If you think you know what’s up with this purported “jogger” who was “hunted down” and “murdered for being black” by two “white supremacist vigilantes,” I advise you watch the two Stefan Molyneux videos below. From all that I’ve read and researched, I believe the most important legalities of the Ahmaud Arbery death have been settled. By all objective measures, its seems quite evident to me that Gregory and Travis McMichael were abiding by Georgia law and that Arbery had been victimizing their majority-white neighborhood, so I won’t be debating that here.
“And the parting on the left is
Is now the parting on the right.”
— The Who, “We Won’t Get Fooled Again”
Instead, I want to tackle the bipartisan narrative that there’s racial bias against blacks, both systemically and socially. I want to expose some of the opportunists who perpetuate the tired and treacherous trope that Arbery’s killing is just more proof that America is bursting at the seams with evil white rednecks.
I want to urge those who are typically skeptical of the corporate media and status-quo talking points to check their emotional white guilt and embrace the God-given privilege of logic. I implore you not to play right into hands of subversives who hate you almost as much as they hate me.
All this gaslighting, political pandering, willful or unwitting ignorance of facts, and knee-jerk swallowing of cultural Marxism only leads to more crime and more division. More injustice, more inequality under the law, and more rules and restrictions …. well, for some people, namely white Southern men. So can we please, for the love of all things Holy, stop being such dupes?
First, let’s tackle a few stats.

Heather MacDonald is no alt-right reactionary. She is a “respectable” academic who hobnobs with “moderate” David Brooks and normie fave George Will. But facts is facts … or maybe math is racist, as the progressives say.
I’m not indicting all black people or exonerating all white people. What I’m railing against is the post-modern fiction of black oppressed vs. white oppressor, that we must always give black men the benefit of the doubt, but never Southern whites, and to do so in spite of reality, that “When white men grab guns and mount up to pursue and seize an unarmed black man in the street, they stand in the shoes of lynch mobs past.”
That quote comes from not Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, although she spun the same noxious tale, but from neocon hustler David French.

I’ve written about French’s anti-Southern crusade before, so it’s not surprising that he chooses the word “vigilante” for his headline. Interestingly, he doesn’t even have the cojones to use the word “Southern” within his histrionic screed, but what he does is frame the incident in terms of the “long and evil history of American lynchings” and the “countless examples of young black men hunted and killed by white gangs.”
We’re not stupid, Mr. French. We all know this is code for the deceptive oppressed-vs-oppressor narrative, which is based upon the normalized cultural biases and the institutionalized racial prejudices constructed against white Southerners, while giving you an anti-racist feather in your cap. Even Candace Owens knows what’s up.
“I’ll get all my papers and smile at the sky
For I know that the hypnotized never lie
Do ya?”
Here’s an exchange in the comment section of French’s article. Apparently, he’s not only a charlatan, he’s a mind-reader.

So stunning and brave. The “Deep South” haters swarmed like bees, dancing about their fire of thorns. Talk about a posse.

An unarmed black man was “killed in cold blood,” said Joe Biden, who has a habit of condemning “white man’s culture.” The deceased was an innocent jogger, not this inconvenient white one, but you know, the politically expedient kind. “These men were vigilantes, they were a posse and they performed a modern lynching in the middle of the day,” demands S. Lee Merritt, an attorney for the Arbery family.

