I was at the grocery store this weekend, looking for a fun new beer, when I stumbled upon this. My first thought was to try this tempting blueberry wheat, in spite of its cheesy name.
I’ve come to realize that there is no avoiding the fact that hipsters, hippies, and other varieties of heathens truly do make the yummiest beers. And if you don’t want to support the lefty microbrews, you’re only other option (besides home-brewing, which still requires buying equipment and ingredients from most likely progressive companies) is to purchase urine-tasting corporate beer.
So you can support skinny-jean-wearing bearded guy who listens to Democracy Now! (because Amy Goodman makes him feel all alpha on the inside), subscribes to the New Yorker (just so he can leave it on his coffee table to impress friends), and gives a little spare cash to People for the American Way (if and only if that doesn’t cut into his monthly hair-product budget); or further subsidize crony-capitalist swill-producers who definitely line the pockets of all the oligarchs in both their state capitals and in D.C.; or brew your own (which I’ve done with my husband before we had children, and it was too time-consuming and cost-prohibitive even back then).
I’ve heard smart people ask: if a product made by a progressive brings a non-leftist pleasure, isn’t it the progressive who’s losing out? It’s the leftist who has toiled as the creator and dealt with all the headaches as a small-business owner, while you’re the one just dropping a few dollars for a nice cold brew, while also not having to expend your capital, labor, and time to produce said libation.
Plus, maybe it keeps bearded guy up at night thinking that his beer may be satisfying the appetites and pleasing the palates of “right-wingers” and “deplorables.” Heck, maybe he’s triggered thinking his product may even be consumed ny Nick Fuentes, now that he’s 21. I often make these rationalizations when buying beer (or coffee or organic food or any product that happens to be produced by the “cool kids”).
Upon further inspection of the Hipster, I noticed this.

Bombshells touts being chick-owned, but is that really a huge accomplishment? The federal government does bend over backwards to give women free-money grants and low-interest loans to kick-start small businesses. This generous “business development” funding (also known as the bending over of tax payers) is supposed to help “disadvantaged” ventures “compete in the marketplace.”
What the hell kinda “market” is this? It sure ain’t the free one? And it sure is disadvantaging a huge swath of other small-business owners and male entrepreneurs simply because they don’t have the correct private parts. This doesn’t sound much like “disadvantage” to me, nor does it sound much like “independent craft.”
The brewery’s claim of being “100% women-owned” reminds me of New Belgium‘s past pretense of being “100% wind-powered.” I’m not saying the Hipster can features a lie – and honestly, I don’t care if it does, since most advertising is based upon deceit and emotion – I’m just saying that a virtue signal always lacks integrity and can sometimes be counter-productive. Just ask the “sustainable” Fort Collins-based brewers at New Belgium.
And this is a North Carolina “first,” allege the brewers. So let’s celebrate, comrades of the New South! Sure, Silent Sam was torn down (illegally) by a mob of ingrates and intellectual pygmies, but at least we have chicks crafting beer. Let’s hear it for a little corporate welfare and a dash of anarcho-tyranny, y’all. God bless the Tar Heel State!
I also find it odd that a company touting its feminist credentials is called Bombshell and features a mudflap-esque girl as its logo. Don’t they know it draws the beer-buyer’s attention to the sexy physique of the extremely gendered silhouette? I mean, at the very center of that sun image are boobs and a well-endowed butt. How dare they stereotype! Stop being tools of the patriarchy, sisters!
Moreover, the Bombshell broads totally objectify beta males with their “hipster” graphic. Isn’t it insensitive to imply that trendy modern men must grow beards? Facial hair is tied to genetics, jerks. So, what are you, a bunch of beard ableists? Or beard supremacists? Or race realists? It’s 2019, grrrrrls, so stop perpetuating toxic masculinity and systemic hate!
As a common-sense girlfriend reminded me last night that C.S. Lewis had it so right when he wrote, “In the hive and the ant-hill we see fully realised the two things that some of most dread for our own species: the dominance of the female and the dominance of the collective.” When the queen bees are a’ buzz for your tax dollars, you’d better cherish your beer … and your soul.
I’ve said for a long time that I don’t mind hipsters, as long as they stay out of sight and keep making good food, beer, and restoring neighborhoods.
Yeah, I agree that it is often the hipster entrepreneur who can help breathe life back into an ailing part of town or a declining neighborhood, or even renovate an old building for his new venture. And for that and the good beer, I say thank you! But due to the overwhelmingly hipster ideology (leftism, social justice, diversity, etc.), it is also he who often participates in tearing down the past in the name of “progress.” Not always, of course, I’d certainly say it’s a commonality among the hipsters. Again, gotta virtue signal about your wokeness to make the big bucks. “Out of sight” … if only.