wE liVe In A pOlIcE sTaTe! That’s a common refrain being voiced on social media these social-distancing days. While it’s true and has been for a long time (from the dawn of the new Millennium to at least 150 years ago, depending on your worldview), what are we “pandemic people” to do about it?
Are we going to keep regurgitating the obvious in our echo chambers, yet still continue submitting to ludicrous government edicts? Are we going to get angry and stomp our feet, but do squat? Unfortunately, that seems to be what is happening more than not.
Let me first clarify for the record that my family has been self-quarantined since nearly a week before any institution told us to do so. We’re truly blessed in that my husband is able to work from home, my children are already homeschooled, and I also happen to like my family, my dog, my yard, the beautiful Carolina spring weather, my neighbors, and my home. We go out when we have to, but practice caution when doing so. But none of that means I’m going to stay quarantined forever.

States have every legal and constitutional right to implement stay-at-home orders, if their governor so chooses. It’s born of the 10th Amendment, and it’s how the Framers envisioned our system of subsidiarity: closer-to-home governance which is more accountable to its citizenry. The originalist position is supposed to restrain the federal government and let the “empires of liberty,” as Jefferson called the sovereign states, unfold as uniquely diverse entities.
And this is one thing that really drives me nuts about the armchair philosophers. Take the Venn diagram and meme from above. They both refer to “government” in the singular, yet many separate governments within these United States are exercising their power. “Finally!” is what I say! Hell, Cuomo said the word “decentralization” in a positive light recently. That should floor anyone who’s been paying attention to politics for at least the last 50 years.
Libertarians and limited-government conservatives should be embracing this rekindling of federalism, but many Americans seem to possess an unshakable “nation-state” mindset. I suppose that’s the consequence of a 100+ years of puritanical-progressive propaganda spoon-fed to us by schools and reinforced through media, cultural norms, and institutional practices. But the day of reckoning for that old Lincolnian idea is at hand.
Hell, even Dishonest-Abe enthusiast Glenn Beck is applauding South Dakota’s governor, a state executive who’s resisting the “herd mentality” calls for a “one-size-fits-all approach” in dealing with the virus. “South Dakota is not New York City,” she explained. “The people themselves are primarily responsible for their safety.”

Many smart folks are all atwitter when duly elected executives and legislatures actually exert what has been within their purview since colonial times. But they should be cheering the fact that no longer can governors and other state politicians dine out on the stupidity of the federal government, blaming it for every misstep, while simultaneously begging the beast for a return of its own tax-payers’ money in exchange for grants, subsidies, political favors, and personal kickbacks.
States have made a living off the extortion of their productive classes, sucking off the Washington teat, and slopping at the trough, all while pretending to care about constituents. Sure, some people didn’t like it, but most simply got accustomed to it.
But now when the impotent feds turn a manageable problem into a shit show because of PC apprehensions or simple government fecklessness, states are realizing the political dominion they’ve always had. Turns out you don’t have to be bullied by DC.

However, this doesn’t mean that people need to obey every stupid edict that local and state governments pass down the pike. In fact, it is we who grant these bums the power to do what they do. So, if you don’t like what’s happening in your town, you do something about it. If you don’t believe me, read historians Dr. Tom Woods’ Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century or Dr. Clyde Wilson’s Nullification: Reclaiming Consent of the Governed.
And let me be clear: just because I’m a secessionist doesn’t mean I worship the states. I simply understand that there is more personal power to be wielded on a smaller scale. Centralization squashes that option (by design), but smaller governance allows for such flexibility.
I mean, c’mon. Who thinks one in 320 million is good odds, or that a “representation” ratio of one US congressman per every 700,000-800,000 “citizens” or the direct election of US senators is really a setup that promotes liberty and healthy governance? No one but the oligarchs, of course.
Right now, people have a chance to both keep their local institutions in check while also slaying the Leviathan as a result. We can wedge our way under that chink in the emperor’s armor and tear it off, if we get smart, or we can bitch and complain. I say we co-opt the chaos. After all, it’s here whether we like it or not.

“tHeY’rE jUsT fOlLoWiNg OrDeRz!” tease the teed-off folks, who are saying a bunch, but doing little. They get too distracted with the mere existence of the “sheeple.” If you wear a mask and gloves out in public, you’re a “soyboy,” opined one popular alt-right vlogger, and a libertarian podcaster said to those practicing caution, “I hate you.” Funny that even the pro-freedom crowd really loves meddling in other people’s personal decisions. Turns out that puritanical-progressivism runs deep in Murica.
