“When divine laws are ignored and everything is seen to be man’s contrivance, the egotistic man will try to claw his way to the top of society.”— Richard M. Weaver, Ideas Have Consequences, 1948 Part 3 ended with the seeds of international socialism being sown in Europe. It was taking root amongst intellectuals, particularly secular Jews …
“Religious liberty might be supposed to mean that everybody is free to discuss religion. In practice it means that hardly anybody is allowed to mention it.” — G.K. Chesteron Just as the “tree of guilt” obstructs our view of the forest (as discussed in Part 1), its roots run deep, establishing a wild entanglement, strong …
A sane, rational person can simultaneously feel sorrow over the lives lost in the recent Pittsburgh shooting and pray for their grieving families, while also critiquing the many predictable-to-extreme progressive commentaries saturating the social ether. Intellectual honesty and compassion are not mutually exclusive, even though that’s what cultural Marxists want you to think. It’s a …
“But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” — Matthew 5:13 Salt is valuable. It is a commodity because it can disinfect, preserve, enhance flavor, and prevent slipping. Thus, in both a Christian and …
You might not expect a homeschooling Facebook group to be a hot spot of political controversy, especially one which is comprised of classical Christian educators. After all, these are moms and dads who are supposed to stand for truth, no matter the consequences. Parents who are trying to model godly behavior to their children. Home-educators …
One year ago today, Allen Armentrout took a rebel stand in Charlottesville, Virginia (see part 1). The world deemed his peaceful and principled actions as racist and traitorous. Like cultural-Marxist clockwork, the politically correct ramifications (see part 2) immediately began unfolding for the unReconstructed Southerner. “Sad thoughts … are necessary and good for us. They cause …
“In my experience, it’s too simplistic (and unfair) to blame one group of people for our collective failure to evangelize,” said Pastor J.D. Greear, who last month was elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Yet that’s exactly what he and the other race-hustlers do: blame white Christians and their “inertia” and “privilege” for the …
Picture it. A book store in Madison, Wisconsin, in the mid-’90s. Quite the unlikely place you’d expect to be exposed to the true history of the Pilgrims being totalitarian religionists, not the freedom-seeking refugees in funny hats, bonnets, and buckled-shoes we hear about in grade school. This took place at a book signing and lecture, …
During catechumen class last fall, my priest told us a joke. “How many Orthodox Christians does it take to change a lightbulb?” The Orthodox immediately respond in a lamenting tone, “Chhhaaaannngggge?!?” Sure, the joke was probably better told in person, with a long-and-bushy-bearded Father Christopher in full cassock dramatically throwing out his hands and gnashing his …
“It was my first introduction to damn Yankees,” my oldest sister remarked of her first semester at James Madison University in the fall of 1982. It was here, at this university nestled in the mountains of Virginia and named after one of the state’s most famous sons, that her Northern dormitory suite-mates were horrified by …