Just as Charlottesville is eternally imprinted into the American psyche as “the deadly white-supremacist rally,” this week’s pro-Trump, anti-elite protest in Washington is successfully being tarnished as “mob violence” and “a siege.” The pearl-clutching is pretty epic, even for a postmodern people.
“Trump loyalists stormed the Capitol” and “rioters breached security,” go the contrived commentaries with their carefully framed inflammatory verbs. It was a “disturbing, deadly insurrection” perpetrated by “extremists,” and a even a “coup” attempted by “white supremacists.”
“Imagine how many more folks would’ve died had the protesters been black,” screech the blue checks on Twitter. Well, I can answer that confidently: zero. Armed black men have “invaded” a capitol before, and no one died.

Of course, let’s not forget that BLM riots raged for six months and not one black person was killed. Yet, four DC protesters are dead at the hands of federal police, including Ashli Babbitt and three others who expired from “medical emergencies,” whatever that means.
But the white Air Force veteran won’t be eternally lauded like Heather Heyer, the nearly sainted fat feminist who had a heart attack in Charlottesville. Nor will Babbitt ever be deified like amateur porn star and armed robber George Floyd.
On bent knee, the Leviathan would’ve rolled out the kente-fringed red carpet for black Americans, and maybe even a rainbow-bunted rug for their marginalized LGBT comrades. All intellectually honest people know it’s true, although they may not admit it publicly.
Which brings me to the related issues of capitulation and cowardice. Sure, the double standard within the media-government complex is renowned among wise consumers of “news.” We get that the weaker and more compliant are journalists, corporate goons, and politicians, the better are their chances to crawl their way just a smidgen above the herds of pathetic but powerful mediocrities.

What is troubling is that fomenting of the agitprop isn’t just coming from these usual suspects, but is being disseminated by some on “the right.” I expect this kind of effete behavior from Rod Dreher. But Pat Buchanan?
The granddaddy populist described the protest as “a disgrace and a debacle,” while Betsy Clarke, a contributor to the paleocon periodical Chronicles, echoed that the actions of the pro-Trump supporters were “disgraceful.” Nope, they were glorious and long overdue.
Buchanan worries that the events will be “forever exploited to discredit not only Trump but the movement he led and the achievements of his presidency.” And Ann Coulter tweeted that “this will be used FOREVER against conservatives.” How can these smart politicos not grasp that the leftist-fabricated narratives endure precisely because those on the right allow them to even take root?
Charlottesville only became forever pegged as “the deadly white-supremacist rally” because nearly every conservative spent his precious time disavowing Unite the Right, which in turn overshadowed the extremely valid reasons the event was organized in the first place: to defend Southern monuments, to advocate for free speech, and to oppose cultural Marxism. Thus, the right inadvertently helped to craft the bludgeon by which it is constantly struck.

Sadly, conservatives and liberty-lovers, save for a few outliers like the fiery Ilana Mercer, are giving the left ample ammo yet again. Can’t they now see (with the benefit of more than three years hindsight) that maybe, just maybe if more good people had defended UTR, “Charlottesville” might not have morphed into the watershed moment for ringing in the epoch of anarcho-tyranny and its ensuing anti-racist hellscape?
Don’t punch right. Learn from the left. They are masters at staying on point and never getting distracted by the details or apologies or nuance or even facts, which are still spotty concerning the DC events.
This is an information war, so never cede an inch of ground to the enemy. Ever. You can even turn what some insist is bad optics into a win, but only if you stay on the offensive and on point: that Americans are finally grasping that the Great American Experiment is imploding and that centralization is inherently corrupt.
I know it’s a bitter pill for some, but turns out that what Southerners have been saying for more than 160 years is spot on. Embrace it.

So when Alex Jones gets sidetracked, saying that QAnon was led astray by Antifa and the “storming of the Capitol” will forever besmirch the liberty movement, I see this as highly counterproductive. Maybe if he didn’t spend all day Friday trying to distance himself from the protesters and interviewing people claiming the events were akin to 9/11, he could co-opt the “storming the Capitol” narrative, turning the progressive misinformation on its head.

Even Buchanan says a 9/11 comparison is “malicious hyperbole, establishment propaganda,” just like Chuckie Schumer’s claim that the protest was like Pearl Harbor. I mean, c’mon. We should mercilessly mock this “pseudo-reality,” as James Lindsay calls it, not give it fuel. Stop reinforcing the establishment narrative. Stop carrying the water for Babylon, and instead help to douse out the demonic fire that burns hottest in the belly of the beast.
I know we’re tired of being vilified, but we non-leftists must pull our tails from between our legs and boldly celebrate the fact that the very people who are empowered and enriched by mass democracy and forever wars and our oppression were this week cowering under their desks. Good optics? Check.

