In part 1, I described America as having a moral sickness. This disease is highly evident in the $2 trillion “recovery” package Congress just passed on Friday. Forget the fact that only $300 billion of the unfathomable price tag is for the “economic rescue plan” which will throw Monopoly money at lower-income American households. United we stand!
The remainder of this newest round of fantastical currency goes to a slew of progressive pet projects. To add insult to injury, the bureaucratic elites named this sham the Families First Coronavirus Response. Talk about sick.
But how to pay for it? Let us not forget that the federal government doesn’t actually produce anything, other than stupid laws, inflated egos, millionaire politicians, broken families, perpetual war, and lots of heart ache. “Congress doesn’t have $2 trillion to spend, and 2020 tax receipts won’t begin to cover the bill,” wrote Jeff Deist.

“This means the federal government will effectively ‘print’ the money, likely in a circuitous way by issuing new Treasury debt and using the Federal Reserve Bank as a backstop to buy it all if investors won’t,” he continued. Translation: tax payers will fork over increasingly scarce money for this scheme, but make no mistake, that includes neither the rich ones or the “poor” ones. Tax families to save families. What could go wrong?
The “emergency” measure also includes “$500 billion in business ‘loans’ from the U.S. Treasury, which means backed by you and me,” Deist explained. “$70 billion is earmarked for airlines and their suppliers, including Boeing, Delta, United and General Electric.” Translation: corporate bailouts … yet again.
In predictable shameless form, Trump’s deputies announced the same day as the plan’s passage that “they had begun the process of importing 85,000 H-1B gig workers to take white-collar jobs,” reported Breitbart. Now, the feds want to put foreign “families first,” and they want me to pay for them. With a “recovery” like this, who the hell needs the coronavirus?
“If the H-1B program is just for filling jobs that Americans cannot fill amid for labor shortages, then this would not be happening,” said John Miano, a lawyer with the Immigration Law Reform Institute. “But it is not a labor-shortage program – it is a cheap labor program to displace Americans.” And the elites will so much as admit it; after all, that’s what multiculturalism is. Diversity is our strength, remember?
My husband works in IT and his company is planning to “trim the fat” in the coming weeks. For those of you who work in corporate America, you know damn well that native-born workers are seen as dispensable, while hiring cheap, typically lower-skilled H-1B hires is considered good business practice. Government deciding who is “essential” and who isn’t has been part of the modern America ethos for a long time, so no one should be shocked by its current pandemic emergency practices.

In the medical field, the social-engineering is as stark as IT. “In New York City, 45% of doctors and 58% of registered nurses were foreign-born in 2016. Among home health care aids … the share was 76%.” Citizens of the world make for pliable plebs.
After all, foreign hires overwhelmingly support the American sickness (i.e., they hate guns, love centralization, abhor regional culture, adore the system, loathe Jesus, worship money, utilize democracy, but practice tribalism), so it’s a win-win for the woke crony-capitalist structure. Import big-government voters, and replace America’s fading traditions and once-resilient spirit both through the culture, miseducation, and media, and at the ballot box.
Economically, America is Hamiltonian. “It’s Hamilton’s fusion of economy and society that Jefferson warned us against,” Dr. Brion McClanahan says. It enriches people at the top, fosters dependence and apathy, and placates the government-created class at the bottom. It destroys customs and demolishes family. It funds never-ending “humanitarian” wars and props up merciless globalist institutions. It creates untenable and deadly supply chains. And it’s setting up everyday people for the fall.

Now don’t forget, the new “stimulus” package comes on the heels of $4 trillion already issued by the Federal Reserve to be “leveraged” with Treasury money. Translation: middle-class tax-payers will foot another bill for those deemed “disproportionately affected” by the coronavirus chaos (“poor” folks), as well as those who supposedly spur the economic engine (government bureaucrats, corporate bigwigs, and Wall Street wolves). Anyone making a wage or salary is going to lose.
Let us not also forget about the “great CEO exodus” that happened in the months leading up to the pandemic, and the oligarch profiteering, like one of my sad-sack senators, Richard Burr, who sold millions of dollars in stock shares after a closed-door briefing, while he continued to assure the public that all was well. Take note, normies. Republicans don’t care about you either.
But it’s all going to come to a head sooner rather than later. “A market crash was coming even before coronavirus.” Quantitative easing? Been there, done that in 2008. Recession? Definite. Depression? Probably. Complete undoing of the empire? I pray to God.
Congressman Thomas Massie tried his best to stop the slush-fund veiled as patriotic legislation, but he couldn’t restrain the beast. Larry Kudlow, policy advisor to Trump, claims the fractional-reserve trickery is for “Main Street,” but all it means is more theft, more record levels of debt in financial markets, government, and the real economy, more inflation, more social division, and more suffering.
