There is no just peace in our post-modern war. As discussed in my essay “Societal sodomizing,” ceding any ground through goodwill measures only results in dangerous nihilist conquest. Politely tolerating private hedonism among consenting adults was never good enough.
So now, the differences between sides – traditionalists vs. the rainbow mafia – are too stark to ignore. People’s worldviews are just too diametrically opposed. The queer combatants’ quest for victory at all costs is too drastic and deadly. There is no turning back.
They’ve taken the hill. They’ve taken the whole damn countryside and those with systemic power do their bidding. Their weaponized coercion is the lubricant necessary for our tacit or willing submission.
They want the heavy hand of the law, corporate media, and big business to browbeat people into doing what they wouldn’t voluntarily do. And by couching their banal arguments in the language of liberty, it makes folks reminiscent of the West’s past glories of “righting wrongs” and “correcting the errors of history.”
“As an African-American in the United States, I am painfully aware of the history of what happens when people are treated differently under the law,” Barack Obama said in 2015 when promoting “gay rights” to Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta.

This is how well-meaning people are duped into social-engineering schemes time and time again, and then subsequently lose freedom of association and freedom of conscience. One day you wake up, and you’re living in a woke nightmare in which even “conservatives” are chirping how LGBT “progress” must be “reflective of the law of the land as it has been declared by the Supreme Court.”
Case in point: Comparing gay marriage to interracial marriage was part of the altruistic lure for many a red-blooded American who prides himself on fairness and rule of law. This is how neocon think-tanks made the argument against biblical marriage back in the day and on allegedly Constitutional grounds no less.
The great free-market economist F.A. Hayek once said, “Private practice among adults, however abhorrent it may be to the majority, is not a proper subject for coercive action for a state whose object is to minimize coercion.”
But what’s happening today is not private, and it’s not limited to adults. It’s foisted into the public square, and even into aspects of the private sphere, specifically via intimidation and maximized coercion.
This why LGBT activists use civil-rights-era language like “pride,” sex-“segregated,” “access,” “fundamental rights,” “democratic values,” and “equality” when arguing that males should be able to use bathrooms meant for females, for example. It’s about “protecting” trans people from those mean ol’ homophobes. It’s about “preserving a peaceful and free social order,” says National Review columnist J.J. McCullough.

“A politics that rejects Christian Truth must acknowledge ‘the people’ as sovereign and understand authority as proceeding from below upwards, in a formally ‘egalitarian’ society,” wrote Father Serpahim Rose. “It is clear that one is the perfect inversion of the other; for they’re opposed in the conceptions both of the source and of the end of government.”
Democracy is “Nihilist rule,” he continued, whereas traditional Christian culture is “directed, ultimately, to the other world … with the teaching of Christian Truth and the salvation of souls as its profoundest purpose.” Thus, we can worship the cult of self and suffer the very real consequences (both here and eternally), or we can worship God.
Just what are the progressive mob’s terms of surrender? Well, to achieve the ultimate destruction of faith and family, we must relinquish our children, of course. That’s what it’s always been about.
Just look at a current prime example of societal sodomizing: Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv, a dude who claims to be a lesbian and seeks to hang out with young topless girls and in his spare time watch them change their pads and tampons.
Yaniv came into media prominence a while back after he filed 16 complaints with British Columbia’s “Human Rights Tribunal.” (Yep, that’s an actual Orwellian organ of the state for our friends to the north.)
In short, Yaniv wants his private parts waxed by female beauticians who rightfully refused him service. In the most recent case, Marcia Da Silva closed her home-based aesthetician business after being sued by Yaniv.
She testified to the tribunal that she has “no problem with LGBT,” but simply didn’t want to provide the intimate service on someone with male genitalia. Apparently, Da Silva and most normal people really do have a problem with globohomo coercion because it attempts to make everyone complicit in the grand lie – that night is day, wrong is right, boys are girls, and everything is about choice. Your perception is reality, as the leftists say.
The irony is that women like Da Silva and feminist Julia Beck are shocked when there are predators within an ideology based upon breaking down gender and familial norms, biologic fact, and time-honored tradition. This is not men’s fault, ladies. The blame lay with anyone condoning any part of this nihilism.
When traditional Christian males are castigated as haters and homophobes, what did you expect? That the remaining men would be gentlemen? If you wanna tear down Robert E. Lee, you will build up Yaniv. If you wanna purge society, toxic masculinity, and gender roles, aberrant behavior will result. Deny truth, and this is what you get.
If you wanna make resistors bake the cake, host the gay wedding, or celebrate drag kids, you must then wax the balls, my dears. There can be no female-only spaces because gender is a social construct, remember? It’s all about “being true to yourself,” so freaks like Yaniv are simply taking that selfishness to its logical conclusion.

