Digital struggle sessions

Last week YouTube notified me that my interview with Jim Jatras had been removed. According to my 2021 analytics, 93% of my YouTube viewership is comprised of middle-age males. So I thought that perhaps the cultural renovationists were triggered that this video which was steadily gaining views and garnering likes and comments wasn’t peddling porn or the host even showing cleavage.

But no, they notified me that my interview violated the “medical misinformation policy” of their “Community Guidelines.” Not only did YouTube censor this video, but they also gave me “1 strike,” prohibiting me from uploading any new content for a week.

The tube tyrants act as if they’re our parents by putting some people in tech timeout. And if we’re naughty again, why, Big Papa (or really Big Brother) will have to dish out more of their dystopian discipline. Be sure to comply with our newspeak, Johnny. And Janey, better not question the narrative. Big Daddy Tech knows best! It would be silly if it weren’t so sinister.

It’s not the first time YouTube has shaken their boney neo-Maoist finger at me. Some of you may recall when my Betsy Ball Clark interview was also removed from the platform and for the same disingenuous reasons.

“YouTube doesn’t allow claims about COVID-19 vaccinations that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization,” they said, adding that “it’s important to us that YouTube is a safe place for all.” And by “all,” they mean the status quo.

A CDC-sponsored banner now appears when users search up videos related to covid. YouTube also encourages viewers to click on the “more resources on Google” link, which offers up all the proper coof opinions.

YouTube does similar shenanigans regarding the Great Reset. Under a “Context” banner, they feature a click-bait Wikipedia link to dispell any criticism of the globohomo agenda. Predictably, all lead search results are videos from the World Economic Forum – the very people who are leading the push for the spirit of the age.

Wise media consumers have known for a long time that what’s absolutely essential for understanding the world in which we live (and for intellectual inquiry general) is not just recognizing lies but also realizing much of the truth lies in what you’re not being told. Although globohomers are inundated with “information” (i.e. propaganda supporting the regime narrative), they’re lacking in breadth of knowledge and are truly ignorant about critiques, counter arguments, opposing data, and nuanced positions.

So, on one hand, when censors erase your content, you know it must be striking at the heart of the beast. It’s sort of like a feather in a content-creator’s cap. However, having a video or two removed and though it may seem like minimal intimidation in comparison to what some cultural critics have suffered, it really is the seedbed for “social and financial excommunication.”

It sets a precedent that speech policing is okay, normalizes newspeak, perpetuates “mass formation psychosis,” and gives evil-doers unchecked power, while also ceding them the moral high ground of which they deserve not one single inch. You’re simply not allowed to discuss reality, virtual citizen. To the margins you shall be cast, conspiracy theorists, where you can smolder in the gaslit flames and suffer beneath your tin-foil hats.

Gab is a true tech alternative in a world where there are increasingly few. I wrote about this collaborative chaos nearly 5 years ago, but it only seems to have gotten worse. The struggle is real.

The dinosaur media helps big tech funnel people away from questioning the mythical consensus on covid, the Great Reset, and other such totalitarian schemes which are peddled through emotive means. The New York Times says even using the words “the Great Reset” is an “antisemitic conspiracy theory.”

But it’s the same ol’ template: weaponize dissent to the narrative by any means necessary. The elites all sing from the same Hegelian hymnal after all.

We could legitimately call this progressive plexus a “conspiracy,” however, that would require the harmful or unjust plan by two or more people to be done in secret. This is out in the open for all to see and to experience. Best described as Deep Tech by Ilana Mercer, it’s “the deforming power and tentacular reach into state and civil society of the high-tech monopolists.”

Thus, it really doesn’t matter the platform. As most people who haven’t already fled Facebook know, the social-media behemoth always runs an “Information Center” teaser whenever users post most anything about covid-related. It’s filled with the predictable pro-jab propaganda, some even tailor-made for your geographical location.

“Content advisories” like this one aid in thought control.

Just as Deep Tech sandbags its users, aged hippies recently tried to sandbag Deep Tech. But as of now, Joe Rogan interviewing an occasional guest who dissents to covid conformity wasn’t reason enough for the streaming-service giant to cancel his hugely popular radio show. The “stakeholder capitalists” may want us plebs to stop eating meat, but they still do love a cash cow.

Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, and the handful of other musicians who wanted “covid misinformation” scrubbed from Spotify just don’t realize that even though they’ve bought into vaccine hysteria, it’s merely one component of the death-cult composite.

Another component? Believing that life is disposable. Begone, geezers! You have served your purpose in breaking down traditional norms. Don’t ya know that classic rock doesn’t mean jack to the powers that be who aim to destroy the old and build up the green, transhumanist new?

Boomer hypocrisy helped pave the way for this censorial paradigm. Unfortunately, selfishness (not self-awareness) has always been the hippies’ strong suit.

Another facet of the psyop is taking down random material that, although “edgy,” isn’t really challenging the progressive program directly and doing so months after the fact. Take these two “dangerous” Facebook posts from fall 2020 that were removed in March 2021.

I suppose someone could have reported these “thought crimes” in order to cause me angst, but these dystopian warnings really do seem out of the blue. Why not ban some of my more than five-year’s worth of original material aimed squarely at smashing sacred cows? Seems odd.

This was one of the last straws for me with Facebook, which had already decreased my page visibility to followers. I still have an account (mostly in an effort to try to hold onto the many threads of insightful conversations and sometimes heated exchanges that took place on my page since 2016), but it sure ain’t the marketplace of ideas it used to be.

Fortunately, I created a channel on the the friendlier (for now) Odysee platform the week prior to the virtual scolding I received from YouTube, but that will never bring back the many thoughts shared in the comment section of the Jatras video. They’re gone forever into the ether.

This is why I urge people to participate in the comment section of Dissident Mama, where I’m the admin, not some degenerate despot. At my website, there will be no purge of “right-wing” accounts, as Twitter did in early December. Now, I have blocked only one single troll in my half decade of blogging per the suggestion of my spiritual father. But as you can see by the comments at the bottom of this recent essay, I don’t make it a habit of deleting commenters.

We should all be on Gab to start divorcing ourselves from the beast and to show support for the platform’s fight against Deep Tech.

Even though I’m sticking with some of the progressive platforms in the near term due to their reach, eventually we dissidents will all be shown the door, or at the very least, our content censored to such a degree that we’ll be forced into an electronic exodus. Unless, of course, you bend to the pressure.

It’s only a matter of time before YouTube takes down all of my content and Jatras’ and anyone else who opposes the globohomo agenda and all of its twisted manifestations. They’ll try to remove us all fully from the public square since they want to remove us from existence.

Mercer has aptly pointed out that this is not just a free speech issue or even a civil rights issue, that it’s something even more devious because it “teeters on violating another’s natural right to make a living.” But I would add that it’s also violating the natural right of being.

This will be especially acute for traditional Christians who resist the narrative, unlike those heretical grifters who get paid off to promote it. If you don’t believe me, just ask Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab.

“If you are a Christian,” systemic cancellation “will most certainly be happening to you very soon,” he warns. “I know this because they have happened to me. As a Christian technology entrepreneur I’ve faced tremendous challenges from the Enemy over the past five years. I’ve been banned from payment processors, app stores, hosting providers, email services, multiple banks, and even VISA. I’ve been defamed and smeared by media outlets all over the world.”

Conservative stalwart Michelle Malkin can also attest to such bullying. Behold the current Deep Tech squeeze she’s undergoing.

Such a tactic may not be as bloody as Mao’s struggle sessions. Perhaps you’re even thinking, eh, this is just a kinder, gentler cultural revolution. But the goals are the exact same: compliance. And so are consequences: atomization, self-censorship, social and systemic castigation, and eventual death, whether physical or spiritual.

You won’t be free, but hey, you’ll be happy about it, as the oligarchs might say. And if not, that works, too. After all, silencing people and causing undue upheaval in their lives is precisely what causes the real offline harm. The regime knows this. Either way, the administrative and managerial Deep State wins, but only if we play into their hands.

The digital despotism casts a wide net, so it’s unwise to think, “Oh, well that’s Nick Fuentes, Lauren Witzke, or Ashley Rae Goldenberg. They’re trouble makers.” Or “I’m not a competitor to Big Tech like Andrew Torba. I don’t think anyone would give me such trouble as he’s gotten.” Or “Michelle Malkin has a huge following. I’m just small potatoes.”

