Dissident Mama, episode 55 – Lana Lokteff

Lana Lokteff is part of the indie media website known as Red Ice, where she co-hosts “Red Ice TV Live” and “Weekend Warrior” with her husband and Red Ice founder Henrik Palmgren. She is also the sole host of the interview show “Radio 3Fourteen,” another Red Ice production.

In addition to creating articles and videos for Red Ice, Lokteff owns her own organic clothing line called Lana’s Llama. The Oregon native is passionate about health, European identity politics, and ancestral traditions, of which hers are Slavic.

Lokteff and I talk about how she and Palmgren met, the origins of their prolific website, Red Ice’s banishment from corporate platforms including YouTube (be sure to check out 10-year’s worth of their archived videos here), what it means to be pro-white and anti-globalist, how trad women can play a role in politics and social commentary and the domestic balance it requires, Russia-Ukraine, neo-Nazis, nationalism, and more.

Download this podcast episode, watch on Odysee or YouTube, or listen here. 👇

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  1. Based Boomer

    Good to see your site back up and resuming these fabulous interviews. Sad that possibly someone in our own ancient church pulled these shenanigans. Modus operandi of evangeleftists/secular leftists but as the creed says “and he shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead”. When I was an evangelical, I often doubted that God rendered judgement (perhaps partly due to the propensity for expository Mr. Rogers sermons) but when I came to Orthodoxy, the reality of judgement, and eternity in the heavenly kingdom, now fills my 64 year old heart and soul.
    Your guest was based, and your style of interviewing coming from establishing a consonant ground with your guest, is a welcome change from driving a wedge in with the “are you saved” or “the word says” I was once accustomed to, and am glad is now far in my rear view mirror.
    Keep up the good interviews. It’s a blessing to many of us.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      BB, so glad you enjoyed the conversation, as well as my interview style. This podcasting thing takes a ton of work (something I didn’t really understand when I branched out into it in 2020) but I’m glad to be doing it. There are so many fascinating people out there doing really stupendous work, so I hope to focus on the things that bring us together. Lord knows, “the right” and “traditionalism” is such a tiny fraction of the population that wedges amongst us are not only silly but they’re also self-destructive, I think.
      Thanks for taking the time to write such a worthwhile comment.
      Your sister in Christ, Rebecca 🙂

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      I appreciate the compliment. I was pretty pleased with it myself, although Lana was a pretty easy interview … that woman knows her stuff!

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