My children and I were recently subjected to the strong-arm tactics of the Rainbow Mafia, which shares many characteristics with the real-world mob. LGBT tyranny is coercive, powerful, debased, domineering, and greedy, all while attempting to convince those in “the family” that it’s wholesome and loving.
Unlike the secretive and illegal underworld of organized-crime syndicates, the Rainbow Mafia isn’t in the shadows. Societal sodomizing is ruling most of our institutions, although it doesn’t necessarily demand our money first and foremost. Rather, the globohomo gangsters want our minds, bodies, and souls, and without question. That’s why I say the T in LGBT more aptly stands for “totalitarian.”

Case in point: My 17-year-old niece “Katie” is undergoing hormone-replacement poisoning. Her voice is changing, and she’s growing patchy facial hair. Katie doesn’t want to be called by her birth name anymore, but instead wants to be addressed as “Alan,” along with all the male pronouns that are inherent in the English language for referencing a boy.
All that’s necessary for you is to ignore reality, biology, facts, your instincts, your eyeballs, the civilizing forces of time-honored norms, and linguistics which took nearly two millennia to unfold. But hey, we got a guy to do a thing. No big deal. It’s just business.
Katie’s brother and sister call her Alan, as does her mother, who is my sister and the legal guardian who has been allowing Katie to become a socially engineered guinea pig in the pursuit of “happiness.” My parents, and my other sister and her husband don’t really call Katie anything. They painstakingly parse their words, simply avoiding reference whenever she’s around.
No one ever consented, yet they’re all expected to adhere to the progressive program. I do know that my opinions and knowledge were never sought, nor are my beliefs respected now. True liberty requires nothing of other people, yet life with a mafioso demands full submission. Or else.
My mother tells me that she self-censors to avoid conflict, whereas I believe this travesty must be confronted ceaselessly, especially before Katie takes the horrifying next step to “sex-reassignment” surgery, or the final step to suicide, as do more than 40% of transsexuals.

My sane sister and brother in-law say they self-censor because Katie’s going to have a rough time out in the real world, and they don’t want to tweak her already-fragile nature. Plus, they say, what good would it do?
They’re partially right. Katie has always been a delicate flower. But I’m not sure they’re correct about there being increased social challenges for trans. I wish it were the case because maybe then duped teens wouldn’t think LGBT was so darn cool.
Really, gender dysphoria is an extremely rare condition. Yet, our weak society has turned this mental illness into a fashionable fad with appeal-to-authority power, peer-pressure influence, and the backing of all social institutions.
For instance, Katie attends public high school, where the teachers call her Alan and she’s allowed to use the boys’ bathroom. Katie goes to the gym, where she’s allowed to use the men’s locker room. She visits to shrink who is the one championing this ruinous “lifestyle” and has a mother and father who are paying for it. Katie goes about like teens do and really hasn’t faced much of a hassle because most Americans are conformists. Can’t offend. Gotta virtue-signal.

Honestly, the real world is Katie’s safe space, although one that’s not based on actuality. I think this is why she got so enraged when I wouldn’t play along with her dangerous charade. I may have been the first person Katie encountered who was not willing to bend the knee.
“Never rat on your friends, and always, always keep your mouth shut,” goes the Robert De Niro line in Goodfellas. I suppose Katie saw me as a rat who wouldn’t fall in line.
If good people don’t speak up, it’s not only enabling Katie’s downward spiral, it’s also perpetuating a cultural revolution of increased censorship, the stifling of conscience, separation from God, and heightened social and legal ramifications for those who resist the madness.

Above is a comment made to me last winter on a Christian homeschooling board when the topic of transsexuals as co-op members was being debated. I’d explained a bit of Katie’s backstory, and said that I didn’t want to normalize LGBT for our sons, nor did I want to foster Katie’s wide path.
Funny thing is, an openly trans “man” (or just a leftist troll infiltrating the group) said I was “hurtful” and suggested that if I simply didn’t make it a big deal, my kids wouldn’t even notice the elephant in the room: that their cousin with whom they used to laugh out loud during “Sponge Bob Square Pants” is pretending to be some put-upon “boy” named Alan. Oh yeah, and she’s also taking body-and-mind-altering drugs during her early pubescent years in a vain attempt to alter nature and material reality. My kids aren’t idiots, dude.

But where’s the respect for my children? Or for my rights as a parent, a Christian, or a human being? Or for Katie as a person born beautiful and healthy in God’s image? Or for her salvation, or at the very least her psychological well being?
Katie’s trying to act like a man, yet exhibiting none of the characteristics of manliness. I know this because during my family’s recent trek to Virginia, Katie came to my parents’ house specifically to carry out a hit. She didn’t stop by for supper or hanging out. She didn’t plan on staying, as her friend had driven her over and was waiting outside in the getaway car.
Nope, Katie strolled in and immaturely brushed past me to get a Coke from the fridge. She plodded around and didn’t even speak to my sons/her cousins. I was on the back deck as she wrapped up her performance, and after telling my mom goodbye, Katie proceeded to call me (her nearly 50-year-old aunt) “Bitch” under her breath and then scurried back inside. This, folks, is the definition of pride in 2019.

