Jason Kessler is a freelance journalist and activist who has written for VDare and The Daily Caller. He got his break in journalism exposing the racial double-standards surrounding the Twitter posts of Charlottesville Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy, who was pushing to remove a historic Confederate monument after going on anti-white rants for a period of close to 10 years.
👉 Watch my interview with Jason Kessler on YouTube! 👈
But Kessler, a graduate of the University of Virginia, is best known as the organizer for the Unite the Right rally, which took place in August 2017. Perpetually pegged for the postmodern age as the “deadly white supremacist rally,” we’ll find out why Kessler organized the now-infamous event, what life and lawsuits have been like since then, and get his thoughts on the Charlottesville/DC comparison. His is a story that needs to be heard.
We’ll also see if Kessler feels a little vindicated these dystopian days; I know I do. I wasn’t even there, but I’ve defended the rally and called out the mob and its statist backers since day 1. In fact, the first time I was ever called a Nazi was by a fellow Orthodox Christian to whom I was simply explaining that describing the event as “Nazis vs. peaceful protesters” was a gross oversimplification at best, or ammunition for true injustice and punitive anti-whiteness at worst. It’d be silly if it weren’t so sinister.
I’ve been warning that the encroaching anarcho-tyranny, with all its fear tactics and censorship and hypocrisy, will eventually chew us all up and spit us out, only if we’re not unapologetic in resisting the scheme. I’ve tried to convince people that virtue-signaling isn’t virtuous and that parroting the propaganda will only embolden the cultural Marxists to step up their violence and subterfuge. I’ve argued that not standing up for the freedom of conscience of others, especially those society defines as scoundrels, is a dangerous precedent to set, and that this progressive pogrom all hinges upon the Charlottesville narrative.
My good friends at Reckonin’ have done yeoman’s work in trying to get the truth out about the rally and in trying to give Kessler a fair shake. Yet, our efforts always seemed to fall on deaf ears, or maybe it was just weak spines.
But now, more and more people understand that the seething and powerful leftists aren’t just coming after those irredeemable “white supremacists” who everyone was so ready to dox, castigate, and sacrifice to the progressive gods after Charlottesville. Now, the totalitarians are coming after you, your job, your speech, your reputation, and your children, and if you dissent, you too are a Nazi. Maybe, just maybe conservatives, libertarians, normies, cucked Christians, and anyone else who played along with this dangerous game can finally see that their complicity is precisely what helped to undergird and perpetuate the very same lies that are now aiming to ruin their lives.
I think it’s well past time to stop throwing each other under the bus, y’all. It’s time to grow a backbone and fervently combat the fiction that any time majority-white crowds gather it’s akin to a Klan rally or a coup, while the BLM-Antifa syndicate is just out there innocently channeling the spirit of MLK for the greater good. Well, as Saint King once said, “The time is always right to do what is right.” Now is the time. Amen to that.
Had an opportunity to listen to this in bursts yesterday. Again, spot-on, DM! The only solution here, I believe, is to continue counter-inundating us with good information like you and others are doing! It’s a huge job, but I find that it helps me to get so sick and tired of the Left’s lies, that I just don’t care what they think anymore!
Yes! Yes! It’s all true! I’m a racist/homophobe/Islamophobe/Neo-Confederate (etc., etc.)!!! They’re gonna call me that no matter what I say, whether there’s a lick of truth in it or not, so I might as well embrace it, harden my heart against it, and let it roll off my back!
Then maybe we can get on with really revitalizing and preserving our culture, and push back aggressively against them where necessary!
My initial thoughts, anyway.
Yaaaaaas! This is how we start to become battle-hardened, and then from there we can get onto other serious business, like forming mutually beneficial alliances and growing like-minded community. Baby steps, but it’s a darn good and necessary first leap!
Just finished listening and it’s made me angry to hear how Jason and others were treated about this event. As you have stated many times, eventually we will have to develop a thick skin. I’ll put it this away: right now, white American conservative Christians are the scapegoat for virtually all societal problems. No matter how reasonable you are (such as in Jason’s case), it has become socially acceptable to mock, to ridicule, and to slander them. Trying to point out hypocrisy in today’s world assumes that (1) the other side is open to persuasion and (2) we all share common virtue and decency. It is clear that neither of these assumptions hold anymore.
You, sir, are spot on! Not only because I agree with you 100% and even said as much in my latest essay …
https://www.dissidentmama.net/wheres-the-clerical-consistency-part-2/ …
but also because it’s so damn obvious, yet STILL so many try to avoid the fact due to your points 1 and 2. This is a war; that’s not hyperbole, it’s the truth. And the sooner people wake up to that fact, the better. Thank you for being one of the brave warriors saying what needs to be said and fighting the good fight. God bless you, brother!
That poor guy. He really didn’t understand the forces that were arrayed against him. He was kind of like a blind man stumbling into a wood chipper. I mean no disrespect .
Yes, I get your point. We were all a little wide-eyed back then. Pre-Charlottesville really does seem like a thousand years ago, doesn’t it?! And I do firmly believe that Kessler truly wanted to “unite the right,” but the powers that be couldn’t let that happen. Wrath of the awakened Saxon, and all that. I mean, majority white folks doing anything that doesn’t counter the interests of majority white folks simply cannot be tolerated these days. The archetype **must** exist, for every globohomo scheme rests upon it. All we can say now is live and learn, heed wisely Kessler’s lesson, and pray for him – and for us all.