Dissident Mama, episode 87 – Father Hans Jacobse

Fr. Hans Jacobse has been a priest in the Orthodox Church for more than 30 years. He runs the St. Paisios Brotherhood, and is a spiritual advisor to Amen: The Antiochian Men and Patristic Faith, where he’s also a senior contributor. Fr. Hans has a BA in History from the University of Minnesota and an M.Div from St. Vladimir’s Seminary, and studied the Greek Language from Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, Greece. He serves at St. Peter the Apostle Orthodox Church in Fort Myers, Florida, and is a sought-after speaker and has contributed numerous articles to various publications on religion and culture.

I ask Fr. Hans to explain authentic godly masculinity and Christian virtue; the lies that keep men weak, enslave them to their passions, and bind them to ideologies; the patriarchy and feminist subversion; the importance of strong male friendships; OrthoBros; and more!

Download this episode, watch on YouTube or Odysee, or listen here.

A few articles which are relevant to our chat include Frederica Matthewes-Green’s “Why Orthodox Men Love the Church,” as well as the following essays by yours truly: “The ‘deaconess’ deception,” “Identity-less-ness,” “The archetype,” “The “mystique” of feminism’s red roots,” “Hey grrrls, you’re not as irreplaceable as you think,” and “When your sons smash the misandry.”

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  1. Chris Banescu

    Love this man! Faithful priest, wise counselor, wonderful friend, and fearless warrior for Christ and Truth.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      I agree! I learned so much talking to Fr Hans and enjoyed every minute of it, not just because of the knowledge I gained, but also because he’s so humble. We need more like him, that’s for sure. Thanks for commenting, Chris, and glad you liked the episode. 🙂

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