Celebrate that the politicians who praised the anti-white, anti-Southern, and anti-civilization BLM riots, encouraged the leftist mobs to take it to the suburbs and rural communities, ignored small-business owners who called out the wanton destruction, and maligned any patriot who had the cojones to use guns in self-defense of life and property are now the ones who are scared. Bruce Willis really says it best in Die Hard, “Welcome to the party, pal.” Good optics? Check.

Celebrate that a Battle Flag was “carried triumphantly inside this most anti-Confederate landmark.” Whether or not the picture below is a fake (which is the going rumor), it should warm our rebel hearts that triggered elitists see it as “a symbolic gut-punch.” Gloriously good optics? Oh yeah.

Celebrate that Capitol events were way more in line with “the Founders,” who are incessantly bandied about by Congress, but always in the pursuit of increasing the size and scope of the state and in decreasing your freedom. Don’t parrot that the protest was “sedition,” but rather declare that it was a win for sanity. I’m confident that America’s Revolutionary War heroes would be pleased as punch that the deep-state dwellers in our far-away capital were shaking in their boots.

I mean, for an ideology that’s constantly citing Thomas Jefferson and his “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants” quote, its supposed conservative adherents sure are squeamish about “doing liberty shit,” as one tweet succinctly put it.
In predictable fashion, globalist powers wagged their totalitarian fingers at the American deplorables. From India, the world’s “oldest democracy [is] in crisis.” From France, it was “the day America’s democracy fractured.” From Portugal, “Trump supporters attack the heart of American democracy.” And from Germany, “American democracy will prove to be much stronger than the aggressors and rioters.”

Bad American history is to be expected from foreigners, but many US “patriots” echoed the same kind of miseducated pronouncements. Sen. Ted Cruz castigated the “despicable terrorists” for threatening our “citadel of democracy.” James Mattis, former defense secretary under Trump, declared that the “violent assault on our Capitol [was] an effort to subjugate American democracy by mob rule.”
At least when Buchanan called the protest a “mob occupation and desecration of the temple of the American Republic,” he got what is supposed to be our form of government correct. But really, what should be decried is the worship of tyrannical centralized power that would shock even “Mr. Nationalize Everything” Alexander Hamilton. If the state is our religion and the US Capitol its “sacred place,” consider me an atheist.
Whether through its egalitarian schemes, regulatory control, taxation, war-on-terror tactics, or covid hysteria, the criminal class in DC and in too many of our state capitols (along with their foot soldiers in law and medicine, legacy media, big tech, academia, and woke capitalism) has taken away your speech. Your jobs. Your right to self-defense. Your history. Your culture. Your freedom of movement. Your friends and family through the social shaming of people with politically incorrect thought. Your church and your life’s rewarding recreations. In a word, your liberty.
Yet, some conservative pundits are still chirping about “law and order” and muh Constitution. How tone deaf do you have to be?
There is no room for purism. Just study what happened to Shenandoah Valley’s neutral civilians when Union General Philip Sheridan marched in and carried out The Burning. The empire isn’t interested in “unity,” y’all. It wants your soul.

“The Constitution controls, not the mob,” stated Sen. Lindsey Graham. But for people who didn’t already realize that that document was murdered and buried more than 160 years ago, they saw with their own eyes in 2020 that violence is indeed how at least some people get what they want.

And they also witnessed that the electoral process in which they’d put so much faith for so long is a complete mirage. So, they took note of the politicos, talking heads, corporate cronies, and churched leftists assuring the masses nonstop that MLK was correct in describing that “A riot is the language of the unheard.”

