Dissident Mama, episode 89 – “Exploding the Official Myths of the Lincoln Assassination”

If you’re wondering how we got to the point of peak clown world, with its assassination attempts, managerial-state apparatus, never-ending wars, regime media deception, anarcho-tyranny, lawfare lunacy, anti-whiteness, and anti-Southern scapegoating, you’ve got to understand the roots of the Yankee Empire. James Perloff’s new book “Exploding the Official Myths of the Lincoln Assassination” does just that. “Readers may be surprised at how much 1860s America resembled today’s America, with a Deep State behind the scenes, controlled information, suppression of civil liberties, and secret agendas.” Turns out, that the infamous event which took Dishonest Abe’s life isn’t quite the neat and tidy narrative that you learned about in school. It’s time to revisit the assassination of the first sitting US president; you’ll be shocked by the loose ends and unanswered questions that have been swept under the rug for 50+ years.

Download this podcast, watch on YouTube or Odysee, or listen here.

Editor’s note: I interviewed Perloff back in December 2022. Unfortunately, YouTube removed the episode. Just too much truth for the censors, so make sure you check out that hot interview through the alternative means found at here if you happen to have missed it first time ’round.

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  1. Daithi Dubh

    Hey, DM, I finally had a chance to finish this interview, and it is of course timely. That “our” government would engage in lying and deception against its own people, never really occurred to me growing up; now, that entire paradigm has shifted, and I have to allow for that distinct possibility, even probability in some cases!

    With Lincoln and his cabinet, while ever an advocate for my own Southern people, I was willing to entertain the notion that they at least were acting for what they thought was the best. Folks like Drs. Di Lorenzo, Wilson, and Woods soon disabused me of such thinking! Now, it looks like I can add Mr. Perloff to that list!

  2. Joseph Johnson

    Lincoln put his own assassination in motion when he clandestinely arranged for the murder of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. See Joe E Fallon’s Lincoln’s other legacy – Foreign policy by assassination.

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