Dissident Mama, episode 90 – Ben Dixon

My friend and brother in Christ, Ben Dixon, joins me for my 90th interview. He is the new operations manager of the Ludwell Orthodox Fellowship, of which I’m a co-founder, so the two of us talk all things Southern Orthodox, most notably the upcoming Conference 2.0, taking place in Lockhart, Texas, September 6-8. Deadline for registration is September 1, so sign up today for the sure-to-be memorable event!

Download this podcast, watch on YouTube or Odysee, or listen here.

Some links relevant to our conversation include:

• Ben’s Substack Where the Wasteland Ends
• Dr. Clark Carlton’s Ludwell Review piece “A Feudal Society without a Feudal Religion: Allen Tate & the Religion of the Whole Horse
• My essays “Come Home, Y’all,” “A Progressive Unfolding,” and “The Honorable Cause,” and parts 1, 2, and 3 of my series on planning the Fellowship’s inaugural conference, as well as my interview with fellow Orthodox conference planner Father Deacon Ananias Sorem
• Metropolitan Jonah Paffhausen’s promo video “The Struggles of Sharing the Faith
• and all the Fellowship’s promotional Shorts and Videos which undergird the topics Ben and I discuss.

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  1. Joseph Johnson

    Dear Lady, what is your opinion on John Ford’s 1956 western The Searchers? I know the question is unrelated to the most recent podcasts but I am just curious.

  2. Pingback: Ben Dixon on the Dissident Mama Podcast

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