But don’t dare to question the government’s salvific powers, lest you be labeled a heretic and a hater. “The coronavirus epidemic endangers every aspect of American life, and Democrats believe that this historic emergency requires a full-spectrum response to protect our economy and our democracy,” remarked Nancy Pelosi spokesperson Henry Connelly.
Yep, the same elitists who preen about “protecting” people are the very ones who created and benefit from the system, so there is no “our” anything. America as a “nation” is a joke, and this pandemic chaos is messaging that indelible fact to more and more people.
There are many conservatives and libertarians claiming that the coronavirus is a hoax – subterfuge to force more government on citizens, infringe on liberties, centralize even more control, and politicize during an election year. I don’t buy it. Sure, the central planners are self-seekers, but why would they not stick with the program of happy sheep distracted by consumerism, comfort, and entertainment?
Most people were perfectly content with how things were before this crisis. So, why would the oligarchs threaten that carefully crafted system? Why would they risk their already-established fiefdoms? And why would they awaken people who were apathetic to true liberty, but now suddenly care about individual duty and government overreach?
I think the US could’ve probably gone on another 50 to 100 years with its false prosperity, fake economy, and fictional freedom. Why then expose big government for the frauds that they are? The Deep State was seemingly unstoppable and had effectively castrated Trump’s populism. The powers that be were already winning, so why go to so much trouble and expose themselves for the tyrants that they are?

And even though Americans typically have short memories, I think that the coronavirus handling will be an exception to that rule. I truly believe it’s the trigger that will bring on the empire’s demise, as well as shake the masses from their own malaise.
Centralized governments are simply too big to be effective, and American “culture” with its citizen accomplices have hastened the tidal wave of economic and social chaos that is beginning to swell and will ultimately crash. Its ripple effects will be felt by all.
If you wanna be a Nazi and ally with Richard Spencer, who said Trump should’ve had a more “centralized” response, go for it, progressives. (See, how I just insinuated that you and your view are evil simply because you share an opinion with someone deemed socially unacceptable? Payback’s a bitch.)

For those who still don’t believe that folks will arise from their statist slumber, I guarantee you that they will when the money runs out, when a loaf of bread costs $100, when the feds tax small backyard gardens and penalize people who “hoard,” and when the activist politicians disarm citizens as criminality spreads unabated. Oh, and we can’t forget when the EBT cards stop working. These things will happen, if they’re not already. It’s just a matter of time.
Pretty soon all will see that it’s not that “the remedy is worse than the disease.” It’s that centralized power is the disease; it’s a moral ailment that addicts all of society to its sickness. But despite all the bluster and self-righteousness, Americanism is showing its weakness and vulnerability, and our dear leaders’ overwhelming hubris and greed will only expedite its demise. That’s what ya call justice.
In the meantime, plan, prepare, and pray. The cure may be hard to swallow, but the bad medicine is coming whether we like it or not.
And as Rome burns, Pelosi & company continue to play their discordant melody.
They are experts in melancholy tunes, but they’ll get their comeuppance.
The H-1B crowd is freaking out nowadays:
…and I can see why. In the last 8 years I’ve seen my neighborhood go from pre-dominantly American Citizen to, well, you know where… There’s no way all of them are citizens, and they like to live large. Many of them live in houses that are at least 1,000 square feet larger than mine and there’s at least one Infinity, Benz, Tesla, BMW, etc in the garage. There’s no way they paid cash for all of it unless I’m missing something (maybe some of them moved from the Bay Area and could plunk down the $$$..who knows).
I’m not holding out hope that Washington will stick to its guns on the 60-day rule.
After 20 years of working in my field, I can also attest that not all of them are high-skilled. Many of their skills aren’t much better than that of an entry-level sysadmin and in my line of work we’ve cleaned up a lot of their messes….
I know the above comes across as harsh, but, note that I have no animosity toward these folks on a personal level. They, unfortunately, are being exploited as much as American workers are.
My guess is that when you have armed folks in Maine blocking their state border to the influx of New Yorkers fleeing their sickly city and social breakdown just keeps getting worse, you will have regular folks “imposing” their own immigration standards within their communities. And if foreigners came here in much, much fewer numbers, assimilated, and then didn’t try to change our culture, many Americans wouldn’t see the H-1Bs as the exploiters. But they do. This isn’t harsh, it’s reality. It’s the consequence of government-forced integration, mass immigration, and the dangerous ideology that is multiculturalism. If DC won’t do what needs to be done (and you know they won’t), regular people will. And that is why I know without a doubt that the virus isn’t a hoax; none of this hyper-vigilance and self-determination would be happening otherwise. Nobody’s willing to wait around for the gov’t anymore, and this makes the powers that be very nervous. But without mass enforcement and while they’re letting prisoners out of jail, what the hell are they gonna do? My guess is nothing, or at least too little to deter the people.
