What bothers me most about the BLM-Antifa-government-academia-media-corporate-church cabal claiming to protest the death of George Floyd, now Rayshard Brooks, and every black man who’s shot and killed by cops or even killed by men who are tasked with policing their own neighborhoods is that the narrative is built upon lies. Many lies.
But the most effective prevarication is the deceit about “systemic racism.” Everything – from the race riots, the leftist-terrorist destruction of history, property, and life, and the anarcho-tyrannical “autonomous zones,” to the never-ending “anti-racism” pronouncements from companies, the groveling of Christian and political “leaders,” and the grotesque virtue-signaling from people you thought previously were normal – stems from the assertion that there is a common social, economic, and political practice of legit racism against black folks.

After all, if this is true, surely whitey must atone, right? But of course, it’s all artifice. It’s a false moral claim which in turn creates a a false moral panic. It’s mythology, smoke and mirrors, and quite diabolical when you think about it. Like my friend Nick says, “There’s more evidence of a global satanic elite pedophile ring than ‘white supremacy’ or ‘systemic racism’ in America.” So let’s unpack it.
“Christ taught us truth; the Devil teaches us falsehood, and strives in every way to contradict every truth; devising various calumnies against it.”
— St. John of Kronstadt
According to Merriam-Webster, “racism” is defined as “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” That’s a pretty good, traditional explanation of the word.
But according to the BBC, the dictionary powerhouse will soon be changing its definition to include such subjectivity as self-perceived “hurdles” and “systems that are in place” which purportedly advantage whites over blacks and are a consequence of white “social and institutional power.”
Well, let me lay it out there for you. The only systemic racism that exists today in America benefits blacks and marginalizes whites.
There is no “systemic racism” against black Americans. I’ve written about it before in “If anyone should be taking a knee, it should be …” We – the tax-paying, law-abiding, middle-class citizens (both black and white) – have bent over backwards for “impoverished” black folks for 50 years, poured money into programs for housing, education, business loans, home mortgage loans, Medicaid, EBT, WIC, and other subsidies.

On the losing side of that paradigm, is the archetype: my white, straight, Southern, Christian sons. They are being told they must give even more through lost opportunity via black and female scholarships, affirmative action in hiring and education, and racial and gender quotas in education. And to rub salt in the wound, they must also subsidize the myriad of left-wing programs that are claimed to “right the wrongs,” all while pretending to be an “ally” in a sinister system that hates them.
Well, there is something very wrong in that there have been no social advancements for anyone. Instead, our “help” has created more strife within the “black community” and put whites at a huge disadvantage, while also fostering the racial divide and increasing hostility. The government-media-corporate syndicate manufactures this true inequality, yet whitey’s still told he has work to do.

Maybe it is the “black community” that has work to do. Maybe if they stopped blaming me and my “privilege” and “ancestral sin” for all their problems, and they stopped listening to the progressives peddling untruths, they could focus on the root causes of their problems and act accordingly to remedy those ills, which would make everyone happier in the long run.

Despite the “safety net” and “leveling the playing field,” nothing has been or will ever be enough. The riots aren’t about true justice or “equity,” otherwise the mob wouldn’t be calling for my sons’ slavery and oppression. This is why those who craft and perpetuate the narrative keep such a tight control on dissent.
Take LBJ’s “War on Poverty.” It has been an utter catastrophe culturally, politically, and economically, as I explain in “A hurricane of hubris,” yet race pimps and their duped do-gooders clamor for more and fault me when their egalitarian nightmares come true. And just wait for the post-modernized “coming white tax” and slavery reparations. We ain’t see nothin’ yet.

People put PC rhetoric ahead of the tangible and dismal results, says black economist Thomas Sowell. And as black economist Walter Williams notes, the struggles of black Americans aren’t a consequence of slavery and discrimination; rather, they are self-imposed. And “moral relativism” should not to be confused with racism, adds black writer Star Parker. They’re all part of the “social justice” swindle.
As Williams states, poverty is predictable, and a stable, intact family is the cure. Yet, BLM aims to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement” and instead promotes “villages” … “with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking.” It’s almost as if BLM is a self-fulfilling prophecy of victimization.
Note what the sainted MLK says in the video above. It’s quite different from the quote “A riot is the language of the unheard” being shared around social media. Alas, virtue-signalers are a lazy bunch. Go figure.
In the interview from whence this quote comes, King told Mike Wallace that “black power is … a reaction to the reluctance of white power to make the kind of changes necessary to make justice a reality for the Negro.” Yet, changes were made and have been implemented over that past half century, but still more is required. Where there should be gratitude and self-reflection are now revolutionary demands and increased destruction. Power and supremacy are indeed the operative words within this anti-white paradigm.