Interesting that Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire, for which Walsh writes, has in the past tackled black Americans’ disproportionate representation in crime. I recall little Benny defending George Zimmerman, but perhaps that’s because the Trayvon Martin shooter is a Jewish Latino. But I also remember Shapiro feeding the Covington kids to the leftist lions, maybe because they’re white Christian boys from Kentucky.
So why all this talk about lynching? All woke people know that blacks were killed in droves at the hands of cold-blooded crackers, right? But if you look closer at the numbers, provided by the historically black Tuskegee Institute, the story’s not as black and white as one would think. Turns out Billie Holiday’s “Strange Fruit” had more than just black bodies swinging from the poplar trees.
Then again, Holiday didn’t write the poem-turned-jazz-dirge that Time Magazine called the “song of the [20th] century.” Those honors would go to a Jewish communist teacher and civil rights activist from the Bronx named Abel Meeropol, who actually adopted Julius and Ethel Rosenberg’s children after the American Soviet spies were tried and convicted to death for espionage. But I digress. Nothing to see here, folks.
It’s the Emmett Till Effect, writes Steve Sailer, who explains that “the press furnishes us with convenient concepts, such as ‘white privilege,'” which are “mutually reinforcing pieces of the mental architecture … that make it easier to remember the facts they prefer you to know and harder to remember the facts that undermine the concepts.” The ol’ bait and switch.
Maybe one day Dylan will pen an elegy as powerful as his to Till, “When a young couple from Knoxville town stepped through an anti-Dixie door. The color of skin was white and their names were Channon and Christopher.” But I digress. Move along, citizen.

Like always, the progressive apparatchiks continue the theme that there’s a Nazi hiding behind every Southern curtain, and Conservative Inc. dutifully parrots the agitprop.

Weird that liberty-ish personalities are always clamoring for private solutions and self-determination, but hey, “Call the cops!” if there’s a black man involved.
The “sweep your own porch” mindset is still ingrained in many parts of Dixie and even in the West; this is something that black people (who are rooted in Southern culture) used to want for their own communities, as well. However, it’s truly anathema to Yankees’ nosy, intrusive disposition. They’ve been Karens since 1620.
The conservative, libertarian, and Christian reaction to the case has been disheartening, to say the least. Many immediately dog-piled against the McMichaels and for Arbery, even though the progressive narrative has been proven time and time again to be false.
Have they learned nothing from Michael Brown? Or Freddie Gray? Or Covington? Or Jussie Smollett? Hell, it’s been 8 years since the Trayvon hoax, yet the conventional belief that angry white men prey upon blacks still persists.
Just the fact that Benjamin Crump is involved should send up a race-bating red flag for the intellectually honest to at least withhold instantaneous judgement till more info becomes available. Honestly, the smart rule of thumb is to always assume the opposite of what the corporate media says.
Even the senator from Kentucky, who has himself been a victim of anarcho-tyranny, felt the pressure to shill for the anti-whiteness cabal.

Missouri-born Loesch is former spokesperson for the NRA. Her current pinned tweet says, “Never bend a knee to the rage mob. Ever.” Ironic.
Christians like Paul and Loesch, as well as the Christian protesters seen in the feature image at top, have no problem bearing false witness against their neighbors if it suits them personally and politically. Pathetic.

You can always count on the evangleftists to throw white Southerners under the bus, especially Dixie sellouts like J.D. Greear and Russell Moore.
“Under any Christian vision of justice, there is no situation in which the mob murder of a person can be morally right, nor grounds for a person to be chased down and shot by private citizens,” said Moore, PC zealot for the Southern Baptist Convention.