Wow! New England of all places!
My hubby echoed your sysadmim comment. He’s always having to cleaning up the H-1Bs’ messes. Weird thing is, corporations say they’re such a bargain, but really, the corp’s end up paying salaried employees top dollar way *more* to put out the fires Indian hires start and way *less* to innovate and really create value for the customer and add to the co’s bottom line. Me thinks their biz model is more about PC and less about money. Crazy the things progressives are willing to do for their stupid ideology. Well, hopefully, this big dose of reality will help them see the error of their cultural-Marxist ways.
Stay tough out there, brother!
My hubby echoed your sysadmim comment. He’s always having to cleaning up the H-1Bs’ messes. Weird thing is, corporations say they’re such a bargain, but really, the corp’s end up paying salaried employees top dollar way *more* to put out the fires Indian hires start and way *less* to innovate and really create value for the customer and add to the co’s bottom line. Me thinks their biz model is more about PC and less about money. Crazy the things progressives are willing to do for their stupid ideology. Well, hopefully, this big dose of reality will help them see the error of their cultural-Marxist ways.
Stay tough out there, brother!
As one of several leaders at my church, I’m wrestling with how best to inform and encourage folks at this time. I fear too many are still in the mindset that this represents an inconvenient, merely temporary setback, with very limited long term consequences. Clarksville, TN (“Gateway to the New South” – Gag!!!) is a military town, contiguous to Ft. Campbell, with lots of retirees, and a boomtown mindset. I don’t think a great many of them have cottoned on to the very real possibility/probability of the things you’re writing about in this series, DM.
An Army chaplain buddy of mine (We were in the same unit at one point, both chaplains) were talking on the phone this morning about this very thing. We both go to the same church, and we’re seeing, along with a great many of our veteran brethren, the likely train wreck that’s coming. In thinking out loud together, he suggested my starting to write about practical things like gardening and livestock management in our church electronic newsletter that comes out weekly.
But the so-called “Normalcy Bias” runs deep! We Southerners in particular, ought to be hearkening back to our collective memory of an agrarian past, fraught with loss and hardship (e.g. WTBS, Reconstruction, The Great Depression 1.0, etc.), for the sake of so many who either have no notion of what’s likely coming (Great Depression 2.0), or who are worrying themselves sick. This hasn’t taken God by surprise, and as His children, we should not fret, but that doesn’t mean we take a passive attitude toward it all.
It’s time to act!
Apologies for a bit of stream-of-consciousness here!
So well said, DD. I couldn’t agree more. The genie’s not going back in the bottle. Yes, encourage people to garden, to can, to sew, to raise hens and other livestock, to barter and share with neighbors, to fish, to hunt (or learn how to hunt, in my case). I’m thinking of going fishing this weekend and NOT getting a permit. Gasp! Try to stop me. Already-thin police have bigger fish to fry (pardon the pun) than trying to hassle some family from getting food for dinner. This is just a small example of the action of which you speak. Let’s do, let’s act, and not care about what the “law” says. And really, all you can hope to accomplish with with the normies is to inform with gentle persuasion, matter-of-fact facts, and pointing out the very many silver linings. They’re gonna do what they’re gonna do … for now. But eventually, reality’s gonna force them to wake up to the new new. And I say, encourage them (and us) to embrace it. Let’s reclaim our roots. Let’s prioritize away from “progress” and toward simplicity. Let’s tap into authentic living and tap out to clown world. It’s gonna be hard as hell, but I think worth every single drop of blood, sweat, and tears. The death of an empire is never easy, but if people are prepared (physically, mentally, and spiritually) we will all be better off in the long run. Stay tough, brother. Deo vindice!!
“write about practical things like gardening and livestock management”
Always a great idea. Teach your flock to be versatile. “Specialization is for insects.” – Robert Heinlein
Though I don’t think this is the Great Depression 2.0. There were a lot of continuing policies throughout the 1930s that were responsible for the prolonged depression. The stock market crash of 1929 would have recovered in a year or two (like the similar one in 1921) had Hoover and FDR not put each of their fat bureaucratic thumbs on the economic scales, tinkering with prices and quotas. And a lot these policies they’d never get away with today, like having farmers destroy significant portions of their crops and livestock in order keep prices from falling.
People were starving, and the government’s solution was to destroy the food.
“It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged.” – G.K. Chesterton
The world is too interconnected now. Technology and entrepreneurial spirit will help us get on our feet faster, so long as government stays out of the way for the most part. Of course, the recovery will not be a completely healthy one because it will be tainted once again by vast amounts of inflationary credit expansion and thus the oligarchy of the financial world will receive yet another windfall.
But, nonetheless, good business and working class people will get the economy going again in short order. And toilet paper will sit idly on the shelves once again.
