
Love your neighbor as yourself – except if he’s a Dixian

“Instead of lies, we should only be forthright, as St. Paul says:‘Therefore, putting away falsehood let everyone speak the truth with his neighbors’ (Eph. 4:25).”— “These Truths We Hold — The Holy Orthodox Church:Her Life and Teachings“*St. Tikhon Seminary Monastery, 1986 My last essay Stirring the pot critiqued Dr. Aram Sarkisian for bearing false witness against …


With a rainbow-colored, black-power-fist emoji, Republicans like Texan John Cornyn lecture us that Juneteenth is “a history lesson that must be taught,” while libertarian Rand Paul offers up platitudes that Juneteenth is a celebration of “the inherent freedoms we share as Americans.” Man, do I feel the freedom, y’all! Kristi Noem, a supposed hero of …