If you’re a critic of this depraved culture and don’t submit to every single aspect of the progressive paradigm, you are considered part of the problem. Period. That’s how totalitarianism works. It requires totality.

Elites may use the vernacular of “progress” just as Mao called his deadly reconstruction the “Great Leap Forward,” but linguistic diversions don’t change the fact that Deep Tech Daddy is doling out the digital discipline. So, either grow up, get some thick skin, and be free, or get on your knees. That is the choice.

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    1. Post
    2. Gavin Campbell

      Unless there are labour camps, torture chambers, and suspension of elections; there is no totalitarianism. This is just sheer hyperbole.

      And given that these are all privately owned platforms removing your content, that none of them are owned by the government; it is obviously not any form of socialism causing you grief. It’s private ownership and capitalism that’s shutting you up.

      1. Antonio Zoli

        More like boomers (and I’m a boomer myself) acting like petulant children “I’m holding my breath until I get my way”.
        Your brother Canadian, Neil Young (wish he’d stayed in your land), got this “I’m withholding my dull and outdated hippie folk music so take that” ball rolling, then your Canadian sister, Joni whiny Mitchell, jumped on board with yet again withholding her “dull outdated hippie folk music” (which made them both quite wealthy btw). Memo: few in America give a rip about your bad Canadian music and musicians, or their woke causes. Canadian music sucks (with the the exception of Geddy Lee maybe). I’m biting my nails waiting for the other shoe to drop with old Gordon Lightfoot and Buffy St Marie.

  1. Antonio Zoli

    93% of your YouTube viewers are middle-age males? What do you attribute that to?
    I’m 64, a late in life convert to Orthodoxy, and I’m a (be it a recent) viewer of your content, as I am with Based Home School Mom, Michelle Malkin, and Lauren Witzke, as well as a few less known no name based female content producers.
    Wasn’t it Aristotle who said (and I’m paraphrasing him) “a man comes into his own at 60”? I wonder if said middle-age (and for that matter younger) men have had a belly full of the PC nonsense, shenanigans, and insane third wave feminism?
    I for one am weary of the entertainment industry and pervasive celebrity worship in our culture, and I don’t give a rip about what the Kartrashians, Madonna, or the View has to say about anything.

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      That is precisely what it is, in my opinion, so I take my viewer stats a huge badge of honor! I think if I was overly emotive or just pushing empty jargon or just a pretty face (think Fox News babes), men in these high numbers wouldn’t be watching DM interviews … unless of course I was immodest or pushing sexual content. I too feel like I’m coming into my own more and more as I age – like a fine wine. 😉

  2. Daithi Dubh

    “So, either grow up, get some thick skin, and be free, or get on your knees. That is the choice.”

    Nope! There really is no other choice, DM! Something has irrevocably broken in what passes for our nation, and we ain’t goin’ back to “normalcy”!

    Science fiction writer, the late Phillip K. Dick, said, “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” Here’s my corollary to this simple and wise statement, one that I have to preach to myself constantly: “Reality doesn’t give a rat’s hindquarters what you or I think – or feel! – about it!”

    Sure, we all want to feel better and know some respite from the propaganda, the cancelling, etc., but “feeling better” based upon the shifting sands of delusion is a recipe for disaster, and it simply won’t last. This contemporary saying we all use ’bout sums it up: “It is what it is!”

    Yep! Deal with it, and get on with either resisting or bowing!

    1. Post
      Dissident Mama

      DD, wise words as always. I absolutely love that Dick quote – if I’m allowed to say 😉
      So simple yet so profound: I may have to steal that one for an essay down the road.
      Here’s a quote for you that I think about quite often. It’s from the classic song “The Harder They Come” by reggae great Jimmy Cliff: “I’d rather be a free man in my grave, than living as a puppet or a slave.” Bout sums up our sentiments, don’t it?!

  3. Daithi Dubh

    Yep! (I’ll check out the video).

    And, yeah, bummer of a surname for Mr. D! ; ). I’ve got the quote written on my quote board at my office where I’m a counselor/therapist (an extension of my former ministry as a Chaplain). Sadly, the Mental Health Industrial Complex is almost entirely devoid of Reality, so I hope I can help people with better grounding in it.

  4. Pingback: Kevin DeAnna on the Dissident Mama Podcast - Identity Dixie

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