Meade Skelton is a Richmond-based musician specializing in “inspirational songs filled with traditional values.” Dubbed the “piano playin’ cowboy,” Skelton is a multi-talented “countrypolitan” singer-songwriter who has played with many notables of the Virginia capital’s independent music scene, yet he embraces “outsider music” status within that leftist subculture and within stringently woke Richmond – a once beautiful and historic city now stripped bare of its very soul.
You may also remember Skelton’s one-man protest resisting the removal of the Stonewall Jackson statue on Richmond’s formerly grand Monument Avenue (see photo collage below). “I lost my composure and it was rather embarrassing,” he says of the event which took place in the hot and riotous days of 2020’s “summer of love.” However, I think it was courageous. This indeed may be a “very Richmond” podcast, but it also touches on many issues relevant to folks who are Southern without apology.
Download this podcast, watch on YouTube or Odysee, or listen here.
In addition to Skelton’s main website, be sure to visit Meade Music on YouTube. Some of my favorite songs include the originals Hipsters Ruin Everything, Sweet Tea Lullaby, Clean Livin’, and My Loudoun County Home, as well as the cover songs My Dixie Darling and Are You From Dixie? Skelton also has a vlog, which features some notable videos like Why I Love the South and Yankee B Gone.

Lastly, I’ll leave you with a stash of my essays on Richmond – former Capital of the Confederacy turned confederacy of dunces.
• Rebel with a cause
• Strip Freeman High School of a name it doesn’t deserve
• Please pray for Richmond
• Richmond: Paradox & permanence
• Stop gaslighting yourselves!
• Grit and grace are what we need
• I mourn for Richmond
• Monasteries, monks, & monuments