U.S. Congressman Dan Crenshaw has been pretty twitchy and triggered lately. The cause? American-firsters known as Groypers (fans of 21-year-old YouTuber Nick Fuentes) simply asking the Republican probing and legitimate questions about his voting record and his neocon-leaning views.
Crenshaw’s strategy? Join forces with the apostate “Christian-Zionist” organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Uh, yeah, I don’t think this is going to help improve Crenshaw’s reputation as a “Zionist shill” or help his “patriotic” street cred with Fuentes’ army of young, frustrated Zoomers, who want nothing more than to hold to the fire the feet of Conservative Inc.’s minions.
This ridiculous ad really shouldn’t be a surprise, though, as the U.S. representative for Texas’ 2nd congressional district did recently suggest that any criticism of the State of Israel is akin to “anti-Semitism” (whatever that is) and should not be considered First-Amendment-protected speech. Just shut up and pay your exorbitant taxes, Groypers.
In fact, Crenshaw is also allies with the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing Turning Point USA. (Yep, the very same PC politicos who fired black star Candace Owens because she didn’t adequately hate Hitler and love globalism.) This fake conservative organization is currently at war with Fuentes, mostly for his questioning of the $38 billion in foreign aid US taxpayers will be forking over to Israel in the coming years. TPUSA has fought tirelessly – with the aid of the Zionist Organization of America, of course – to censor and deplatform the young political commentator. Muh liberty.

Let’s try to parse out what Crenshaw is really insinuating in this bizarre ad. Is he saying that the political Jewish state (which didn’t exist until 70 years ago) is responsible for the British Colonies in the Americas? Is he saying that the political entity known as the modern Jewish State gave us the varied Christian faiths of the early colonists, like the Puritan-congregational Christianity of New England, or the Anglican-conservative Christianity of the South, the Catholic Christianity in places like Maryland and Louisiana, or the Quakerism of Pennsylvania?
Maybe David Ben-Gurion was a Roundhead and Theodor Herzl a Cavalier. Maybe Bibi Netanyahu tutored John Locke on individual-rights and natural-law, and that’s why Israel is such an exemplar of “equality” for its Palestinian and Christian minorities. Man, that Thomas Jefferson and his “empires of liberty” had nothing on socialist-feminist Golda Meir and her ideals for a Jewish ethno-state. Who needs the Christian warriors George Washington and Robert E. Lee when you have atheist revolutionaries Moses Hess and Israel Zangwill?
Honestly, modern America is akin to Zionism, with all its nation-statism, conquering, and warfarism. So, why couldn’t we at least follow their example of building a damn wall? I suppose it’s “Identity politics for thee, but not for me.” Works great for Israel and its progressive allies both domestic and abroad, but not so much for the American-firsters. It’s “Never forget” for the Zionists, but it’s “Never to be heard” for the rest of us.

Maybe Crenshaw is referencing the failed Revolutions of 1848, which led to radicals immigrating to the North and fighting for the Union, giving us this centralized “one nation under God” of today. After all, it was cultural Zionist Zangwill who termed America as a “melting pot.”
Or perhaps he’s talking about Hebrew Christianity and the subsequent dispensationalism which took root and has played a part in federalism’s unraveling. These false doctrines could be summed up as the heresy of Judaizing, which St. John Chrysostom crushed in the 300s. But hey, Crenshaw assures us that the “the Enlightenment” fixed everything, so worry not. The neocons got this.
Can we really be surprised that people who bend (over) on gay marriage and LGBT “equality” are so blind? “Yay, drag queens!” cheer Crenshaw’s buddies at TPUSA. “Boo, young white men who don’t want to subsidize a foreign country and/or conform to anti-family and anti-freedom policies here at home.”

Conservative Inc. perpetuates “Judeo-Christianity” as an American ethos. It’s like these ne’er-do-wells never studied colonial times and the founding, and most certainly are clueless (whether willfully or compliantly) of medieval Christendom. Their dogma is a gumbo of historical illiteracy, modern statist voodoo, and ancient hubris. It’s as if Crenshaw is the love child of Alexander Hamilton and Leon Trotsky, and the traitors at National Review, Hillsdale College, and PragerU round out the dysfunctional family.
If you don’t believe me, then why does Crenshaw support red-flag laws? Or the Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety Act? Or the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act? Well, it’s because neocons are more diabolically dangerous than are leftists.