The truly ironic part is that “the Karens” are actually doing some thing. Pointing your bony finger in people’s faces requires physical action, which is taken to crisis-crazy level by this guy and this doctor. So, if you dissent to how your local or state government is handling the situation – whether you think the whole darn thing is a hoax or you just don’t approve of extreme measures – fight back. It’s time to strike while the iron’s hot.
Instead of wasting your energy complaining about the conformists or the police state, start taking advantage of the situation. Adapt to the new paradigm of desperate politicians, dwindling resources, deregulation on both the personal and institutional levels, reinvigorated decentralization, sparse enforcement, growing disorder, and increasing governmental fragility. And the old paradigm ain’t coming back.

When California cops fine and jail a few beach-goers for watching the sunset, don’t pay the fine and instead return to the beach the next evening with 20, or 200, or 2,000 of your friends. Come and enforce it.
When NC pro-lifers get fined and jailed for protesting that abortion is never an “essential” business, show up the next day and the next and the next with a horde of anti-abortion activists. Come and enforce it.
When a Colorado man gets handcuffed and held in custody for playing at an empty park with his wife and daughter, everyone should go to the park with their families the following days for weeks on end. Come and enforce it. Hey, maybe you’ll even get an apology form the police.
When a Mississippi church holds a drive-in prayer service and cops issue $500 fines to each congregant, don’t pay the fines. “I told them to get some more tickets ready because we will be preaching Sunday morning and Sunday night,” the pastor said. “If it means going to jail and if it takes that for me to keep preaching, I’ll be glad to go to jail.” Now that’s what I’m talking about!
These may seem like minor acts of rebellion to the lunacy, but they have tangible negative effects on the technocracy, which is why DHS is already trying to scare Christians away from church post-Covid crisis. Moreover, they also prime us for the major rebellion that is to come.
For instance, imagine defending your neighbor’s house from seizure when the banks come to foreclose on the property because he got behind on his mortgage. After all, it’s the “too big to fail” institutions who are being bailed out with your tax money while you’re being hung out to dry. That right there is a sham of the highest order and it’s just itchin’ for a little amped-up chaos.
Till then, don’t get upset that Bill Gates demands that “Things won’t get back to normal until we have gotten a vaccine out to the entire world.” Be happy that there’s no way for the inept global “powers” to even pull this off. If you don’t want to take a vaccine created by the liars at the WHO or heed sinister Gates’ forever-quarantine advice, don’t. Come and enforce it.
Don’t fret that Ezekiel Emanuel, oncologist with the Center for American Progress and a member of Joe Biden’s coronavirus Public Health Advisory Committee, chirped that “Conferences, concerts, sporting events, religious services, dinner in a restaurant, none of that will resume until we find a vaccine, a treatment, or a cure,” which he estimates is 18 months. Instead, ignore him and yell from the highest rooftop, way up there near the elites’ egos: “Come and enforce it!”
Don’t bemoan that a NJ town “resorts to talking drones to enforce social distancing.” Be pleased that their police force is so thin and overwhelmed and will eventually be way underfunded that they’re obviously desperate, so double-down on weighing down and breaking the system with constant elephantine disobedience. Come and enforce it.
If some folks still want to worship globalists, tattle on their neighbors, eat the poison, and stay locked away forever, let them. Otherwise, there’s work to be done and lives to be lived.
I’m not saying be an idiot and go around licking door handles, or be a jerk and sneeze in people’s faces. Don’t get all emotional. Build local coalitions and practice smart civil disobedience. It’s been done before, it can be done again. Just look at history.
Take the American homeschool pioneers, who were unapologetic in their opposition to government miseducation. Thus, they personally seceded from the power structure and nullified man-made law and rule by the “experts” by simply not sending their kids to public schools. They got in trouble, of course, but they persisted with their brave acts of defiance, irregardless of the very high risks and the very real consequences.
And let us not forget about the Berlin Wall. In the lead up to its fall, East German leaders had already eased travel restrictions across the globalist-created border as communism started to crumble in the Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe.
So when people heard that restrictions were going to be completely abolished “immediately, right away,” this bureaucratic flub and the already frail system led to inspired East Germans flooding to the wall, “demanding the promised free passage.” The genie was out of the bottle.
But the best part of the story is that “the border guards had received no such instructions, but rather than deal with a riot, they stepped aside, and the wall came down in a rapturous celebration – Berlin’s greatest citywide party, ever.” Critical-mass resistance + systemic weakness + oligarch predictability + sparse enforcement can equal change for the better.