Livid at her arrogant rudeness, I immediately confronted her in the house, saying “Call me a bitch to my face.” She did, then rolled her eyes like a typical spoiled teenage girl and dashed away. Seriously, a real man would have the balls to deal with his adversaries eye to eye, but Katie doesn’t have balls, figuratively or literally. Also, a real man wouldn’t call a woman a bitch. (Can “Alan” even be a sexist if “he” still has female plumbing? Ah, the philosophical fun of clown world.)
Katie had also better thank her lucky stars that my husband wasn’t there. Being the protector of his family, my burly, red-bearded Scotch-English Texan of a husband would have clocked her square in the jaw. I bet Katie would have cried like a girl. And you know damn well my husband would have gotten in trouble for hitting a girl, but since he believes in St. John Chrysostom’s teaching to “Love your wife more than you love your own life,” he would have without a doubt defended my honor.
I can hear the globohomo godfathers now, decrying such “injustices,” even though this lunacy is all a direct result of the dystopian world they themselves created and have foisted upon an unwilling, but feeble populace. Yet somehow, I’m the bigot and the hater.

The hubris is too much to bear. Real young men like my sons have had boyhood experiences that Katie will never understand. My sons will deal with challenges, contention, and strife during puberty and in manhood that Katie will never have to face.
My sons will have to register for selective service when they’re 18. Katie won’t. My boys will not receive any affirmative action ever in any sphere of society. Katie will. My boys will be called misogynists for being masculine in our feminized culture and tagged as toxic for being true to their nature, while Katie will be deified by the masses.
As strong men, my sons will do whatever it takes to provide for their families. Will Katie? Will she even have a family? How can she support anyone when she’s a girl playing adult man who can’t even take care of herself? Who takes care of the victim when you’re surrounded by a “community” of other caterwauling victims?
Will this perpetual child even be able to have children? If so, how will she rear her sons and daughters? Am I the only one thinking about these important questions? I’ve been told that I’m overreacting, but personally, I think most everyone is under-reacting to the Rainbow Mafia’s reign.

I find it odd that the same mafiosos who claim gender is a social construct are also the same ones imposing gender stereotypes on Katie. Why can’t she just be a girl who’s not ultra-feminine? I was a tomboy growing up. Should my parents have put me on experimental hormones because some witch doctor convinced them it would bring me personal fulfillment? Of course not. Some little girls just like to climb trees, walk fences, and prefer Star Wars action figures to Barbies. So what?
I also wasn’t allowed to follow Lizzie the Lezzy on social media when I was 10, as did Katie. My parents would’ve never participated in my sexualization. Difference is, I wasn’t raised in an age when LGBT grooming is the new normal. Katie was.
I had a fallout with my sister back when I told her I thought she should more carefully monitor her daughter’s Internet consumption. She quipped that Lizzie was fine for her impressionable sheep of a daughter, and then Katie proceeded to unfriend me. Bold. Yet, everyone was shocked, shocked I tell you, when Katie became a lesbian a few years later. Yeah, no shit.
It’s as if life just happens to my sister and Katie, and they have no free will, no autonomy, no reason, no inner dialog. Seems they’re always acted upon, never the actors in their own destiny, so they desperately choose oppression over liberty time and time again. It’s a type of Stockholm Syndrome from which many post-moderns suffer.
Like the real mafia, the Rainbow Mafia is also hierarchical, and my sister’s in “the family” as an ally, attending “Free Mom Hugs” LGBT events, telling people she has “two sons and a daughter,” and obviously paying for the hormone “therapy,” which is meted out by the crew capo: the psychiatrist, who actually is getting rich. The unquestioning compliance and obedience of it all is mind-blowing.

