Well, I began my last series with a shooting, and now we have another alleged “neo-Nazi” shooting. Both the violence that unfolded in Squirrel Hill, Pennsylvania, in October, and in Christchurch, New Zealand, in mid-March make it abundantly clear that it’s not actually loss of life that’s the story.
Dead Christians don’t matter
If the mainstream media and the secular-humanist zealots really cared about dead people, they would be as incensed by Christians being shot and killed, and having their homes burned in Nigeria. Or Christians being hacked to death with machetes.
They’d be aghast that Christians are facing increased levels of persecution, torture, and death around the world by governments in places like Pakistan, and by religious extremist Muslims in Syria and Hindus in India. At the very least, leftists wouldn’t have celebrated the death of a Christian missionary. But they did.
If they truly cared about human suffering, they’d be bothered that Palestinian Christians are experiencing ethnic cleansing (on par with the Palestinian Muslims we hear so much about) at the hands of the US-backed Israeli government, and they’d be outraged by the subsequent anti-Christian violence dished out by ISIS. But they’re not.
Hell, most American Evangelicals don’t even know there’s such a thing as “Palestinian Christians.” Who needs facts and true Christian unity when you’re too busy bowing down to the idol of Zionism?
(Note: Don’t get fooled when people call Zionism “right-wing.” There ain’t nothing more left-wing than secularism or socialism, both of which describe the modern State of Israel.)

The lion’s share of progressives who bemoan the treatment of “Palestinians” most certainly only cry for Muslims. To them, it’s worth the risk of being associated with the befuddling and bamboozling label of anti-Semitism (a much easier assertion to survive if you’re a secular Jew) since they’re rallying for a group on the victim pyramid.
Who needs principled consistency? Just unify around your shared loathing of Jesus followers. Easy peezy.
And this, my friends, is precisely the story: ignore the heinous crimes and injustices perpetrated against those you see as standing in the way of leftism. Demonize them endlessly and silence them into submission.
“Hand the people a scapegoat to hate. Let them kill occasionally for cathartic release. The mechanism is ages old.”
— Robert Heinlein
“Well, I think [cultural Marxism] is the total eradication of white Christian male society as it has existed up until now in the Western world,” explained humanities professor Paul Gottfried. “They don’t seem to be particularly concerned with fighting Muslim homophobia or Hindu misogyny or whatever.”
This is precisely why Jesus’ name was struck from New Zealand’s parliamentary prayers back in 2017, but “a century ago New Zealand was one of the most Christian nations in the world.” Now, less than half the population identifies as Christian.
Increasing secularization and Islamification, and an agnostic prime minister who supports same-sex marriage and the liberalization of abortion law? Eh, no big whoop. Mentioning our Lord and Savior in the governmental procedures born of British heritage? We must smash the patriarchy!
Why anti-white?
Because it has typically been white folks of British-Isle ancestry who champion the individual, localized collectives, and property rights to stabilize and strengthen civilization. This is a very Western European notion, a rare ideal which took 500 years to unfold – from the Magna Carta to the Declaration of Independence – and is still most prevalent in the Southern U.S., which is why Dixie is most directly in the commie cross hairs.
After all, when Thomas Jefferson penned “All men are created equal,” he was referring to the colonists’ rights as Englishmen. “All men” back then meant those colonists who subscribed to British common-law heritage; it did not mean egalitarianism, as it has come to represent today.
Those very traditions and institutions created by white men are now co-opted to further progressive hegemony and eradicate those said traditions and institutions. The cult of “equality” demands the sacrifice, so whitey must go. Ironic, ain’t it?
Why anti-Christian?
Because if you annihilate God, you annihilate civilization. It’s Marxism 101.

Therefore, the institutions which foster faith must be rubbed out. This includes the middle class (where Christianity typically flourishes), the nuclear family (where heterosexuality and binary gender norms are modeled), and the Church (where dogmatic views on sin and repentance have historically been taught).
This is why Marx called for the abolition of the family in 1848. This is why there is no “coexist” when it comes to living with progressives and post-modernists. The left’s main goal is to tear down the underlying structures which allow relative peace and cooperation. They gotta eliminate competition so their godless central authority can rise from the ashes as sole power.
Why anti-male?
Because it is men who possess the logic to recognize tyrannical threats and the mettle to do something about it. Since strong men are historically the resistors, why not just feminize men and tell them that their manliness is toxic?
Just shame men into loathing their own God-given masculinity and protector instincts. Tell them them to sit down, shut up, and let women do the talking.
“A decline in courage … what could be termed a lack of manhood … may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today,” said gulag-survivor Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his Harvard commencement address. And that was in 1978! “Must one point out that from ancient times a decline in courage has been considered the first symptom of the end?”
The archetype as oppressor
White Christian male must be the archetype because it symbolizes opposition to what the left aims to advance. Foreign wars. Open borders. Immigrant “rights.” Multiculturalism. Abortion. “Intersectional” feminism. Reparations. Racial quotas. LGBT normalization. Pedophilia. Libertinism. Atheism. Statism. Socialism. Globalism. In other words, the extinction of Western civilization.