Some people are already starting to seize the moment, but don’t bother with rallying at the National Mall in DC. Go to your sheriff’s office or your state capitol like the good folks in Michigan who protested that “government is non-essential” and the loud Ohio protesters who disrupted the governor’s coronavirus briefing from outside their Statehouse.
Be like this pastor who held Palm Sunday church services, breaking his state’s stay-at-home orders. “True Christians do not mind dying, they fear living in fear,” he stated. “People that can prefer tyranny over freedom do not deserve freedom.”
Be like some of the courageous citizens in Idaho who are planning a “massive Easter Sunday gathering in defiance of [state] government orders.” The organizer said, “We must stand together in times such as these.” His sentiments were echoed by a state rep, who affirms that “church gatherings act as an essential service.”
I think Muricans give the police, the politicians, and the global elites waaaaaaay too much credit, and themselves way too little. Don’t get mad about the sheep or the totalitarians. Just take to heart what Winston Churchill rightly said, “Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.” Take advantage of the bureaucratic incompetence and the crumbling institutions and co-opt the chaos. Take your power back. It’s time to do.
Fite da powa!
Yep! It’s time to rekindle the spirit of our brave ancestors. Jefferson Davis said, “The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form.” That time is now.
You said it, Cooter!
From “I’m a Good Ol’ Rebel”:
“I hates the Yankees nation
And everything they do,
I hates the Declaration,
Of Independence, too.
I hates the glorious Union-
‘Tis dripping with our blood-
I hates their striped banner,
I fit it all I could.”
It’s time for more fittin’!!
Sorry, can’t agree with you there. The Rebel stance for states rights was righteous, but the Declaration of Independence is why we exist at all and if the South had been willing to give up slavery during the debate over the Constitution, we would be a different country today, one more attuned to southern ideals outside that terrible institution, and we wouldn’t have the racial problem we have today. Our demographics would be radically different.
Eh, Jefferson’s Declaration was simply a secession document. But Jeffersonianism is decentralization. That was the Southern cause. Moreover, the Constitutional debates didn’t really discuss slavery, as it was a labor system system practiced throughout most of the colonies and was a huge trade in the North. Plus, no one really wanted to spend the money to compensate the slave owner’s for their property, so they kicked the can down the road. Let us not forget that slavery was protected under the US federal gov’t for much longer than it ever was under the CSA; it was an American institution. The VA and KY Resolutions didn’t mention slavery either, from what I know. But regardless, invasion and war, occupation, denial of suffrage to white Southerners, immediate emancipation, Reconstruction, and the wiles of radical Republicans in a centralized “Union” is much of what created our racial strife back then, all of which opened the door for the progressive New Deal and Great Society. I talk about some of these foundational ideas in my most recent blog and would love to know your thoughts, even though we have officially had our first disagreement. 🙂 That’s what keeps things interesting, right?!
Eh, Jefferson’s Declaration was simply a secession document. But Jeffersonianism is decentralization. That was the Southern cause. Moreover, the Constitutional debates didn’t really discuss slavery, as it was a labor system system practiced throughout most of the colonies and was a huge trade in the North. Plus, no one really wanted to spend the money to compensate the slave owner’s for their property, so they kicked the can down the road. Let us not forget that slavery was protected under the US federal gov’t for much longer than it ever was under the CSA; it was an American institution. The VA and KY Resolutions didn’t mention slavery either, from what I know. But regardless, invasion and war, occupation, denial of suffrage to white Southerners, immediate emancipation, Reconstruction, and the wiles of radical Republicans in a centralized “Union” is much of what created our racial strife back then, all of which opened the door for the progressive New Deal and Great Society. I talk about some of these foundational ideas in my most recent blog and would love to know your thoughts, even though we have officially had our first disagreement. 🙂 That’s what keeps things interesting, right?!
DM, you’re a lot more polite than I would have been 🙂
DM, you’re a lot more polite than I would have been 🙂
I don’t want to argue with you about this and this is not an adequate forum given the limited time I have. I will say that I grew up in the south (South Carolina mostly) and my two brothers and sister were born there. I am largely a product of Southern culture. Having said that, I disagree with you and would argue that the Declaration is WAY more than a secessionist document and is one of the premier political statements of the rights of individuals under God. Yes, it uses the trampling of those rights as an argument for secession, but that is only possible because of the enumeration of those rights and the underlying independence that begins with each of us as individuals before God and from there ascends up the scales to all government (something we have forgotten with the rot that has infected us, it goes up, not down). None of the statements posturing secession would mean anything without the underlying rights of each person, to wit those rights were also ceded to each state as natural extensions of the rights of her (each state’s) collective peoples.