In fact, history shows us that “America as a sovereign country was founded in violence, righteous violence,” explained DM guest columnist Jack Kerwick. I say, the DC protesters were indeed exhibiting the “Spirit of ’76” there in the shadow of the “Statue of Freedom,” which crowns the dome of the diseased American “temple.”
And the fact that she stands upon a globe etched with the moribund motto “E pluribus unum” (Out of many, one) that is propped up by fasces, I think that makes resistance even more palatable for patriots. Good history and logic? Check and check.
If you must condemn violence, you must also condemn the Founders. You must condemn the occupying centralized Lincolnian nation-state which was built upon total war against Southern civilians, including the elderly, women, and children, as well as the destruction of the Plains Indians. You must condemn the US empire and its deadly welfare-warfare complex, which is subsidized through theft at the point of a gun.
You must condemn BLM-Antifa. The “peaceful protesters” at Charlottesville. And the censorship, cancel culture, and “hate speech” laws that create an environment where violence appears to be the only option. But to do so is in fact to condemn the state, which puts us right back at square one. See how that works? I say, knock that golden calf from its undeserving pedestal, or support those who are willing to do so.

A friend pointed out to me that the Capitol protest took place on the Christian feast of Epiphany, which means “to reveal.” Normies aren’t “spitting out their red pills,” as some libertarians claim. The realization that the empire is not their friend or keeper cannot be undone.
Nor are the 74 million pissed-off patriots saddened by this “challenge to a symbol of national power.” Indeed, that was the whole point of the event: to push back against the state and the fraudulent institutions it has used to buttress our dysfunctional, dangerous, and degenerate society, and demean the good people within it.
They’re done being rubes of the new-world religion. So, rather than scolding the newly red-pilled who are ready to gulp down the whole damn bottle, let’s exhibit some strength … sans all the cucked disclaimers.
Solidarity really is the only thing, other than prayer and God’s will, that can help us withstand the postmodern assault that is not going to let us alone. So, let’s stir what Rudyard Kipling described in his poem, “The Beginnings“: an altruistic and peaceable people finally tapping into their angst in order to oppose a sinister enemy and bring forth a new era. Amen and awomen: the jig is up. And it’s about damn time.