This emotional plea is based upon the fiction that “black bodies” are being hunted by cops and roving gangs of “white supremacists,” and that black folks are void of self-control and self-determination. They’re coddled and treated like children, or worse, automatons who aren’t actors, but are only acted upon.
Even in places like lefty San Francisco, where black only comprise about 6 percent of the city’s population (unlike my Southern city which has about a black population of nearly 40 percent), blacks are “cited for resisting arrest at a rate eight times greater than whites, even when serious crimes are not involved.” Just like Rayshard Brooks.

“What happened in Ferguson was quite different from what we were told,” black academic John McWhorter notes of the false narrative built around the death of Michael “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Brown. “No one can doubt now that Brown did not die with his hands up; he had been quite aggressive with Darren Wilson, and Darren Wilson shot him because he was afraid.”
“The most prominent case of a cop murdering a black man is one where we happen not to have been told the truth,” McWhorter continued. “Where you can always say, ‘Actually, that didn’t happen.’ It’s not healthy because it’s going to stand in the way of constructive debate. It’ll leave many people wondering whether we were lied to about a lot of the other cases.”

The black-oppressed-white-oppressor tale is proved wrong more than not, which I wrote about in “Apparently, we will get fooled again.” So, what we get is more nefarious chatter of systemic racism, while white dudes with the Battle Flag (gasp!) on their trucks are said to have used a “racial slur” during their white-supremacist “lynchings.” Hell, the “angry white man” stereotype for mass shooters is even a leftist-concocted lie. The political theater of it all is mind-numbing.
But you’re just an evil “neo-Confederate,” Dissident Mama. Why should I listen to you? As I’ve cited above, there are a few honest black intellectuals and outlier celebrities who are resisting the madness. Here are a few more voices in the wilderness.
Black immigrant Nestride Yumga is thankful to be in America and calls out the hypocrisy of BLM … and gets lectured by a “white ally,” of course. “Start the change at home” is apparently considered a hateful message among the progressive potentates.
Yumga does God’s work in pointing out the selective outrage and ignorance woven so tightly into the woke movement. “Go to Chicago. They die every day. But it don’t matter because you can’t get attention for that,” she proclaims. “African-Americans kill each other more than anything. It’s numbers. How about you start the change at home? … Why does it take a white person to kill a black person and, oh my gosh, it’s the end of the world.”
Regarding Chicago and the 50+ people who were shot there over Memorial Day weekend, black journalist Jason L. Riley wrote, “None of these deaths or shootings involved police, so there will be no massive protests over them, no tearful commentary on cable news and social media, no white politicians wrapped in Kente cloth taking a knee for photographers.”
“The reality is that the carnage we witness in Chicago is what’s typical,” he continued, “law enforcement has next to nothing to do with black homicides, and the number of interactions between police and low-income blacks is driven by crime rates, not bias.” Black author Taleeb Starkes tackles the subterfuge head on in “Black Lies Matter: Why Lies Matter to the Race Grievance Industry.”