Slavery was not mentioned or debated in the Articles of Confederation but it was during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, with the divide over slavery that would lead to war over 80 years later already evident, creating an impediment to forming a working country. Many were the compromises made to form the United States with the most difficult being over slavery and the counting of slaves for representation and apportionment. One thing the southern representatives never dealt with in wanting full representation was if slave were property they were not people under the constitution and could not be counted at all and the northern abolitionists pushed that point. The 3/5 compromise, that allowed counting 3 out of 5 slaves created a grey area that allowed that serious issue to be avoided for the time being and a government and a country to be created. That is the simple overview.
I believe in the country the founders attempted to create, in the Constitution that solidified it, and in the Declaration that was its foundational argument. That country no longer exists as such, but there are those who are attempting to reclaim as much of it as is humanly possible. I do not look forward to dissolution and war as some seem to be relishing, for another civil war. I was in the Vietnam war and lost a brother there. War is hell on earth and while it is sometimes necessary, it is never desired, for all innocence is lost in the melee once the first shot is fired and uncountable harm is done to the innocent beyond number. Instead, I hope for revival, for God’s great movement across this land, bringing the hearts of its people into His throne room of grace and forgiveness, through the saving work of His Son Jesus Christ. For that I pray and against division I stand, for a house divided cannot stand. Instead, to the best of my ability and wherever possible I seek God’s grace in every situation.
William, I saw this in my “Disqus notifications” a few days ago but not on this page here, and assumed you had deleted it since I was unable reply. Turns out I had to “approve” it. Not sure why, maybe the length?? But anyway, here it is, better late, than never. Sorry about that.
I will say that I don’t think we are arguing. I truly value other people’s passionately held beliefs, if they are moral, if they are logical, if they aren’t made up on the fly, even if I disagree with them. What I think we can agree upon is much, including that God should be at the center of society and that a liberty based in faith, personal responsibility, shared culture, and duty is paramount. We just have have a different means to get there is all. We have had different experiences in life and are of different generations, but I think both perspectives are necessary and valid. And discourse and fostering alliances is key!! For instance, if secession were to take hold, I would be honored if you were in my new state or republic or confederation or whatever it happens to be.
God bless you, sir, and thanks so much for commenting and furthering the discussion on these vitally important matters. Here’s to building bridges!
Don’t forget to take your D3 and vitamin C. In case you missed it, here is the important info. We take 10,000 IUs of D3 and 4 grams of vitamin C a day here at the Meisheid’s.
Russell Blaylock’s Wellness Report: Save Yourself From Immune Storm
Use that donation to get something you need.
By the way, that snake Bill Gates can take his vaccine and shove it where the sun don’t shine!
Agreed. I will not comply and neither will any of the hardcore liberty-lovers, strong-willed anti-vaxxers, parental-rights activists, and common-sense conservatives I know. When Robert Kennedy Jr. is calling out Gates’ evil deeds, you know the gig is up. Come and enforce it, Billy boy!
William, wow … thanks so much for the support, both reading and commenting-wise and money-wise! 🙂
I will do just that: use your donation to care for my family’s health. I bought some vitamin C a while back but in the quarantine-prepping chaos, I’ve forgotten to take it, as it got shoved into a cabinet and lost to the darkness. We will remedy that mistake today. My crew has been taking multivitamins and elderberry syrup daily, as well as eating lots of fruits and veggies, and getting plenty of sunshine; the weather here has been gorgeous!
Again, I truly appreciate the patronage and pray you and yours are staying happy and healthy during these troubled times. God bless!
D3 is the most important. I will repeat the message I sent out to all my friends here.
As to the Coronavirus – The article explains everything about the virus clearly and gives effective countermeasures that anyone can implement (D3, C, Circumin, n-Acetyl Cysteine, magnesium, et al.). Be safe, be well.
Now to the Coronavirus concerns and my personal suggestions relative to the article by Blaylock.
As far as the suggested dosing he gave, here is what I am doing based on long years of research and interaction with other health professionals in the field of nutrition who deal with the importance of C and D3. You should know that I have been on the Linus Pauling protocol for heart health for ten years and my last carotid ultrasound showed I was 100% clean or 0% occluded, which actually surprised the technician (he almost didn’t believe the reading) who said he had never seen anyone like me. Most people my age are 60-90% occluded.