Dreher, Orthodox Christian and Southern quisling, seems to forget that the cultural leftism he supposedly abhors is buttressed by his irresponsible virtue-signaling. Plus, if Ben Shapiro retweets your post, chances are you’re knee-deep in the Zeitgeist.
So, why would sometimes rational people defend Darren Wilson, the black-man-killing cop in Ferguson? Because he’s a law enforcement officer. Or George Zimmerman? Because he’s non-white. They both have a connection to the system, whereas most white Southerners do not.
But the elder McMichael was a former cop, you say? Well, “retired” is the operative word here. Moreover, I think that speaks to a much deeper issue: that law-abiding, tax-paying white civilians actually believe there’s equal justice under the law. They still believe in muh Constitution and that the content of someone’s character is good enough.
The only “systemic racism” that exists is perpetrated against white Christian society, comprised mostly by those tedious rebels down in Dixie. Southern man, you are the lowest caste, an untouchable who’s not even on the victim pyramid. While simultaneously pulling the cart for the regime, the oligarchs and their water-carriers loathe you. So, they must control you.
I mean, could you imagine if one of my white, straight, conservative Christian sons took a gun to school like Arbery? He’d be in prison forever and all the fashionable politicos would malign him as a toxically masculine gun-nut and a knuckle-dragging yahoo. He’d never be given a slap on the wrist as was Arbery.
The McMichaels weren’t woke to the racial and political reality of 2020 Murica. They mistakenly thought in good faith that you could follow the letter of law and all would end well. Sadly, this proves they aren’t legit racists at all, but just normies who’ve been utterly fooled by the system.
They were clueless to the fact that even if they’re exonerated for manslaughter, they’ll be tried and convicted for hate crimes. Even though the mainstream Brookings Institute claims that “Trump has encouraged racism and benefited politically from it,” and “FBI data show that since Trump’s election there has been an anomalous spike in hate crimes concentrated in counties where Trump won by larger margins [read: the South],” it’s Trump’s Department of Justice which is considering hate-crime charges against the McMichaels. Therein lies the rub.
It makes no difference that “Blacks are also over-represented among perpetrators of hate crimes – by 50% – according to the most recent Justice Department data from 2017; whites are underrepresented by 24%,” explains MacDonald. “This is particularly true for anti-gay and anti-Semitic hate crimes.” You can bet that Facebook’s coming AI to track online “hate” will be aimed only at one demo: the archetype.
Hate crimes are simply a way to circumvent double jeopardy, punish anti-PC dissidents, and enshrine anarcho-tyranny. If you think I’m being hyperbolic, let us not forget that James Fields is locked away for 417 years plus life on hate-crime charges alone. Or that any group can benefit from hate-crime law, except white folks.
The Southern man can’t win playing by the rules. This is why the narrative seeks to dehumanize him when he stands up for himself, from Unite the Right, to 2A activism, to the reopen movement, to Southern heritage, to the McMichaels. It becomes a “moral Reich” to strip him of his autonomy.
This is why syndicated columnist Leornard Pitts claims that “Angry white men refuse to be governed like the rest of us” and that “whiteness” is a “threat,” which is endangering the “rising rainbow multiculturalism.” He’s an impediment to progress, you see. “White extremist violence has risen unremarked, angry white men unraveling the consensus that makes nationhood possible,” he continues, threading his pernicious assertion from Reagan, Timothy McVeigh, Cliven Bundy, Trump, to now all white people.
“Ahmaud Arbery died for the indefensible principle of white control” reads the headline at the Religion News Service. “The system of white supremacy corrupts the relationship between white people and people of color. Instead of keeping their black brothers or sisters, white people seek to control them.” Welcome to Weimerica, y’all.
Seems like white Southerners and their allies have four choices:
1. Submit to the anarcho-tyranny. Just stay out of the criminals’ way and let them take your stuff, so hopefully you won’t find yourself in an armed struggle with a person of color – a losing battle legally and socially for white folks. Accept that black Americans are encouraged to use whatever means necessary to “liberate themselves and their kin” while data and acts of black-on-white “racial revenge” go unnoticed. When the roving mobs visit your neighborhood during the coming Greater Depression, simply hand over your food and stay the hell out of their way, and pray you don’t have a black-supremacist sheriff as does my county. Social justice for the win!
