Daily Wire columnist Matt Walsh wrote that “we have become a country filled with numb, detached, and desensitized people. Mass shootings are the ultimate manifestation of that detachment.”
“These are empty, numb, detached people slaughtering their fellow humans because they are bored and frustrated with their meaningless lives,” he continued. But if it’s “detachment and desensitization causing these attacks, the next question is, what causes the detachment and desensitization?”
Walsh goes on to name the internet, social media, cable news, feminism, video games, psychiatric drugs, atheism, and broken homes as some of the underlying reasons for the “cultural emptiness” and the violence it inspires. He calls them “culprits,” but he’s putting the horse before the cart. America’s “cultural emptiness” is the cause, not the effect.
America is meaningless. She is a false god – a mythos that is steeped in totalitarian leftist ideology, and coercively implements the untenable and dangerous dogma of cultural Marxism on the masses, and then has the gall to call it “society.” It’s no wonder she’s falling apart at the seams. Walsh aptly captured this sentiment back in 2015 when he blogged that “No, America is not a great nation.”

“Judge America by any measure – moral, political, economic, social, cultural – and none of it points to greatness,” Walsh wrote. “Not by a long shot. Not even close. Not anymore. Progressivism dominates all of these spheres, and with its rise our greatness diminishes.”
“Not anymore.” Hmm, that certainly implies that something must have changed. Well, let’s look at the much-bandied-about word “nation.” Biblically, a nation isn’t a political entity, but rather one based upon people groups with a shared religion and history, time-honored norms, and familial ties. And nationhood even up until about the mid-19th century was still shaped by commonalities, like language, culture, faith, and ancestry, and was always defined within borders – some geographic, some political.
Before the “Civil War,” the conglomerate of peoples which comprised America each had its own distinct regional culture. Different brands of Christianity. Different customs. Different roots. Most people considered their state or even their local community their “country.” But that all changed in 1861 for these United States.
“We must honor the sacred memory of those we have lost by acting as ONE PEOPLE. Open wounds cannot heal if we are divided. We must seek real, bipartisan solutions that will truly make America safer and better for all.”
— Donald J. Trump
“We” became a nation-state forged in oneness, indivisibility, and equality by force of war. And though centralization has diligently goose-stepped along its long, steady “forward” march over the years, people are still tribal by nature.
So America began to create new identities, but not through shared tangibles, but instead through empty ideas like pluralism, materialism, and egalitarianism, and fictional communities like multiculturalism, LGBT, and Apple vs. Android. In other words, nothing remotely similar to what traditionally and historically made a nation.
It’s so Orwellian that the cultural Marxists had to make up a new word to encompass all these new, shiny identities: intersectionalism. It’s all the rage.
Gone are the real ties that bind. Gone is the passing down of history and respect for forefathers. Gone are the bedrock institutions like the nuclear family and Christianity. Gone is any culture in the truest sense of the word. We are atomized radical individualists drowning in “humanitarian” warfarism and cold globalism. Be patriotic, citizen, and just remember that it’s “In GDP we trust.”
“The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization.”
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
All that remains is consumerist demographics. No wonder Americans are experiencing a crisis in identity, although it is particularly pointed for young white men, for they are the single demo which isn’t allowed to forge bonds with any other tribesmen. Male-only spaces are already on the endangered species list, especially if you’re a non-leftist. I mean, only a misogynist wouldn’t want to have enlightened females around to harangue them, right?
And God forbid they want to hang out with (gasp!) … other white people who may be fellow Christians or Southerners or share some other connection or like-mindedness. Don’t they know that kind of identitarianism is meant for everyone but them? Can’t they just be good boys and fall in line with feminism, anti-racism, transgenderism, and woke capitalism like the America cultists are so desperately training them to do?

