For more information on the author, as well as resources on the Orthodox view of the departed, the meaning of a Saint and their veneration, explanation of old vs new calendar, and funeral hymns and prayers, click here.
By Walt Garlington
Dear friends, if you have time, please pray for these members of the Southern family on the day they reposed. Many thanks.
August 1st
Rev. James Henley Thornwell: one of the most formidable theological writers of the South. Here are some of his collected writing.
August 3rd
Flannery O’Connor: one of Dixie’s best writers, fiction and non-fiction.
And two related articles as to O’Connor’s import for Dixe:
August 4th
Robert ‘King’ Carter: one of the most influential men of colonial Virginia, and the builder of the historic Christ Church in 1730. His great influence would continue through his descendants, one of whom is our papa, Robert E. Lee.
August 16th
Robert Johnson: an extraordinarily talented blues guitar player from Mississippi. [His photo is on the right of the feature image at top.]
August 21st
John Taylor of Caroline: an underappreciated agrarian political philosopher.
August 24th
Jerry Clower: one of the South’s finest comedians.
August 26th
William Byrd II: a colonial Virginian of many attainments.
August 30th
Gen. John Bell Hood: one of Lee’s best lieutenants, he gave his left arm and right leg for the cause of Southern independence.
Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are! Anathema to the Union!

♱ St. Moses the Black
A greatly venerated Desert Father of Africa. A slave, a robber, and a murderer early in his life, his repentance was such that he acquired many gifts from the Holy Ghost.
An account of his memorable life
More of St. Moses the Black’s biography here and source for the hymns below
“Troparion — Tone I”
A desert-dweller, an angel in the flesh
and a wonderworker wast thou shown to be,
O our God-bearing father Moses.
For, having acquired heavenly gifts through fasting, vigilance and prayer,
thou dost heal the infirm
and the souls of those who have recourse to thee with faith.
Glory to Him Who gaveth thee strength!
Glory to Him Who crowned thee!
Glory to Him Who worketh healings for all through thee!
“Kontakion — Tone IV”
Having beaten the Moors and spat in the faces of the demons,
thou didst shine forth noetically like the radiant sun,
directing our lives by the light of thy life and thy teaching.