Unless you like the status quo, you should defiantly defend these true justice warriors, as opposed to disavowing them. Be compatriots, not compromisers. Now is the time to harden that skill. We’ll need it in the turbulent days to come.
Don’t denounce, distance, or deny. Don’t make the same weak-kneed, virtue-signaling mistakes made by too many after Charlottesville, forever solidifying the progressive mythos. Think big picture, people; don’t get lost in the weeds.
Instead, unapologetically back the protesters and their redress of grievances. It’s the right move to disempowering the beast and throwing off the continuing domestic war and coming amped-up sieges on community and tradition, faith and family, history and localism. Anything less, that is the disgrace.
“Stay alert! Stay alive!”, my drill sergeant used to say! As I grew older and more experienced, a similar, and equally important slogan accompanied it: “Maintain situational awareness (SA)!” Both are vital, particularly in war, to accomplishing your mission, and even in saving your life!
It’s obvious to me, then, that Big Con, Conservative Inc., and the GOP, are either clueless or culpably ignorant of SA. If we lived in a republic wherein the rule of law and ordered liberty were indeed largely honoured, then what some of the protesters did last week would have been simply abominable, and I’d be joining the chorus of loud and vociferous condemnation. But any illusion that The Powers That Be (TPTB) give a rat’s hindquarters about any of that was given the final death blow, apparently, by Mike Pence (I’ll gladly be corrected here, BTW; I don’t want to be guilty of false witness!).
Spokesmen for Conservative Inc. are concerned about last week’s optics?!!? Really?!!? Honestly, they act as if we make that final brilliant point, keep our noses clean, and maintain proper deportment, why, then, we’ll show them!
Newsflash, y’all: They don’t care!
Talk about a lack of SA!
This is war! When does it dawn on us that the very town’s name where these abominations occur is derived from a man who utilized violence to throw off the lawless tyranny of the King and Parliament?!!? (General Washingon is undoubtedly spinning in his tomb!) Now, I don’t know that I approve of all that happened last week, but I want to ask this: Whose is the greater sin, those who, perhaps perceiving the final blow to their desire to see lawful redress of grievances, in a fit of desperation, albeit misguided, caused a few among TPTB to soil their britches, or the TPTB, who have consistently abandoned all pretence of supporting and defending the Constitution and upholding their oaths to same; who, have lived off their citizenry, often holding them in contempt, and ultimately aided and supported all sorts of lawlessness, both domestically and abroad?
Hmmm. Let me think!
Hint: The real insurrection, rebellion, insurgency, is perpetrated among those who wear smart business attire, and/or judicial robes!
So, yeah, I laugh along with you, Miss Rebecca, at images of that vile class cringing behind their desks! I don’t give a hoot about what the Left, and the Deep State, along with their minions in the corporate world, the media, accademia, or BigEva, think! They can pound sand!
Figure it out, y’all! Maintain SA! We’re in a war, and we’d better start abandoning all hope in the approved institutions we’ve held to for so long! They’re either dead, corrupted beyond redemption, or both! There’s work to be done by men and women who love freedom, and understand that that involves responsbiility! Yes, pray, repent – Lord knows, we need to repent and seek Him! But let that repentance result in action that befits repentance! Don’t do like many of my co-religionists do, and use the excuse that “It’s all gonna burn anyway!” to remain passive and do nothing! Until He calls us to our ultimate home, we haven’t been relieved of duty!
The way you explained SA is just brilliant. And I especially love the way you ended your comment: “Don’t do like many of my co-religionists do, and use the excuse that ‘It’s all gonna burn anyway!’ to remain passive and do nothing! Until He calls us to our ultimate home, we haven’t been relieved of duty!” Yaaaaaas. We have many duties – to our families, to our progeny, to truth, to community, to ourselves, and to the Lord – so we must strike a balance. Thinking about all this now. Hope to have an essay out about it asap and would be very interested in hearing your thoughts. Deo vindice, DD!
” Charlottesville ! ” . How tired I am of hearing that same old worn-out propagandistic knee-jerk catch-word ! Even when it was going on,I said to myself, ” JUST ANOTHER AMERICAN FAKE !! ” . All a person had to do was to take the most cursory glance at the TV video coverage easily and effortlessly to see that it was – ” just one more put-up job ” . Just more social-engineering – that’s all ! Back in the 1960’s,American governing circles wished to stage REAL , AUTHENTIC attacks,killings,etc. as part of the indoctrinational ” push ” towards the New World Order. But,saner heads prevailed. And,the decision was made that all that would actually be necessary would be to stage FAKE events , and ” STAGE-CRAFT ” occurrences. As far as Charlottesville goes,actors were hired on a day-rate,and were bussed in to the event. And,when de-bussing,these play-actors were told to ” grab a sign ” or to ” grab a flag or pennant ” from off of a large collection of such ” protest items ” fully prepared and pre-arranged,and laid out on tables,ready for the taking. The local police-forces had previously been alerted,and instructed to take up stations in order to prevent clashes between opposing demonstrators. But then,on the actual day,countermanding instructions and contradictory orders were unexpectedly and mysteriously issued to the officers,leading to confusion,mix-up’s,reasonless withdrawals of assigned patrols,etc. ” Crisis Actors ” – strategically pre-located , are filmed jumping ONTO the hoods of a moving automobile. [ OH ! COME ON !! Some of these guys urgently need more acting lessons ! ] . Really,a person does get so tired of all of these STAGED EVENTS endlessly issuing forth from the USA. Massacres of school children at schools that have been standing totally abandonned for years ! Really !! There are simply FAR TOO MANY of these American fakes !!!
