Dissident Mama, episode 38 – Scott Horton

Scott Horton is the author of “Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terrorism,” “Fool’s Errand: Time to the End the War in Afghanistan,” and “The Great Ron Paul: The Scott Horton Show Interviews 2004-2019,” and was featured in the 2019 documentary “An Endless War: Getting Out of Afghanistan.” He’s director of The Libertarian Institute, editorial director of Antiwar.com, and host of Antiwar Radio on Pacifica 90.7 FM KPFK in Los Angeles and The Scott Horton Show. The podcaster/broadcaster extraordinaire has conducted more than 5,500 interviews since 2003.

I tap into Horton’s vast knowledge in order to try to make sense of the Israel-Palestine crisis, its history and modern implications, especially the frustrating gaslit loyalty and heretical beliefs of Christian Zionists, the power of the pro-Israel lobby, the ignored plight of Palestinian Christians, Israel’s obstruction to peace, the Deep State’s fostering discord, and the US’s backing of the secular regime with money, arms, and unparalleled political support. So, what does Murica get in return for being Israel’s client state? Horton will fill us in.

I also tell Horton about my hypothesis that the conflict in Israel is akin to the War of Northern Aggression. Since we in Dixie have been under imperial occupation since 1865, her lands destroyed and given over to settler colonialism, her collective memory maligned, her culture reconstructed and razed, and her people scapegoated and force-fed a revisionist history that not only obscures US government crimes, but now actively promotes them, I think it’s a pretty good comparison, which I may expound upon in a future essay. Find out what he thinks.

Download this episode, watch our discussion on YouTube, or listen to the episode here 👇.

Links related to the show:

• America’s Hebrew Republic, a Puritan idea
• The roots of dispensationalism
• Big Con and the modern State of Israel
• Christian Zionism
• Plight of the Palestinian Christians
Christians disappearing from Gaza
• US-Israeli dual citizenship
• Israel lobby manufactures anti-Semitism
• The Israel Lobby Enters State Government

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  1. Joseph Johnson

    Dissident Mama, This question may be off topic, but have you read the two recent column’s by Anthony Esolen in crisis magazine and the catholic thing website and if you have , what do think about it?

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      Dissident Mama

      Joseph, I had not read the articles, that is, until you suggested them. And wow! Dr. Esolen is such a brilliant man. I’ve corresponded with him once before and he was quite cordial, so your comment reminds me that I should try to get him on my podcast. As far as his essays go, I think they are spot on!

  2. Michael

    Dissident Mama, I want to start out as saying that I love the podcast. As someone who has been doxxed before in the past and my career threatened I know all to well the dangers that we as southerners face in our day to day lives. I am in the process of listening to all your older podcast also as I view them as a sense of fresh air. Like you, I think that we as a people need to return to our roots, via our southern morals and values so that we can stand out from the carpet baggers that inhabit our southern land.

    I say all this to say that episode 38 is hard to listen through as I disagree with a majority of what he is saying. I may be as the oddity in regards to the Confederate circles I fall in with in regards to the Nation of Israel. I do find however that its only one of the few things that my fellow White Dissidents and myself would disagree with. I find that when it comes to all other matters in regards to politics and the Nation of the C.S.A. we are in full agreement. I do plan to finish the episode, though it does makes my blood boil.

    At a time that our heritage and ancestors are under continuous attack, we can ill afford to dwell on petty disagreements. From one Tarheel to another, keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing more on the podcast.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      Michael, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. I’m always happy to meet fellow travelers, even if we don’t see eye to eye on everything. But I poked around and I think we have a few things in common, including a red-haired subversive who teaches at a NC college who has doxxed us both. Perhaps you’d be willing to come on my podcast and share your story?! I’d be fascinated to hear your side of it, which I’m sure waaaaaaay closer to the truth than is that of the SPLC-deemed “hate” expert.
      Otherwise, I’m thrilled you stumbled upon my podcast and hope you will keep listening and commenting. Stay tough out there – it’s a jungle and a complicated one at that!
      God bless, Rebecca/DM 🙂

      1. Michael

        I would like to start this message to say that I would love to come on the podcast. Its weird but I have played with the idea of starting a podcast myself but my family life prevents me from the long term commitments that it would inquire. I have a long history of Confederate history going back to my ancestors to what I thought about in my early life. Its odd to think that even growing up your ancestors were steering you in a particular direction or belief.
        I am also curious as to who has doxxed us as I never found out who doxxed me maybe because I was to worried about my career and family at the time to care. Since that time I have gotten back into the career that I love. In fact it has placed me in a better place and one of greater influence that I was in previously. I am teaching my boys to not follow me in the career that I have chosen but to go into one that their Confederate ancestors would be proud of. I see the fruits of my teaching in my 10 year old and only hope and pray that he continues down the path. My youngest is too young to know better but I hope and pray that he will come to know the Confederate Flag as a sacred flag as I have and to know the history of his family and what they did in defense of the C.S.A. flag. Contact me soon I hope to discuss matters further. If nothing else to meet a fellow dissident and speak with a like minded Confederate.

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