Progressives have made it near to impossible for normal young white men to gather in the public sphere, much less have open and honest conversations in private spaces like church, work, and even family gatherings. “Hide the children, it’s neo-Nazis from Charlottesville. It’s the Proud Boys!” Sheesh, is it any wonder that they vent and bond with one another on social media?
And the whole point of video games is to escape reality and feel as if you have some semblance of control, so is it really surprising that gaming is an alluring activity for those who’ve been marginalized? When you’ve been cast to the shadows, you may as well have some fun.
After all, post-modern America has derided and smashed the things with which they most identify (masculinity, provider instincts, roots) and most need (respect, stability, faith). There would be no “gamification” or “internetification” of terror, if not for Archetype Derangement Syndrome. It’s a hateful hoax of most epic proportions.
Yet now, even typically-common-sense Walsh has gotten on the #WhiteSupremacistTerrorism bandwagon, along with typical neocon hustlers like David French, Ben Shapiro, Jack Posobiec, and Ivanka (Trump) Kushner. Sigh.

Here’s what I consider a measured and fair retort to Walsh’s above tweet:

And then here’s a typical “American” reply to Lee Jackson:

This exchange reminds me of the interview CNN’s Fareed Zakaria did with American Renaissance editor Jared Taylor last month, when his first question was “What is white?” before proceeding to spend an hour condescendingly claiming that it’s difficult to tell whether or not someone is white and then following up by discussing shrinking white demographics. Huh? Plus, the segment was entitled, “State of Hate: The Explosion of White Supremacy,” which further eroded Zakaria’s ridiculous “colorblind” fiction.
Hey, Gary and Fareed. If we lived in a society based upon meritocracy, and NOT affirmative action, racial and gender quotas, HUD scams, social engineering in public schools, globohomo corporatism, victim-obsessed media, critical-theory brainwashing in universities, welfarism, BLM worship, racial “reconciliation” in churches, special rights for “aggrieved minorities,” the razing of real history, and censorship for dissidents, maybe ol’ Lee Jackson wouldn’t be so defensive.
But instead, white people who are not guilt-ridden, and like being white and love their white kids somehow “speaks volumes.” Stunning and brave there, Gary. Only in America.
Truly, we are immersed in a society of identity politics. Any person who denies that is a either fool or a fraud. It’s not true identity, of course. It’s purely political. But for some odd reason, it’s only white identity politics that’s the “real problem.”
When Trump tweeted, “Republicans and Democrats must come together and get strong background checks, perhaps marrying this legislation with desperately needed immigration reform,” charlatan Ben Shapiro quipped, “What the hell does any of this have to do with immigration reform?”
Uh, everything, Benny. The 1965 Immigration Act was one of the final steps in killing the foundations of America’s decentralized, once-authentic identities and natural settlement patterns, and replacing them with government-designed multicultural madness. Who da thunk that manufactured demographic changes would be the death knell of an already dying culture? Shocker! Or that these political calculations would result in increased social division, the proliferation of debt bondage for producers, and the infringement of freedom for resistors? But hey, tacos trump hate.

Abundant ethnic food or dollar stores in every strip center along every generic street in every formerly-unique Southern town cannot make up for the loss in commonality and customs once shared by citizens in their various regional homes. Invasion, reconstruction, and political tribalism (for all but the ones who still happen to be the majority in this country) have a way of putting the kibosh on high-trust community and knowing your place in it.
It is the centralizing oligarchs who over-medicate with prescription drugs through its sick care system, miseducate our youth in the poison of secular-humanism, promote the globohomo agenda, and undergird the rampant dysfunction of single motherhood. Let’s take a closer look at just one of these numbing cultural ailments.
An article from 2018 claimed that nearly all of the deadliest mass shooters have been fatherless. Now, the author may use a broad definition of “fatherlessness” (not being raised by a bio dad in the same home, or simply having an “absent father”), but the larger point is that broken families play a role in the frustration and detachment felt by young men who absolutely need fathers and other strong male role models to help them mature into confident, healthy adults. No wonder suicide and drug abuse is on the rise among our youth.
Now, couple that with white boys being told that every part of their identity is evil (their skin color is racist, their ancestry is white supremacist, and their gender is toxic), AND that there’s no mention of God in their lives and upbringing, of course hopelessness and disconnection are bound to result. And even when dads are present, they are often kowtowed by their feminist wives or penalized by the children’s mothers in anti-male family courts.
Interestingly, it is the very nation-state which has made possible and profits off of this societal degradation that now wants to take my guns. The same progressive system which initiated this general malaise now wants to tag indentity-less-ness and skepticism of our governmental overlords as a mental disorder. Funny how that works.

