“It is un-Christian to wear a MAGA to the March For Life.” That was the social-media pronouncement from a really nice guy I know. What would make a usually mild-mannered Christian post such hostility?
Moreover, this statement came a whole week after the brouhaha surrounding the male students from Covington Catholic High School. A whole week after them being smeared as “racists” by the mainstream media and its dutiful enablers.
A whole week after being berated as “bigots” who were “intentionally smirking” and in need of a good punch. These kids are obviously “would-be school shooters,” which was shown by their either engaging too much or too little. They’re clapping and doing “tomahawk chops!”
No, no, I mean, “Just standing there is harassment!” Ah, screw it. Let’s just stick with “Toxic males parading their loathsome white skin in front of an ‘indigenous’ man is outrageous!” I mean, who could argue with that?
My friend’s post came a whole week after the Covington teens received death threats for “disrespecting a ‘Native American and Vietnam veteran,'” and in front of the Lincoln Memorial no less. So “painful.” The blue-check marks on Twitter assured us that these “privileged” hooligans were chanting “Build the wall,” which all forward-thinking people know would be a “monument for white supremacy.” The horror!
A whole week after their fellow Christians, their principal, their hometown mayor, and even a few Catholic bishops pegged the teens as “shameful,” urging them to seek forgiveness for their dastardly transgressions. “Repent for existing, white boys,” says the Bible, Book of Racial Reconciliation, Chapter 6, Verse 66.
And did I mention they were from Kentucky?! Ack, that’s in the South, right? Pffft, figures. That’s where all the Klan dwells in trailer parks, plotting against our otherwise tolerant and unified rainbow-nation. “Diversity is our strength … minus crackers! Love trumps hate … except when it comes to godly young men!”

My friend’s virtue-signal came a whole week after the young pro-life attendees were compared to segregationists of the Civil Rights era. “Bunch of modern George Wallaces and Bull Connors!” A whole week after media thugs dug into Convington school history, unearthing such alleged gotchya gems as “Covington kids wore blackface!” and “Covington censored a gay valedictorian!”
A whole week after the globalist goons in the media supposedly scavenged every piece of video footage, only to find a single snippet of one kid making an off-color comment to a budding feminist. They’re all “little Bret Kavanaughs” and “potential rapists,” the corporate press declared. Traditional Christian “misogynists” who are anti-abortion only because they seek to oppress women.
A whole week after “professional” media hounds were somehow unable to unearth the truth: that all these dangerous claims were patently false. Instead, news outlets spent a whole week treating with kid gloves confirmed-liar and non-vet Nathan Phillips, who then gave cover to the real instigators and only legitimate racists, the Black Hebrew Israelites.
I don’t use the word “racist” lightly, but if it still has any meaning at all, the pure venom of these Black Hebrew haters fits the authentic definition. (See the above link to see for yourself, and the link at the top for details of events as they really unfolded; it’s a little something called evidence.)
So, not only did these young students do nothing wrong, but they handled themselves with aplomb and deserve a freakin’ medal for exhibiting such restraint during this unimaginably ugly situation. If I was Nicholas Sandmann’s mom, I’d be busting with pride.
And thank God for the tireless reporting of alternative media; honest citizens spreading revealing videos and reliable articles; savvy media consumers who screenshot and share; and internet archivers. Without them, we’d never know the truth, nor would we have had our spotlights as laser-focused on the shills and shysters.
Some “conservatives,” like Scott Adams, rushed to judgment but actually apologized and seemed genuinely remorseful. But others, like Bill Kristol, deleted his posts bashing children and then conveniently stopped having an opinion. And some, like Ben Shapiro, deleted negative tweets, offered no apology, but then began defending the boys only when it seemed politically palatable. Such solidarity.

When “conservative” publications like National Review run an article on its religion page entitled, “Covington students might as well have spit on the cross,” you know that being a young white boy is indeed NOT the privileged position in our society, and there sure as hell ain’t no “supremacy” going on. Few too are the allies of bold Christians, especially ones who stand their ground against “people of color.”
Despite the facts, though, not everyone threw their support behind the obvious victims. The New York Times described the Covington parents as “swiftly circling” in defending their sons against media lies and others described them as “lawyering up.” In using loaded language, the apparatchiks attempted to turn sympathetic readers against the teens and their understandably protective parents.
Despite the mounting evidence, the loony leftists opted to cling to their MAGA hats as undeniable proof of racism. They demanded that the hat is akin to cross-burning, even though it was the Convington kids who were virtually lynched in our 4G civil war. The MAGA hat was equated as the “new Battle Flag.” Gasp!

“The MAGA hat speaks to America’s greatness with lies of omission and contortion,” the Washington Post reported with customary hysteria. “To wear a MAGA hat is to wrap oneself in a Confederate flag. The look may be more modern and the fit more precise, but it’s just as woeful and ugly.”
If you think baseball hats are overrated and flags are just sky cloth, you’re missing the point. To lefties and their duped allies, there is nothing as evil and sinister and deadly as alleged “racism.” It even beats actual murder. So maligning symbols and recklessly linking them with bigotry serves a unified end purpose: propagating cultural Marxism.
If you dare to possess such a “banned” item, well, don’t throw yourself on the mercy of the commie kangaroo court. Don’t accept your guilt and plead for racial-sensitivity training, so maybe they’ll give you your life back, shattered as it may be.
Instead, say “Damn straight MAGA’s the new Battle Flag, and we ain’t running away from it. Those are my brothers in arms!” Don’t let ignorant fools dictate what is reality or tell us what we can wear, fly, say, do or not do.
It’s time we all grow a pair, stop wasting our precious time and minimal political capital castigating others we see as more “deplorable,” and unify. As the progressives like to say, “Solidarity breaks chains.” Let’s be free, y’all.
Be sure to check out my addendum, “5 survival tips for non-leftists.”
I wear,fly the confederate battle flag and after reading this article,I’m going to get me a MAGA hat or t-shirt and wear that too.I live in Ct.also.We need to STAND.whether it’s for Jesus,America,the South,for Right,etc.And I’ve had christians/churches shun me too and think I’m racist just because of these things.I was thinking maybe we should design a t-shirt that says”I’m racist…you were going to call me that anyway…”(like a joke but because so many cower at the being name-called racist,I’m just like”whatever”it doesn’t work anymore liberal,and it makes me want to stand even more,though not always easy.Thank you for another great article and one of truth.
Thanks for your encouragement, Laurie. It’s resistors like you who give me hope and motivate me to keep on plugging away. Stay strong, sister. Stand. Fight. Never give an inch. And let your freak flag fly!