Moreover, more whites are shot to death by cops than are blacks. Now this isn’t adjusted per capita. But still, you’d think honest “defund the police” activists would at least acknowledge that, or the fact that there were only 1,004 fatal police shootings last year. I’m not minimizing death, but c’mon, in a country with 320 million people, is that really something to riot about? And to be fair, we cannot forget about the law enforcement who are killed, as well.
The left always chirps, “Blacks can’t be racist because racism requires systemic privilege.” But being that the BLM-Antifa syndicate’s anarcho-tyranny is allowed, and they’re given police and governmental protection and corporate and media sponsorship, who has the systemic privilege now? It is they who are establishing and flaunting their “supremacy” and furthering inequality under the law for me. Hell, the leftist terrorists are basically a political party at this point.
Who had the systemic privilege when the Reopen movement was slandered as a “white supremacist” because the largely white and always peaceful rally-goers simply wanted to go back to work? Reopen is called “racist” because middle-class folks want to feed their families and don’t want to lose their small businesses, but the progressive protests which have destroyed communities, economies, lives, and the last few remnants of social trust and law and order are more than fine. They should not only be tolerated, but celebrated, the rioters screech. Jewish comedian Dave Smith points out the double standard.
So according to 2020 dystopia, here’s my updated definition.
Racism (n): knowing FBI crime statistics, using your own eyeballs, being informed, utilizing logic over emotion, not being self-hating, believing there is systemic racism but that it’s aimed at white folks, venerating only Jesus Christ and the Christian saints.