All preferred victim groups view the archetype as the bogeyman. He’s the enemy in a common struggle for “equality” and “diversity.”
He stands in their way for the complete abolition of truth and beauty, goodness and nature. So, progressive totalitarians and their hordes of anarcho-tyrant foot soldiers seek to dilute the poison of his colonial oppression.
Intersectional hate
Hence, the self-proclaimed “oppressed” coalesce around their shared hatred of the archetype. His perception as preeminent threat is paramount. Interestingly, it doesn’t necessarily have to be exactly a white Christian male who’s getting the left’s ire good and hard.
It might be Trump and his MAGA-hat supporters. Or traditionalist women. Conservative people of color. Anyone heterosexual. Sometimes non-leftist agnostics. And definitely Southerners. Eventually, white feminists, gay white men, and maybe even Nancy Pelosi will be plucked from the privilege pyramid and sacrificed on the altar of cultural Marxism.
This is why leftists aren’t concerned with the importation of Catholics from Mexico and Central America, or Protestants from Africa. The point is they’re not white and will most likely sell out their Christian brethren in order to receive freebies from the “charity” known as government.
Galvanize the aggrieved-minority masses
Christian immigrants of color have seen the power of subsidization over substance with groups like Native Americans, few of whom dare to rock the bennies boat. Moreover, many illegals and “refugees” hail from countries with strong-man socialist governments.
How can we expect them to resist cucked conformity when so few churches and clergy don’t dare defend the archetype, for fear of losing their tax-free status? How can we expect foreigners to uphold the principles of British common-law heritage when native-born Americans don’t even know what the hell that is, and they sure as shit don’t care about stealing from their neighbor and imposing upon him a cultural genocide?
“All moral systems and all political systems require some concept of an enemy, and owing in no small part to their enviable accomplishments, white men have become the scapegoats of the decaying West.”
— Christopher DeGroot
It’s all part of the long con of the secular-humanists: merge in opposition to the archetype and use bastardized versions of some of the very tools he created (Western legal traditions) and characteristics upon which he built society (Christian altruism) to bring about his fall.
The more lightning rods, the better
For instance, Trump tepidly responded that there was “blame on both sides” after Charlottesville 2017. You would’ve thought he’d been caught burning a cross on Kamala Harris’ front lawn.
Didn’t Trump get the memo that one side consisted of a sparkly rainbow of peaceful “anti-racists,” while the other was comprised of Hitler fetishists who want to re-institute slavery? How dare he plant the seed that perhaps the statist narrative was at worst a complete fabrication and at best a half truth?
Doesn’t Trump understand that his rhetoric and his followers’ clear defiance of progressive protocol caused Charlottesville, and Pittsburgh, and the New Zealand shooting? I mean, just “look at what his followers do.”
The fourth estate and Hollywood keep telling us that the mere existence of people who don’t kowtow to anti-whiteness is obviously evidence of a Klansman hiding behind every door. Gotta smash the fash, they say.
It’s politicians like black Republican Tim Scott who feeds the hysteria by lecturing Trump on “America’s centuries-long history of racism” after Charlottesville. (Scott also happens to be sponsor of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, which is built upon specious ADL figures and the canard that anti-Semitism is rampant in higher ed, of all places.)
After the Christchurch shooting, Trump said that “white nationalism” consisted of a “small group of people.” Despite Trump’s failure to repel invasion and unfortunate acquiescence to the left on many an issue, the media still assails him as the archetype. Why? Because it serves the political ends of the cultural Marxists. Instill fear. Seize power.
A progressive pogrom
Hillary Clinton recently proclaimed that “we are living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy” and “racist and white supremacist views are lifted up” in the White House.
There may not be “tanks in the streets,” she continued, but “what’s happening goes to the heart of who we are as a nation.” Do your patriotic duty and repeat after me: white man bad.
It was “toxic politics” that caused the Tree of Life shooting, screech the apparatchiks. Trump’s “raucous ‘build the wall’ rallies” and his “most ardent and angry supporters bear some culpability” for the Pittsburgh deaths.
“The suspect’s anti-Semitic beliefs were inflamed by the heated political rhetoric,” parrot the media drones. Fight treason and repeat after me: white Christian man be silent.
“That’s terrifying, that chanting,” chirped secular-Jewish GQ writer and Russo-phobe Julia Ioffe when describing a Trump rally. “Call it historic memory. Call it epigenetic trauma,” she added. “Man, that takes me back … that was an old-fashioned pogrom.”
Well, last time I checked, a “pogrom” is the organized massacre of an ethnic group. And the only people I see being targeted for extinction and maligned relentlessly is white folks, particularly the straight, male, Christian kind. Of course, you must realize that Ioffe is the same hysterical woman who claimed that Trump “radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did.”
Just as she’s built her career on smearing Vladimir Putin (the ultra-conservative, Russian nationalist, Orthodox Christian manly man), Ioffe and her fellow progressive puppets mercilessly hammer home the manufactured madness: the archetype is a terrorist, who must be stopped preemptively from his deadly deeds by any means necessary. The scapegoat has to be kept down.
Be sure to check out “KKKlown world” in which I dig a little deeper into “Archetype Derangement Syndrome” and the “KKKrazy Glue” that holds it all together.
Lack of courage? Maybe it’s lack of desire to fight and die to defend hillary voters and the rest of the communism lovers.
Can you clarify? I’m not quite sure what you’re saying, Victor. Are you implying I’m a commie lover and a Hillary voter? Or are you suggesting that it is only courageous people who stand up to commies and Hillary voters? I can’t make heads or tales of this. Thanks!