2. Participate in “Affirmative suicide … [because] white life is wrong.” You know, off yourself if you’re young and celebrate that “old white males … will die off soon and be replaced by [a] generation and lots of people of color, brown and black people.” After all, “If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live,” says late Harvard professor and Jewish commie Noel Ignatiev. “You are a cancer, you’re a disease.” Flatten the white-man curve!
3. Create alternative systems with like-minded people while soaking the therapeutic state for as much as you can. Pray for an end to this evil regime, but be the gray man for now. Prep. Build bridges. Nurture bonds, strengthen community, and resist identity-less-ness. Learn skills, plan and organize.
4. Or keep claiming to fight the power but never, ever stand up for the “scoundrels.”
“And the world looks just the same
And history ain’t changed
Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war.”
This is not “a new future and a new narrative,” but the same old thing: Yankee sanctification, Reconstruction, and destruction – a deadly cultural genocide with legal ramifications. “Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss,” goes The Who’s rock anthem. Indeed. So, we can either get fooled again and again and again, or we can be smart. Your choice.
As there are titterings of a return to “normal”, for a time at least, the same ol’ narrative still has traction. Thankfully, there are more of us who are awakening, but we’re still too comfortable, too distracted.
It will likely be a Great Depression 2.0 that puts the final nails in the coffin of the all-whites-are-bad garbage; after all, when you’re forced to deal with real issues, like, I dunno, actually feeding you’re family (Remember, Bubba’s gotta feed his kids!), ain’t nobody got time for this nonsense!
Yeah, what a world, that I’m (on my more pessimistic days) wishing for things to get so horribly bad just to force the haters and self-loathers to get over themselves. But the craziest part is that, when the dependent-on-gov’t mobs come for our food – literally a life and death situation if the economic ramifications are as bad as we think it might be – what then? Maybe if all the social bullies and legal enforcers are starving in this future dystopia, it’ll all work out in the wash. Oy.
This is the best take I’ve read on this situation so far. Some gems in here: “They’ve been Karens since 1620” is my personal favorite.
I heartily despise the smarmy evangeleftists like Greear and Moore, and the Frenches and Shapiros of the world are sickening. How anyone can be taken in by them is beyond me, but I know intelligent, well-read men who are like, “Shapiro is smart, he’s a good debater!”
I wrote a longer interaction with one aspect of this article, but it got so long, I probably just need to turn it into a blog post. Also, it’s kind of speculative and experimental, so I think I’ll send it to you for your perspective before publishing.
The whole “Shapiro is a genius debater” drives me nuts! Just because he can out-debate a blue-haired he/she at a college daycare doesn’t mean squat. He should try taking on a seasoned paleocon, like Paul Gottfried or Pat Buchanan. Now THAT I would love to see! But then again, why do it if the normies already think you’re brilliant?
Thanks for the compliment, by the way. And yeah, that Karen/Yankee swipe … I giggled for sure when I wrote it. 🙂
I get the long struggle. This bad boy was 2400 words. Sheesh. But sometimes things just can’t be condensed down to sound bites, at least in my opinion. Let me know; I’d love to read a draft.
Your lead photo is of Anglicans/Episcopals. The follow up pics/Tweets are all of the usual suspects, with the possible exception of Paul and Loesch. In other words, the same cucked crowd (especially David French). Cernovich has been a con-man since, well, the very beginning.
Agreed on the top pic. And I also agree that many of the other images are the what you and I may think are the “same cucked crowd,” but they have a lot of sway within normie circles. I am trying to reach some of those people – folks who are red-pilled on reopen, forced vaccines, guns, homeschooling, etc., but they still hold Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh and David French and Ameridox pastors and priests in high regard. You know, the PragerU and Hillsdale crowd. Perhaps next time I’ll tackle the libertarian cucks, but I suppose this time I was really going after Conservative Inc.
Excellent and much-needed question from John Derbyshire … although, we all know the reason why it still remains unanswered.
And Tim Pool nails what I’m trying to say.
And Tim Pool nails what I’m trying to say.
Oh my, I don’t think this dude Ty is a fan of David French either. #DarkHumor
And this is what the tweet is referencing. Could you imagine if the tables were turned: white worker punching an old black man? Sickening. https://twitter.com/mknrdt/status/1263357611950342145
