Dissident Mama, episode 52 – Jim Jatras

Jim Jatras is a retired Washington, DC-based attorney, political analyst, and media and government affairs specialist. He formerly served as a senior foreign policy adviser to the US Senate Republican leadership, and before that served as a diplomat in Mexico, the Office of Soviet Union affairs, and the Office of the Under Secretary for Political Affairs. Jatras is also an Orthodox Christian and an outspoken political and cultural critic.

A self-proclaimed “unReconstructed Byzantine,” Jatras and I discuss the covid “winds of delusion,” jab exemptions, referring to “the American Republic in the past tense,” the media-industrial complex, the American “ethnos,” the South as globohomo’s whipping boy, Transatlanticism, Kievan Rus history, the Orthodox Church and geopolitics, and more. I’m telling ya, folks, it’s a stupendous interview, just brimming with both big-picture takeaways and fascinating particulars.

Download this episode, watch on YouTube* and now on Odysee, or listen here. 👇

Some Jatras content related to our chat include:

• Orthodox Reflections’ panel discussion “The Journey Through Pandemia
• “How American Media Serves as a Transmission Belt for Wars of Choice
• “The Media As Watchdogs of American Hegemony
• “It’s Time for Us All To Escape from the ‘Trans-Atlanticism’ Straitjacket
• “War with Russia Is Not ‘Inevitable.’ Keep Repeating That
• “What’s Really behind the State Department’s Meddling in Ukraine?
• “It’s Later Than You Think” from his speech at the 2021 Ron Paul Institute Student Seminar

You can read more of Jatras’s articles at the Strategic Culture Foundation and Chronicles, check out some of his other interviews on YouTube, and follow him on Twitter.

*Update: YouTube emailed me on January 27, claiming that my interview with Jatras violates the “medical misinformation policy” of their “Community Guidelines.” Not only did they censor this video (just like they did with my Betsy Ball Clark interview), but they also gave me “1 strike,” prohibiting me from uploading any new content for one week. Yep, the neo-Bolsheviks pretend to be my and your parents by treating us like low-IQ children and then putting me in timeout. All the more reason to simply listen to the podcast or watch the video on the free-speech-friendly Odysee. It’s only a matter of time before the tyrants remove all of Jatras’s and my content, just like they want to remove us all from the public square and even from existence.

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  1. Jeff Moore

    Thanks for this excellent podcast which really did cover the whole Present Darkness. I love how you both assume that all these different “issues”, scamdemic, lgbt madness, permanent war, are all one big “program”. When you look at everything in this light you really start to see the situation…

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    Dissident Mama

    Preach, Jeff: “It’s all the same thing!!!” I want to scream it from the mountaintops, but I guess a blog and podcast will have to do. 😉 But “present darkness” … I’m totally stealing that phrase, lol. God bless you, sir, and thank you so much for your kind words.

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