Here you go. I get everything at Amazon.
D3 5,0000, 10,000, and 50,000 unit capsules. The 5,000 I get include K2 which helps balance iron for high doses of D3. I take 10,000 a day, every day. I also get K2 both MK-4 and MK-7. They are different and D3 has different needs ~ 10-1 4 over 7.
Vitamin C bulk crystals. Cheap and 1 teaspoon = 4 grams. I take 4 grams every night in my bedtime drink.
Liposomal C in capsules. I take 4.2 grams (6 capsules of the brand I use – nutriflair) every morning with my breakfast and other supplements. So my daily C is over 8 grams. Has been for over 8 years.
Curcumin with bioperene (helps absorption – should also be taken with some source of fat)
n-Acetyl cysteine (NAC)
Calm for Magnesium. Calm is the name of the product. One teaspoon in my bedtime drink each night. Makes for better sleep and meets the requirement.
Zinc is important since it also help inhibit viral replication among other things. I get mine in a complex called Zinc Carnosine which helps my stomach lining and leaky gut problems. Get your zinc however you want.
I have the 50,000 unit capsules because about 7 years ago I went to a small writers workshop (12 writers and a very successful author) where the host author tore up our manuscripts for 3 days. It is where I met my final editor for my book on Moses (Beginnings – on Amazon). She is his editor. Anyway, as we were signing in, the guy in front of me was from the University of Tennessee (webmaster for their athletic department) and he said he had been exposed to the two week flu going around where he came from and was starting to get chills and felt he had come down with a fever. He said he was going to leave.
The gentleman behind me told him to hold off, since he had paid a large amount to come to the event (it was over $2000 for everything), and he reached into his bag and gave him 2 50,000 unit vitamin D3 capsules and said wait an hour, and if you don’t improve, go home. Well he did improve and the gentleman, who was a General Practitioner from Georgia, gave him another 100,000 at dinner and another 100,000 at breakfast. The guy from Tennessee made it through the conference with what ended up like a mild cold. So he went from onset of full-blown flu back to a mild cold in several hours and it never got worse.
As to dosage, the GP told me that for the whole of its existence, East Germany had supplemented all newborns with 200,000 units of vitamin D at birth and if you are out in the sun at the beach you get anywhere from 150-250,000 units of D each day depending on exposure, so no, what he gave him wasn’t excessive. He told me that every cell in the body has a D3 receptor and one important thing it does is that it helps the cell resist viral penetration so it stops the viral cascade (the explosive reproduction that a virus does once it takes over a cell). That gives your body has a chance to catch up and deal with the virus. The article I sent you focuses more on stopping the cytokine storm, also important, but a different vector.
Also, Dr. Blaylock does not believe your body could deal with massive amounts of vitamin C but the Linus Pauling institute disagrees as does a book I have by two research MDs – The Science of Vitamin C. Linus Pauling argued that anything less than 3.5-4 grams of vitamin C a day is not therapeutic. He took 10-12 grams of C orally every day (distributed doses) up until he died in his early 90’s from cancer. You will know when your body cannot absorb or utilize the C because you will get loose stools, telling you to cut back on your dosage. That happens to me above 4 grams in a dose (ascorbic acid crystals), but when I was sick (before going on the high D3 regimen) even doses above that did not cause the problem as my body must have been utilizing it as fast as I could supply it. However, there is another delivery channel called Liposomal C, where the C is encapsulated in a lecithin molecule so it is absorbed both more quickly and more easily in both the intestines and the cell itself. It has been shown to be about 90% effective as intravenous C and is the chosen method for high doses where an IV is not practical (self-administration for example) of up to 25-50 grams in a day.
The Science of Vitamin C book has documented cases where 100 grams of C administered intravenously over a day stopped Ebola. Don’t ask me why none of this is not more commonly known or used as a solution. Adherents argue that there is no money in C and D3. Here is a case example of intravenous C and the flu.
All I know is that I have seen it work and work for me. I haven’t had a cold or the flu since I started the 10,000 a day D3 7 years ago and neither has my wife. We both do not get flu shots (see the Blaylock article). I take 7-9 grams of C every day split between crystals and liposomal C. This is one of the reasons I am still going strong at 72 and soon to be 73 (April 8) working a full 40 hour week (4 – 10 hour days). It is also why my last carotid ultrasound showed 0% occlusion, which the tech had never seen in someone my age. Average for my age is above 50% occluded.