Even if C-ville was a fake and DC was staged, I say we still own the events and stop apologizing and making disclaimers. WE craft the narrative. “Hell yeah people should be ‘storming’ the capitol!” “Hell yeah we should be attending a ‘white supremacist rally’ to resist monument removal!” This is how we avoid playing right into the hands of the people who purposefully misinterpret the events or set ’em up to begin with. If we used the events for our own advantage, the NWO agitprop would not have near the strength and power as it does. If you are correct, these fakes are going to keep on happening, I think we must utilize them in a way that takes the wind out of the leftists’ sails and stop being so scared of being called bad names.
This article and your “You don’t want us?…” posting are absolute masterpieces. No GOP for me anymore! I have grown increasingly tired of the double-standards on last week’s events.
Even though I left this ding-dong’s church 7 months ago, I can’t help but check in on what he’s been up to lately…well, his latest post takes the cake:
I know, I know… I don’t go there anymore and I should just let it go, however, I have friends that still go there that I care deeply about that don’t think like him and I don’t want to see them get hurt / suckered further…I’ve been shaking with anger all day and doing all I can not to (figuratively) light this pastor up. I have not lost my faith in Christ and never will, but, I am to a point where I do not trust any churches or pastors.
“Absolute masterpieces”? I’ll take it! 🙂
Ugh, I just gave a cursory peek at ding-dong’s essay, and let me just say, thank the Good Lord you fled his pulpit of propaganda. I say to him, keep doing the footwork for the evil empire, buddy, ’cause you’re either a true believe in the synagogue of Satan known as DC or you’re desperate to hold on to your tax-exempt status. Either way, God will be the judge, and my guess is that this pastor will be burning hot with Lincoln come Judgment Day.
Are you anywhere near a ROCOR (Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia) parish or monastery? If so, you should visit.
I get your frustration, brother. Turbulent times are ahead and we should prepare ourselves spiritually. Pray mightily, but please do not let the haters steal your joy! Study the saints. Study the early Church. And surround yourself with like-minded people as much as possible. We are not the first to go through heresy veiled as good theology. God will prevail in the end!
So much talk – from so many quarters – about – ” The Real Jesus ” . But,when people are told the actual historical facts, – Why – they just get mad and decide that the source is a liar and an enemy. Iranaeus of Lyon,in several different places in his extensive writings,emphatically and unequivocally states and declares that Jesus was born in the 41 st year of the reign of Octavian Augustus. That was the year that we call 14 A.D. Iranaeus goes on to state that Jesus died in the 3 rd year of the reign of Trajan Augustus,and that was the year that we call 101 A.D. So,Jesus died at age 87,a not impossible age for a pampered royal prince. Iranaeus rigourously condemns the idea that Jesus died at a young age,such as 30,or 33,years,” because such a young man would never have had time enough to become a great philosopher and teacher,or to found and lead a school of followers,disciples,scholarly students,etc. ” . The Jewish Talmud speaks extensively of a certain Prince Izas of Palmyra,Syria,in the Kingdom of Aurania. IZAS – JESUS – get it ? ” Aurania ” or ” Ourania ” meant ” Heaven ” – the Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible is written on – ” several different levels ” – something like a number of different radio-wave-frequencies all occupying the same air-space. A great British scholar,a genius philosopher,a distinguished researcher,an on-site archaeologist,a master of a number of ancient and modern languages,has spent 30 years ,and more,in researching the actual and real history of – the real Jesus. THE REAL JESUS. He has published a whole series of books recounting his scholarly research and investigations. A first reading of these books is a ” MIND-BOGGLING ” experience,to use a rather odd expression. His name is Ralph Ellis,and all of his books are published by Edfu Books in Great Britain and also by Adventures Unlimited Books in the USA This latter book publisher has an excellent online catalogue that can be accessed free-of-charge. Ralph Ellis’ book-titles are given excellent summaries and synopses that in-and-of themselves engage and invite the curious and the open-minded.
A note to Dissident Mama : To encourage you in your good works,I shall send to you,via PAYPAL,a modest monetary donation. [ Somehow – don’t ask me – I’ve ended up with a new ” name ” , that you see here , but I was previously referred to as , ” a1b2y25z26 ” – and maybe I still am , somewhere in Cyberspace. ] .
Helping out a compatriot in the Great White North …
Hello Mama
Can’t comment-Disqus denies my email address.
Anyway, Pat Buchanan just somehow rides on his laurels. From what I have seen and heard from him, as a useful conservative, he is a prime pain in the butt. Can’t see why V Dare keeps him on site.
Coulter is simply stupid.
I look at it this way. The liberalists [not liberals} and the socialists [ I repeat] and the wanna be Bolsheviks all keep a fire in the belly, and that leads to their success.
Most “conservatives” have such a bad case of indigestion and constipation, which causes so much grief that they just can’t think straight. They cannot even remember what is left and what is right. So, in confusion, they fall face down flat in the mud..
Crudely the world is supposed to work like this. The “liberalists” keep filling the “conservatives’ ” mouth with ripe dog shit, and those lucky “conservatives” keep squealing , “Strawberry jam!” But, this time, they spit it out. And that was their horrid crime.
Maybe you would consider posting this for me.
Dave in Canada
… Done! Thanks for trying, Dave. I don’t mind helping you out when I can. 🙂
Actually the Constitution was put on hold in 1871 with the incorporation of the U.S. It is about to be restored to its 1871 original standing as the corporation of the U.S. is closed down and the Republic is reinstated, so we will be under the real United States. That means everything after that date and in the subsequent constitution is null and void. Should make for interesting times.
Can you give me your favorite sources on this? Still though, if the Constitution died under Lincoln, what does it really matter? I’m ready for some null and voice circa 1861.
If you want the ORIGINAL documents and need to learn more about this listen to BARDS.FM. He is putting up a PDF package of the original documents and is beginning a teaching series on the Federalist Papers shortly. Every Patriot needs to know these things. We have been through all of this before.