For instance, Katie was allowed to date a college student when she was only 14. This “girlfriend” was fawned over because she was polite, smart, and a “good influence” on Katie. Uh, no. This chick was a pedophile, but when it’s girl-on-girl, it’s somehow cute and cuddly. In fact, this chick was one of the first people I ever heard calling Katie “Alan” and “he/him.” Grooming grows the ranks.
“Truly loving a person does not necessarily involve supporting them in all their decisions or never challenging them to change their mind,” explains Father Lawrence Farley. “As those who answer suicide hotlines know only too well, sometimes it involves trying to talk them out of their desires and decisions and pointing them in a better direction.”
“How dare you pass judgment” and “leave my child alone” were two of the emotional pronouncements my sister sent me in a text after the showdown. Interesting how the mere existence of an opposing view is “judgment” and how I was somehow the aggressor for simply standing there not kowtowing. I responded with a pretty heated voicemail, and then cooled down and sent her a more composed text, asking her to call me so that we could talk. So far, no dialog has taken place.
I pray my sister reaches out. I pray she sees I’m coming from a place of love and concern for both her child and my sons. I pray she realizes that her daughter is trapped in a prison of sin. I pray they escape the clutches of the cruel Rainbow Mafia and run toward freedom. I pray they seek the deliverance and healing we all need from the Physician of our souls, Christ Jesus, and that they cease the destruction of Katie’s body, which is a dwelling place of God.
But if no one’s allowed to dissent, speak their minds, share facts, or is even willing to tell Katie “No!” how will they ever even hear the truth? I pray the Lord softens the hearts of the mafiosos and all in “the family.”
Be sure to check out Pedophilia IS progress, part 1, in which I look into the roots of the “gay rights” movement.
Heart-breaking, DM, and prayers for you and your family, including your ability to continue speaking the truth in love!
So much of this outrageous behaviour displayed by the Left is only made possible because it’s being subsidized. An economy based upon the astronomical debt we’re currently running (I lost count at $20 trillion!) has a foundation of sand, and yet our “leaders” (i.e. corporatocracy) continually promise to maintain every manner of entitlement (Subsidies, whether we’re talking social agendas or the tax-funded support for favoured business, aka corporate welfare) in order to keep the herd somewhat complacent and biddable, the “globohomo” agenda included. At some point, though, Reality reasserts itself!
If, as I believe is certain, this economy collapses at some point, requiring us to return to a more agrarian way of life, with the attendant divisions of labour, there will be little to no economic benefit to “globohomo” anything! I can’t imagine, for example, my parents and grandparents during the Great Depression being able to spare any space in their brain housing for considerations of LGBT anything! Man’s gotta plow, plant, hoe, tend livestock, etc., as do his sons; Mama, along with the daughters, gotta tend the house, including prepare and preserve produce from the farm, keep clothes clean, etc.
Moderns and post-moderns are allowed to live in their theories and abstractions because they’re artificially separated from the world as it is. They can deny it all they want, but Reality (God) won’t be denied!
Again, I’ve been in a combat zone, which will without a doubt attend economic collapse. I LOATHE what I sense is coming, BUT there’s a part of me that wants to go ahead and “rip the bandaid off” and get it over with! Jesus hung on that cross as long for my sins as He did for any homosexual’s or lesbian’s (transsexual, etc.), so they, too, can be redeemed, but this dark rising of the LBGT agenda indicates a deeper rebellion – an abomination – against Him. It’s gotta stop!
DD, I often wonder about the possible economic collapse of which you speak – if it’s really likely OR if we’re just gonna keep plodding along on this fat/happy/sad/suicidal road on which we find ourselves. If it occurs, if the subsidies stop, if the grocery stores stop filling the shelves, if we no longer have instant gratification: that will be a sure way to separate the wheat from the chafe. I say that as a person who can barely grow tomatoes, basil, aloe, and a couple of fruit trees. It will be ugly and painful and violent, but it may be necessary to right the wicked American path, not only for the complacent and indolent like myself, but for the spoiled-rotten NPCs who must invent new injustices and create havoc for us all in order to supposedly remedy them.
Moreover, the division of labor truly does become so stark and obvious under such conditions. I watched a reality show once about couples who would go out into the Canadian wilderness and try to forge a working, livable community with other couples, but only using the 19th century technology and resources. Many of the women wanted to help with the strenuous labor, but simply couldn’t physically. And if they wasted their time trying, there were no clean clothes, there was no food prepared for supper, there was no mending done, there was not tidy homestead, etc. It was a bitter pill for these modern chicks, but nature has a way of setting people straight.
Thanks so much for your prayers and your thoughtful comments, good sir. God bless!
One of the most important things that clinical nutritionists overlook is the effect of high levels of estrogen on the male adolescent brain. That is the major cause of what constitutes an epidemic of homosexuality and feminization among American teenage boys. It turns pre-tween girls into women long before they know enough to be competent mothers. It is easy to prevent if one will simply read the contents of processed food products and refuse to eat those that contain soybeans or soy protein, because that is the major source of estrogen in the human diet. Beyond soybeans, all beans, seeds, and pods are mini-uteruses, providing some level of estrogen to those eating them.
Soy is in freakin’ everything for sure, but I do believe the estrogen-in-food problem is only part of what maladies our sick and dying culture. It’s also increased secularism, no-fault divorce, feminism, the welfare-state, prosperity to a fault, multiculturalism, tolerance, cucked Christians, corporate media, social justice, the progressive psychology profession, virtue signaling, critical theory, Hollywood pervs, gov’t pervs, academic pervs, etc. They are comprise the post-Marxist moderns who aim to degrade and/or kill the last thing in the West standing against globohomo and fighting for sanity: the white Southern Christian man. If the oligarchs can turn him into a pussy, they have indeed won. #SoySucks
When I was maybe five, I had a brief phase where I was obsessed with The Little Mermaid, and sometimes I would color my nails with a crayon. Thankfully I did not have 2010s progressive parents, so they just ignored it as a weird phase, and today they don’t even remember.
Yep, that’s how sane people handle temporary childhood weirdness. I’m glad you not only DON’T identify as Ariel, but that you didn’t take the next progressive leap to trans-species-ism. Fruit loops abound.
Is this really how you deal with things? By writing articles about your family members behind their backs instead of confronting them with what you really believe is going on? You are a bitch, if you had the balls to say anything about them you wouldn’t be pulling a Karen and writing about this as if they don’t know how you feel. Why don’t you show them this article. And stop being such a cunt. PC culture bias or not, you’d be an awful person to hang out with.