Without the patriarchy, there are no white knights to save you, grrrrls. Y’all can’t expect chivalry and honor when a mob you helped create is tearing it down.
The archetype is the low-hanging fruit in this war, just as are Confederate symbols in the ongoing destruction of history and its unfolding cultural genocide. This is precisely why “Yaniv compared the denial of service to neo-Nazism.” Because he’s leveraging the boogeyman. And it works. It’s how a white (or possibly Jewish) man can shut down a brown-skinned immigrant’s business.
It’s reported that LGBT “acceptance rates” have fallen as of late. I see no evidence of this, but still, the activists conclusions are telling. It doesn’t dawn on them that people are sick of being barraged with gay imagery, lectured about “pride” and “empathy,” and bullied about their beliefs.
Rather, they say this supposed decrease in support is due to our “toxic age,” “divisive rhetoric,” and the “rise in hate and discrimination.” It could never in a thousand years be the fault of the nihilists, you see.
Flashback to the Cato Institute’s argument for “marriage equality.” Cato calls itself a pro-liberty think-tank. Yet, their “experts” push for a centralized, one-size-fits-all federal law, and kick off this video with John freakin’ Podesta … or should I say, Pedo-esta.
Remember him? Podesta was the chair of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, and is a high-level Washington insider with connections to former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and the left-wing Center for American Progress and Georgetown University Law Center.
Andrew Breitbart tweeted in 2011, “How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t a household name as a world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.” Breitbart’s contempt for the perverted power player was evident when he declared in a reporter’s mic, “Fuck you, John Podesta. What’s in your closet, John Podesta?”
Breitbart was eluding to not only Podesta’s far-reaching Deep State tentacles, but also his ties to pedophilia. (Is there really any difference?) In fact, it was Podesta’s emails that led to Pizzagate.
If you’re not familiar with Pizzagate, the gist is that alternative media began connecting the pedophilia dots which run amok the highest levels of government and beyond. The corporate press dutifully dubbed it a “conspiracy theory” and the Wikileaks-released emails as the work of Russian hackers.
But this real-life glimpse into the seedy underbelly of the D.C. power structure is one of the reasons why the West hates Julian Assange and why journalist Ben Swann got canned from his job at CBS. Oligarchs are averse to truth.
I don’t want to go too far down the Pizzagate rabbit hole. Dive down at your own risk. I have. It’s horrifying but necessary research, in my opinion. Or it could be “insane, with zero basis in reality,” as Rolling Stone genuflected in 2018. You decide.

But what used to be written off as just the desperate anti-statist musings of deplorable basement-dwellers is now seeming a little more plausible due to the revelations coming to light regarding sex-trafficker Jeffery Epstein, who was found dead in his jail cell this morning. Official reports are that he hanged himself. Yeah, right.
Is it really so impossible that the man who was privy to the elite’s sick secrets didn’t off himself, but that he was killed in order to keep safe these powerful pedophiles? Is it really so unthinkable that the same people who push globohomo as “rights” and “love” may have an agenda that’s both political and personal?
I’m not “fanning the flames of far-right pedophilia panic,” as described by Vice’s Allie Conti in 2018 when she interviewed a professor who studies “extremism” and “how white men radicalize on the internet.” In an attempt to convince readers of the illegitimacy of Pizzagate, while also still reporting on Epstein’s first round of sexual crimes, the two predictably use the word “conspiracy” nearly 30 times as they try to distract from the big picture with the boogeyman narrative.
What is known for sure is that children are being groomed for sexual deviance every day, everywhere, and by nearly everyone. This is how homosexuals breed: by normalizing nihilism, they grow their ranks. And it’s happening right in front of our eyes.
Let’s “not get too freaked out” that preschool and elementary-age kids are putting each other’s private parts in their mouths. It’s “a normal part of development,” says Jezebel’s Laura Beck, so stop having such a “sex-negative attitude,” prude.
At the top of this post is a photo of Avery Jackson, who was only 9 years old when he appeared on the cover of National Geographic’s “Gender Revolution” issue in 2016. Apparently, Avery lived as a boy until 2012, but now he’s “all girl.”

