Dissident Mama, episode 71 – Padraig Martin

Padraig Martin is a devout Christian, author, husband, father, and business owner. He has two masters degrees – one in Islamic Law and the other an MBA from two elite universities. Padraig owns four businesses on two continents. As a dual citizen, he is both a Southern and Irish Nationalist. He is very happily married and father to seven children. As an author, he writes for Identity Dixie and has published several books under different names, including his latest book, “A Walk in the Park: My Charlottesville Story.” Currently, Padraig’s collaborating with 11 other authors on the creation of a new book that will launch this spring. Be sure to follow him on Gab where you can read his insightful cultural critiques.

👉 Watch my interview with Padraig Martin on Odysee or YouTube! 👈

Martin and I discuss “the Southern zeitgeist,” what nationalism means and being a “separatist at heart,” how “ethnic is not a naughty word,” the current chatter about a “national divorce” and what a “free and independent Dixie” might look like, being doxxed, lessons learned from Charlottesville, the power of localism and the importance of building “a mosaic of an identity.”

Some of Martin’s ID essays which are particularly relevant to our conversation:
• “Why Broad-Based White Nationalism Fails and How to Fix It
• “It’s High Time for Southern Secession
• “A Holy Case for Southern Nationalism and Secession
• “A Strategy for Dissidents
• “You Make a Terrible Nazi
• “The Making of an Irish-Southern Nationalist” about CSA Maj. Gen. Patrick Cleburne who Martin uses as his online avatar (seen top-left in the feature image).

A few other pertinent articles:
• “The Universality of the Southern cause” by Dr. Boyd Cathey
• “We’re all secessionists now” and “Fake secession for thee; despotism for me” by yours truly.

And if you want to find out more about authors who are contributing to Padraig’s forthcoming book on Southern nationalism, here’s a good start:
James Edwards
Neil Kumar
Rick Dirtwater
Anne Wilson Smith

🚨 Update December 2023: Here is the aforementioned book which was aptly titled “The Honorable Cause: A Free South” and yours truly happens to be one of its 12 Southern essayists.

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  1. Daithi+Dubh

    I’m liking what I’m hearing, DM (and Padraig!)! Southerners need a way forward, and I think the patient approach, staying in it for the long game, must be that way. While my McCarty/MacCarthy kin were already over here in the colonies, I understand our cousins in the Old Country gathered their young ones later on in Hedge Schools, in secret, keeping alive the Irish language and our culture and traditions. Something akin to that concept may well be what we need here in the South.

    I’m definitely looking forward to y’all’s book!

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      Dissident Mama

      Thanks, DD! I’m just now checking in on the comments (didn’t notice I had any till just a bit ago) and Lord have mercy am I glad to have found yours amongst the cray cray. Clarity is not a strong suit among the unhinged. (You should see the comments currently tagged as spam and pending my approval … they’d curl your toenails!) But back to your point: yes, we should be seceding in every way possible from Murica already (culturally, spiritually, familial-wise, socially, educationally, etc), because otherwise, there will be nothing upon which to build, should political separation ever materialize. Honestly, what’d be the point to break away from one crappy system filled with crappy people just to replace it with a smaller system but still filled with crappy people?
      So, that is what I try to write about in my chapter of the book. That we’ve got to fix our foundations, not just going back to the War or the Founding or the Enlightenment or even Christendom … but we must go much, much farther and much, much deeper. I pray you will appreciate my two cents since I had people like you in mind when I wrote it.
      God bless you, friend. Thanks for listening and for offering up the one coherent and thought-provoking comment here.
      Deo vindice!

  2. Daithi+Dubh

    Additionally, I’ve started Stephen Wolfe’s “Christian Nationalism”. What Brother Padraig is talking about seems related or even a subset of what Wolfe is getting at. Indeed, we need repentance first and foremost!

    Thanks yet again for all you do!

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