And just when I’m about to move on from the selective outrage of the politicos and the media and the utter hypocrisy and idiocy of the masses, I read this breaking news. Insanity abounds at every freakin’ level of our “legal” system. But what will people do about it? A big, fat nothin’; I mean, virtue signaling is so spiritually exhausting, so who really has the time to fight for true justice?
(this is Robert MacKie – my half million blockers prevents my Facebook login from working here)
Excellent article, and statistics. This topic is one of my primary pet frustrations since moving to the South. My comment below is ever so slightly off topic, but since this is my first post, I felt like conveying some background to my frustration with the false American mainstream racial oppression narrative.
I think my irritation is greatly heightened by the fact that my upbringing instilled zero white guilt in me. First of all I’m a Canadian transplant, and racism was not an exaggerated and highlighted part of my History education. There were no black kids at my schools until I hit high school, then there were three. Secondly, I’m the illegitimate son of a welfare queen and an unknown father, and by unknown I truly mean unknown…not even to my whore of a mother. To say that I grew up in underprivileged filth, squalor, and degeneracy would be an understatement. I slowly clawed my way out of the ghetto, and up the food chain by quitting school at age fifteen and working as a construction laborer. Thirty years of hard work, stable marriage, and dogged determination have placed me in a large home, in an affluent neighborhood. But now I’m told I owe the spoiled rotten teenage son of my neighbor who was raised in wealth, got his college, car, rent, paid for by daddy, and pissed it all away by acting like a gangster thug. Why do I owe this kid something? Because I’m White, he’s Black, and I’m his oppressor.
There’s my personal argument against guilt-based reparations and affirmative action.
Slightly more on topic is a stat I saw a few days ago. It was a 35 year death toll of Blacks being killed by blacks. It was about 340,000. I then estimated the 35 year death toll of cops (of any color) killing blacks and it was about 11,000 (which was a loose estimate based on a Snopes article so it’s probably too high). Why is it that the media focus 99% of their attention on the few criminals killed by cops, and ignore the 340,000 killed by blacks which is a death toll thirty times greater? Why do “they” burn a city to the ground for one criminal killed by a cop, while they ignore thousands gunned down in the black hot spots like Baltimore and Chicago? (those are rhetorical questions lol)
Keep up the good fight, and I’ll try to keep my comments a little more on point in the future.
Thanks so much for your honesty and sharing your amazing story. You are proof that white privilege is a myth. And as you well know, your work ethic, long-term marriage, and focus on pulling yourself up and out of poverty would be classified as a privilege itself – something that perhaps was past on to you by the racist West and its colonizing history. Translation: whitey can’t win arguing against Leninists. After all, logic is a tool of the patriarchy, right?
Our world has gone mad. When armed and law-abiding reopen protesters in Michigan are called domestic terrorists and an MSN reporter goes out of his way to classify Minneapolis as peaceful, you know that something strange is afoot. Reality simply doesn’t matter anymore. That’s a bitter pill for we sane folks, but it is what it is. The devil is loose so all we can really do is love Jesus, pray for both our brothers and sisters in Christ, our other allies, and for our enemies, protect our family and friends, and keep speaking truth, even if it lands us in a gulag, which (at this point of the obvious anarchy-tyranny under which we live) is not a hyperbolic statement. It is indeed fact.
The complete media and social blackout of black-on-black crime is insidious and dangerous for everyone, both black and white alike. In fact, it was one of the first “final nails in the coffin” that made me realize I needed to flee Protestantism, since even the “conservative” brand was buying into social justice and there was/is no stopping it. My pastor back in 2016 was talking about murders in Chicago and how bad it was that the “news” didn’t report it. “And why is that?” he asked. To which the response should have been “Because it illustrates that black folks are largely killed by other black folks.” But what was his answer? “Because they’re poor.” I was teed off but gave him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he didn’t really know, even though he is extremely smart and culturally savvy. But he couldn’t have lied, right? Wrong. Turns out, that church is now as cultural-Marxist as any other evangeleftist church and has since bought into critical-race theory hook, line, and sinker.
Stay tough out there in clown world. God bless!