I hope this helps. Pass on to whomever is willing to receive the info and do be safe.
P.S. A lot of people are stressed out over all this and are having problems with anxiety. One thing that will help a LOT is a product called Calm-Z by Doctor’s Best. It contains Zembrin and has solved the claustrophobic panic attacks I sometimes get went I wake up in the middle of the night with my headphones on (my wife snores). It is great stuff. She takes it to deal with the stress of her job.
Anyone who believed this virus was any more dangerous or unique than the regular seasonal flu should be required to pay reparations to our economy when this is over. These people, not China, not the Democrats, these people who fear-mongered the entire shut-down of our Constitutional rights and economy should pay the price for this.
I mean it. I blame Dissident Mama as much as as anyone. Regular people who pushed this lie are to blame more than anyone else – for taking the globalist bait after YEARS of evidence of their clear and documented lies, corruption, and conspiracy. Shame on you. You are a disgrace to our God-given western values of freedom and liberty.
I find it odd that a person whose handle is “Believe in America” is saying shame on me. America is the globalist in chief. If you weren’t so vitriolic, I would say that we have some things in common. I too think the politicians and bankers should pay every person who is not allowed to work $2k a month – use some of that printed money to help out the producers who always pull the cart for the failing American welfare-warfare system. Still not sure how nuance is fear-mongering, but I suppose someone who is just as extreme and blinded by ideology as are the stay-at-home Karens cannot understand the difference.
No, we have nothing in common. Not when you make totalitarian, completely false statements like this:
“States have every legal and constitutional right to implement stay-at-home orders, if their governor so chooses. It’s born of the 10th Amendment, and it’s how the Framers envisioned our system of subsidiarity”
The 10th Amendment is clear, it only allows states to make their own laws so long as they do not override the other Amendments. You CANNOT suspend the right of assembly, speech, protests, or the practice of religion.
I’m saying people like YOU should pay reparations for siding with those who take away our freedoms and our ability to provide for our families. Stop blaming the nebulous “politician” when it is regular people like you that have permitted and condoned these suspensions of our liberties.
Dude, Jeffersonianism IS federalism. That’s why at a federal level, Jefferson thought the gov’t had few and very limited powers, but at the state level, it was a different story. For instance, he wanted a public education system in Virginia, but did not think that was something that should ever be in the purview of Washington. This is also why 8 of the original colonies had state religions, and why states now have their own gun laws. I hate those gun laws but they are completely legal US Constitution-wise. The US Constitution is a document of negative rights, telling the feds what they cannot do, the only few things they can do (only interstate commerce and defense), and ALL else was left up to the states. Each state constitution does wield their executives and legislators immense power, but it also does their people.
But instead of having a conversation and a civil disagreement, your anger is clouding your judgment. I mean, who on earth would legislate and enforce reparations? Well, it seems it would have to be the very totalitarian centralized power of which you supposedly bemoan. Talk about coercion. It would have to come down from on high from “our” government. That’s the problem. That there is no “our” anything. 320 million diverse people cannot be “us” or “our” or “we” or “e pluribus unum.” That is what’s bunk. And if you don’t believe me, just listen to Dr. McClanahan or even better, read the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, in which Madison and Jefferson explain it better than any of we moderns can. I wish you peace, sir.
Nice false equivocation. We’re not talking about public education or gun restrictions here. We’re talking about the wholesale banning of religious services, protests, and public gatherings. You call that “nuance”.
Jefferson and the founders would be appalled to see what is going on today. And to say that I am the authoritarian for wanting to demand payback and punishment from the people that supported the trampling the Bill of Rights, is rich. I imagine the Tories said something similar when the colonies went to war against the King.
Suspending our God given rights is never right, not even for a moment, for any measure of safety or security.
And, please stop with the distracting ad hominem. I set this account up 14 years ago when I was still asleep to our current situation.
What you don’t seem to understand is that that the Bill of Rights are God-given and immutable. No government at any time has the moral authority to take them away, under any condition. The founding fathers wrote about this many, many times.
“Man has been subjected by his Creator to the moral law, of which his feelings, or conscience as it is sometimes called, are the evidence with which his Creator has furnished him …. The moral duties which exist between individual and individual in a state of nature, accompany them into a state of society. their Maker not having released them from those duties on their forming themselves into a nation.”
Thomas Jefferson
You are gas-lighting people by saying our govt has had the power to take away our freedoms “since colonial times”. What bunk!