“One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world,” Alexandr Solzhenitsyn once said. The famous Russian author survived the Soviet gulags and understood better than most the oppression of body. But he also knew the leverage of lies and the totalitarian terror that is so often their dangerous consequence.
I have no political or social privilege, and there are certainly no systems that have my back. I am censored, threatened, and shunned. Although I’m truly powerless, I refuse to capitulate to the “elite psychological manipulation,” as editor Dan McCarthy described the Bolshevik con. I won’t live in a self-imposed gulag of the the mind, heart, and soul. I prefer freedom and facts over feelings. I pray you do, too.
For more inconvenient truths, check out “The Un-Civil War: BLACKS vs NIGGERS: Confronting the Subculture Within the African-American Community” by Taleeb Starkes, “Race and Crime in America” by Ron Unz, and “THIS is What Happens When Protesters are Confronted with Data and Facts” by Ami Horowitz.
Wow! Another powerful piece of journalism and analysis. Keep preaching the truth, Mama. We all know that truth is treason in the empire of lies, but when the empire is built upon a lie (and it is–not simply this current vomit of mob democracy, but the entire Lincolnian “proposition nation”) it is weak. Lincoln’s empire of lies is collapsing, and is being replaced by yet another. It all begs the question, in the words of Yeats, “…what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”
Indeed, our entire “identity” as Americans is smoke and mirrors. How can “a people” be an “idea”? 1. We’re not a people and 2. ideas are ever-changing, which was a mythos by puritanical-progressive design. You know all this, good sir, but living through it is torture, especially when people, even smart conservative people, are so slow to grasp it all, the magnitude of the madness, the evil which we face, and the horror of historical and traditional destruction. God, sometimes I envy the clueless rubes living with their heads in the sand. But then I remember, there is nothing more important than truth. And fighting for it is simply our cross to bear.
As always, thanks for reading and commenting. 🙂
I am thankful for this blog and how you so succinctly keep speaking truth. I so miss being able to interact with you, William and Carl on Facebook. But, alas, I’m apparently such a threat that I have had 2 profiles completely disabled; one in October 2019 and another 2 weeks ago. There is an actual block on my devices preventing ANYONE from accessing the Facebook app. We are in seriously perilous times and even with all we see going on around us, I fear way too many are still the clueless rubes that you mention. God bless you and thank you!
Ellen, thank you so much for your kind words! Having gotten to “know” you on FB, I am truly honored by your sweet compliments. 🙂
Please comment here whenever you like. THIS can be your safe space. William comments sometimes, as you can see, so all we need now is Carl. Plus, there are other smart and like-minded folks who also take part in the conversation. I feel like I always learn something from my readers, and even though this is a public page, it’s typically not being stalked and trolled by intellectual midgets and emotive cry babies. I think you’ll find solace here, unlike the cesspool that is FB.
Stay tough, sister!
Thank you!
I’m actually a reluctant rebel, preferring to live-and-let-live, but I can’t stand the group-think that’s attempting to force me into confessing, “Two plus two equals three.” All of this is like the old Monty Python skit, “The Spanish Inquisition”, only the demagogues and their mobs are actually malicious!
Reality is still reality, regardless what you or I think or feel about it; I’ve never encountered a bandwagon I didn’t want to take an RPG to!
Keep wielding that sword, DM!
Sword wielding is right. It’s hostile as hell out there.
I think we’re all reluctant rebels to a degree. If our ancestors and history and traditions weren’t under attack, we’d be whistling Dixie, going about our business, not asking anything of anyone else, other than to be left the hell alone. But Yankees are gonna Yankee; it’s what they do with armies, with mobs, with media, with curriculum, with products, with sermons and homilies. Their madness is inescapable. It is this continued reconstruction that we resist, no matter how few are our allies. I’m honored to call you compatriot.
Have you seen this video featuring Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB officer and Soviet defector? In it, he explains “ideological subversion” and how “Despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.” It’s all about changing people’s perception of reality, which is the nightmare we’re living through today. I’m going to be discussing this concept in my next post, but check out the riveting video in the meantime if you can.
Thanks for being such a loyal reader and commenter, DD. You rock!!
I’m waking up to read about the destruction in front of the NC Capitol this morning. I am not sure what to do with the emotional roller coaster right now…and if I read another lie like this, I’m gonna explode: “… the people want them removed, the people want them down, but yet they’re still up. So what you’re seeing right now is outcry from the people saying they want these Confederate monuments down in the city of Raleigh.”
One of my buddies texted that the “Confederate Memorial Bridge” sign here in Clarksville, TN was taken down.
I’m ’bout done with the modern-day Carpet Baggers and their enabling Scalawags!
It’s never-ending, which is the wearing-down effect that “progress” has on a body, mind, and soul. What shall we do? I have only one card up my sleeve, which I hope to write up and post tomorrow. But other than that, I’m at at loss, other than what I told BT.
This comment of yours was the first thing I saw this morning when I checked my phone. Yes, roller coaster indeed. It’s maddening that cops just watched, while terrorists were allowed to rule the streets. Eventually, this is what the godless mobs will do to anyone who dissents to the leftist narrative: pull us from our homes, drag us through the streets as people scream and kick us, and haul us up a pole. And it won”t be called “lynchings.” It will be called “justice.” But what shall we do? Other than pray, be martyred, or flee, I’m not sure what else we can do. Much else seems futile at this point.
While God’s in charge, and we ultimately win in Him, we still have work to do, and, as vital as writing, thinking and influencing are, we may still be called upon to carry out some 2020 version of what is being sung here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YI16zDNFLec
Kyrie eileison! Christe eileison!
The author writes “for 50 years, [we] poured money into programs for housing, education, business loans, home mortgage loans, Medicaid, EBT, WIC, and other subsidies”. This is an argument we have all heard before. But what is the real-world solution to this? Ending these programs cold-turkey? Even if the left didn’t complain about such an approach, it truly would be pulling the rug out from under millions of Americans. So how exactly do proponents of the ideas that these programs have only perpetuated poverty … how do such people suggest we move forward given the realities of where we are now?
Good question and I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I would say that, yes, we could most definitely stop home mortgage and biz loans, and affirmative action in college and in hiring cold turkey. That’d be a great start. Then give people who’ve become dependent on the programs like EBT and Medicaid a cut off date for the rest, the way Ron Paul wanted to handle getting rid of Social Security. Phase the programs out by explaining to people that these things are coming to an end and they’d better damn well prepare. Churches will have to step up. Leftists who love stealing my tax dollars will have to step up. Bleeding hearts will have walk the walk and step up. Family members and friends will have to step up. Or else people will starve. And then just outright abolish K-12 government miseducation since it is the beast that helped to create the entitlement and social-justice mindset.
Good question and I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I would say that, yes, we could most definitely stop home mortgage and biz loans, and affirmative action in college and in hiring cold turkey. That’d be a great start. Then give people who’ve become dependent on the programs like EBT and Medicaid a cut off date for the rest, the way Ron Paul wanted to handle getting rid of Social Security. Phase the programs out by explaining to people that these things are coming to an end and they’d better damn well prepare. Churches will have to step up. Leftists who love stealing my tax dollars will have to step up. Bleeding hearts will have walk the walk and step up. Family members and friends will have to step up. Or else people will starve. And then just outright abolish K-12 government miseducation since it is the beast that helped to create the entitlement and social-justice mindset.