Father Joseph Gleason, editor of Russian Faith, is an American-born Orthodox priest who has lived in Russia with his wife and eight children for the past five years. Fr. Joseph also has his own Substack called Fr. Joe’s Newsletter – Moving to Russia: Escaping America & Western Europe and is a contributor to Global Orthodox and the Russian Christian News Syndicate. The good father and I discuss Christian apostasy, Russsophobia, Orthodox prophecies, the “American Village” in Yaroslavl, the double-headed eagle and symphonia, the war in Ukraine and its eight-year lead up, and much more.
Below from left to right: Fr. Joseph with his wife and a few of their children; in Rostov-the-Great (3 hours north of Moscow, not to be confused with Rostov-on-Don in southern Russia); and serving at his parish with two of his sons.

America was essentially finished in the 1860’s when Father Abraham, aided by New York money men, German 48ers and New England busybodies turned the union of a voluntary confederation into a unitary state without limits.
I can’t say I disagree with you in the least.
Dissident Mama, do you believe the occupy wall street movement of the 2010’s and this current defund the police/defund the rich stuff is just another puritan yankee crusade?
Yep. 100%. There’s no better way to upend social order than to try to smash leftist-defined “inequality” … or at least that’s always the claim. The Yankee spirit is revolutionary, one born of constant reform and unrootedness. It may be a different era, but the game is the same: create chaos and then plunder and take power.