Apparently diversity is our strength when it comes to the truth about “mass shooters.” Shhhh, don’t tell the neocons, the corporate media, the lying politicians, and unhinged Antifa that I’m challenging their inane narrative, or they may “red flag” me. If the feds can’t pull off disarming normal folks, leftist governors and attorneys general will have their back. One step forward, two steps backs, as Lenin used to say.
When a “news” outlet asks members of North Carolina’s congressional delegation: “Do you believe white nationalism is driving more mass shootings recently? Should hate-filled websites [obviously meaning alt-right sites] be policed?” you know I’m not being hyperbolic. This is deadly serious business, y’all.
And it’s not only selective outrage when it comes to what gun violence gets covered and remains endlessly in the news cycle, but it is the the hyper-hysteria over guns themselves. Forget the fact that gun violence has gone down and that mass shootings are exceedingly rare. Even some leftists get that.

Forget the real cause of our cultural emptiness. Forget the real damage being perpetrated on real people. Forget that to be a modern American, you must be a deracinated cog in the machine of the nation-state.
Who really cares, right? After all, we’ve got immediacy and lots of stuff, like cell phones where we can virtue-signal to strangers about how woke, anti-racist, and empathetic we are, giving us that much-needed sense of belonging which we humans all crave. That should numb us to our identity-less-ness at least for a while, or at least until the next “national” tragedy.
We moderns and post-moderns like to think of ourselves as so very enlightened, with limitless potential. In reality, we’re not that different from our ancestors going back millennia. I’m designed for relationship with mother, father, siblings, and the rest of my kith and kin, and so on in expanding circles outward. If I forget that, and insist upon being the rootless, atomized, utterly independent creature you describe here, then I shouldn’t be at all surprised at the outcome.
Sadly, we’re not anywhere close to seeing the end of the insanity. We’ve insisted on our way, and God is giving us over, just as Paul talked about in Romans 1.
Good luck with that, y’all!
Kyrie, eileison! Christe, eileison!
“I’m designed for relationship with mother, father, siblings, and the rest of my kith and kin, and so on in expanding circles outward.” Beautifully said, DD. And citing Romans 1 is so apt, as well. We are surrounded by powerful people and hordes of their brainwashed foot soldiers who are filled with all the evils of which Paul describes: unrighteousness, covetousness, malice, envy, deceit, maliciousness. “They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.” Jesus Christ is the only remedy to their sickness.
Keep praying mightily, friend, and cling to your kin all the more tightly. Thanks for reading AND commenting. I really appreciate it!
Using the imagery of dancing,people used to refer to the “Communist Party Two-Step” – two steps forward and one step back. That meant that Communists always made forward progress,one step at-a-time,even though appearing to yield to resistance,when necessary,for the sake of appearances. Doing,”one step forward and two steps back” would result in moving backwards-retrogression-giving up on Party campaigns.
I love this article,and only rarely,nowadays,does one encounter communications that are so very rational and lucid.
“I love this article, and only rarely, nowadays, does one encounter communications that are so very rational and lucid.” WOW!!! Thanks so much the incredible compliment, Joseph. I don’t do this thing called Dissident Mama for the accolades, but man does it feel good to get ’em when ya do. This was a particularly challenging blog for me to write, but one whose final product I was particularly pleased with, so I’m ecstatic that it spoke to you. Please do keep reading and commenting and resisting that dastardly commie two-step. Forward!
Dastardly designed distractions of coverage (from the pitiful Muller hearing just days before the shootings—-anyone remember that?).
Thanks LBJ for the massive expansion of government controlled by folks inside the beltway rather than regional constituents. Thanks LBJ for incentivizing single mothers to stay single thereby obliterating the nuclear family–disguising it all the while under the “war on poverty” hat and playing the “equality/civil rights” tune to the crowds. APATHY of the masses is the end goal for those who crave power. APATHY has been largely achieved.
Beautifully said, Jenn. If Americans weren’t so fat and happy, subsidized and placated, or suicidal and identity-less, we might actually take Jefferson’s words to heart: “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” But the oligarchs certainly can’t have that, so the chains of apathy are what keep us down.
Remember, there is no Stockholm Syndrome if we refuse to become victims. Stay tough, sister, and keep rearing those strong resistors of tomorrow!
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