Maybe, just maybe, Crenshaw’s ad meant to say “Israel would not be here without America.” According to a review of journalist Alison Weir’s book “Against Our Better Judgement: How the U.S. Was Used To Create Israel,” “The Balfour Declaration (as well as the later British Mandate) was drafted in both Britain and the US, including by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis.” Freelancer writer Karin Brothers continues, “Even before Britain washed its hands of Palestine, Zionists recognized that they needed the support of the United States for Israel to survive and thrive, so the U.S. became the focus of propaganda and political pressure.”
I think Crenshaw is a product of those WWI-era initiated efforts. Perhaps this is why American Zionists – some dual-citizenship-holding Jews and others Christian Zionists – are so forgiving of our sons and daughters getting maimed physically, damaged psychologically, or killed fighting the wars “of our most important ally.”
It’s a Christian’s duty to help “God’s chosen people,” they insist. The globalists and their Christian-Zionist foot soldiers assure us that without American money, weapons, and soldiers, the terrorists would drive the Jews straight into the sea. Support the political state of Israel, and get into Heaven, they preach. Just keep reading your Scofield Bible and don’t question the narrative, anti-Semite!
[Update October 2023: The above video is no longer available, not only NOT on YouTube, but also not on other video-streaming platforms. I checked ’em all, folks, but please do feel free to send me the URL if you can somehow locate the raw footage lurking around the interwebs. In the meantime, I found this and this on Rumble. Both are videos which analyzed the apparently infamous Dan Crenshaw TPUSA event when Groypers boldly confronted him – an act of resistance that the DC darling certainly didn’t like and was evidently not accustomed to.]
This brings me to CUFI, which claims not to be about eschatology (end times), but rather focused on the Call of Abram in Genesis 12: that God will bless those who bless the Jews and will curse those who curse the Jews. This was part of the Old Covenant.
But because the Jews failed time and time again at trusting and obeying God, Jesus came with the New Covenant: salvation for Jew and Gentile alike through belief in Christ, His virgin birth, death, and resurrection, as well as the Trinity. He was fully man and fully God, taking on our flesh to free us from our prison of sin here on Earth and from the gates of Hell in the hereafter.
The Orthodox view is that the Hebrews are a metaphor for humanity; that no matter how much God loves us and blesses us and keeps us in His favor, we humans so readily cast Him aside for immediacy, self, and man-centered ideas. We use our fallible reason to make excuses for our divergence on the wide path, trusting charlatans and fast-talkers instead of God’s narrow path.
The Jews and their history encapsulate the human condition. We’re all missing the mark. But only Jesus bridges the gap and can heal our sickness.
To equate Christ in any way with other religions is to reject Christ. That’s ecumenism. And to equate Jesus with a non-Christian, secular, geopolitical entity is, well … heresy.
Moreover, don’t CUFI and its “conservative” evangelical leaders like John Hagee and Constitution-toting spokesmen like Crenshaw understand that Zionism is socialist? That the secular ideology has Marxist roots? That its Jewish founders weren’t even religious?
Sure, CUFI is correct on one hand, that Christianity would indeed not exist without the foundation of Judaism. John the Forerunner, the Apostles, and the first Christ-followers were all Jews. Jesus himself was a Jew, of course, as was Mary the Mother of God, who is considered by Eastern Orthodox to be the very first Christian.
In Orthodoxy, we understand that because of this history, much of our liturgical practices, parish architecture, calendar of feasts, and even icons have Judaic roots. After all, the early Christians were indeed ethnic Jews worshiping their new Messiah and often doing so in Temple, but they were fulfilling the New Covenant, not the Old.

Lastly, I give my fair share of criticism to secular Jews, who are overwhelmingly progressive. But just because they say something doesn’t mean that Christians have to follow suit. It’s similar to my criticism of Western women, who are unceasingly pushing feminism and other leftist notions on society as a whole. Sure, women have adeptly mucked things up, but men didn’t have to give them the vote. Men didn’t have to allow “gender equality” to evolve into the battering ram that it has become, nor do they have to entertain the grrrrls’ anti-family edicts or the sluts’ #MeToo madness.
It’s the blind leading the blind, y’all, and it’s time to STOP! Stop listening to snake-oil salesmen supporting ahistorical, anti-biblical, and culture-destroying ideas. Let’s open our damn eyes to see who is really the enemy.
Excellent evisceration of the neocon poser.
The biblical narrative from author is refreshing , since it is vast contrast to the apostate Zionist churches. Crenshaw congressman is another Jew proselyte ; and this is our “alternative” to the jewish ultimatum ? Naturally, the devil is controlling both ends of the bridge across the doubt of its perdition.
The young woman, perhaps student , who asks the question reveals him as the communist educator , that all are , who visit our young people. Her mind must be reeducated. Deo et veritat will never come from this devil. Why speak to them?
Paul, thanks so much for your complimentary words. Indeed, the assault against young people who seek truth is pernicious. It comes from every direction, so much so that even having and voicing legitimate queries becomes a radical act. Pray mightily and stay strong, be loving, ask questions, listen, but don’t kowtow to lies and outright deception, is what I advise to my sons. Really, is there much else to do?
Deo vindice, good sir!
Thanks a million, TA! 🙂
If I advocated for Ireland or Scotland the way some Jewish “Americans” advocate for Israel, folks would (rightly!) urge me to go back! I wish Israel well, but it’s up to them to foot the bill in treasure – and blood if necessary – to protect and maintain that welfare, not me and mine!
Help the Jews? Okay, salvation for the Jew is accomplished the same way that it is for any of us Gentiles: faith in Christ alone! Further, I don’t give a rat’s posterior about Gog, Magog, blood moons, a supposed rebuilding of the Temple, etc., and there’s no obligation to direct our tax money, nor our military in any way to their assistance!