool and are well-connected to their churches, but it hardly seems like we’re the only one. It seems that the more the crazy culture-warriors push, the more people they lose to “this is absolutely insane”. Unfortunately, I think it’s a lot of the Millennial generation (especially the younger ones, and getting into Gen Z) who really don’t know how to get off the crazy train.
Happy New Year!
Yaaaaas! Living a traditional life as best as we can IS the most counter-cultural thing we can do. That’s why “trad” has become such an ad hom and even amongst some “conservative” Orthodox. We let our freak flags fly by saying NO to the madness and continuing on in our “old school” ways, despite what fashionable opinion says about us. I think your point about the Millennials and Gen Z is on point, and I even sometimes see this in the homeschool world. The brainwashing so permeates ***everything*** that it reminds me of this Fr Seraphim Rose quote: the “psychological trials of dwellers in the last times will equal the physical trials of the martyrs. But in order to face these trials we must be living in a different world.”