“but why would they not stick with the program of happy sheep distracted by consumerism, comfort, and entertainment?”
Because too many people were already awakening to the crimes of the current oligarchy (Epstein, Weinstein, etc.), as evidenced by the success of Trump and in a limited way Bernie Sanders. Sanders and Trump, though neither are truly a threat to the system as we perceive it, are a threat to their system. They each represent a populist changing of the guard; even if the health of the state remains or grows, a different elite will be on top running it. The current oligarchy doesn’t want that. And they certainly couldn’t stand 4 more years of Trump, and without an economic crisis, there was no way he was going to lose.
“And why would they awaken people who were apathetic to true liberty, but
now suddenly care about individual duty and government overreach?”
I honestly don’t think they understood this would happen. I think they thought the virus would scare everybody, (especially when major media outlets and international organizations are giving it a ridiculous 3+% death rate and all we hear about are horror stories of ventilators running out and hospitals getting inundated) and we’d all come running back to mommy and daddy, and vote out Trump for a member of the old elite: Biden. Even if he’s just a dirty senile old moron, he’s still a figurehead and represents a return to the Neoliberal / Neoconservative consensus.
The jury is still out which way this will end. Will more be drawn away from or to the establishment American criminal class? I’m not sure, but I hope the former.
“I guarantee you that they will when the money runs out, when a loaf of bread costs $100”
Well obviously then, but I don’t think this is where we’re headed anytime soon.
“If you wanna be a Nazi and ally with Richard Spencer, who said Trump
should’ve had a more “centralized” response, go for it, progressives.
(See, how I just insinuated that you and your view are evil simply
because you share an opinion with someone deemed socially unacceptable?
Payback’s a bitch.)”
Zing!!! Don’t go expecting leftists to care about consistency though. Look at Alyssa Milano’s recent back tracking of “Believe All Women”.
Whatever the case, I think our goal should be to light a fire under red-pilled people to seize the moment, but only time will tell. Alyssa agrees. 😉
I can definitely get behind that.
Biden thinks the Coronavirus is helping his numbers though. Granted, he is a moron. Trump’s approval rating has never been higher. Maybe Coronavirus was an advanced tactic to keep the presidential debates from happening? So that Biden has a chance? Now I’m really engaging in speculation.
Also, the ‘Coronapocalypse’ gives the oligarchy (certainly a Satan friendly organization if not outright Satanic) a good reason to shut down the churches. This Easter, churches all across the country (and the world) will be empty, and mostly they’ll all be shutdown without the state having to look like the bad guy, since most churches are closing their doors voluntarily. Meanwhile, Pornhub is offering their premium service for free worldwide. That seems like a huge victory for Screwtape and Wormwood et al.
Just an FYI, my link above does not take you to “Pornhub”, thankfully. It is rather an article from Zerohedge.
Just an FYI, my link above does not take you to “Pornhub”, thankfully. It is rather an article from Zerohedge.
Check out my newest blog post, which talks about some churches’ responses to the closures. I think we’re going to see civil disobedience on the rise, especially from Christians, which is why the DHS is trying to scare people away with this new retarded tactic > The technocrats have no freakin’ shame.
I read the article. These people…
“but he warned that terrorists, white supremacists and other extremists are exploiting the unfolding pandemic”
I love how the ‘white supremacist’ is the favorite boogeyman of the left, when white supremacism itself is an ideology derived of the leftist nationalism, eugenics, and collectivism of the early twentieth century.
I’m in agreement with E. Michael Jones on the issue of whiteness, and that is basically that if you identify with being white, then the left has successfully stripped you of your true ethnicity, which should be something like German Protestant, Italian Catholic, or, Texan, etc. I identify as white but only on a superficial level and mostly just as a colloquial expression. I’m Christian before anything else, and then I’m Catholic, then Texan, and then genetically some mix of German and Scandinavian.
“(W)e have no information to suggest such attacks are imminent or even likely”
But don’t forget about the white supremacists that are definitely going to attack your church! You don’t need any evidence whatsoever to know that is going to happen!
We either get decentralization or a strongman. – Hoppe (my paraphrase)
I want the former and will fight for it tooth and nail. Nobody cares about white-supremacist anything anymore. Woo hoo … Kung flu silver linings! Here’s an “oldie” but a goodie.
Another marvellous piece of writing-intelligent,thought-provoking,captivating and original. The author certainly has – ” a way with words ” ! That is intended in a positive sense. As for future developments in the USA ? Little is to be expected from most of the American populace. The ” World Secret Elite ” will be able to do whatever it wants in the USA and will encounter little,if anything,in the way of opposition from whatever quarter.
Thanks for the nice comments! You may indeed be correct about what will play out, but I still see lots of hope and will continue to pray for decentralization, and I will try to be just one little voice out there trying to light a fire under good people. Those brush fires of freedom need some love.