I hang out with a lot of kids Avery’s age, and I don’t know any girls who enjoy parkour, coding, and playing video games, especially ones like Minecraft and Roblox. He pretty much just seems like your typical adolescent boy, other than the pink hair, the trans activism, and the obviously adult-controlled marketing.
I also don’t know any children who have their own website and have allegedly written a book which sells for $17.95 and is featured on the American Library Association’s “Rainbow Book List.” Really, this’d all be so silly, if it weren’t so diabolically serious.
Pedophilia is most certainly at the bottom of this slippery sodomizing slope down which we’ve all been shoved. But the nihilists were right about one thing: it is indeed about protecting the children.
The war is here whether we like it or not, and our sons and daughters are on the front lines in this conflict. The question then becomes will we stand together? Will you stand for other resistors? Will you take the risk? I pray you will.
There is no just peace in this struggle. So unless you’re willing to hand over your children to the enemy, you’d better start fighting with the Sword of Truth. Democracy be damned.
Be sure to check out “Life with a Rainbow Mafioso” – a more personal essay about when trans totalitarianism hits close to home.
Say it loud and clear and let the Devil take the hindmost! Judgement cannot come too soon.
God help us, please!
Lord hear our prayers. “Almighty God, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, come to my help and deliver me from this difficulty that besets me. I believe Lord, that all trials of life are under Your care and that all things work for the good of those who love You. Take away from me fear, anxiety, and distress. Help me to face and endure my difficulty with faith, courage, and wisdom. Grant that this trial may bring me closer to You for You are my rock and refuge, my comfort and hope, my delight and joy. I trust in Your love and compassion. Blessed is Your name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.”
Thank you DM for another insightful analysis of one aspect of the moral sickness that is infecting America. The administration of Barak Obama was a turning point in the acceptance of the LGBTQ etc. movement. For example, he presided over his friend Valerie Jarrett celebrating the SSM decision by illuminating the White House with the Rainbow lights of this degenerate mob – she posted that she was ” So proud to be an American”:
And even the gaffe machine-Joe Biden – took a brief break from displaying his stupidity and performed a SSM ceremony while serving as Vice President:
We need to heed the words of Billy Graham:
“Some years ago, my wife, Ruth, was reading the draft of a book I was writing. When she finished a section describing the terrible downward spiral of our nation’s moral standards and the idolatry of worshiping false gods such as technology and sex, she startled me by exclaiming, “If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”
DM has more Christian intestinal fortitude than the silent Christian clergy in this nation – they may quietly discuss this in their pastor’s study, but it is too ” sensitive” a topic to write about and preach a sermon on.
But Sir Elton John is not afraid to speak out about his gay happiness and criticize a world leader. At least Vladimir Putin has some remnants of Christian morality :
In the interview, published on Friday, Mr Putin attacked liberalism and, speaking of the LGBT community, said: “God forbid, let them live as they wish.”
But he added: “Some things do appear excessive to us… They claim now that children can play five or six gender roles.
“Let everyone be happy, we have no problem with that. But this must not be allowed to overshadow the culture, traditions and traditional family values of millions of people making up the core population.”
May the Lord continue to strengthen DM and other Christian voices to speak the truth in this wilderness of political correctness.
Thank you so very much, Dan, not only for reading, offering compliments, and sharing your thoughts, but also for your prayers. I can certainly use them, especially when writing about such spiritually draining topics. Thanks too for the awesome commentary and links you provided. I especially love the info from Billy Graham. So spot on!
May the Lord also continue to strengthen you while being in (but not of) this morally depraved land. Stay tough and let’s not forget the wise words of stalwart American and Southern hero Jefferson Davis: “Truth crushed to earth is truth still and like a seed will rise again.” God willing.